Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story - Cover

Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story

Copyright© 2023 by Puella Magi

Chapter 7: Girl Talk

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: Girl Talk - After finding himself transported into the midst of the Fantasy Adventure Quest game world as an elven fighter, Morgan rapidly discovers that he had bitten off *far* more than he was prepared to chew. Rather than being the kind of light-hearted RPG which the former college student had grown up playing, the this new world turns out to be more brutal than the sensitive young man could have ever imagined, testing the very limits of his resolve and sanity as his first quest goes *horribly* wrong.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   CrossDressing   Shemale   TransGender   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Fisting   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

“You’re just kicking ass and taking names, aren’t ya!?” quipped Cassie inside Morgan’s head.

After two back-to-back orgasms, both of which came right on the heels of a pitched battle where he single-handedly defeated half a dozen goblins, Marilyn had correctly judged that the small elf was exhausted. The paladin did her best to clean up the cum which Morgan had sprayed all over his face following the mind-blowing prostate orgasm he had experienced at Marilyn’s hands, swallowing up most of the evidence of their activities as she kissed off from the elf’s smooth alabaster skin.

The paladin, after putting her armor back on as best she could, went out to secure the perimeter around the tower, leaving the elf to recuperate. Morgan had been dozing contentedly in the warm afterglow of his orgasm when Cassie’s voice broke the internal silence, the sentient magical object reasserting her presence within his mind. Though the elf as initially somewhat perturbed by Cassie’s interruption of what he felt was some well deserved rest. After all, those two orgasms — to say nothing of the load of cum he had swallowed down — had seemed to fill Cassie’s magical coffers quite well.

However, the elf was quite happy to see that the system had apparently determined that the multiple rounds of anal sex had served to terminate the encounter, and had presented him with a neat and tidy summary of the experience point increases he had been granted both for slaying the goblins as well as having, apparently, gained Marilyn as an NPC follower and completing the quest that their party had originally set out to undertake — all of which had cumulatively netted the elf a jump to level two!

Attribute Modification New Value Reason
Experience Points +250 (x6) 2,500 Defeated 6 Goblins
Experience Points +500 3,000 Gained 1 NPC Follower
Experience Points +1,250 5,150 Completed Quest
Level +1 2 Gained 5,000 XP
Hit Points +5 25 (+5/hr) Leveled Up
Attack Points +2 15+1 Leveled Up
Defense Points +2 14+2 Leveled Up
Mind-Break Points +1 6+1 (+1/hr) Leveled Up

Wait a minute, Morgan said, just realizing the implication behind Cassie’s statement. If you’re in my head ... does that mean you can see these alerts that keep popping up?

“Most definitely,” Cassie replied. “You’re an open book to me now, honey. I’m deeper inside you than that cute paladin even got! Although she sure got pretty deep before she bottomed out.”

But ... if you’re not really phased by that, does that mean that you ... used to be a player like me, not just an NPC?

“Maybe? I’m honestly not really sure. I know that I was something before I was cursed into the armor’s form. But, no matter how hard I try to remember, it’s like hitting a brick wall any time I try and walk the clock back. I’ve been around the block quite a few times since then though, and for some reason it’s almost always you types that end up partnering up with me. So, these weird flashing messages aren’t new to me. After all this time, I’ve got a pretty good idea what they all mean, which really helps me keep track of how you’re doing so that I can help you out better.”

Wow, that’s crazy! I’m really sorry to hear that you can’t even remember who you were ... before. I can’t imagine that. But, if you’re up to speed with all the system alerts, then you’re right, that’ll make us WAY more effective of a team. Still ... I just wish there was some way I could help you.


For the first time, the sassy edge had left Cassie’s voice, revealing a soft voice that was tinged with both vulnerability and hope at the same time. It sounded to the elf as if she was at once unable to believe that Morgan was making such an offer, but did not want to get her hopes up too high, in case she had misinterpreted the elf’s meaning.

Have ... none of your other, erm, “partners” offered to try and help you before? If you’re stuck in this magical armor because you’ve been CURSED, then there’s got to be a way to at least TRY and break it, right? I mean, shit, if I was in your shoes, that’d be the thing I’d want my partner’s help with.

“It’s just ... no one else has ever even offered. They all took my imprisonment within an object at face value, and treated me like the object they saw me as.”

Wow, that’s BEYOND fucked up!

“Yeah, no shit! It’s been a while since I’ve even bothered to get pissed about it, but the more I think about it now, the hotter I’m getting under the fucking collar.”

Well I’m offering now. You LITERALLY saved my life, so there’s no way I can’t at least try my best to help you in turn.

“I hardly even know what to say, kiddo. At this point, I don’t honestly know if there’s something we can do to reverse the curse. But...”

But ... what?

“The thing is, since you’ve seen the system alerts relating to my ability to convert your sexual energy — and whatever cum you swallow — into magical energy, you might’ve realized that there’s apparently not a limit to the amount of energy I can store. Now, I’ve honestly never had a partner that was interested in exploring that possibility, to see if there is any kind of limit, or even what would be possible if we stored up a bunch. Most have been totally content with the powers I can exert with relatively low levels of stored power. The other thing is that, the way my curse works, I only have access to the spells that I have the ability to cast. So, every time my energy pool hits a new high mark, I get access to brand new spells — and they’re always more powerful than the lower order ones.”

Does this mean what I think it means?

“Maybe it does, but ... maybe it doesn’t,” Cassie replied hesitantly. “The most I’m willing to say is that there’s, like, the slimmest of chances that together we could unlock something that would be able to help. But, there’s definitely no guarantee there. Not by a long shot.”

Well, what’s the highest you’ve ever seen your spell points climb during the time you’ve been trapped?

“Hmmm, let’s see,” she mused inside Morgan’s head. “I think maybe ... a hundred and fifty or so? Definitely way higher than we’re at now, but not anything that couldn’t be reached again with a little dedicated, eh, work.”

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