Claire's Freshman Year - Cover

Claire's Freshman Year

Copyright© 2022 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Claire, Tom's surrogate daughter, goes to college at the local university. She is accidentally assigned to live in a Fraternity and decides to embrace this opportunity for new adventures. Needless to say her bisexuality blossoms as she makes new friends and reconnects with everyone from the neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Claire fucks her classmate Will

Hi, my name is Claire Brostwin. I knocked on Tom Brostwin’s door shortly after my eighteenth birthday. I was homeless, starving and hoping to get twenty dollars in exchange for a blow-job so I could buy something to eat. Instead, he took me into the home that he shared with his daughter Heather. He offered me a job cleaning his pool and I soon became an integral part of his family. Clothing was optional and intimate activities between consulting adults was the norm. Heather, who routinely fucks her father, convinced him to let me share their bed and his cock. My pussy creams every time that I think about fucking that thick eight-inch throbbing piece of man-meat!

Six months later I was leaving that idyllic world for life at the university. Most people go to college and can’t wait to explore their sexuality. For me that ship had sailed but new adventures were on the horizon.

“Hey Dad,” I giggled at using this pseudo incestuous reference, “have you seen my bathing suit?” I called out from my bedroom. And yes, I have my own bedroom but I rarely use it.

“Hmmmmm, I remember you wearing one of Heather’s two-piece suits, but mostly you swim nude,” Tom reminded me.

“Maybe I left it in my backpack. I doubt they allow nude swimming at the university,” I sighed. Moments later I pulled it out and shouted, “I found it!”

I knew that my body was changing, but I didn’t realize how much until I tried on that suit. Previously it had easily covered my body and allowed me to swim comfortably. I tried it on and when I slipped my arms in and lifted the straps to my shoulders, I laughed, “Well, this isn’t going to work!”

Tom came in and observed, “That doesn’t look comfortable. We’ll get you a new one,” he smiled, winked and shook his head.

The suit that I’d had for a couple years was too short and was pulled tightly between my ass cheeks and my pussy lips. In addition, my breasts were bulging out the sides. Now that I’ve given you that visual maybe I should tell you a little more about my looks.

I’m a blue-eyed blonde with some Hungarian ancestry that gives me facial features that people tell me are exotically Eastern European. My hair is long enough to wear in a ponytail or to braid when I’m in the mood. Sometimes I’ll braid it in pigtails to give the illusion of being younger than my eighteen years. I’m five-foot-six-inches tall and I do my best to stay fit. I’m still growing but I guess you know that from the bathing suit fiasco. I should have known that it wouldn’t fit when I had to up-size my bras from 34B to 36C.

It was the middle of September and I was excited about my future. The residents of our neighborhood supported me. They helped me to become emancipated, to start my own pool cleaning company and to attend the local university on a full scholarship.

I have a boyfriend, Hugh, who also started at the university this year. His father, Howard, is a senior administrator at the university. He was instrumental in helping me to receive a much-needed scholarship.

Hugh and I are very much in love but we also enjoy sex with others. He still fucks his sister, his mother and all of the other women and their daughters in our neighborhood. I’m bisexual and fuck all of the men, their sons, and I also enjoy sex with Hugh’s female partners.

Living with Tom, Molly and Heather has instilled in me the fundamental belief that intimacy is essential for happiness. It has been rare for me to spend a day without some sort of sexual connection with one of them and often with some of our neighbors.

Finally, the day came to start college. “I’m ready to go,” I smiled nervously.

“Don’t be nervous,” began Tom, “we’re all here for you,” he winked.

Tom and Molly, who informally adopted me when I was abandoned by my mother, brought me to the campus and helped me to find the dorm room where I would live during the school year. Our first stop was at the administration building to pick up my class schedule and my housing assignment.

“You can wait here while I pick up my stuff,” I smiled as I declared my independence and hopped out of the back door of Tom’s king-cab truck.

“Do you think she’s ready for this,” I heard Tom ask Molly as I skipped toward the admin building.

I waited in a long line where we had to pick up our schedules and fill out additional forms for our photo ID’s. I was standing behind a boy who seemed completely lost and very nervous. “Can I help you?” I asked supportively.

“Ummmm, I don’t have anything to write with,” he admitted with some embarrassment.

“Here, I have an extra pen,” I offered while wondering what kind of person shows up at college without a pen or a pencil?

I was anxious to see my schedule of classes and my rooming assignment. I admit to having lost some sleep thinking about both of these. My self-absorption distracted me from further conversation with the young boy.

I finally reached the tables where information had been sorted by last names. I smiled as I reminded myself of my recent name change. I picked up my packet of information and then joined the line for getting photo IDs. Soon, I was back at the truck and climbing into the back seat.

“Did you get all the classes you wanted?” asked Molly.

“Wait, before we talk about that, what did you say when Tom asked if you thought I was ready for this?” I smirked.

“Oh,” began Molly, “I told him that a better question is whether the university is ready for you?” she laughed.

“Well, I think the university will adapt,” I joked, “I did get all the classes I requested,” I added excitedly, “I was worried that the anatomy class might be filled.”

“What dorm are you in?” asked Tom.

“It’s a bit strange, they’ve put me in one of the Greek houses,” I smirked.

“That is strange,” replied Molly, “was there any explanation?”

“Yeah, there’s a note that says that because of my late housing request, Howard suggested I be placed in an available single room in one of the Greek houses.”

Tom and Molly found the building and parked near the front entrance. Suddenly I was alone in a world where I knew nobody. I can imagine that some freshmen were feeling lost and even afraid but I was excited.

Tom and Molly helped me unload the truck. I hugged them both, kissed them on their cheeks and whispered into Tom’s ear, “I wish that I could kiss you properly.”

“Me too,” smiled Tom, “I’m sure that we’ll see you again soon,” he smiled.

I didn’t say anything but what I was thinking about was his thick eight-inch cock probing my tight little pussy.

“If you ever need anything from me, I’m on campus and in my office most days,” smiled Molly.

I hugged Molly and whispered, “No sex in your office, right?”

Molly sighed and said, “That’s right,” before they both got in the truck and waved goodbye.

As they drove away, I grabbed a couple bags and started to move toward my new home. One very handsome older student approached and with a puzzled look asked, “Is this your building?”

I showed him the paperwork. He shrugged his shoulders and called some other guys over to help. “Third floor, room three-oh-one,” he directed.

Several guys quickly came over and helped me move my stuff into the assigned room. I’d heard wild stories about sororities and I was excited to meet the other women who lived here. I was beginning to organize my clothes when I looked up and the door was filled with a massive male body.

“Hi, my name is Max. I’m a senior and a leader in this Fraternity,” he calmly introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m Claire. This is a fraternity?” I asked feeling confused and a bit in shock.

“Yeah, I don’t want to seem sexist, but are you sure that you’re in the right building?”

I showed him the letter, from Howard, asking that due to a shortage in housing to place me in one of the Greek houses.

“Well, I wouldn’t argue with him,” added a very puzzled Max.

It was then that I noticed the attached housing form with my name misspelled Clare and my gender as male. I gulped and said, “I need to make some phone calls Max.”

“Yeah, you wouldn’t last one night living here,” he said smugly as he leered at my tits.

“So, I’m not being judgemental but it sounds like you prefer living with guys. That’s cool, not every guy has to like women,” I quipped.

I had no idea where that came from, why I said it, or where it would lead.

“No, no, I’m not gay, but if you stay here, every guy here is going to want to tap that ass,” he warned crudely.

Now I was intrigued. For some reason, unknown to me, I was plunked into a building full of guys who might want to fuck me. It seemed clear that they needed something and that now I felt it was my destiny to find out what that might be.

I called Howard’s office, “Hi David, this is Claire Brostwin, can I please speak with Howard,” I asked his assistant.

“Hi Howard, yes, I’m doing great. I’m getting settled into my room in the fraternity.”

“Fraternity! How did that happen?” asked Howard excitedly, “I’ll fix this,” he added.

“There’s nothing to fix. I like it here and I think I might be just what these boys need,” I giggled.

“Have you met any of the guys yet?” he asked.

“Yes, in fact Max is standing right here.”

“Let me speak with him please,” asked Howard.

“Hi, this is Max, yes, yes sir, I understand. We will do everything to make Claire feel welcomed sir.”

I waited while Max listened to Howard and then responded, “Yes sir, I personally guarantee that Claire will be treated with respect by every member of our house.”

Then Max handed the phone back to me, “Claire, these guys are a bunch of sex-starved animals. Max is their leader but I think you might be the new leader soon,” he laughed.

“Thank you for allowing me to stay here and for being so supportive, once again,” I replied with a smile.

“I told Max that I’ll be stopping by to check on him. He didn’t pee in his pants, did he?” chuckled Howard.

“No, everything is under control, thanks again,” I assured him as the call ended.

Max stared at me. “You know that guy?” he asked in shock.

“Yeah, he’s been a good friend,” I smiled

“Do you know that he basically runs this place?” scowled Max like I was some sort of pariah.

“Nope, I had no clue, I just know that he’s a nice guy, with a lovely wife and daughter, and that his son is my boyfriend,” I replied and smiled to myself as I was well aware of Howard’s role.

“His son? You mean Hugh? He’s a freshman BMOC.”

“BMOC?” I asked as I’d never heard that acronym before.

“Big Man on Campus,” replied Max, “all the girls are going to want him and not just the freshmen.”

“That’s great!” I smiled. “I’m glad that he’s so popular.”

“What?” asked a very confused Max.

“Hugh has lots of friends that are girls,” I replied, rather enjoying Max’s confusion, and shaking my head at his juvenile obsession with my tits.

“Aren’t you jealous?” he began, “he could be cheating on you,” added Max as he showed a tiny bit of compassion in his last statement.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Max?” I smiled while enjoying this game of cat and mouse.

“Yuh, I do,” he replied in the inarticulate manner of someone who has been watching too much porn, playing too much football and ignoring the English language.

“Do you cheat on her?” I continued the interrogation.

Max was flustered and his face got red. He was not happy with my questions. This gave me some insight into Max’s limitations which I later found out were shared with many of his brothers in this fraternity.

Just then there was a knock on the door frame and I looked over and saw Hugh and Mike standing there.

“Hi!” I chirped as I took two steps toward the door and jumped into Hugh’s arms. We kissed passionately and I relaxed in his arms.

“Hi, Claire,” began Mike, “hi, Max. I’m Mike Townsend,” he greeted Max while reaching out to shake his hand.

“Yeah dude, your mom’s a prof., right?”

“Yes, my mother is a professor of English literature,” replied Mike doing his best to hide his anger at Max’s crude description of his mother’s work.

Hugh was still holding me up with his strong hands groping my ass. I laid my head on his shoulder and asked, “What do you think of my dorm room?” I chuckled.

“Dad told me about the screw-up. Are you sure that you’re ok living in this zoo?” replied Hugh as he lowered me to the floor.

“Don’t worry, your dad thinks that I’ll be their new leader soon,” I whispered with a wink.

Hugh looked at me with a smile and a shake of his head. “Hey Mike, where’s Heather,” I chirped as I moved closer to him.

“She’s catching up with old friends,” began Mike before I jumped into his arms, wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and pressed my breasts against his chest.

“I’m so happy to be here!” I chirped, “I never thought I’d go to college.”

“You’re going to love it,” smiled Mike before pressing his lips to mine and warming me with his passion.

Max watched all of this and looked at Hugh. “Hey man, isn’t she your girl?”

“Yeah, she’s great!” replied Hugh with a smile as I finished kissing Mike and slid to the floor.

“I need to finish unpacking and then I’m heading over to the bookstore to get what I need. Text me when you want to meet up. And let your dad know that I’m doing fine and just getting to know my new friend Max.”

“Ok babe,” smiled Hugh. Then he leaned down, looked into my eyes and we kissed again. My pussy got wet, I squeezed my thighs together and moaned. I was already starting to miss the freedom that I’d had while living at Tom’s house.

“If I see Heather, should I send her over?” offered MIke.

“Sure, I’d like that, see you soon,” I smiled as they left.

“So where were we Max?”

“You, you kissed them both?” observed Max. “I bet Hugh is gonna beat the shit outta Mike.”

I shook my head. “You can’t read peoples’ minds, Max. If you see something that you don’t understand you might want to ask questions first,” I suggested.

“OK, so when is Hugh gonna beat the shit outta Mike?” smiled Max.

It took all my will-power to refrain from laughing at this imbecile. “Never,” I began, “we are all very good friends,” I assured him.

Max was starting to wear on me. I like to be organized, to live in an uncluttered space and if he was going to hang around, checking out my tits and ass, I was going to put him to work.

“Hey, Max, can you help me put my stuff away?” I asked rhetorically, “just take everything out of the suitcase and put it in the dresser.”

Max unzipped the top and opened it up. Inside was an array of socks, bras and panties.

“The socks and panties can go in the top two drawers and the bras in the next one down,” I smiled.

Max lifted out a black lace thong, stopped and stared. “That goes in the panties drawer,” I giggled.

It took some time but Max finally got everything in the suitcase put away.

The effect that this had on him was evident by his tented gym shorts. I felt bad for him but that was all that I felt. He reminded me of a teenage boy who watches too much porn and has no idea how to develop real relationships. I wasn’t sure that my approach would work but I decided to make Max my first guinea pig.

“Have you ever played a sport?” I asked him while thinking that he’s probably on the football team.

“Yeah, I’m on the football team,” he replied proudly.

“Have you ever watched football on TV, or on your computer?” I asked while smiling inside at my correct assumption.

“I do. I really enjoy the sport,” he assured me.

“Playing the sport is a lot more difficult, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s hard on my body and it’s hard mentally too.”

“This is true of many things in life,” I began, “do you watch a lot of porn?”

“Some,” he admitted.

“So, watching porn and having a real relationship with a woman is similar to football,” I stated and gave him some time to think about what I’d said and then added, “watching is easy, doing is hard work.”

Max was speechless as he listened and slowly absorbed what I’d said.

“You told me that you have a girlfriend. What does she like to do?”

“She likes it doggy,” he blushed.

“Yeah, that’s a great position, but I mean besides sex, what does she like?”

“She likes coming to my games and she likes pizza,” he smiled

“But what do the two of you do together?”

“Hmmmm,” pondered Max, “she really likes sucking my cock.”

“That’s great that she enjoys doing that for you. What do you do for her?”

“Oh, Oh, I let her suck my cock,” he grinned.

I decided to be more direct as my patience waned, “Have you ever licked her pussy?”

“No, it seems weird. Do girls really like that?”

“Most do. Not every woman does but you can ask?”

“Do you like having your pussy licked?”

“I do,” I confessed and quickly regretted allowing him to make this personal.

“Can I lick your pussy?” he winked.

“No, you have to work harder at developing a relationship before asking a woman that,” I replied sternly.

“What is your girlfriend’s name?” I asked in an attempt to get things back on track.

“Gina,” was his one-word answer.

“I’d like to meet her,” I smiled.

“Really? Ok,” replied Max as he texted her and asked her to come meet the new girl living in the frat house.

Max left and I continued to organize my room. About ten minutes later the two of them showed up at my door and knocked on the frame.

“Hi, I’m Gina,” chirped the short, cute, dark haired girl, with large pillowy breasts, a narrow waist and a firm bubble butt.

“I’m sure that Max told you that I’m Claire. I’m a freshman and this is the only housing they had for me.”

“You’re cute and these guys are going to want to tap that ass,” laughed Gina.

“Well, I already have a boyfriend,” I replied while thinking that Gina and Max deserve each other.

“Is she the reason for this hard-on,” teased Gina as she reached over and grabbed Max’s cock through his shorts. “You want me to take care of this for you, Baby,” she offered while dropping to her knees in front of Max.

Max took her hand and helped Gina back to standing. “You take care of me a lot. What do you want, Baby, what can I do for you?”

Gina’s face turned white and she fell back against my bed and sat on the edge. Her eyes filled with tears, but she took a deep breath and looked at me and asked, “What did you do?”

“All I did was talk to Max and ask him a few questions. What’s wrong?”

Max too was concerned and dropped to his knees in front of Gina. He caressed her face and kissed away her tears.

“These are tears of joy, you dope!” she laughed.

The two of them kissed and their passion was palpable. Gina put her hands on Max’s shoulders, broke the kiss, dropped her head back and asked, “What else did Claire say?”

“Well, she didn’t say it this way, but she said that love isn’t a spectator sport. That it can take a lot of effort and that it’s important for me to know what you want,” he began.

“She’s a smart girl,” smiled Gina.

“You are always taking care of me, what can I do for you? Claire asked me if I had ever licked your pussy. Would you like that?”

“Oh, my God!” she sniffled, “yessss,” she giggled.

“How, I mean, how do I learn?”

“Would you like me to show him how?” I offered.

Gina looked into my eyes, scanned my body and winked, “Yes, I’d like that.”

So, I closed the door and helped Gina out of her clothes. She sat naked on the side of the bed and leaned back on her elbows. I took center stage on my knees between her widespread thighs. “Max, just watch and then I’ll have you repeat what I’ve done.” I directed.

I kissed her soft inner thighs, working closer and closer to her plump, cleanly shaven and slightly parted pussy lips. I demonstrated slowly licking with a flat tongue, then repeated the process with a pointed tongue and then circled her clit with the tip of my tongue.

Gina was breathing hard, biting her lower lip and starting to shake when I stopped and let Max take my place. He was a natural, taking the passion of their earlier kiss and moving it to her thighs and pussy. After following the steps I had shown him, he improvised by sucking and tugging on her lips and finally kissing and sucking her clit.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ahhhnnnnnnnnnnhhhh,” groaned Gina as she climaxed and bucked her hips and pussy against Max’s face.

As he pulled back his face was wet and he was smiling.

Gina recovered from her orgasm and reached out to Max, “Baby, I need your cock in me now!” she demanded.

Max looked at me and I nodded. He dropped his shorts, uncovering a throbbing seven-inch reasonably thick cock which he quickly sheathed in Gina’s wanton pussy. He leaned over her and she licked her own cum from his face. Max fucked Gina through another orgasm before he erupted and filled her trembling body with his hot creamy cum.

As this scene played out before me, I felt tension building up. At home I would have cleaned up Max’s cock, got him hard again and had him fucking me while I sucked his cum out of Gina. I shook my head, smiled and thought, ‘Get a grip on yourself girl!’

After they recovered, Gina looked around at my tiny room and sighed, “I’m sorry that we messed up your bed. You haven’t even slept in it.”

“That’s Ok,” I began, “you seem happy now and Max seems to really love you,” I observed.

“You are a fucking miracle worker, I’ll share, if you ever need to get laid,” suggested Gina.

I was tempted to say, “How about now,” but instead I replied, “that won’t be necessary, but I appreciate the offer,” I chuckled, while thinking about Hugh and the other men from our neighborhood who have regularly fucked me.

News travels fast both between the other guys in the fraternity, and also between Gina and her friends.

A day later a troubled couple showed up at my door. “Hi, I’m Carly and this is James.”

“What can I do for you?” I asked the young and clearly unhappy couple.

“James wants to have a threesome with another girl,” confided Carly.

“What do you want?” I asked her while James listened.

“Well, I kind of like the idea of being fucked by two guys at once,” she admitted.

I was tempted to tell her how great two or even three guys at once can be. Instead, I asked, “Have you considered getting together with another couple?”

Carly shook her head and sighed, “We’re not really friends with other couples.”

“Consider it,” I began, “then you can take turns and each of you can have the threesome that you want,” I suggested.

“Have you ever wanted to have sex with another woman?” I asked Carly.

“You mean like tribbing, or pussy licking?” she asked while she pondered the idea.

“Do you want to lick another woman’s pussy?” I pushed while hoping to get her between my thighs soon.

“I’ve thought about it,” she admitted, “do you want to? Do you mind if James watches?”

I briefly considered how I should answer and then about how I wanted to answer. I was just beginning to admit to myself that I tend to be an exhibitionist with a dominant personality.

“Not at all,” I smiled as we both stripped out of our clothes, Carly laid on her back and I climbed over her in a classic sixty-nine position. I lowered my pussy to her face and Carly was a natural. I let her lick me until I was highly aroused and then I went to town licking her tight little pussy.

I’ve always enjoyed a tasty young pussy and Carly’s was delicious. The way her body squirmed, in response to my tongue, was very enticing. This was one benefit that I never expected from being housed in a Fraternity.

Carly looked over and saw James stroking his cock as he was both enthralled and aroused by our activities. Carly stopped and turned to kiss me and asked, “Would you like us to leave?”

“No, you can stay. I like to watch too. Let me know if you and James would like to double date with me and Hugh sometime,” I winked.

I sat up against the wall at the head of the bed, spread my legs and played with my pussy while Carly moved and knelt on the mattress at the foot of the bed and wiggled her ass at James. He looked at me and mouthed, “Thank you,” then stepped closer and drove his hard throbbing cock into Carly’s extremely wet pussy.

I enjoyed watching Carly’s bouncing breasts as James enthusiastically slammed his hips against her ass.

I took a quick pic and texted it to Hugh, “Would you do her in a swap?”

He quickly texted back, “Is that what you want?”

“We’ll talk later,” I replied with a wink icon.

I smiled and continued to watch them fuck. James was watching me finger myself and soon he climaxed in Carly’s creamy cunt. They thanked me and left. I was exhausted, feeling relaxed, curled up under the sheets and drifted off to sleep.

The next day I connected with Hugh, Mike and Heather. After dinner at the campus cafeteria, we went for a walk. “How are you two adjusting to living in a dorm?” asked Heather.

“Honestly, it’s a challenge,” began Hugh, “the neighborhood we come from is so much fun. You can be with people when you want and also have your own private space when you need it.”

“I think I’m spoiled,” I replied, “I have a single room in a building where everyone is afraid of me,” I laughed.

“I haven’t seen your place yet will you show me?” smiled Heather.

We made our way back to Delta Tau Omega and hiked up to the third floor. I managed to pick up a used mini-fridge and kept it stocked with cold water and seltzer. “Would anyone like something cold to drink?” I offered while opening the door to show them what I had to share.

Hugh grabbed a bottle of water. Mike and Heather each had a lemon seltzer and I decided to wait.

It’s a little small but it’ll do,” giggled Heather as she set down the can and began stripping off her clothes.

“So, you wanted to see my room, eh?” I laughed. “I think someone is very horny!”

Mike and Hugh had begun stripping off their clothes. “I know that I am,” they replied in unison.

As soon as Heather was naked, she approached me and we kissed. I caressed her back and ass, then pulled back, “Are you planning to fuck both guys at once, or can I share some of the burden?” I joked.

“I’ll warm them up while you get undressed,” replied Heather.

She turned and dropped to her knees and began sucking Mike’s cock while stroking Hugh’s.

Once I was naked, I laid back on the bed, raised my knees and spread my thighs,

Heather pulled off of Mike’s cock, slapped him on the ass and chuckled, “Go fuck my little sister.”

I smiled at the inside joke since we aren’t really related.

She started sucking Hugh as Mike moved toward me. I rubbed my pussy and parted my nether lips. Both Mike and Hugh are large handsome guys. They stay fit and I’ve had the pleasure of fucking them both frequently. I reached out to Mike and guided his cock toward its target. Once the head was firmly started into my pussy, I pulled him in for a kiss and he lowered his hips until his thick seven-inch cock was fully embedded in my needy little cunt.

“Ahhhhhhh,” I sighed. A feeling of joy began to fill me as Mike moved slowly in and out of me and punctuated each thrust with his full body weight being supported by my hips. His pubic bone crushed my clit and caused me to yelp like a little puppy wanting a treat.

I could feel the heat building in my abdomen when Heather came over, knelt on the bed beside me and leaned over to kiss me again. While we kissed, Hugh held her hips and entered her fully from behind. Hugh is an enthusiastic lover and he pounded Heather’s hips hard while his balls slapped against her clit.

The boys seemed to know what we needed and they fucked us each to an explosive orgasm while keeping their own in check

We all disengaged and got something more to drink, then we swapped partners and positions so my boyfriend Hugh was fucking me doggy while Heather’s boyfriend Mike was fucking her as he had me earlier. Heather and I each came again as the guys erupted and filled our pussies with their warm creamy cum.

Heather and I laid on our sides, lapped each other and filled our mouths with cum. We sat up, kissed, swapped the cum back and forth and then swallowed the ‘cumbination’. Heather looked at the guys whose cocks were hard again from watching us.

“I’m kinda tired,” began Heather, “can you handle them both?” she asked with hope in her eyes.

“Oh yeah!” I quipped as I jumped on the bed and asked, “spit roasting?”

Hugh took a kneeling position in front of me on the bed and started fucking my throat. He established a pattern of three strokes and then pulled out and paused for me to take in the air that I needed.

Unbeknownst to me Heather had found my lube. She coated Mike’s cock and soon he was balls deep in my ass. All three of them know how sensitive my ass is and how much I crave anal orgasms.

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