Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story - Cover

Morgan: a Futanari Adventure Quest Side Story

Copyright© 2023 by Puella Magi

Chapter 17: Transformation Time!

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17: Transformation Time! - After finding himself transported into the midst of the Fantasy Adventure Quest game world as an elven fighter, Morgan rapidly discovers that he had bitten off *far* more than he was prepared to chew. Rather than being the kind of light-hearted RPG which the former college student had grown up playing, the this new world turns out to be more brutal than the sensitive young man could have ever imagined, testing the very limits of his resolve and sanity as his first quest goes *horribly* wrong.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   CrossDressing   Shemale   TransGender   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Fisting   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

In that first flash of brilliant magical illumination which coalesced around Morgan and lifted her up into its warm bosom, the elf found that all of her bonds were shattered — physical, mental, and magical.

Somehow, the powerful magical field which had enveloped the elf following the culmination of her forced orgy in the pillory had not only shattered the wooden apparatus itself, but had similarly dispersed the miasma of mind-brokenness which had come from the innumerable multitude of orgasms Morgan had been forced to endure. Fully cognizant not only of her surroundings, but also of herself, she thought that if she were to pull up the system menu showing her character’s stats, she would see a completely full pool of mind-break points. Not only that, but Morgan looked down to see herself suspended in mid-air within the glowing pink sphere, she saw that another change had taken place.

Fully nude, it was quite apparent to the elf that — physically at least — she was no longer a she at all.

Apparently, when the magical explosion broke Morgan free of the pillory and restored her mind, it also dispelled the Feminization spell Cassie had cast upon her. But while the body upon which Morgan gazed retained certain feminine curves and lines which tended to be common to elven males, the spot between her legs which had just moments ago been a pussy which still leaking cum from having been creampied who knew how many times, the elf now saw a cute little soft cock, no bigger than her pinkie finger. And yet, despite this visible remnant of her former masculinity, Morgan still felt like a girl, the very notion that she was a he seeming more than a bit of an absurdity at this point.

On that point, the elf was certain of two things. First, o matter what transformation was done or undone to her body, inside, she felt like a girl. And second, even after having so many servings already tonight, she still wanted to be filled up by hard cocks. This second determination was, in fact, so strong that just the briefest thought of once again being fucked by a big dick or having a load of hot cum pumped into her mouth was enough to stiffen her adorable little elf cock into something that was almost the size of her ring finger.

“Fuck me sideways!” a familiar voice called out. “After all that, you’re little girlie dick is already getting stiff!? You really are a natural born slut, aren’t ya?”

Morgan turned her head with a start, the realization washing over her that this time, Cassie’s voice was not coming from inside her head, but directly behind her instead. The elf whipped her body about, turning as easily in this magical field as she might have in a pool of water, her pastel blue locks whipping around in a smooth arc temporarily obscuring her vision as she spun. She was not alone in this illuminated chrysalis, for before her hovered a figure who could only be Cassie herself — freed from the armor’s curse and once again in her own fleshy body.

At least, this would have been an accurate assessment, had not Cassie’s appearance been completely and totally wrong.

The nude being that hovered in front of Morgan was far from any of the goodly races that walked the face of Aeternia. Her lithe form and voluptuous curves, to say nothing of the perfectly smooth pussy peeking out demurely from between her thick thighs, showed Cassie to clearly be female. However, that is where the similarities with the old self she had described to Morgan ended. Her skin was caught somewhere between a smoldering red and deep purple, the gradations reminding Morgan of a beautiful evening sunset. Pupilless eyes looked out, presumably at Morgan, and glowed softly, like pink light bulbs set within her face.

Her mane of silky black hair was parted on each side of her forehead by a thick curling horn, which reminded Morgan of something that belonged on a ram or goat. If this were not enough to confirm the elf’s suspicions as to Cassie’s true nature, her demonic visage was completed by a pair of leathery wings, and a long slender tail that twirled casually about her round hips, the tip of which was shaped almost like a heart. While Morgan was no demonologist, she had certainly seen enough anime to recognize a succubus when one was directly in front of her.

“Y-You’re ... a s-s-succubus!?” Morgan stammered, pointing an accusatory finger at Cassie.

“I know, I know,” Cassie said shaking her head, holding up one hand in a placating gesture as her eyes stared down at her own toes. “I wasn’t totally honest with you, but I didn’t really lie that much either. I was totally telling you the truth about being cursed into that magical armor and that the only way I could be freed was to rack up enough spell points from the wearer doing butt loads — and pussy loads — of slutty girl stuff. That stuff was all one hundred fucking percent true.”

Riiight,” Morgan snapped, her face a mask of indignation, small body quivering with to much pent up frustration that her stiff little cock began to wobble back and forth like a metronome. “And since I never specifically asked, ‘by the way Cassie, you aren’t a fucking succubus, are you?’ then it’s just... okay that you his this kinda huge fact from me!? I mean... fuck the things I’ve done today—”

“You loved every goddamn second of it!” Cassie hurled back in the elf’s face, glowing pink eyes staring daggers into the Morgan’s luminous emerald orbs. “Don’t forget, girlie, I was inside that cute little head of yours the whole time. I know exactly how much you fucking loved every minute of all those things I ‘convinced’ you to do.”


“Hopefully you’re not so terminally clueless that you haven’t realized it yourself by now,” the succubus continued unabated. “But I didn’t give you any of those desires — not really. They were already there, just waiting to be kick-started. At most, all I did was give you a pretty big push in the right direction. Was it kind of a big push? Sure. But the ultimate trajectory was written across the inside of that cute little head in big neon lights from the second I stepped inside.”

Morgan took a deep breath, and tilted her head back, eyes closed as she tried to calm herself down. When it came down to it, despite her lies of omission, Cassie’s words did have the ring of truth. The further down the rabbit hole of feminization the succubus had led her, the more Morgan felt at home with both herself and her sexuality. In her heart, she knew that there was no way she wanted to even consider turning back now and trying to return to her old life as a sexually frustrated virginal boy.

No matter what was between her legs at the moment, she had become a girl in every way that truly mattered to her. And, there was no denying that without Cassie’s help and prodding, not only would she likely be dead, but she almost certainly would not have come to this monumental realization about her own nature and desires. After living nearly the first two decades of her life in denial of who she truly was, and what wants and needs that entailed, Morgan decided that all she could do was to try and move on from Cassie’s deception and just go with the flow.

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