Li-Gals — Lucy - Cover

Li-Gals — Lucy

by Limnophile

Copyright© 2022 by Limnophile

Science Fiction Sex Story: Is another century of life worth ten years of sexual servitude? As always, please read story codes to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Restart   Science Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Body Modification   Transformation   .

Earth, Northern Arizona Megalopolis
April 23rd, 2409

At 161, Lucy Hanson was terrified of death and rapidly approaching it. Doctors told her the cancer and liver failure could be treated easily with a few pills, but they couldn’t do anything about her advanced age. Even in the year 2409, the average human lifespan was still only 145.

She had seen the Doctor Li Corp advertisements, “Become a Li-Gal or Li-Guy! Get a new body and a new life, at no cost to you! We take a sample of your DNA, use it to grow a clone, and give it a copy of your mind. The new clone is you in every way but age!” Lucy had been suspicious, wondering if it could possibly be real.

The video continued, “All you need to do is agree to love somebody for ten years, or work in a brothel for ten years! Everybody loves good sex! We’ll even make it easy with a minor change to your computer brain implant.”

Each time she watched the ad, Lucy smiled as a decrepit and flat-chested old woman slowly changed into a busty and beautiful girl of 20. “You also agree to any improvements your new brothel or lover wants to make to your body. They’ll pay for everything the first ten years you’re together. When the contract is up, you can either leave and start a new life of your own, or stay if you’re happy. You might even find true love! If you don’t, just being nice to a stranger for ten years could extend your life a century or more! Sign up for free at...”

A young woman from the Li-Gal recruiting office spoke with Lucy over their computer brain implants and answered her many questions. “So, if I agree to this, my brain implant will have a program added which changes my hormones?”

“Yes, to make it easier for you to love and have sex with your new partner or partners. You’ll feel happiness and arousal when you see their face. You’ll also be less sexually inhibited toward them. You can still tell them ‘no’ any time. It’s not mind control.”

“Can I pick who I’ll be with? Or at least make sure I’m with a man? Maybe it’s not a popular opinion, but lesbians make me nauseous.”

“Due to privacy concerns and the popularity of brothels, the paying partner makes the choices and remains anonymous until the clone is delivered. If you want another century of life for free, you need to accept that.”

“And they can change my body any way they want?”

“There are limits. We won’t do any modifications that cause health problems or major discomfort. Some men have asked us to make Li-Gals with breasts larger than their heads. That would cause serious back pain, breathing trouble, and major inconveniences. A few women have asked us to provide Li-Guys with penises fit for a horse or bison, which would cause major problems too. We don’t do that. After the process your breasts might be D’s, or maybe even F’s, but nothing too outrageous. Modifications to other things are common too. Some people prefer partners with small ears, plump backsides, or a certain eye or hair color. You might look different, but you’ll be healthy.”

“And part of the contract says you can use hormones or drugs to change my growth and development?”

“Some people like partners that are unusually tall or short. Some like college-aged girls but others prefer women over 30. Again, we don’t allow anything that would compromise your health or quality of life. Biologically, your cells will be under a week old, but at the size and age appearance chosen for you. You would have the same life expectancy if you’re produced at apparent age 18 or 38.”

“Part of the contract says you can freeze me for storage?”

“Sometimes the genetic material is frozen until a required expert or production equipment is available, usually for a few days or weeks.”

“The ad said this is free? That seems pretty unlikely.”

“Your new brothel or partner pays for everything, including our hefty fee. Once your new body is ready and we copy your memories to it, we dispose of your old body painlessly. The new you takes ownership of all your assets. Since the old and new you have the same mind and DNA, legally you’re the same person at your current age, just in a new body. Producing a clone only takes a few hours. Legally you’ll be old enough to drink, watch porn, buy puffsticks, or do other fun things, even if you come back looking like a high school student. Your mind will be as mature as you are now, and you’ll keep your memories too.”

“This sounds great, but I still don’t know. Can I take some time and think about it?”

“Sure, call us whenever.” She ended the call with an ominous, “Just don’t wait too long.”

Lucy had quit puffing decades ago, but had a pack of chillsticks delivered to her room. She needed the artificial calm the mint flavored puffsticks provided. She called back the next day and signed up.

I was dreaming of making love with a man, a woman, and a teen girl. Their bodies seemed extremely touchable and lovely. The man had short red hair, a red moustache, and quite a handsome face. I thought his muscular arms and long smooth penis were appealing. The woman had long red hair, an attractive smile, and large round breasts. I could see her vulva and was surprised when I felt an urge to taste it. The blonde girl was larger than me and I thought she was extremely cute. The woman and girl were licking the man’s nice dick as he played with my pussy and cock gently.


He looked into my eyes with love and told me, “You’re such a precious beauty. I’m so glad she chose a Futa.” He licked the head of my small cock and gently ran a fingertip around the cleft between my legs.

The woman started riding him and the girl turned toward me. I thought she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen! I felt a tingle between my legs and my nipples started to harden. I involuntarily said, “You’re SO pretty!”

She kissed my lips. “So are you, especially your face and dick! I can’t believe I’m so lucky!” She took my cock in her hand and started stroking it slowly. “Would you like to kiss me?”

I licked her lips and thrust my tongue into her mouth, as she sped up the stroking on my shaft and squeezed it more firmly. She moved over and took the head of my rod in her slit, then slowly sat, impaling herself on me. “Mmmmmm! It feels SO GOOD in me! This is amazing!” I strongly agreed.

I heard a noise and woke in a small bed. I was in a drab room that was mostly light gray. I felt something uncomfortable between my legs. I looked down and noticed I had a diaper on! I felt the front of the diaper and realized I really did have a PENIS! Going from the proportions of the bed and chair, I wasn’t fully grown yet. I was a teen girl with small tits a dick!

I screamed in surprise and the door opened. A tall woman in a nurse’s uniform said, “I’m glad you’re finally awake. I’ll explain the changes your new partner requested. Due to the enhancement for anal sex, you’ll need diapers for a week or so.”

I asked in surprise, “Anal enhancement?”

“You’ll be able to safely receive anal sex from even above average men at your current size, 150 centimeters or five feet tall. We made you into a hermaphrodite with the size and appearance of an 18-year-old Cambodian. Anal will feel good instead of hurting, and you also got the semen and vaginal fluid craving enhancements.”


“I’m sure in your previous life you enjoyed sex with somebody you were in love with. Now you’ll love the taste and scent of men and womens’ genitals and fluids. It’s what your new partner requested and you signed the contract.”

I stood still in shock, feeling that it was true. I had a strong desire to make love to a woman, or better yet the girl in my dream. Still, the idea of lesbian sex had horrified me in my previous life.

The nurse asked, “Do you have pain anywhere? Any numbness or problems moving?”

I shook my head.

“Good. And you remember your old self? What’s your name and what was your last job?”

“Lucy, Lucy Hanson. I used to be an office assistant at medical supply company.”

“Good, Lucy. It seems that you’re okay. Let’s take you to your new family.”

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