Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story - Cover

Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story

Copyright© 2023 by Puella Magi

Chapter 4: Changes and Introductions

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Changes and Introductions - After finding himself transported into the midst of the Fantasy Adventure Quest game world as an elven fighter, Morgan rapidly discovers that he had bitten off *far* more than he was prepared to chew. Rather than being the kind of light-hearted RPG which the former college student had grown up playing, the this new world turns out to be more brutal than the sensitive young man could have ever imagined, testing the very limits of his resolve and sanity as his first quest goes *horribly* wrong.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   CrossDressing   Shemale   TransGender   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Fisting   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

Morgan awoke to find himself serving as the little spoon, his slender and delicate elven body wrapped in the warm and distinctly fleshy embrace of the female paladin whose life he had just saved, Marilyn. As consciousness flooded back into his body, a number of alarm bells began to go off inside Morgan’s head, each one blaring out as he noticed another discontinuity in the situation to which he had awakened. The soft snores and rhythmic feeling of warm breath against the back of his neck told the elf that his partner — the only other survivor of their party’s misbegotten attempt to root out a batch of goblins — was still asleep.

Taking care not to make any sudden moves, so as not to rouse her, Morgan took inventory of the situation within which he found himself now. The first and most obvious feature which immediately drew the elven fighter’s attention was his attire. Immediately before slipping into a state of exhausted unconsciousness after slaying six goblins, Morgan had been wearing an enchanted suit of plate armor which had seemed to sprout of of a shield which the elf found amid the goblin’s loot hoard. The armor, which had covered nearly every inch of his body, was at present nowhere to be seen, nor was he holding the shield itself either.

Seriously, he thought to himself in what was becoming an all too familiar refrain. What the fuck is going on today? A whole suit of armor can’t just ... disappear, right? I mean, I guess it’s magical enough to spring out of a shield. But, the shield’s gone too, so where the fuck even IS the damn thing?!

Morgan looked down, taking a good look at himself, just to make sure that he had not somehow just slipped out of the armor before passing out and forgotten that he had done so. He was completely unprepared for the sight that met him, however. Not only was the suit of armor apparently completely gone, but so were the clothes he had been wearing. In place of the light green tunic and loose brown trousers the elf had worn — and quite liked, given how much they reminded him of Link from The Legend of Zelda — he found himself clad in something somewhat similar, but that looked like it had been designed for a girl.

His tunic had been replaced by an identically colored short dress, which tapered at the waist and ended in the mid-thigh region. The dress terminated in a hem which was decorated with some kind of gold embroidery that looked, Morgan thought, quite pretty against the milky which thighs which were revealed below. However, he did a double take when he realized that not only were his thighs bare because he was not wearing any pants, but that his thighs seemed quite a bit smoother and curvier than he recalled. Although, in fairness, he had not spent that much time examining this body before being thrust into his first disastrous adventure.

The shapely legs disappeared into a pair of thigh-high leather boots that left just enough of the smooth white flesh visible between their tops and the skirt’s bottom so as to appear almost calculated to entice someone into wondering precisely what it was that lay beneath the dress. It was an outfit that Morgan would have found quite alluring on a female elf, but as a man — he forcibly reminded himself — he was completely at a loss as to both how and why he was dressed this way.

Tentatively, feeling somehow that it was wrong, Morgan lifted up the skirt, confirming his suspicions about what he would find there, based on the rest of his new garb. Although the elf could not have told you exactly what kind of undergarments he had been previously wearing, he was quite sure that it was not a pair of pastel blue bikini-style panties with a cute ribbon tied into a bow right above the small bulge formed by his cock and balls. The juxtaposition was enough to send Morgan’s mind reeling into a sea of confused thoughts and emotions, all swirling around within the young elf like a maelstrom.

Nearly hyperventilating at this point, the visual attention Morgan now paid to what he still sometimes thought of as his “swimsuit area” expanded his awareness to encompass a distinct tactile sensation that he was almost too scared to explore, but whose mystery he could not help but probe. It was the feeling of a piece of extremely smooth and cold metal — steel he assumed — that contrasted with both the softness of his silk undergarments as well as the warmth of Marilyn’s skin on the backs of his thighs as she spooned him. What Morgan could not figure out, however, was why he was feeling this specific sensation inside of his anus.

Am I losing my fucking mind!? What even IS this thing, and why’s it in my ASS!?

Unable to reach behind him, as Marilyn’s soft thighs were pressed tight against his backside, Morgan’s fingers tentatively walked past the bulge in his silky panties, bypassing his taint to search out the foreign object which had apparently become lodged inside of him somehow. As he pulled aside the soft fabric, almost scared to uncover he truth, his fingers brushed against something hard and cold. It did not feel like metal, but almost like the faceted surface of cut glass or stone, reminding him strongly of the fancy crystal wine glasses his parents had always trotted out during the holidays.

Nimble elven fingers worked their way carefully around the intruding object, seeking some kind of purchase on its oddly carved surface. What Morgan found was that the glass or stone lay flat atop a flared piece of extremely smooth metal that tapered off sharply before disappearing inside his asshole, which had closed up very tightly around the object. Although he had been a virgin prior to his entrance into the world of Fantasy Adventure Quest — or perhaps because of that fact — Morgan was well enough acquainted with the wide world of internet porn to realize that the shape gradually revealing itself was almost certainly a steel butt plug with some kind of jewel decoration affixed to the outside of the flared base.

Experimentally, Morgan gave the butt plug a slow and gentle tug, feeling his anus stretch around the teardrop shape as he slid the first few centimeters out. Gasping silently, the fingers of the elf’s other hand clutched at the hem of his short dress wildly. The slight motion of the plug inside him, stretching out his insides with the subtle movement had sent a jolt of sensation directly into his cock, which was now as stiff as it had ever been, poking up from underneath his pastel panties, lifting them up just enough to show Morgan that his entire crotch had also somehow become completely smooth and hairless.

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