Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 21: Fucking A! +

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 21: Fucking A! + - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


After an eventful day at school Paige Turner opted to lay low until dinner time. At home she related nothing to her father about her fun with Mister Burrows. For good reason! She just knew that if she did confess to succumbing to her desires in such an impulsive manner that Lonnie would read her the riot act over the risk that she might not graduate due to sexual misconduct. This was something she just had to figure out on her own. For better or worse! With dinner said, done, and dishes washed, she and her dad curled up in front of his office computer. Naked as always in their free spirit household they shared tender caresses, and warm kisses. Nothing too over the top. So far at least!

Opening up her Tender account to see the damage of thousands of horny older men wanting adorable kid-like Paige, there was one email which stood out to Lonnie. “That Dillon guy wrote you back.”

“Was he mean to me because I was honest with him about my gangbang?” If Lonnie said yes, then she knew hiding today’s events was her smartest move.

“Read it for yourself.” He opened up the message, rubbing her back as she leaned forward to read. Adding her own affectionate flair Paige held his erection right up between her thighs, his crown directly pressed against her clit. She liked her rumble seat! Deep breath held she read his message out loud.

“HOLY FUCK!” Dillon began his message, “THAT’S INSANE! Do I want to meet you still? DUH!!! HELL TO THE YES!!! I’ve never met a girl like you before. Maybe you should go with me as Red Sonja to Comic Con. The more skin the better. LOL! I’ll even make you chainmail pasties and a thong. I have a big ass sword you can use too.” Paige was glued to every word, her eyelids refusing to blink. “I have a question though. After all of those guys, what could you possibly see in me? I mean it’s flattering that your gangbang was meant to impress me, all of those superheroes having sex with you, but ... would I ever be enough for you? Do you want more of that kind of thing? I guess, I’m okay with it if you do. I have a lot of geeky virgin friends who would love to meet you. LOL! Can we discuss this before Comic Con? It’s a month away. Maybe meet for pizza? Let me know. I really want to meet you, Paige. Bye for now!”

“Wow! He wasn’t scared off.” She settled back against her father, his hands roaming her full-frontal contours. Goosebumps were an epidemic!

“Write him back. You can go for pizza with him right after graduation.”

“Won’t I be really busy with Joshy, and Mister Frank?”

“We’ll find the time. Write him back! You deserve to have fun.”


“Okay!” She rose forward to type, this time pressing his hard cock forward in an almost painful manner. Dad coped just for her! “Hi Dillon. I’m sooo glad I didn’t scare you off. I would love to get pizza with you after I graduate in a week and a half. I’ll let you know when I’m free. You have no idea how happy I am that you took that video so well. I only did it for you.”

“No, you didn’t.” Lonnie chuckled!

“You hush. He doesn’t know that.” Paige Marie wiggled her scrumptious little ass over his erection, delicately using his crown to tease her clitoral hood. Multitasking, she continued her message and added more hopeful mystery that might excite this, Dillon. “Red Sonja sounds fun, or maybe Mary Jane Watson in a crop top Spiderman t-shirt and really tight cut off denim shorts. We can talk about ideas later. So, you have a lot of virgin friends? Yay! If you want me to meet them I will. Maybe they can dress up as super villains this time. LOL! Dr. DOO Me!” Dr. Doom! “Dr. Octopussy! All of his testicles could hold me down. I mean tenacles! Or did I? LOLOLOL!” Lonnie was shaking his head at her giddy humor. “You can swing in like Spidey and save me. Anything you want I’m up for. I’ll be in touch. Thank you for wanting me. Bye, Dillon! Mwah! Upside down kiss, Peter! Heehee!” 69! Kissy emojis ended her note.


Sending the message, she collapsed back into Lonnie with a loud sigh of content. Taking his hands, she cupped them over her breasts and held his knuckles tightly. Her thoughts immediately envisioned Mister Burrows all up on her earlier today. He was kind of cute. “Are we looking at any more messages? Replying to new guys?” He snuggled to her and pecked her cheek. Shaking her head negatively in his embrace she reached down between her legs and tapped a fingertip over his moist urethra. Precum spoke volume and she brought that finger to her lips and sucked on it. Lonnie needed release so he rapidly caved into her temptations. Leaning forward with her, he abused his mouse and shut down his computer.

As soon as it began closing Lonnie picked her up and took her to his bed. They made love for two hours straight. Worn out in their tender melee he allowed her to stay in his room for the night, setting his alarm to wake them in the morning. Paige fell fast asleep in his arms, her hand around his dick. Better than her teddy bear any day!



The next day went by fast without a hitch until last hour approached! One class left to go!

Paige had worn her butt zipper jeans as requested. No panties beneath them. Her shirt was a low-cut powder blue pullover with no sleeves, thin straps holding it up to reveal a good amount of shoulder. Taking the risk of no bra, her nipples stabbed outward in her exhilaration. The boys wanted this, so she wanted this just as much. Her long, fiery red hair whipped about, as she walked through the school halls. Her tits bobbing graciously joined in on the adventure.

Eyes were glued to her. Even girls took interest. Paige merely smiled and kept on walking with confidence soaring. Her stride kept her breasts active, regardless of who chose to stare. Whispers of slut were heard but she ignored them and headed for her locker. Reaching it she recalled her combination and popped the door open to place her book bag within. Without realizing it her paramours Hector, Matt, and a few others from Drew’s party shrouded her. A couple of boys who were not from the party, as well.

“What’s up, Sunshine?” Matt chuckled and looked down her cleavage.

“Hi, Matt!” She looked around her at five others, none meeting eyes with her, all at her nipple erections. Yay! Still, she had reservations! “Can we talk about the videos yesterday in Biology?”

“What about them?” Hector narrowed his eyes, finally looking up at her face.

“I agreed to another party. I just don’t need to risk not graduating. If Principal Dewey sees those videos, I’ll be expelled before I get my diploma. I swear, you can all have me again after school is over.”

“The whole senior class wants you.”

“Wow!” Her eyes flared wide. Lifting her glasses she timidly smiled over that acknowledgment. “We have a big graduating class.”

“65 guys 70 girls.” Billy calculated for her. “I’m on the yearbook staff.”

“Even the girls want me?”


“Maybe! But the guys want you all to themselves.”

“All 65?”

“At least 50 of them.” Billy exaggerated!

“That’s a lot of dicks.” She innocently nibbled her lower lip thinking about it. More boys showing up around her had her feigning shyness. Amongst them were quite a few real jerks. One in particular! From behind them, Brett Chenowyth reared his ugly head, nudging Hector aside. He along with his buds, Aaron and Cody did as they had not long ago, moving to both sides of her locker with folded arms. Repeat performance!

“I told you I’d get even with you, Turner. I have those pics of you now. It took some persuasion but I’m baaaack.” After being expelled, locked in the trunk of his car and having weed on his possession. Not his of course, he was set up like a little bitch. Live and learn!

“Welcome back! Do you have a poster over your bed like Drew does?” She attempted to be chipper.

“Three of them. All pics of you and I together. Where were we?” He pondered while dramatically poised to appear tough. “Oh yeah! You were going to blow me.”

“Okay! I’m not afraid of that. I’m ready when you are.” He appeared shocked by her submission. As did his friends. “I’ve had lots of time to think it over. I’ll do whatever you guys want me to do. Just don’t ruin my graduation.”

Brett prodded her further with what he recently found out about Drew’s party. “That was some gangbang I hear.”

“Another one coming after I get my diploma. 50 guys Billy says. Yay!”

“Damn, Turner!”

“You all have to wear condoms though. None of you want to be a daddy.”

“Speaking of ... how is Daddy?” Brett chuckled! “Still tapping your ass?”

“Best I’ve ever had. Yes, we are.” She nodded with glee! What part of don’t mention incest did she not hear from Lonnie’s lips? Uggggh!

“Dang! No denial? No pleading for mercy? You suck, Turner.”

“I suck really good.” She nodded with a timid smile. “You’ll see.”

“How about right here, and now?” Brett strived for smugness. Checking around her for onlooking teachers and finding none, Paige knelt down and reached for Brett’s zipper, only to find him not quite as confident as he let on. Not even he wanted expelled again.

“Hold up. Not here! You’re right, we all want our diplomas.” She knew he would chicken out with so many students watching.

The group of boys began to groan at his chickening out. Paige was hoping he might change his mind this way, she knew that pushing him might bring on his own bit of insecurity. With a pouty expression she turned left on her knees to face Aaron, prepared to blow him. He too moved away. As did Cody to her right anticipating that he would be her next target.

“You guys are no fun.” She puffed her lower lip with a disappointed expression. In an attempt to save face Brett moved in behind her. “There’s that zipper.” He swiftly unzipped then all the way down to the triangle gap where ass cheeks and upper thighs parted ways. Rubbing her bare bottom, he sighed over how easily he had her under his rule.

“Oh, we’re game Turner! Just not right out in the open. What say you meet us after school in that weight room you posed in for my boys?”

“I can do that.”

“Beautiful! I might just fuck you up this cute little ass hole.”

“Be gentle. That’s still new to me.” Not really! She liked anal just fine!

“None of us can wait until after graduation.” Matt admitted! “We can still do that too.”

“Can we play more Thirty Minutes in Heaven?”

“Ohhh, no! Long as we want in Heaven.” Brett made certain there would be no time restrictions. Fuck that!

“That might take a week.” She giggled, feeling Cody also rubbing her bare bottom. His fingers sliding deep into the inseam to tease her pussy. She shivered with a bright red blush just for effect.

“Let’s see these titties.” Matt lifted her shirt up in front to reveal her perky breasts. Guys sighed at their perfection; those areolas were breathtaking. “Fucking A! Those are gorgeous Turner.”

“Fucking A- or Fucking A +?” She snickered!

Brett reached around her to fondle her left breast, she trembling as other students walked by watching. The girls flipped her off, they wanted the attention Paige was getting. With a shrug, the tiny redhead overlooked their bitterness. Each of the boys graded her A+ which made her giddy. She was on the honor roll after all!

“Alright, Turner...” Brett twisted her to face him. “I think you’re going to tease the fuck out of all of us today. Teachers too!”

“As long as I don’t get into trouble.” She fidgeted, looking over the wide frames of her glasses at Brett.

“Anything we want, or we show Dewey the posters in our lockers and the video on our cells. Are we clear?”


“You should act really kiddy like you do sometimes.”

“I do that all the time. I can’t help it.”

“You know what I mean.” Brett hissed! “Don’t talk like you’re really smart. Act ... ditzy.”


“SHIT! Here comes Dewey.” Aaron blurted out, turning away, acting all suspicious. Dumbass!

“Act natural Turner.” Brett insisted, moving her in front of him. Shirt lowered to hide her titties, even if her jeans were still unzipped. She could feel Brett’s thick stiff cock on her butt cheeks.

“Everything alright over here? Are these boys bullying you, Miss Turner?” Even he noticed nipple erection but said nothing.

“No, Sir!” She pouted providing her kiddy voice in a lower octave while appearing as if scolded.

Behind her Brett had his finger teasing her anal button. She whimpered slightly, sharing almost a yearning expression toward the pudgy elder. Principal Dewey admired her shirt a bit longer than he probably should have. Those nipples were stabbing hard. A man, although professional, he felt compelled to do his job on a quiet level. Scowling he leaned into her and mumbled, “Dress code.”

“I don’t have anything else to wear Principal Dewey.”

Frowning heavily, he cleared his throat. “Today only! Try not to let those be seen.”

“These?” She pointed directly at her nipples. For someone who worried about getting her diploma she just couldn’t help herself. The gathering held their breath.

“Yes, those.” Dewey swallowed dryly, trying not to stare. Behind Paige she felt her waistband button unclasp on her jeans. They loosened up a bit as Brett continued rubbing her ass. Dewey attempted to change his tactics even if he did sense mischief. “So? Is everyone here ready to graduate?”

“Heck yes.” Most of them concurred!

“And you, Miss Turner?”

“I’ll miss you, Mister Dewey.” She hoped to make him melt over her sweet gesture. Escaping Brett, she rushed Dewey and threw both of her arms around his waist with an unbreakable hug. Right cheek pressing against his pudgy stomach. Touched by her fondness his hands vigorously rubbed her back, dangerously close to her unfastened jeans. Her perfume stirring emotions that were unbecoming of a man in his occupational standing nonetheless he subjected himself to her adoration. The thoughts of those tiny little nipples on his abdomen made him lower his eyelids. Trembling eyelids at that.

“You are very kind, Miss Turner. I will most certainly miss you as well.”

Just before her unexpected move Brett had dipped two fingers up inside her pussy. When she made the leap toward Dewey his fingers pulled away drenched in her juices. Poising them for his friends to see Brett felt evil.

“I want to shake your hand, Sir. It’s been an honor.” Raising a hand from Paige’s back, Dewey accepted Brett’s gesture. Wetness felt with ease, Dewey chalked it up to sweaty palms. The gathering of boys were blown away.

“You should all get to class. School is almost over.” Dewey broke away from Paige even if she seemed clingy. Turning to walk toward his office he grimaced at a discomfort within the inseam of his suit pants. Hard as a rock and troubled by it, Dewey closed his door and locked it behind him. Everyone just knew he was hiding in order to masturbate.

Immediately the boys applauded Brett for his ballsy improv with silent reactions. Triumphant fists pumped in their disbelief that he had just done the unthinkable. Brett was the man.

“Fucking A, Dude!” Matt was blown away. “That was awesome!”

“Only the beginning my bitches.” Brett circled in step, ever the braggart, arms high in accepting their praise.

“Turner deserves some of the badassness, she hugged him with that zipper down to her freaking cunt.” Sean pointed out! “Unbuttoned even!”

“It’s getting a little chilly down there.” She fidgeted moving her hands back to zip up. Brett wouldn’t have it.

“Ohhh, no!” He swatted her hands! “You’re not done showing off, Turner.”

“I’m not?” She offered an expression of awe.

““Not even! Let’s see you crawl down the hallway on your hands and knees.”

“There’s still lots of people watching.”

“So fucking what!” Brett huffed! Pointing at the tile floor she glanced amongst her gathered flock. Every one of them were daring her to do it.

“How am I going to carry my books?” She eyed her bag next to her locker.


“Aaron’s got them.” Brett snatched them up, shoving them into his buddy’s hand. Paige made another scan of her surroundings as people began heading to class. Slowly dropping to the floor, she began her crawl. Bare butt wiggling from side to side with every advance. She observed people watching her prowl toward them. Some laughed! Some acted as if they were unzipping their flies in expectation. Others bent over acting as if they were coaxing a puppy with a snack in hand. For fifteen feet she crawled, other boys easing behind her to capture a view of her goodies. Brett feeling evil followed along, reaching down to tug her pants even lower. More of her clam crept out in the maneuver. Even her shirt drooped low, her breasts seen through the canopy if looking hard enough, both dancing about in her journey.

Finally, at a door to her first class she was allowed to stand. Her jeans exposing her tummy more than expected. She fidgeted while Brett circled her with a scrutinizing inspection. “Stay that way. Anyone here share her class?” Three boys raised their hands. “Awesome. See that these jeans stay unzipped and riding low. Sneak pics and save them to show me later.”

“Scared Turner?” Sean questioned her!

“A little.”

“You know you want to tease all of us.” Brett primped at her shirt for a nice sexy exposure without overdoing it.

“Uh huh!” She nods. “I do!”

“Get in there.” Brett nudged her with a slap on the ass. Smiling where the boys couldn’t see her, Paige entered Economics. As if this would be any shock, Paige had this class in the bag. Teacher Drake Burrows was under her spell already, but the boys had no idea just how much. Too busy at his desk to notice her this time, she pouted but knew he would work with her. She loved his reaction to her yesterday, when she showed him her tits. Going so far as to finger her then wear his cum and her own after he painted her with it all. This class at least she felt confident in what she might get away with. Others not so much.

Following her in, Mike, Matt, and another boy Rudy who had claimed her bag from Aaron, made certain she sat in a seat where they could gather around her. Matt had the best view, sitting behind her chair. Beet red by intent Paige looked about at other students. Boys and girls alike saw her bare bottom earlier. Those that hadn’t been so lucky were catching on fast. Mike with his cell made a crude video of the class as they were staring at Paige with amusement.

Drool flying everywhere, boys pointed her out without sympathy. Girls with agitation, yet envy in their eyes, none spoke up. Shockingly, Brett Chenowyth was just that worshipped by the ladies. If this was something he instigated, they wouldn’t disrupt his plans. Even if it was sick and perverted. If anyone felt empathy it was the girls. Paige Turner had never once done anything to deserve this. Other than being the shy reserved nerd with a childlike demeanor, she was respected. As rumors spread about her, seeing leaflets of her nude, now the girls were just downright miserable. A good number of them would have posed for such flyers without coercion. In their minds all Paige needed to do now was sign autographs. She was a quiet hit. This late in the school year though, they knew she was playing with fire.

“Gosh! My heart is racing so fast. Everyone knows. I’m sooo toast.” Paige cringed in her seat, feeling faint, yet excitably loving it. “Daddy is going to kill me. Me so dumb.”

Matt, like Hector yesterday, produced a notebook to convey inaudible messages to her. Penning a direct order from a text sent by Brett. “Pull your shirt straps off of your shoulders.”

Eyes bulbous and trembling Paige looked down at her already impressive cleavage. Her shirt being a loose fit already concerned her. “Why did Brett bother to straighten up my shirt? Now he wants it off of me.” Not that she worried about Mister Burrows, he had seen her tits close up already. The rest of the class however had not. Well, except for Matt and Mike from Drew’s party.

Before she could consider the demand, teacher Drake Burrows began his class. Bringing up Macroeconomics and asking for current examples. Students lacking interest looked toward Paige. She was the smarty pants. In this case the smarty depantsed. Swallowing to relax her nerves she removed her right strap from her shoulder letting it dangle over her upper arm. A vivid definition of her cleavage dipped instantaneously, as the soft cotton fabric slid down. Jaws dropped, only her left strap kept her top from falling dangerously low. Arm raised to answer Burrows question kept it higher. With a cleared throat from Matt, she switched arms. A smirk led Paige to realize her mistake. Bulbous cleavage it was.


“Miss Turner.” Her teacher pointed just before realizing her chest level garment. If a black man could turn white in a single breath, Drake Burrows would be sailing at sea. A gust of wind in his sails he fondly recalled yesterday. That was a whole other world though, at that time it was only he and she. Well, except for teasing prior.

“Economic output, unemployment, inflation, savings, and investments.”

“Very good. At least someone remembers. This is only a refresher people. Call it a mental pop quiz.” He attempted to overlook her chest. Not easy after thinking about it all night, from home. The poor man jerking off in his apartment for hours, picturing Paige flashing him during then letting him jerk off over her after class had ended. Standing up and pacing near his desk he chose to sit on it facing his students. Tent or no tent!

Hearing the term Pop Quiz, two boys made a popping noise with their fingers in the corners of their mouths. Chuckles were a following of the guard. Using his hands to calm the laughter Drake continued. Ignoring Paige and her intent to be an exhibitionist he yearned for other responses to give her free reign without getting after her.

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