The Receptionist
Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan
Chapter 1
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Carl was a mailroom clerk for a large office building; Paige was a receptionist for major insurance company. Carl loved delivering the mail to Paige because he felt she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. One day he threw caution to the wind and took his shot...
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Fiction Workplace Masturbation Oral Sex Big Breasts
This is a story of what happened to me at work about a year ago now. I work as a mailroom clerk in a large office building in downtown Denver, Colorado. There are several businesses that have rental office space in the building and my office (the mailroom) is located at the back of the building on the ground floor right next to the loading dock.
Being a mailroom clerk – or as some of the executives in the building call me, a letter jockey – is not the most glamorous or exciting job in the world and it certainly doesn’t pay the best, but in this economy, any job that gives you a roof over your head, food in your belly, and the lights on is worth hanging onto! I’ve been fortunate not to ever have called a dumpster or doorway home and I am not interested in starting now!
My job entails receiving the day’s mail early in the morning and sorting it. Then I put the mail for each business or office I deliver to in a wheeled pushcart and start my rounds delivering it to the individual office or person it is intended for. That’s the fun part of my job – getting out of the mailroom and delivering the mail. I get to see the other offices and get to see outside through the big plate glass windows.
One of my favorite offices to take the mail to is an insurance company on the fifth floor called American Mutual Insurance or AMI for short. They have a receptionist there at the front desk named Paige that I really like and I always try to spend a little extra time talking to her when I can.
Paige is a really beautiful woman about thirty-five years old, although to look at her, you would think she is a lot younger. When she told me how old she really was I had a hard time believing her until she showed me her driver’s license as proof!
Paige is a voluptuous full-figured girl – I’m not talking circus sideshow freak fat, just a little curvy. And that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, I understand, but I think she is an absolute knockout. She has long blonde hair which extends down to the middle of her back, the bluest eyes you ever saw, and a face that would make Helen of Troy jealous.
She has long legs, nice wide hips, and a great ass. But the part most men (myself included) first take note of are her magnificent huge tits! My God those tits! Imagine two perfect mountains of soft, supple flesh as smooth and soft as a baby’s bottom, and capped at the top with huge, saucer-sized areolas and thick, meaty nipples that stood tall and proud.
At least that’s what I imagined her tits to be like. I fantasized and dreamed of what it would be like to scale those twin mountains and plant my flag atop the creamy mounds. I wanted to wrap myself around those hard, fat nipples and gorge myself on them. Yeah, I was quite taken with that insurance company receptionist!
Of course, I wouldn’t neglect the rest of that amazing body. Paige has beautiful legs as I said and she always dresses impeccably, wearing a dress or a skirt. She likes to show off her legs and I am always happy to let her. She also wears heels which only lengthen and accentuate those gams. I can’t see her legs when she is behind the counter, unfortunately, but I see her when she walks away or come to it, and either direction looks good to me!
Many times I have dreamed of kneeling at her feet and sliding my hands slowly up those lovely legs and slipping under her skirt to pull her stockings down her beautiful silky legs. I have fantasized about sliding up those legs until I reached the tops of her stockings. Then I would feel her soft, delicate flesh as I worked my way up to her lacy panties moist with her dew. But instead of just slipping under the lacy fabric to finger her right away. I would slide my hands around to caress and maul her wonderful plump ass.
I imagine my teasing caress would arouse her and I would hear her softly moan to let me know she was enjoying it. Her moan would also make me try harder to please my fantasy woman.
Once she was aroused I would stand up in front of her. “Take off those clothes. I want to see all of you.” I would tell her.
Paige would strip the rest of her clothes off and once she was totally naked and I had my eyes had taken in the feast before me, I would go down on her and taste her.
How I so desperately wanted to bury my face in her steaming crotch and eat her warm sweet pussy. I would lick and lap and slurp up all of her delicious honey until I brought her to an earth-shattering orgasm – nothing less would do for my plus-size beauty. After she could breathe again, she would beg me to fuck her.
Of course in my dream fantasy, I am able to do anything I desire with her. So of course, once I had fucked Paige for a while, I would move next to her tight little asshole. I could only imagine how amazing it would be to shove my cock into that tight asshole. Paige, the fifth-floor receptionist, taking my cock in her asshole – just the thought of it makes me hard.
Of course, I’d play with her lovely round tight ass too. I could spend hours kissing and fondling that wide butt of hers. She definitely possesses the most delicious ass I’ve ever seen. I’d have no problem dining on her sweet ass.
Unfortunately, I am just a mailroom clerk – the bottom rung on the corporate ladder. And my fantasy beauty is a receptionist in a large upper-level insurance company. And while I am certain she is excellent at her job, I can’t help but figure she was hired not just for her proficiency, but also for her ... window dressing! After all, her sweet face and hot looks are the first impressions a customer gets who comes in looking for insurance!
And because of this, I imagine several of her co-workers, as well as other men, are always hitting on her. Men with a hell of a lot more to offer a babe like her than a flunkie envelope pusher like me. Whoever was lucky enough to win this angel’s favors would be one happy man to be sure. To be able to get in bed with this lovely creature for just one night would be the ultimate in pleasure. And to have her night after night ... that much pleasure is beyond my imagination.
I had been working in the mailroom for a couple years when she came to work at the insurance office. She was a welcome change from the stuck-up, snooty woman that was there before. I didn’t like her very much and would just put the mail on her desk and leave – hopefully without her at her desk so I wouldn’t be inclined to talk to her. I had to be polite, but she made it very difficult at times!
But once Paige took Ms. Too-Good-For-Anyone’s place, I began to enjoy going to deliver the mail at that office! Now it had gotten to the point where she was about all I thought about when I was at work. I couldn’t wait to get the mail sorted and get on my way delivering it. Her office was one of my last stops and seeing her always made my day.
I dreamt about what it would it be like kissing her and touching her gorgeous body. How wonderful it would be to have her for myself. To feel her warmth next to me. Actually what I really wanted was to fuck my dream woman in every hole she’s got. That would be the ultimate pleasure for me.
But like I said, what chance did I have with a woman like this, with all the other choices I’m sure she had to pick from?
I was soon to find out. It happened on Friday afternoon right before the three day Memorial Day weekend. Because of a very opportune large load of mail that day, I was late on my mail rounds that day and by the time I got to Paige’s office most of the people there had gone home for the weekend.
“I am very sorry for being so late, Paige. There was a huge load of mail today – probably due to Monday being a holiday. I hope I haven’t held up any weekend plans you may have had.”
“No, Carl, it’s okay. I really didn’t have any plans this weekend anyway.”
“Really? You don’t have anything going on? No Friday night date night or anything? I find that hard to believe!”
“It’s true, Carl. Actually, I don’t date all that much. Occasionally I might have some guy want to take me out, but they are few and far between.” Then she said something that hit me like a hammer between the eyes. “Girls like me ... big girls ... don’t get a lot of dates.” She looked down like she was ... ashamed.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Pardon my French, Paige, but that’s a load of crap! Why would any guy NOT want to date a beautiful woman like you? I would take you out in a heartbeat and be proud of it!”
“Aww, thank you, Carl, you are sweet. But it’s true. I haven’t had a romantic date in over a year. I have had lunch dates but those were mostly business-orientated or with other girlfriends.”
I was stunned. Here, sitting in front of me, was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Yes, she was larger than the porn models in the movies, but I wasn’t looking for a porn model. I wanted a real woman, not some silicon sexpot that only knew how to please a man in bed – I mean, there’s more to life than just sex! Sex was fun and I loved it, but there was also life outside the bedroom. I wanted someone I could talk with, watch TV with, eat dinner with and go out with. I wanted a real life girl, not a real-life blow-up sex doll!
I decided to go for broke. Paige and I had developed a friendly relationship and she had told me things about her that you would only tell a good friend. She had confided in me that she rarely dated and obviously didn’t have a significant person in her life. No boyfriend, no fiance’, no husband.
I figured if ever there was an opportunity to make this gorgeous creature mine, this was going to be it. I looked up at the clock on the wall. It was just past 5:00 p.m. and the office should be closed.
“Is anyone else in the office here?”
“No, I’m the last person here ... I was just waiting for you to bring the mail, why?”
I walked back to the door and locked it turning the open sign around to read closed from the outside. I lowered the blinds so no one could see in, then I came back and walked around the receptionist desk where she was sitting.
“W-what are you doing, Carl?”
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want Paige. You just tell me to stop, and I will stop at any point. But I think you want this as much as I do.”
She didn’t say anything, so I leaned down and kissed her full on the lips. At first, she resisted, I think because this was so new and it was a big step in our friendship. But within seconds she responded, kissing me back, pushing her tongue in my mouth.
One of Paige’s hands went up to the back of my head and she moaned softly as she reached down with her other hand and put mine on her tits. She knew what men were attracted to about her and she used it whenever she could.
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