Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 9: Red Riding Hood

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 9: Red Riding Hood - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


“Dear Daddy ... I mean Diary ... My first attempt at phone sex. Sooo HOT! What’s a butt dial? BA BOOP! BA BOOP! LOL!”

7:30 PM

Lonnie and Paige Turner sat in his office looking over dozens of Tinder possibilities. She had sent a few videos to both Josh and Bryan and was eagerly awaiting their replies. In the meantime, she and Lonnie answered six more men answering questions, they reserved one of the guys from their mall adventure for later. Right now, Lonnie was more interested in new recruits. Paige just enjoyed watching her dad get turned on by all of those horny young, even older hopeful paramours and reaped the benefits. Ignoring his judgment Lonnie had already fucked Paige twice since she got home from school. Curtains and blinds closed this time.

“How about this guy? He’s closer to your age at least.”

“He’s sort of nerdy like me, only kind of buff. Read me his message.” She wiggles in his lap with an arm around his shoulders, his erection pressed down beneath her cheeks.

“Hello, gorgeous! You had me at the big glasses. Case in point, I wear big glasses too. My name is Dillon. I’m into all of the geek stuff. Movies, comic books, science. You name it. I’m going to Comicon in two weeks. I cosplay every year. Last year I was Batman. This year my plan is to be Winter Soldier. If you’re interested, I would love to have you join me. My treat. You would make an awesome Black Widow. Oh, and all three Chris’s are going to be there so maybe we can get an autograph and picture together with them. I hope you give me a shout out. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! LOL! Bye Paige.”

“Thoughts?” Lonnie tilted his head to look back at her.

“That sounds really fun. You know I’ve begged you to take me to Comicon since I was a twelve.”

“All expenses paid, why not! It’s not like you have to be anything other than yourself around this guy.”

“I like being what you want me to be daddy.”

“I know you do. Let’s message Dillon back. I need to slow down portraying you, so you type him this time.”

“Okay.” As he stretches back in his seat she leans forward. While she types, he rubs her bare back lovingly and toys with her blazing red hair. Pecking keys quickly, she writes, “Hi Dillon. I love Comicon. I’ve wanted my daddy to take me for years and never once did we make it. He’s a big meanie.” Pinching her on the ass for typing that. she squealed nearly slipping off of his knee. Catching fall by grabbing her hair she busted up laughing and resumed her comfy seat before continuing Dillon’s reply back. “Let’s talk a little more between now and then. Black Widow sounds really cool. I even know where to find a black spandex jump suit.” She halts pecking to leer back at Lonnie. “That adult bookstore sold them.”

“More money! I need to charge guys for your exhibitions.”

“They buy me things now. Maybe Dillon would too.”

“I’ll buy it. Don’t scare the guy away with greed.”

“So, I can go?”

“Talk to him one more time so I feel safe letting you go without me.”

“You could go. Just don’t hang around me and look obvious. He won’t know who you are unless I introduce you.”

“Huh!” He puckered, “Maybe. If he doesn’t meet me beforehand, he won’t know it’s me being overprotective. This could prove interesting.”

“You have to cosplay too then.” She laughs.

“As who? What?”

“I’ll think on it. Let me finish.” She begins typing again. “If you’re sweet, I might make a short video for you and put it in the Tinder mailbox. Natasha signing out. Night Bucky. LOL!” She knew her Avengers well. Message sent!

As they sat back to scan others a mailed reply pops up. “Message from Josh.” Lonnie notes its arrival before she did, her attentive moving to daddy’s big dick teasing her thigh. Attention span cut short at Joshy’s name she pepped up and scooted forward to plant one elbow on the desk, her free hand taunting daddy by gently stroking his beast with a backhand motion.

“Oh, my God! I hope he didn’t get spooked over my video at the gym.”

“Seriously? Would he reply back if he was offended?”

“I don’t know.” She fidgets with uncertainty. “I did take all of my clothes off. I had to email the video rather than put it here on the website. Although, I wonder why he’s writing me back here and not by email.”

“Just read it already!”

Opening the message, she gets her first ever video in return. “Look Daddy. He made a video for me this time.”

Playing it, she settles back into Lonnie, keeping her hand active on his girth, his left hand rubbing her thigh as a counterattack. Josh had a very deep guttural voice. “Damn Paige! That was one hell of a workout. You have a rocking body. I never expected to see you totally naked. One guy filmed you with two other dudes showing you how to get fit? I have to ask, and I hope I don’t offend you but are you sleeping with any of them? No offense but that video looked a little too, maybe I’m wrong. You did appear naïve and really shy even if you did seem to enjoy yourself. You’re lucky I’m not easily offended. Videos like this would get you banned by Tinder if they knew you showed off that much. Personally, I loved watching you. No worry of me complaining to Tinder.” He chuckled deeply. “That massage is waiting on you Red. My fingers are ready when you are. Oh, concerning my meeting your dad first, I’m totally cool with that.” He lifts his cellphone. “309-555-6969. Call me.”

Lonnie drops his jaw. “You sent him the X-rated video instead of the first one?” Obviously, her playing with his dick clouded her admission of it just moments ago. “Are you nuts? Tinder will kick you out for porn.”

“Please don’t be mad at me, Joshy sent me his email, so that’s how I sent it. I needed to know what he would think of my body.”

“No videos get sent unless I send them. Am I clear young lady?”

“Yes.” She pouts. “On a positive note, I guess he liked my body.”

“Who the fuck wouldn’t? Your body is fucking perfect.”

“I know.” She grows giddy and smug making her shoulders dance. “Can I call him?”

“Not tonight. Tomorrow night maybe.”

“Can he give me a massage?”

“Oh, that fucking Grizzly is tenderizing every inch of you.” Lonnie nods confidently, his thigh rub zeroing in on her wet pussy, massaging her clitoris just enough to make her whimper and pant nasally at his intimacy. She wanted to compliment his touch but instead envisioned Josh.

“How can you watch me get one? He might not want to do anything if you’re in the living room with us. Wait! Am I meeting him here or elsewhere?”

Pondering he changes his mind. “Here is perfect, I’ll hang after introductions then yawn and go on to bed. We’ll make one last short video before we turn in tonight just for Josh. Apologize for the nudity. Let him know you were testing your boldness and say that those guys were gay.”

“Beau says he is. I think he’s...” She stops short of saying he wasn’t gay. She had asked about the party he wanted to take her to and Lonnie had already told her yes. She really wanted to go, so sure, all queers. “Promise not to tell Beau I told you this, he admitted to being gay.”

“Sure, he is. He volunteered to video you naked.”

“Only because I asked him to. I feel safe with Beau.”

“What about those two other boys?”

“They didn’t hurt me or take advantage. If anything, I took advantage of them.”

“You do realize you’re taking a huge risk doing that at school. Don’t screw up graduation.”

“I won’t. The boys that made Brett give up his cell were really nice and supportive of me.”

“Sure, they didn’t watch the video of us?”

“They said they didn’t. There hasn’t been any blackmail demands like Brett tried to pull, so, I don’t think so. I told Beau I’ve never ever been to a school party. He said he would only go if I went. Can I still go?”

“Sounds fishy. Let’s just see how the remainder of the week goes. If no other situations arise amongst these boys, then yes.” He redirects back to Josh and halts teasing her clit, in abandoning her, she released his penis too. “I say you invite Josh over to watch a movie. Meet me for say ten minutes then I’ll excuse myself and leave you two alone.”

“Don’t you want to see him massage me somehow?”

“Oh, I’ll see you.” He chuckles. “Your Uncle Mike has a Nanny cam Teddy Bear. I’m hooking that up in the living room here.”

“You’re so sneaky Daddy. Fuzzy Wuzzy is going to be jealous of another bear in the house.”

“Fuzzy will be more jealous of that bearskin rug named Joshy laying on top of you.” He chuckled, her eyes brightening up at the thought, “Damn straight, I’m sly. Another idea just occurred to me. I’m going to record my snoring tonight and let ole Joshy think I’m sleeping. He might open up if he thinks I’m out like a light.”

“I hope so. I’ve never had a real massage before.”

“Full body! His hands better touch every inch of you.”


“EVERY INCH.” His hand slid right back up to her pussy and invaded her vulva making her squeal, “EVERY HOLE.” A tickling match ignited his opposite hand slid within her butt crack and penetrated her butt pucker as well. A very shrill, “NO DADDY! NO!” was heard as she giggled. A minute more he ceased fire and let her catch her breath.

“Oh, my Gosh. I love you so much, daddy. Even when you tickle me.”

“Play adorably shy but act very interested in him. Get scared by the movie and get closer. Hell, drag his arm around you to get him started.”

“I probably will get scared.” She laughs. “Joshy is huge and hairy.”

Her words reminded him. Reaching between her legs his fingers explore her thickening fire red pubes. “I think these have grown out just enough to trim them how I want you to keep them.”

“Want me to go get the shaving cream and razor?”

“Trimmer first. How about this? You film Josh’s video while I shave you. If he ever asks what the trimmer noise is, you make excuses. Don’t let on what I’m doing.”

“Doing sexy stuff without guys knowing really turns me on daddy.”

“I hear ya. Works for me too.”

Another pinging message turns their attention to the computer monitor. “Yay! Bryan messaged back too.” She greedily takes over the keyboard. Opening Bryan’s message, she notes another video. Her jaw drops as she looks back at Lonnie. “I’m nervous! I want them both to want me.”

“Two for two. Play it.”

“K.” She hits play and nestles once again against her father’s hairy but comfy chest.

“Howdy Paige. I figured I owed you a video after so many of yours.” Bryan in a t-shirt and backwards ballcap acts shy a bit. “I have to say those cartwheels were pretty amazing. I love your high energy. Your underwear was pretty hot. I suppose after your sending that there’s no reason for me to be a total gentleman.” He laughs and stands up to show her he wasn’t wearing pants but a pair of red briefs. His crotch was evolution was massive.

“Oh, my Gosh!” She laughs her ass off pointing at Bryan. Pausing to rewind twice she made her assessment. “He has a really, really, really big dick daddy. Maybe he is his horse.”

“Big enough.” Intimidation made Lonnie frown, “Finish the video.”

Resuming as Bryan sits back down with a grin he begins chatting. “Now we’re even. Ask your daddy about my invite to the lake? I really want to have a fun day with you. Is it too soon to talk on the phone? I’ll understand if it is. Only been a day. If not, my number is 309-727-FUCK. That’s right, I got the digits with the right letters associated to them.” He chuckles. “3825. Call me already. Night, Purdy Miss Paige.”

“So funny.” Paige giggled. “Can I call Bryan too?”

“One more video to solidify that we have him hooked. Calls can wait one more day.”

“Oh, I have him hooked.” She offers a smug nod. “He wants me bad.”

“He’s going to have you too.”

“You want me to fuck every guy that likes me, don’t you Daddy?”

“I just want you to have fun and get plenty of experience.”

“I’m only doing this stuff for you.”

“We both know that’s not true. You want this as much as I do.”

“Sex is pretty awesome. When are you going to call that old guy Mick? The photographer.”

“Patience! I’ll get to him. Step at a time.” He looks at the clock, “8:15 now. Let’s get these videos made and get to bed.”

She hops up bouncing in step. Helping him up tiny Paige Turner lured her father into the bathroom. He turns and stops her. “Go to my closet and find a red zip down hoodie. Wear a red lace bra beneath it.”

Yay!” She slips away, her long red hair fanning about over her creamy white shoulders. Gathering up his shaving kit and a few extra items he meets her in her bedroom. She had the hoodie on her bed and was hunting for the red bra. Once found, she puts it on then the hoodie over it. The hoodie’s hemline stopped at her hips.

“Got your cell?” She grabs it from her charger on a bedside stand. He then directs her to sit on her bed. “Alright, you lay back and video talking to Josh first. Do not react to my trimming and shaving.”

“Kk! I’m getting goosebumps.” She flops backwards shivering. Cell held above her she begins recording. “Here goes daddy.” All quiet and on cue he gives her a second before firing up a small set of trimmers. “Joshy, hiiiii! I was so worried my nudity was going to scare you off. I’ve regretted doing that all night. My gay friend Beau filmed me. The two other boys are gay too. Butt buddies of Beau.” She giggled, “So, I didn’t worry other than be nervous about doing what I did in school. I started out just wanting to show you my interest in working out. I really want you to take me to a real gym and show me the right way. Clothing optional as long as I don’t get arrested. My daddy would not be happy seeing me in handcuffs. You might though.” She razzed the camera giggling then puts her right palm over her lips as her eyes sparkle beneath her glasses. Shyness crept in briefly.

Lonnie had thinned out the excess long red hairs of her pubes. Those bordering the quick in her thighs. He then began shaping her pubes to design a tall thin arrow pointing at her clit. He left it thicker where it touched her vagina. The strip going up was thin and silky soft. Once done with the electric trimmer he lathered her up all around her arrow with water from a bowl and shaving cream. A razor then delicately shaved her stubbles away until soft as his baby’s butt.

Laying there with the cell poised down at her with her hood over her fire red mane, the fabric touching her glasses she felt thug like. “On a serious note, I’m glad you’re okay meeting daddy first. It’s important to him to see who I go out with. Like I said, I’m new to dating. I’ll be shy at first, but I promise I’ll come around quick. I keep picturing us together. You’re so tall. I’m a dwarf. I bet your hand could wrap around my entire neck. Those big muscles make me tremble. I get warm all over at the idea. Among other things.” She blushes. “Sowwy! Can you tell I’m just really excited to meet you?”

His shaving perfected Lonnie stands up drying her off with a hand towel. Motioning for her to unzip her hoodie she looks at him then realizes her goof. Eyes upward she covers her error, “I thought I heard daddy in the hallway. I’m laying here with no panties on. Just my hoodie and a bra. I shaved my pubes earlier. I was embarrassed that you saw my burning bush at school. Wanna see it now? Follow me.” She unzips the hoodie slowly revealing her sheer red lace bra. Her nipples peeking through valiantly. Cell trailing her zipper her camera captures the zipper coming apart. Her luscious belly button leads to the top of her pubes. Scanning over it she shares her new patch.

Eying it herself she realizes it was in the shape of an arrow. Giggling she names it just for laughs. “I call her Merida. Do you like it, Joshy?” Her fingertips lightly stroke the hair. “It’s really soft. I might let you touch it during my massage. If you want to that is.” Flirting turns serious now as fingers caress her chest on the way back up to video her face again. “Let me talk to daddy one more time. If he says yes to Saturday night, would you like to come over and watch a scary movie with me? I know it’s probably not the date you had in mind, but it would make my daddy respect you right off. You can massage me when he goes to bed. He’s always in bed by 9:30. Just so you know, scary movies make me snuggle up with my teddy bear Fuzzy to protect me. I get scared of monsters under my bed. He guards me here in my bedroom. That means you have to guard me in the living room. Up to that, Joshy Bear?” She sticks her tongue out at him. “I wrote your number down. I’ll call you soon. Sweet dreams Joshy. Mwah!” Recording ends as she sits up to admire her arrow. “You did a good job Daddy. I love it.”

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