Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 20: Knuckle Sandwich

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 20: Knuckle Sandwich - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


Paige Turner sat at her desk yawning loudly in Chance Henry’s class. Her 3rd period biology teacher was as boring as ever. With under two weeks until graduation day she had hoped her classes would lighten up and be a bit more relaxed. After getting a good night’s sleep, she still felt fatigue, mostly due to her adventure with Mister Frank. She struggled to keep her eyes open.

Every time she chose to look around her, she found boys checking her out with curiosity, and borderline mischief in their eyes. Nothing new really. After Drew’s party the weekend before, the boys while keeping quiet over it treated her respectfully for the most part. Sure, they would tease her a bit, but nothing too extreme. Far better than she or her father expected. Fidgeting in her seat at their persistent stares, Paige finally opted to offer a vivid expression of, “What?” Bewildered hands thrown up a bit questioning their attentiveness.

Looking to a boy named Glenn that had been at Drew’s party, she realized what was going on. He let her see his cellphone screen. Not surprisingly it was of Paige being gangbanged by 13 boys in her senior class. Her eyes bulged, motioning for him to lower the cell before anyone new saw it. He refused, and pointed toward a boy to her right, this one not at the party. That in itself concerned her. Proving to her that word was being spread of her slutty actions she wanted to sink into her seat. Snapping her attention between them, they showed her the same video on both cells, of the dashing Matt fucking her. More points directed from boy, to boy, to boy, each offering her similar videos. Beet red, she whimpered in thought, trying with difficulty not to panic.

“Nooo! They’ve been gentlemen all week long. Why now?” She concealed her thoughts, staring up at her teacher writing on the chalk board. Finally, necessity struck. Scribbling on her notebook she showed Hector, one of her momentary lovers, the note. “Why are you guys doing this in school?”

He shut his cell off, in favor of writing his own message back. “We want more.”

“No.” She shook her head with a pale expression. A Ginger she could not get much whiter!

With a scowl Hector returned with the one thing she did not need to see this late in the school year. “We show Principal Dewey what someone showed us if you don’t.”

Her jaw dropped. “Did Brett get to you guys, and put you up to this? I thought you guys had my back.”

“We do as long as you give us what we want.” Other boys looked smug at her, expecting her to cave, and say yes. She loved sex, including with them, it was her first official gangbang away from her father Lonnie. Dad was aware and actually encouraged it within reason. She determined that she did not need more of that so soon. Open to it yes, but not until after graduation.

“After we graduate, I’ll do as you want.” She jotted down nervously, looking about at active videos still playing. Boys without cells were now peering over shoulders to watch with interest.

“Bigger party. More guys.” Hector wrote back.

“Okay. I’m good with that.” Paige nodded her affirmation shyly. She intended to do Joshy’s 25 friends as it were. What was another 20 she concluded. It actually made her smile. The guys ate it up.

“Wear those butt zipper jeans tomorrow.” Hector added ink. “No underwear.”

Shrugging, she nodded yes. Play along she thought. As long as they lowered their cells and didn’t tell Principal Dewey. A temporary truce at best. She knew things would get worse before the day was out. For now, with the class over, she was saved by the bell.


With Chance Henry concluding his lesson, he excused his students. Leaving with her books hugging her chest, Paige shuffled toward her locker down at the end of the hall. Noticing her friend Beau at his own locker, a few down from hers, she skipped to his side acting carefree.

“Hi Beau.” Her eyes were bright and full of life. Regardless, of her situation.

“Hey, Paige. Wassup?”

“The guys are being meanies toward me.” She changed her tune quickly, void of expression.

“Huh? How? Who?”

“Everyone from the party that was in my biology class. Some guys who weren’t even there know everything. They were all showing off video of me having sex with them. Five guys in class showed me all at once. They want more.”

“No brainer! You had to see this coming.” He frowned trying not to look her square in the eye.

“Do you want more of me?”

“You know I do, Paige.” Now, he stared at her with trembling eyes. “I’m different though. I really like you. If you would be my girlfriend, I’d jump at the chance.”

“Awww! That’s really sweet. Maybe after we graduate, I’ll date you more. For now, I like being single. That okay with you?”

“Sure! Sloppy seconds it is.”

“That was mean.” She pouted.

“It’s true, isn’t it?”

“I guess. I can’t help it, Beau. I like teasing guys. Sex is awesome. I’m so new to this that I can’t help myself.”

“I’ll be around.” He stammered, “Except tomorrow. Cough! Cough!”

“Hector wants me to wear my zipper jeans tomorrow, no underwear. Should I risk it?”

“You know that zipper will come down, all day long.” He rolled his eyes, “It doesn’t take a psychic to know that.”

“Is that a bad thing?” She giggled.

“Only if you get busted, I suppose.”

“I know I’m being stupid if I do wear them, but I want the attention.”

“Oh, you are going to get plenty of that.”

“We only have a week and a half before graduation day. I shouldn’t do it but I want to.”

“Then go for it. I can’t stop you.”

“I fucked in Oz Park yesterday.” She bragged, “People watching me. It was freaking awesome. I was naked all day long wherever I went.” Keeping Frank’s lengthy day long date at his home her secret for now.

“You are fucking bonkers.”

“No, I’m not! My date liked showing me off.” She didn’t go into details concerning Frank’s adorable virgin nephew Robin.

“I’m sure very guy in school wants to show you off. Did your dad really think he was going to keep these assholes from talking, or letting other guys see your pics and video?”

“No. I’m pretty sure daddy figured it would happen. He just has his fingers crossed I can graduate before it comes out.”

“Good luck with that.”

As they jabbered away party hosts Sean and Drew made their way over to them. Paige embraced them cheerfully. “Hi.”

“Wanna see what we’re putting up in our lockers?” Sean seemed friendly.

“Sure!” Drew then showed her a piece of paper with her picture on it. She was totally nude and smiling. Her jaw dropped even as her eyes sparkled. “I take good pictures. You’re turning me into a poster?”

“All of us have one. That’s how much we love you, Turner. Hell, I blew this pic up and hung it up in my bedroom. I jerk off to it every night before bed.” Drew cast an arm over her shoulder which dangled across her chest. He intentionally squeezed her right breast with a smirk. A bra today shocked him. Dammit!

“Awww! I love you guys too. I feel really special now that I’m on your bedroom wall next to some bikini model. I’m honored you want me in your lockers. Just don’t stuff me in one.” She snorted holding a hand over her mouth as she blushed. “I know I’d fit.”

Sean offered Beau a picture for his locker, but he declined and shied away from it. “Keep it. I don’t want one.”

In response Paige pouted over his rejection. “I want to you to see me every time you open your locker. I can pose for a better picture just for you.” Beau rolled his eyes and forced himself around the trio. Ignoring them he headed for the restroom. Her next class fast approaching Paige filled Sean and Drew in on Hector’s scheme. “Are you guys in on this too?”

“Hell yes! Drew grinned, “Wear those jeans, and some kind of revealing shirt. Leave this damn bra home while you’re at it.” He unsnapped it with practiced ease right through her shirt. She lowered her chin to her chest feeling her bra loosen up. Shyly nodding, she agreed.

“I can take this one off and leave it in my locker.”

Puckering Drew rubbed her back, “Take it off before the bell rings.”

She swiftly looked about for safety before pulling her arms up inside her t-shirt. It was a simple job of slipping them out of it and putting her T-shirt back on properly. They enjoyed her bit of escapism, her belly button cute as all get out. Once her arms were outside the sleeves she reached under and tugged her lacy white bra free. Drew put his opposite hand out as his other arm returned to drape over her breast. A much soft squeeze made her giggle.

“That’s more like it! I’ll just hang on to this waste of fabric.”

“Can I have it back later? I don’t own very many bras as it is.”

“We’ll see. Doesn’t this feel better?” He squeezed her tit a second time. Sean looked closely as her other tit’s nipple as it grew right before his eyes. She nodded twice with a thin smile to confirm her freedom. As the bell interrupted them, she hurried to grab her Economics textbook. Drew releasing her, inhaled the interior of the bra, sharing the second cup with Sean. Guys in the hall spying grinned from ear to ear. Girls grew jealous. Since Paige had begun her new life, the other girls were feeling ignored, no matter if they were more popular in the inner circles, or not. For the moment, none of the girls created trouble.

Loitering a bit, both Sean and Drew pinned their flyers up inside their lockers, the bra locked up within Drew’s inner sanctum for now. Mission accomplished they stood fist bumping one another while watching Paige wiggle away.

“Dude!” Sean opened up, “I think I’m skipping class to go beat off.”

“She’s taking this pretty calmly. I wonder how she’s going react when Brett corners her tomorrow?”

“She might have a nervous breakdown.”

“We have to get her naked here in school again. Tell the guys to put their heads together, let’s make it happen.”


“It will be easier when she’s wearing those hot ass jeans.”

“Right on.”

Both boys skipped class. Bathroom stalls were occupied for the next 40 minutes. Messy fuckers!


Entering her Economics class Paige discovered similar boys goading her with video, before she had even taken a seat. Boys she didn’t even know, other than in appearance. That scared her yet thrilled her just the same. She was most certainly wet between her thighs. In this particular class only the boys Mike and Matt were from the party.

Nonetheless, both were torturing her by patting their crotches and making her blush. Other boys noticed her protruding nipples and used their own pecs to mimic pinching hers. She shyly giggled but hid her expression. Big circular rimmed glasses were steaming up beneath her hidden exhales.


As class began, the teacher Drake Burrows, a middle aged, medium built black man, bald and wearing reading glasses decided to go easy on his class. Joking around with the students, he authoritatively caught a cell phone in use, narrowing his eyes at Mike. Instead of immediately shutting the boy down he stood up and socially walked around his classroom, asking questions concerning business and marketing practices. He casually without targeting him snuck up behind Mike peering over his shoulder to see that he was watching porn. He didn’t get a solid look at who was in the video, but he knew exactly what it was. Not his first rodeo. Drake rather liked porn himself.

“Care to share with the class, Michael?”

Mike’s eyes bulged in rapidly hiding his cell screen against his chest. Matt busted up having put his own cell away before being caught. Meanwhile, Paige whined nasally knowing that Mister Burrows might look more closely and realize it was her. It was then that certain girls, those who had chastised her in the restroom the day Brett Chenowyth got expelled, grinned at her. Paige turned hair competitive red.

“No Sir.” Mike swallowed dryly until a hand poised over his shoulder. Fingers snapping lured Mike into handing the teacher his cell before he could shut the video off. Paige nearly fainted. In her tortured mindset his was it. No graduating with honors for her. Breathing heavily, Paige put her head down on her desk, awaiting a verbal, “Come with me, Miss Turner.” Didn’t she just cum with those guys in the video? Her life was over.

Burrows instead pocketed the cell, “You can have your phone back at the end of class. Anyone else want to use their phones? I have a few more pockets available.” Everyone muttered, “No.”

Returning to his desk he encouraged a reading assignment to relax the natives. Kicking back, Drake slyly looked at Mike’s unlocked cell, playing the video already on it and well-aware that it was muted. He had it resting in a desk drawer to hide his agenda. Fiddling in that drawer he did not let on what was truly happening. Burrows was too curious not to examine the porn. He caught on very quickly. Paige was impossible not to recognize. Seeing her being screwed made him flare his eyes. “What have we here? My honor roll student on a roll!” He smirked over her beautiful reactions to obvious orgasms. Boys kissing on her body everywhere. “Hog all the glory why don’t they.” He wanted to see that little cutie patootie body for himself.

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