Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 23: Short Bus

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 23: Short Bus - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


“Wake up, Daddy.”

Paige Turner had heard her father Lonnie grumble and roll over in bed three times in her efforts to revive him. They only had two hours before their bus departed for Medieval Times. She had never seen her dad this drunk before. Either his date with the IHOP waitress Deborah Johnson went well or very badly. She wasn’t certain having been asleep when he got home.

Well rested she herself was showered and chipper. Finding her Medieval outfit sewn to her surprise put her in a good mood right out of the baby gate, namely her bed. A purchased girdle from an adult bookstore sent her over the top. She had yet to discover the silly photos that her three big boy babysitters had taken before they left early in the morning. All she remembered was being tucked in and kissed goodnight by all three Romeo’s.


“Daddy?” Tired of hounding Lonnie she collapsed to her side feeling helpless. “We’re going to miss the bus. If we do, Clint and his friends might never talk to me again. I promised them I’d meet them, and I don’t want anyone to think I lied to them.” She pouted at his oblivious snoring. Growling under her breath she chose a more vicious tactic. This called for a pillow fight.

Snatching up his extra pillow she swatted him on the back. As the breeze of her recoiling arms prepped for a second assault she smelled the alcohol on his breath. Whining at the thoughts of her day being ruined she pelted him two more times. Jumping up and down on the bed her next strategy, she started chanting. “WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” At a total of ten rough disturbances, he snapped at her.

“Fifteen more minutes. Leave me the fuck alone.”

As he drifted easily back to sleep, she hissed at his alarm clock. “Fifteen minutes. I’m timing you, Mister. If you don’t wake up, I’m sitting on your face.” Her threat normally would be welcomed. As she sat back on the side of his bed, she heard his cell vibrate. Nosey she looked to see what it was. Having been unplugged his charge was only at 40%. In hooking it up to charge more, she eyed his text message. It was from Deborah. Reading it she determined that his date went well.

“Morning, Big Daddy. I had a wonderful time on our date. You better ask me out again before Wayne hits me up. LOL! I scolded Coochie for stealing your number from my cell. Sorry again, for her video. I can’t guarantee she won’t do it again, that girl can be compulsive. Enjoy your day at Medieval Times. Give Paige my best. MWAH!”

“Awww! Wait! Video? I want to see, Coochie.” She located the girl’s video and grinned until she plays it. Once started Paige flared her eyes. “Whoa!” That was her last audible word as she lowered the volume so that Lonnie didn’t hear adorable Coochie moaning as she fucked her tight little pussy with a vibrator.

“Who does that to a perfect stranger?” With an expression of awe, she chuckled to herself, “Me.” The two girls might just have more in common that she thought. As Coochie had done her mother, Paige swiped Coochie’s cell number, Deb’s as well. Two could play this game she giggled to herself dancing in her seat. Saved for a rainy day.

Deciding to go get dressed Paige chose her attire for not just comfort, but as an easy access to allow her college boys to touch her all over. That was her only true goal for the guys meeting her on the Mass Transit Bus. Those very same men that she had met not long ago on her way to school. They requested more after tracking her down on Tender. More than willing to honor their desires, she agreed to make time, if only for an hour on their journey to Medieval Times in Schaumburg.


A denim miniskirt and a very thin white camisole left very little hidden. No underwear beneath would give the guys a worthy show. She was wet just thinking about them groping her. That is, if she could rally her father from his slumber. Brushing out her fire red hair, leaving it long and flowing she considered leaving her glasses at home. She rarely wore her contacts because they bothered her. She wanted to look beyond beautiful and a lot less nerdy. Regardless, the glasses won. Her dad could always hold onto them while she teased.

Touching up her makeup she shuffled back into Lonnie’s bedroom and climbed back up on the mattress. Stepping over him she sat down on his torso and began bouncing as if fucking him. After a good three minutes her father groaned.

“Fuck! Hangover from hell.”

“What can I get to help you daddy?”

“I’ll live. How’s our time doing?”

“We have one hour to catch our bus. I’m going to text Clint and let him know we’ll be there. It takes an hour to get through the city. That gives them plenty of time to strip me nakie.”

“You’re going all the way nude on a city bus?”

“If I can. I want them to see me without my clothes.”

“That’s a huge risk.”

“He says he’s bringing seven of his college friends to help block the other riders from seeing. Saturday’s the buses are usually pretty full. Can we get on separately, so you don’t scare them away?”

“I can do that. Let’s just hope I can stay close enough to you just in case things go bad.”

“Carry my girdle, dress, and shoes?”

“I told you I would. In my duffle though, I’m not carrying a Hello Kitty bag.”


“Get off of me so I can go shower up. Go make me some coffee.”

“I already did. I’ll go grab you a mug.” She abandoned him in a rush. “World’s Best Daddy mug coming up.”

“And some breakfast.”

“Pop tart coming up.”

Staring at her vibrant wiggle he forced himself from bed before eying his cell phone. Realizing Deborah had left him a text he smiled then just as quickly scowled. Someone had read it before he had. He wondered who? Not that it stressed him too heavily.

That is until he recalled Coochie’s masturbation teaser. He concluded that Paige had watched it too. At his age he should really learn to lock his cellphone, so that only he could use it. Too late now. It was certainly no worse than all of the things he and Paige were doing. Should he continue seeing Deborah Johnson, he knew their incest secret would get out. As understanding as Deb had been he questioned if she could handle that much. Would she always worry that he might tap her own daughter? The kid was sexy as hell. “Shit! Get this crap out of your head, Turner. Deb knows I watched her kid play and wasn’t stressed about it. If she can handle that, and knowing what I let Paige do, I should be good.”

A hot shower cleansed his body and his thoughts. While in the shower Paige brought his coffee and a cherry pop tart to his bedroom, sitting it next to his bed. Leaving it, she stepped into his bathroom and watched him wash up. He looked so sexy.


“Did you get some last night?”

“You know I did. Quit snooping in my phone.”

“Sorry! Deborah text while I was sitting on your bed. I couldn’t resist. Coochie...” She hesitated! “ ... did you like her video?”

“She shocked me as much as it probably did you. Deb doesn’t seem to mind that her kid does that. Maybe we freaks just met our match.”

“Should I video myself masturbating and send it to Deb?”

“Are you nuts? There’s a huge difference between Coochie doing that to me because I’m a guy and doing that to a grown woman.”

“Deb might like it.” She teased!

“You do it you might as well move in with Frank.”

“Visit yes, live no. I’ll probably only do Mister Frank a few more times.”

“Easy money.”

“I know but, I don’t want to feel like a Mistress. It’s fun for now. Maybe after I take Robin’s virginity I’ll move on. There are so many other guys on Tender. I’m at 7,000 date options.” She giggled! “I might never have to buy a thing ever again.”

Stepping out to dry off Lonnie frowned. “That’s too many guys Paige. Pick and choose maybe 2% of those.”

“No way! 25% maybe.”

“What have I turned you into?”

“A nympho?” She responded, not letting on that Brett and the boys at school were calling her that. To be honest she hadn’t put any emphasis on a title. Not slut. Not nympho. Certainly not whore. Fun was fun, pure and simple. Her soul shined when guys found her erotic. She wanted nothing more than to assist them in fulfilling fantasies. The more the merrier. Of late she was discovering that it was much more rewarding to be in the presence of more than one man at a time. Blame Lonnie and his friends.

Since that fateful night her desires were increasing, shyness for the most part an act these days. Last night was incredible, fucked in her own front yard for all to witness by three gentle giants for well over an hour. Living dangerously was becoming a major turn on. Thank goodness her neighbors were cool. She also hoped that Brett’s buddies that got scared off didn’t damage their lives any more than they had so far.

“You look comfy.” He set about combing his hair.

“I dressed for easy access. I can change at Medieval Times. Oh, coffee.” She pivoted in step before returning with his coffee mug and the pop tart. He frowned at the pastry.

“You can eat that.”

“Yay!” She immediately began nibbling at it while he sipped his caffeine fix. “I don’t know who I’m more excited to tease. Todd at Medieval Times, or Clint and his friends.”

“Don’t go getting too messy on the bus. It’s going to be a long day.”

“I packed wet wipes, and body spray.” She giggled! “Condoms too!”

“Keep in mind the bus ride might not go as planned. Not everybody is okay with your nudity and lude acts. Kids and older people might be watching.”

“Clint’s friends will block things. I’m not going to let them down.” She pouted while chewing.

“White polo shirt. Grey slacks. Go.” He pointed toward his bedroom as he slapped on cologne. Scurrying about in his closet for his choices Paige laid them out on his bed. Patiently waiting she sat on the mattress kicking her left leg back and forth while finishing off the pop tart.

Observing him get dressed she noted him going commando as she often did, today especially. It amused her. Looking over her own cell she snapped a selfie and sent it to both Clint and those friends of his that she knew. The very same photo fired off to Todd. Then, Frank. Joshy. Bryan. Greg. Uncle’s Mike and Andy. The shoe store boys. It kept her busy. Two final sends went to Deborah and Coochie. Let Coochie see who she’s messing with, she laughed. Paige was gorgeous with her red hair, long and silky. It was no wonder every guy in sight stopped cold to stare. No more nerdiness. All sexy. Unless she wanted to be nerdy. Different story!

“Everything you need in my bag?”

“Should I take my toy?”

“The teddy bear stays home.” He unpacked Fuzzy with a scowl. “Come on now!”

“I tried Fuzzy.” She lifted the stuffed animal to her lips and kissed it. He was laid to rest on a pillow. “There! You hibernate.”


Lon lifted her sewn up dress from the bag, “This Medieval outfit is gaudy as fuck Paige.”

“The girdle helps. Thank you for buying it.”

“I couldn’t let you wear Saran wrap around your waist.”

“If Todd and I hit it off and I end up going to his Larper battle, I want to invest in a real Medieval gown.”

“Better see Frank as often as his wallet allows then.”

“So, you think I should become his mistress long term?”

“Not forever no. Couple months maybe. If you don’t piss him off by fucking his nephew.”

“I’ll tease Robin a month before seducing him.” She shifted her shoulders playfully.

“I’m ready when you are Short Bus.”

“Short bus? I’m not mentally or physically challenged.”

“You’re short and we’re riding a bus.”

“Oh! Okay!” She patted her leg laughing.

Packed up they headed out the door running. Two blocks away they sat at an enclosed bus shelter and waited on their ride. Paige never once crossed her legs, her skirt offering a sight line straight up to yumminess. Other riders drooled hard. Lonnie couldn’t be prouder of his little girl. As their bus approached Lonnie stood up and stepped away from her. “Show time. Try not to look my way.”


“I hope they like me.” She fidgeted with her denim skirt. Lonnie merely rolled his eyes. Bus halting in front of the small plexiglass enclosure the eight people waiting entered first. Then, Paige. Lonnie after one other person. Making their way to the back after paying their fare Paige was greeted by Clint standing in the congested rear. Lonnie managed to get past them and take a crowded seat between two other men. Mostly everyone here looked to be the age of Clint. Observing their attention on Paige who now stood with Clint, Lonnie concluded the obvious. “Seven friends my ass. Try an entire fraternity.” He mentally counted 12 guys in their 20’s. Another few questionable. Others closer to his age. This might get interesting.

As Clint introduced his so called 7 other friends, he intentionally left out the rest of the guys. Let them have their fun Lon thought. The more guys cloaking her the better. Of course, he himself wasn’t getting a very good visual as she quickly vanished behind the herd. Only her feet were now in sight.

“You fucking look hot today.” Clint spoke up as the bus departed. She shifted into him as the bus bounced about on the road. “Hotter upon contact.”

“I did this for you guys. See? Short micro miniskirt.” She turned her back to him then tugged it up to show off her butt cheeks. Dangling her camisole’s shoulder straps, her top fluttered downward over her cleavage, stopping at the fullness of her breasts. She winked at Clint’s friends encouraging them to edge closer consuming her space. She loved their eyes checking her out.

“Long bus ride to Schaumburg.” Clint chuckled!

“I’ll keep you occupied.”

“Don’t worry about anything.” A heavy-set man spoke up. “We can keep you from being busted.”

“I’m not worried.” She shyly looked up at him. Clint behind her began rolling his palms over her shoulders, then guiding her straps lower on her arms. The camisole slipping down to her nipples. A single finger of encouragement from a third boy lured the shirt over her tits allowing them to become fully exposed. She blushed with an expression of devious awe. Palms quickly caressed her chest, tantalizing her nipples. Her eyes sparkling with excitement at how swift everyone moved in for the kill, she studied their emotions closely. Awe and desire were filling their reactions with deep dark wishes. She knew they wanted her naked, that was her own fantasy in the moment.


Clint hugged her from behind, closely guiding her skirt up to her waist. Shirt and skirt were now a tangled belt in appearance. Outside of her shoes, Paige Turner was 90% uncovered. Hands groping her from all angles. She loved it. Praise murmured from the midst of eight individuals.


“Fuck you’re gorgeous.” led to, “Most beautiful body I’ve ever seen.” from there, “Kiss her nipples.” Lifting her breasts for them she offered two men a sample of each areola. Her erogenous zone prompting thick juicy nip nips. Clint rubbing her ass, moved his arms around her to frolic amid her wet little pussy. She whimpered at their consumption and darted her gaze from one stud to the next. They were all cute.

“Do you all like me?” She asked in her sweetest tone. Her answer obvious, but she wanted to hear it.


“Delicious.” remarked one, leading to another sharing, “Goddammit! I want to fuck you.” Three others concurred. Her body was now licked from four separate angles, their hands caressing her legs and thighs. Exhaling soft moans, she realized that in bending down to challenge her, the guys weren’t hiding her from the front of the bus as well as they could. Men that weren’t a part of their pack were catching on. Seeing curiosity in their eyes she fluttered her fingers at them. As long as a smile returned, she felt comfortable.


Lonnie not so much. Concerned he clenched his teeth which made the boys seated to both sides of him eye his behavior. For now, he sat back shaking his head and pointing at her. To avoid suspicion, he chuckled! “You don’t see that every day. Unless of course you live in Japan.” Obviously, Lonnie watched too much porn.

“Maybe I can visit you in school and let you fuck me.” She returned their enthusiasm. “I’d love that. Would you love that?” Their eyes brightened up over her exuberant offer. The man who initiated the wish was certainly all for that. Most of them were up for a less risky adventure with this amazing redhead. Regardless, they wanted what they could get away with here and now.


“Guys?” Clint advised as his hands continued to rub her clit. “People can see her over you.”

“It’s okay.” She became daring. “As long as the driver doesn’t see me. Or those old ladies up front.” She flirted again with those not part of Clint’s comrades. Clint uncertain of their safety motioned to his friends seated around Lonnie to join them.

Spotting Lonnie himself made Clint edgy. It wasn’t until Lonnie gave him a thumbs up that Clint felt obligated to offer a nod. Abandoning Lonnie in favor of standing in front of those bending over, he caught glimpses of guys kissing and licking short little Paige. Lon had to laugh.

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