An Unexpected Rape - Cover

An Unexpected Rape

by Badsammie

Copyright© 2022 by Badsammie

Erotica Sex Story: A woman stops by after a date to feed a dog she is watching, when something unexpected happens.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Fiction   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   .

Sara knocked on the door nervously. It was her first time dog-sitting for a stranger. They were local, sure, but it was still something she hadn’t done before. She brushed her hair out of her face and knocked again. Then she noticed, taped on the door where the screen door would hide it, an envelope. It had her name on it so she opened it up. Inside was a note, a key, and a wad of cash. She took the money and key into her purse, then opened the note.

“Dear Sara,

I apologize greatly for not being here to greet you and introduce you to Rex, but don’t worry, he’s a total pussycat despite his size. He just needs to be fed twice a day, taken for walks afterward if weather permits, or let out back if the weather is bad. Other than that, he’s very well behaved. I put in an extra hundred over our agreed price for all this trouble. Again, thank you so much for checking on him and making sure he is doing OK. Hope to meet you when I get back!”

Sara put away the note and confirmed that he had indeed paid her another hundred bucks. Putting it all up, she took the key and entered the house. She was shocked Rex wasn’t already around there, but no one greeted her. She called his name a few more times and eventually he came in, looking at her. Thickly built even for a Rottweiler, he simply appraised her. She knelt, offered her hand, and Rex checked her out. He went around her, inspecting her, but quickly trusted her once she gave him a treat. He bounded out of the room and she got up. She checked the house out, being nosy, but not too nosy. Then she got out his food and took him for a walk after feeding him. Then, she locked up and headed out for the day. She had shopping to do, as well as getting ready for a date with her boyfriend. She changed to some nice heels, a blouse, and a short loose skirt. After their date, she would take care of Rex.

She had a good night, she’d been seeing Alan for a while. He took her dancing, she had some drinks, and later, some good if clumsy sex in his car. His roommate was home as was hers, so they decided on the park, in the back seat, sweating and fogging up the windows. She was on the pill and trusted him, so when he grunted over her, soaked and horny, she whispered in his ear for him to cum in her. That alone was enough to send him over. She felt his heat and though she came close, she didn’t cum. It just was too uncomfortable and hot in the car. They cuddled and let the car air out some, then he dropped her back at her car. She headed back to the house to take care of Rex. She was halfway there before she realized that she had left her panties in Alan’s car.

Sara pulled up and parked, getting out the key and letting herself in. Rex was happy to see her. She laughed at how excited he was, almost twirling around in childlike joy. He nosed at her unexpectedly and she shooed him away. He must have been starving or ready to go out if he was that excited, she thought. She got his food ready, but he kept nosing at her crotch. She waved him away and he came back with a ball. She humored the excited dog, throwing it down the hall. He chased it down and brought it back to her. She laughed, threw it again, and he tried to catch it mid-air. Instead, he knocked it under the couch. He tried hard to reach the ball under there, but couldn’t reach it.

“Here big guy,” she said laughing, “Let me get that for you.” She walked over to the couch, bent over, and found she couldn’t reach it either. She grabbed her phone, her face to the floor, and turned on the light to look for it. She was glad no one else but them was there, as her skirt was not made for being in this position, she thought. She reached out, touched the ball, and accidentally pushed it back a bit.

“God dammit,” she muttered, reaching deeper when everything went wrong. The first sign things were going sideways was the long hot tongue that lapped at her, as she realized why. Rex had smelled the sex on her. The cum in her. And then, as she screamed and yelped, his weight was on top of her. She was terrified, trying to get up, while the excited Rott thrust wildly at her. She couldn’t believe it, she screamed and yelled at him to stop, crying as his nails roughly scratched at her blouse and sides. And then she was almost free, had almost gotten away from him, when his cock found purchase.

At that moment, for a brief second, Sara thought of the chain of events that had allowed this. Forgetting her panties, hot clumsy car sex, and wearing a short skirt to entice her boyfriend. If she had simply worn pants, she thought, before she started screaming.

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