Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 15: Tequila Mockingbird

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 15: Tequila Mockingbird - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


For four days in a row Paige Turner kept quiet concerning her run in with her mom’s boyfriend Mark Rapier. She couldn’t tell her father of his blackmail scheme without it devastating her mother. Paula Turner was a recovering alcoholic as it was. One huge shock might ruin her sobriety. Paige could not live with herself if that should happen.

Keeping quiet was tough. She had to lie to her father at every question. Even after he and his ex-wife feuded over how to raise Paige. She was eighteen so, in her mind she was already raised. Wearing risqué clothing shouldn’t be an issue now. It was regardless.

She also knew that if she told her father everything, he would remove her Tender account completely and ban her from leaving the house. All of the flirting and teasing that kept her smiling would go away. That was not going to happen. She would find a way of dealing with Mark.

The good news was, Lonnie did like the dress Paula had bought her. Paige adored it. Paige even hid the fact that the old photographer Mickey had helped her. She would text Mickey her thanks many times. He really wanted her to pose for him. She promised him she would figure out how to persuade her father into letting her. If not, she would sneak out and meet Mickey on her own. Something she didn’t want to do but would. With all of her secrets bundled away she paced the floor ready to go to that party she and Beau were invited to. Another good reason to shut her yap! Lon would have forbidden her to go. First party ever she wanted to go more than anything. Speaking of Beau!

“He’s here Daddy.”

“I can see that. His car is a piece of junk. EPA has to love him. Where there’s smoke, there’s that Sunbird. Bumper is dangling.” From backing into Brett Chenowyth’s car last week.

“It will get us there and back.” She saw Beau walking up the sidewalk toward their home.

“Open the door for the boy.”

“That was the plan daddy.” She giggled, sticking her tongue out at him just before opening the front door. Beau was fairly dressed up in a nice pair of jeans and a dark blue polo shirt. Sizing Paige up in the doorway he exhaled briefly before using a hand queerly to express his liking her attire. It was all an act. She knew it. Lon knew it. Let him be an idiot.

“You look nice, Homey.”

Beau Stewart tried not to drool over Paige at her front door. Paige and her father had already spoken about the rules of her going to the party. She agreed. Now that Beau was here to pick her up in his beater Sunbird she felt like a free woman. Well, she would once her dad let her leave. So much for an easy retreat. Lonnie Turner joined her at the door to meet the much-discussed Beau.

“You must be Beau.” Lonnie leered out at the boy. The second Beau saw him he reflected back to the stolen video from Brett Chenowyth’s cell. This was the guy that was fucking Paige. He nearly crapped his pants, knowing that incest was involved. He knew he had to keep that part at least a secret.

“Yep. You’re Paige’s dad?”

“Wouldn’t be here to see you off if I wasn’t. Beau? I expect you to show Paige a good time and keep her safe. Don’t get too drunk if you’re driving. For that matter, don’t let Paige get too drunk.”

“Daddy! Let me grow up.”

“Fine. You know the rules, Princess. Face time me every 30 minutes so I know you’re alright.”

“Yessss daddy! I know and I will.”

“Got your bikini?” Dad reminded her, “You said there might be a pool.”

“Yes. In my purse.”

“If that Brett shows up and gives you trouble you come straight home.”

“We won’t let Brett mess with her, Mister Turner. I promise.”

“Taking your word on that Beau. Drive safe.” He kissed Paige on the forehead then nodded for her to leave. Watching them walk away he worried she might be dressed a little too provocative. He wasn’t going to raise a fuss. He decided earlier to let her do her own thing. Fuck her skirt was short. No bra under her open back shirt. His kid had certainly grown up fast in the past two weeks. Of course, Lonnie did provide a huge influence on that happening.

As Beau opened her car door, he eyed her legs. Soft and silky! She wore a black stretchy style mini skirt with one of her green low back shirts, along with heels that her Mall boys bought her. Her fiery red hair long and flowing and glasses for now. Contacts in her purse for later.

“Like my outfit?”

“I just said you looked nice.”

“Oh! Sorry! I’m nervous.”

“You sure you want to wear a mini skirt like that?”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s really short. I mean ... really, really, really short. I can see your thigh gap.”

“You’re complaining, Mister Bisexual?”

“No! I just don’t want all the guys to...” He hesitated to lower his voice. “Words getting around that we took pics in the weight room. Luckily, there’s no proof of it. Aaron and Cody told Brett. Whisper here, whisper there. She stripped. She lifted weights naked.”

“Should I be worried?”

“There’s no proof outside of what’s on your cell. Right?”

“As far as I know.”

“Then just go and have a good time.”

“There are other girls at this party, right?”

“As far as I know. We can always leave if you feel uncomfortable.”

“I’m not leaving, even if I am the only girl. This is my first ever party. I want to experience drinking games and dancing.”

“Both of those, I’m sure.” He knew darn well she was going to be the only girl. He just had to play it cool. Sean and Drew told him to relax, and they would take care of her. He liked Paige, but he had already committed to bringing her to the guys. What might happen remained uncertain.

As she crawled into her seat her legs fanned wide, and he spotted her skimpy little peach colored thong. It was almost transparent. Instant boner! Closing the squeaky car door, he raced around his Bird and adjusted his erection before entering. Behind the wheel he could hide a bit more.

“Seatbelt on.” He prompted! Watching as she slipped it over her chest the belt tightened between her breasts. Her nipples poking harder under the constriction of the belt. In his mind he knew this girl was going to be eaten alive by these horny fuckers. Shaking off his worries he set his car in motion and headed out.

Across town they went to a nicer section of the burbs. Drew’s parents were realtors and very well off. The house they arrived at was extravagant with a private gate in which they needed to be admitted through. Once Beau gained access through a curbside speaker system he drove on in and around a circular drive with a small off the path parking for four other cars. There were seven cars total. One motorcycle off to the edge. There was even a large water fountain in the center of the front yard that had a baby angel pouring water from a large container.

“Oh, my gosh! Why isn’t Drew in a private school? He must be rich.” She admired every detail through her window.

“He must be, this place is insane. Only parking spot left must be for us.” He carefully slipped between two other cars and shut the engine off to a sputter. Sitting there, he looked over to examine Paige’s awe. “You sure you want to go in there?”

“I know I do. Stop trying to scare me. I’m not as shy as I was a few weeks ago.”

“Of course, you’re not shy. Just gullible.”

“Why do you think that?”

“You got totally nude in the school’s weight room. In front of two of Brett’s friends. Both of whom made it known that they were in on blackmailing you into sex, I might add.”

“I know! That was risky. I only did those things for Joshy and Bryan. Besides, you want to fuck me too.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“I think there’s more to you getting naked in front of Aaron and Cody. I’m your friend. You can tell me anything.”

She fidgeted, lowering her gaze before lifting her glasses by the nose piece. “Everyone things I’m naïve and shy. I am to a degree, but not as much as people think. I like making everyone think that I’m dingy.”

“You do a good job if it’s an act.”

“My kid like voice adds to my charisma.” She giggled.

“You’re short too, among a lot of really big guys. Doesn’t that intimidate you?”

“Sometimes. I’ll tell you a secret.” She leaned over after unfastening her seatbelt, “Big guys really turn me on. My friend Joshy is four times bigger than me.”

“Is it the fact they can overpower you?”

“I like when they do. I kind of like being scared.”

“Wow!” He considered her words while forming an interesting idea. “You should go in there and act extra naïve.”


“I’m curious how the guys will treat you. I mean, I know Sean’s bunch think you’re cool already. I say let them see a side to you they’re unprepared for.”

“I don’t get it.”

“They did you a huge favor getting Brett’s cell for you, because they wanted you to feel safe. So did I. My bumper can prove it.”

“What does that have to do with my being and acting naïve?”

“You know they’re going to ask about the rumors Cody and Aaron spread.”

“You mean the truth.”

“They don’t know that. Are you going to admit that you stripped naked in school?”

“Do you think they would think badly of me?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I doubt it. It’s been well over a week now. I’m shocked nobody’s confronted you about it. For that matter, Brett hasn’t tried to get even with any of us.”

“I know. He hasn’t said a word to me. I’ve seen him look at me though.”

“Calm before the storm.”

“I’m not worried. I’m tougher than I look and sound.”

“I dare you to go in there and act like your old shy self.”

“I’m still shy. Just not as bad. You want me to go in there and be an airhead?”

“Sure! Let’s test these guys to see how trustworthy they really are.”

“What about any girls? I don’t want any one being mean to me.”

“Fuck it! Let’s go inside, I need a beer. Better yet, a couple shots of tequila.”

“I’ve never had the hard stuff. A glass of wine once and a few beers.”

“Then tonight, we party.”


Exiting his car Beau darted around the hood to open her door before she could. He just wanted another look up her skirt. Peach G-string still sexy! Shutting the door he walked side-by-side with her to the front door. Reaching it the double oak doors flew wide and there stood Drew and his buddy Jeff. Music blaring in the background and guys talking was distracting.

“About time you two got here. Beers cold. Liquor cabinets wide open. Oh! Leave your shoes out here. My mom will kill me if we track anything in.” Drew looked down at Paige who instantly turned red as she removed her heels. At 4’11 in height she counted on her heels to make her 5-foot tall. Oh, well! “Nice outfit Turner. I think that’s the least amount of clothing I’ve ever seen you in. By the way, you never did show us how you looked in Jeff’s jersey and tank.”

“I can show you in a few. Beau is thirsty. Can I use your bathroom?” She needed to face time her dad and wanted to do it in private, so nobody ridiculed her due to an overprotective father. As Beau walked off with Jeff, Drew guided her to the closest of six bathrooms in the house. Once inside Drew headed back to join his friends.

Sitting her purse on the basin Paige called her dad and set up the face time mode. In seconds they were watching one another.

“I’m here daddy. So far, so good. I’m using the bathroom.” She tilted her cell on a soap dish so that she could lift her skirt and pull her G-string down to pee. Sitting there Lonnie watched her tinkle.

“Alright! If things go bad, I’ll come get you.”

“I’ll be fine daddy. I was thinking on the way here. Can I make videos for Dillon and a couple of the other guys from Tender that you want me to meet?”

“As long as you don’t get too crazy. Once you have a few drinks under your belt you might not realize what you’re doing.”

“I won’t drink too much. I know I’m a lightweight.”

“I’ll judge you every 30 minutes.”

“I’m done peeing.” She pulled her G-string back on and lowered her black skirt. “I need to socialize. See you in 30 minutes daddy.” Cutting him off she washed her hands and gathered her things. Opening the door, she made the journey out into a large family room. Three large sofas and two cushy extra wide recliners took up a good portion of the room. In front of them was a massive oak coffee table. Guys had their socked feet propped up. She recognized every single boy there from her graduating class. All 13 of them. Her heart stopped.

“Where are the other girls?” She swallowed dryly. Beau, Drew, and Sean stepped over to her in her shock. Sean had two beers in hand.

“Bud light keg in the mudroom. I brought you one.” Sean offered! “Unless you want something with more kick.”

“Like I said, “Drew interrupted, “Liquor cabinets open.”

“Beer is fine. Where are the other girls?”

“Nobody showed up.” Drew frowned. “I’ve been calling girls right and left. Everyone had other plans. Don’t be freaked out. We’re all good.”

“I’m not really freaked out. I don’t mind being the only girl.”

“Only thing is, I had all kinds of drinking games planned that require a girl.” Sean added.

“I’m still a girl.” She giggled sipping her beer.

“True! A hot girl at that.” Drew chuckled. “It would mean that you have to participate in every round.”

“What kind of games?”

“Drinking games. Ever play Seven Minutes in Heaven?”

“No. How is that played?”

“The way we play it someone spins a bottle. Whichever two people it lands on have to spend Seven Minutes in Heaven. It’s usually one girl, one guy. Heaven might be, say a closet, a car, a bedroom.”

“Bedroom?” She blushed.

“Weight room even.” Drew pointed to a small fitness room in the back of the house. “All kinds of places in this house.”

“What other games.”

“Twister?” Beau jumped in for the heck of it.

“I actually have that. I can go get it.” Drew darted away leaving Sean, Beau, and two newcomers Patrick and Roger to keep her company. Patrick behind Paige bit his fist looking at her heart shaped ass, that mini skirt barely hiding her cheeks. Not even barely! The slightest lack in posture the curves were hairpin.

“I’ve never played Twister either.” She fidgeted! Her beer went down quickly due to a bit of nerves.

“I say we do shots to make Paige feel welcome.” Sean called out over the music of the band Disturbed. The other guys jumped up and headed to the bar for a tray of shot glasses. Tequila shots were poured by Jeff and greedily passed out. A few minutes later Drew returned with the Twister game and fanned out the color-coded pad. Awaiting him Sean handed him a shot glass.

“Attention! We all know Paige here is really shy, so let’s make her welcome around us. Tonight, we get drunk and have a blast. Paige? We’re all sorry that we didn’t get to know you much the last couple of years. You’re really cool. This is your party as much as ours. Right, guys?” He lifts his toast to a congregation of “Hell yeah!” Everyone downed their shots on the count of three. Paige in awe tried to be a part of their fun. She sips it to an expression of EWWWW! Everyone laughed beginning a chant of “DRINK DRINK DRINK!” which spooked her slightly.

Paige whined, but with advice on how to do it right, she pinched her nostrils closed and kicked the remainder of her shot back. Her throat on fire as she swallowed the tequila she began gagging, then choking and coughing. Patrick behind her was joined by Roger in rubbing her bare back acting concerned. Her skin was really soft. She blushed heavily and fanned her face. Sean and Jeff also took to fanning her. Finally, she laughed at herself. “That was horrible.” Looking around at the guys they appeared harmless and worried a bit that she might leave. Seeing their stress, she handed Sean her shot glass. “I’ll try one more.”

Beau’s eyes bulged at her unexpected decision. He thought for sure that would be the end of her alcohol. He recalled Paige mentioning her mother was an alcoholic. That alone bothered him. He cared. As more rounds were poured Sean pointed at Paige.

“You toast.”

“Me?” More red cheeks and nose. “Ummmm! To Twister and Seven Minutes in Heaven. Hopefully not heaving.” The room busted up laughing. Paige was being awesome. Down the hatch the shots went. Paige took it like a trooper this time, merely wagging her tongue at the taste and holding a hand to her chest bone. “Oh, my gosh! It’s getting hot in here.”

The laughing halted to watch her tug at her shirt as if she was on fire. She exhaled like a dragon breathing fire, feeling the tequila hit home. Drew chuckled stepping over to place an arm around her shoulder. “We didn’t know you had this in you Turner. You’re freaking awesome. One more then Twister?”

The group promptly encouraged her as a third shot is poured for the house. Once they were ready Drew called the toast. “Paige? As your friends, you are always under our watch from duche bags like Brett Chenowyth. If there’s anything we can do for you just let us know.”

“Awwww! That’s sweet. Thank you, Drew. All of you.” She pondered the offer, “I might take you up on that. There are a couple guys I met on Tender ... yes, I’m on Tender.” She giggled. “I like to make little videos for them to break the ice.”

“Say no more.” Drew raised his glass to fulfill his toasting obligation. “To all the videos Paige wants us to take. We might hit you up on Tender now.” He chuckled. Shots were swallowed. Puffing her cheeks first she downed her third shot. She was really warm now.

“First Twister, then a few rounds of Seven Minutes. Videos after?”

“Sure.” She continued to offer a breeze by fanning her shirt. Each time she did boys tried their hardest to capture peeks at her cleavage from the top and the sides.

Drew escorted the spunky redhead toward the Twister pad and showed her the spinner. “I call a color and say a body part and you have to touch that with said body part. Choose three others to join you. It becomes who gets to that spot first. Fight for it.” He omits the loss of balance as out of the game.

“Beau, Sean, Hector, and Matt.” She thought Matt was cute.

Jumping at the chance, the guys took a stand on the pad surrounding her. As Drew spun the dial he shouted the color code, “Left hand yellow.” Everyone dove for the closest yellow dot laughing. Paige couldn’t stop giggling as she bent over. Hand on a yellow dot with Hector right behind her, Beau, Sean, and Matt awkwardly in front of her looking right up her drooping shirt. Easy nipple shots this time.

“Right foot green.” is called next. Paige moved her legs apart and between Matt’s widened stance. The web was already getting tangled.

“Right hand blue.” Forced to stretch further between Sean and Beau her loose shirt fans downward even more from not only her cleavage but her tummy. Eyes behind her checked out her braless tits, easy to see beneath the green shirt. Hector smiled and pointed at her via a motioned nod. Guys that weren’t playing moved into better angles to witness not only her tits but her butt. That stretchy black skirt was riding high revealing both cheeks and a peach-colored clam. Paige was having too much fun to be worried about anything. Three shots of tequila were already dulling her senses.

Looking at the Twister pad for the perfect moves Drew spins the dial but doesn’t offer up the true color. Making things up as he went along now to their advantage. “Left foot yellow.” As everyone contorted Paige’s legs widened further apart. Hector in his own reach had his face right up Paige’s skirt and showcased his tongue really close to her peachy thong. She had zero idea he was doing this.

“Left hand green.” This move sent Sean backwards. Paige laughing while hovering her face right over his tented crotch, her eyes bulbous and noting an obvious erection. “Right foot red.” Beau now found himself beneath Paige’s belly staring straight up her shirt at bouncing tits due to her laughter.

“I’m going to pee.” Paige belted out laughing entirely too hard. Hector moved his face away just in case. “How do we determine who wins?”

Drew chuckled adding the traditional rules. “The last person who keeps their balance without losing their dots wins.”

“I’m out.” Beau fell and crawled to freedom.

“Right foot green.” She stretches further back. Matt was now beneath her peach looking up. Eying the perfect move Drew accessed the forthcoming casualties. Before he could call the move, they heard Paige’s cell ringing. Realizing it she informed the group.

“That’s my daddy. I need to face time him or he’ll come here looking for me.”

“Stay right there.” Jeff found her cell in her purse and opened face time. “Hey Paige’s dad. She’s playing Twister. I intercepted you so she didn’t have to leave the pad. Here, I’ll hold you over her.” He stepped carefully posing the cell at Paige in her twitching predicament. Her face was beet red, and she tried not to laugh.

“Bad timing daddy. I’m having so much fun. Twister is tougher than it looks.” Eyes were staring up her skirt dramatically. Matt wanted to bring her down right on top of his face. Drew considered the move that might just drop her. Soon enough he thought.

“How many drinks have you had?” Lonnie needed to know.

“Three tequila shots. It’s really hot in here.” She giggled swaying in place.

“Don’t drink any more shots. I’m not holding your hair when you’re throwing up.”

“Okay.” She pouted. “Call the move, I’m slipping.”

Drew hearing her chuckles shrugged at his friends. “Right hand blue.” In looking for her target she was forced to stretch backwards. Balance lost Matt Davies got his wish. Paige toppled her thighs right over his face. He had already lost and was just lying in wait. As her peach covered puss lands right over his mouth she yelped, bursting into hysterical laughter. “I lost Daddy. Dang it!” She pouted at her cell and shifted a bit. She knew she was straddling a face but played coy. Matt’s hot exhales flowing over her inner thighs flared her eyes.

“If you’re doing okay, I’ll let you go. See you in 30 minutes.”

“Bye daddy.” Jeff noted the disconnect and took her cell away. While the others kept her busy, he snooped into her cell to find the videos Beau took of her at school. With her volume turned down, he and six other boys watched her weight room striptease. She was fucking hot. More intimate videos of her masturbating for Bryan and Josh were even better.

Kneeling around Paige, Sean and Hector helped her balancing act over Matt’s face. She smirked sheepishly and slurred her words. “It feels like I’m riding Bryan’s horsey.” Yep! She was getting drunk.

“Time for Seven Minutes in Heaven?” Sean called back at Drew.

“Yay!” She claps her palms silently and peeled herself off of Matt’s features. His face was moist. Eyes rolling back in his head Matt sighed and gave the room a thumbs up. Everyone now wanted that same opportunity. “Me first.” She giggled climbing to her knees as Beau helped her to her feet.

“You’re the only girl. You’re first, second, thirteenth.” Drew busted up.

She shyly grinned and reached beneath her skirt to untwist her G-string; it was creeping between her thin labia. “I’m ready.”

“Everyone takes a seat.” Drew waved the guys into a circle on the carpet. Her cell was stashed back inside her purse. They had forgotten to turn the volume back up. Bad move!

“Alright. Bottle ready to spin. We only spin it once for a chosen guy. Paige being the only girl goes every time.”

Paige felt special suddenly, until it occurred to her 13 times 7 was 91 minutes. “Maybe we should make it Three Minutes in Heaven. Seven will take forever.”

“We can do that. Wait! How about four minutes?” He mouthed the words “Foreplay!” Everyone concurred.

“Ok! Spin the bottle.”

Drew did just that. As it slowed up it pointed toward a boy by the name of Mike Burton. Mike beamed from ear to ear at being the first picked. Drew acknowledged Mike with a grin. “Pick your place in Heaven and take Paige there. We’ll call you after four minutes for the next spin.”

“Wait!” Paige stammered slightly, “What do we do there?”

“Kiss. Touch each other.”

“Whoaaaaa!” She held her breath grinning. “Me or him?”


“I like kissing.” She wiggled on her feet in her knelt position. She had yet to realize her butt cheeks were visible. Her skirt riding high gave them all a tease.

“We could make this more interesting. It depends on how you feel Paige. Nobody here wants you to do anything you don’t want to do.” All of the guys groaned at Drew as he held a hand up for them to relax.

“What’s more interesting?” She grew curious.

“Heaven should be something special, don’t you agree?” Drew left the verdict open to everyone. They all agreed channeling their thoughts toward Drew from behind Paige’s back. Paige herself sheepishly shrugged a single shoulder wondering where this was going.

“I say everyone should take at least one article of clothing off. Socks do not count.”

Paige bulged her eyes pushing her glasses up by the nose piece. She then looked over her clothing. If her shirt came off, she would be topless. If her skirt came off her only covering would be a very miniscule G-string. Not many options were available.

“Can you handle that, Paige?”

“I guess.”

“Awesome! Heaven means don’t get crazy guys. We all want Paige to be comfortable with us.” Drew convinced them while winking to show them he was joking. Frowns were evident. She shyly looked around her for their reactions. She saw sadness in their eyes as much as lust. With everything she had experienced with her fake uncles, her dad, Joshy, and Bryan, she almost wanted to go all out. But with graduation so close she needed to behave herself somewhat. A happy medium was chosen. She clumsily hopped to her feet in a hurry forcing her tits to jiggle. Taking Mike by the hand she pulled him to his feet with effort.

“Which way to Heaven Mike?”

Mike smiled and considered the layout of the house. He had seen most all of Drew’s house since they grew up together. “Spare Bedroom.”

“Lead her to Heaven Bro. Clock starts when the door slams shut.”

Up a spiral staircase he led her. At the top of the stairs Mike flipped everyone off and rushed he and Paige down a hallway and into a spare bedroom. Even being an extra room, it was extravagant. Lingering a second before slamming the door Mike took his t-shirt off and hurled it aside. He then looked at Paige. “Your turn.”

Taking a deep breath Paige wiggled her skirt down her creamy white legs and stepped out of it. Wearing only her peach G-string which barely kept her pussy hidden left his jaw wide. Her fiery red arrowhead pubes were sticking up over the tiny patch of cloth. She blushed as his eyes stared directly at it. Door slammed Mike crept toward her and pulled her close. His hands rubbed her bare back as he leaned in to kiss her, their lips roaming with curiosity. His hands found her butt cheeks and she shivered. She wasn’t resisting but felt awkward. The tequila in her system opened her mind. She was swooning at his kiss. Guiding her backwards toward the bed he nudged her back and crawled between her legs. Wearing jeans he dry humped her in missionary style making her laugh. It was the best he could do under the restrictions. Her nails trailed his back offering him a sense of reality.


“You’re fucking hot, Turner. I wish this was real.”

“Sowwy! Four minutes is almost up.”

Downstairs the guys were again scanning her cell and moving things over to their own cells. Every damned one of the guys were keeping her videos for themselves. Beau felt horrible but said nothing. What could he do? Twelve to one odd was not good. Even though he instigated some of this party, he did actually like Paige. He felt sad over betraying her. Hearing the guy’s lust over Paige made him queasy.

“Times up for Mike. Jeff, you go knock and say you’re next.” Drew ordered. Jeffrey Locklyn raced up the steps and pounded on the door. Hearing him Mike groaned and left Paige laying there. The room was spinning ever so slightly.

Jeff ushered Mike out and slammed the door. Seeing her in her thong Jeff whistled. “Dammmmn Turner. Nice pubes.” He overlooked his t-shirt and went for his cargo pants. Off they went leaving him in a shirt and boxers with no buttons. His erection barely remained hidden behind the opening. Jeff being large tented it out. If she had looked closely, she would have seen his cloaked beast in the flesh. Doing the same as Mike he crawled over her and kissed on her neckline. She rolled her eyes a bit at his tenderness.

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