Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story - Cover

Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story

Copyright© 2023 by Puella Magi

Chapter 2: An Unexpected Ally

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: An Unexpected Ally - After finding himself transported into the midst of the Fantasy Adventure Quest game world as an elven fighter, Morgan rapidly discovers that he had bitten off *far* more than he was prepared to chew. Rather than being the kind of light-hearted RPG which the former college student had grown up playing, the this new world turns out to be more brutal than the sensitive young man could have ever imagined, testing the very limits of his resolve and sanity as his first quest goes *horribly* wrong.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   CrossDressing   Shemale   TransGender   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Fisting   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

Heaving with exertion and clutching at his chest through the thin leather jerkin he wore over his tunic, Morgan turned around to take a closer look at the room into which he had blindly ran — hoping to hell that he was the only occupant. Thankfully, the only thing the elf spied in the small circular side-chamber was a pile of what looked like gear that the goblins had stripped from previous groups of slain adventurers, and just left here to molder. The sound of a small body throwing itself against the door shocked Morgan back into the reality of the extremely precarious nature of his current situation.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he shouted in exasperation, sweat pouring off his brow, matting his shaggy pastel blue bangs against his ivory forehead. “I c-can’t do this anymore! I j—”

“Over here!”

At first, Morgan had not been sure about exactly what had just happened. The voice that called out to him seemed to somehow come from both everywhere and nowhere at once, similar to his own internal monologue. However, the key difference here was that this voice was most certainly not his own. It was a woman’s voice, with just enough breathiness to give it a sultry edge that served to pique Morgan’s interest more than a bit, despite the rather dire situation developing on the other side of the door. Not only had his own inner voice never sounded the least bit feminine, but those words had certainly not originated from his conscious mind either.

“You’re not going crazy,” the woman’s voice said, apparently preempting the concerns rising to the surface of Morgan’s mind that he was having some kind of nervous breakdown in response to the situation’s stress. “I’m over here in the pile. I can help you, but you’ve got to move quickly. Those goblins will break through the door in no time at all. Hurry!”

Tearing his frightened gaze from the shuddering door, on whose other side he could hear both the grunting of goblins crashing against it as well as the continued sobbing cries of Marilyn being gangbanged by the other goblin trio, Morgan scanned the room again quickly. However, despite the seeming reality of the voice he had just heard, he saw nothing which could have — he thought — produced a woman’s voice inside his head. However, an extremely well-crafted looking steel shield did catch his eye, gleaming atop the pile of goblin loot, almost as if it were calling out to him like a beacon in the night.

“This can’t be ... or maybe ... can it?” Morgan mused, more to himself at first than at the voice. But, as the potential realization began to wash over him, his eyes opened wide with amazement, the strange fantasy world’s logic clicking in his mind. “Are you the shield?”

“Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!” the breathy voice said with just enough sarcasm to draw a grimacing smile from Morgan, despite his exasperation and barely contained panic. “Now, hurry over here and pick me up before it’s too late!”

As if on cue, the voice’s — no, the shield’s — statement was punctuated by a splintering crash, as one of the goblins managed to shatter the lower right corner of the door with its iron-shod boot. This left a hole which, while it was not yet large enough for the goblins to crawl through, left plenty of room for them to see that their quarry was trapped within, and had no apparent means of escape. The wicked little faces disappeared almost as quickly as they had flashed into visibility, and the pounding and hammering against the door redoubled in force and vigor, as the creatures made every attempt to widen the hole they had just opened in the wooden door.

Although something deep inside Morgan, the tiniest of tiny voices, told him that it might not be the best idea to lay hands on some kind of sentient object that wanted to be picked up, it was not like he really had any options at this point. It was either take his chance with a talking shield and maybe get out of this mess alive, or most definitely get hacked to death by a gang of bloodthirsty goblins. With choices like that, there was really no room for debate. Diving towards the loot pile, the young elf fighter reached out and grabbed a hold of the handle on the shield’s upturned backside.

Little did Morgan know that with this one seemingly simple act, that his life in Aeternia would be forever changed.

As soon as his fingers wrapped around the handle, the shield appeared to spring to life. Strips of gleaming steel, imbued with some kind of intelligence and obvious animating force unfolded from the shield itself, wrapping themselves at first around the elven fighter’s slender forearm and hand, forming a beautifully wrought gauntlet. His eyes, already wide with amazement, widened even further as he saw that whatever magical process had been triggered by picking up the shield was apparently far from completed. The unfolding process continued, pieces of shining plate mail appearing as if from some dimensional pocket contained within the shield’s depths to cover the elf’s arm and shoulder with elaborately decorated armor.

“What ... h-how ... this c-can’t be real ... can it?” Morgan sputtered.

His mind struggling to comprehend the continual transformation both the shield and he were undergoing together as the — clearly magical — object continued to unfold itself into a full suit of plate mail. It was only when the grill of a helmet’s visor snapped down over his eyes that the process appeared to terminate, with the armor now covering every inch of the elf’s lithe body. However, Morgan soon realized that whatever wild magic had been triggered when he picked up the shield was still at work, as he felt himself filled with something he could only characterize as power.

The process began as a small sensation, burning in the center of his chest, like a miniature sun radiating not light, but strength and fortitude as it shone within him. With each breath the elf took, this internal sun grew brighter and more powerful, rapidly expanding to fill the entirety of his being with its splendrous radiance. His gasping and panting breathing smoothed out, and Morgan realized that not only did he no longer feel the pangs of exhaustion that had threatened to overcome his body when he first burst into the room, but instead found himself energized in a way that was fundamentally different from the surge of adrenaline which had impelled him into this chamber to begin with.

It was like the difference between the facade of an explosion caused by fireworks and that of an actual bomb, and Morgan now felt himself full of the same caliber of dangerously powerful energy — so much so that he was halfway surprised that he did not see arcs of electricity crackling around his gauntlets as he clenched his fists experimentally. His breath caught in his throat as he in fact did see a burst of blueish white flame temporarily encase his gauntleted fists as the elf flexed his muscles.

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