Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 14: sMother Goose

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 14: sMother Goose - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


The public mass transit system was always unpredictable so early in the morning. Between students going to school and folks heading to work, finding a seat on the bus didn’t always work out. Today Paige was out of luck. Forced all of the way to the back to find standing room only she was somewhat smothered. At barely 4’11 reaching the hand grips became tedious which meant a game of Weeble’s Wobble, but they Don’t Fall Down. It seemed that everywhere she went guys, people in general were giants compared to her. In most cases that was a turn on to be smothered by so much testosterone.

While not in a sexual manner it did begin her day in a fantasy world, tossed from side-to-side using her body on a collision course into smiling guys of all types. Some handsome, some not so much but finding her adorably comfy to the touch. There was simply not much choice but to be pawed up by less than appealing as much as the yummy. A combination of sweat and manly cologne attached to her senses created an early hormonal appetite. Perhaps strategic for the males but handles were provided at a lower reach if she so desired to grip them. Playing hard to get was fun. Reach for the shy that is. WhET in seconds!

She took the risk of standing without support between a cluster of what appeared to be college boys, all easily amid the age range of 20 to 24. With every bump or stop to load or unload passengers she was tossed about amongst them, sly fellas coping feels along the stray. Way! They seemed courteous in catching her, warm smiles offered as their way of apologizing for something they truly weren’t sorry for. Her own hands would stop her fall in pleasant grasps finding bodies a sturdy barrier to collide with. Red Rover, Red Rover fondle Paige Turner all over. Yessss! Truth be told Paige didn’t mind her being tossed about. Four of nine boys were dreamy to the touch, the other five average but handsy. Of course, she melded into those dreamboats, tugboats, even at the slightest jostle of the bus. They knew it was on purpose.

Eye contact between friends, and those not so much, their fellow students read one another’s mind. All found Paige curiously appealing. The biggest issue among them was the question of how old she was. As ever, Paige’s youthful appearance gave people a hint of 15. That would be bad if she was objecting to their bold assaults. Paige had become used to that look, so, spent time teasing them with the possibility she might be younger than reality. In truth they would all deny it if she did whine.

Having a Hello Kitty book bag did not help. The guy behind her, a medium height blond haired man with a well-toned physique noticed her butt zipper jeans. No girl 15 would be allowed out of their parent’s home wearing those, so he thought. That made him pucker and nod for his friends to check her out. They all agreed maybe 17. Finally, the guy beside her took the initiative to converse.

“Rough ride today. What happened to full capacity?”

Paige looks up at the six-foot tall man with shoulder length brown hair and a bushy goatee. “I know. I can’t even reach the handle. I hope I don’t make anyone mad falling into them.”

“Somehow I don’t think anyone objects.” He chuckled. “You object Jamie?”

The blond young man behind her leered down at Paige pressed against his front due to a sudden brake from the driver. “Nope, fall back into me all you want.”

Tilting her head back to look up at him she giggled at his smile, “I still have a long way to go to get to school. I might need to.”

“Same here. Most of us back here go to the University of Chicago. Probably further than you. Still in High School?”

“Yes. I graduate in under three weeks.”

“No shit! You look like you should be a freshman maybe.”

“I’m eighteen and I have ID to prove it. I’ve always looked young.”

“Awesome. It’s kind of sexy really.”

“I hear that a lot.” She giggled, not noticing his friends moving in closer to hear her better. Paige was pretty well braced in all directions now. She flared her eyes upward and around at each of them without expression. This might be fun she thought. As another round of bad balance subjected her to teeter totter from side-to-side, she kept her hands held at waist level, palms out in hopes to capture a few of those tented inseams.

One good bump led her to fall sideways slightly. Her palm brushing up against the goateed man’s swollen crotch. She could easily tell he had a woody woodpecker as she called it on occasion. He looked down at her hand as it remained there. She went into acting mode and looked the other way. Seeing this, another friend stepped closer to her right side. A rough curb turn sends his own crotch against her other hand. She was palming two beasts now and remaining calm, if not blushing a bit. “Gosh! The driver must be new.”

“We have you.” The blonde looked down at Paige from behind. Arching her gaze upward, dangling back with a thankful smile. “My name’s Jamie.”

“Hi Jamie. I’m Paige.”

“This is Clint and Ben. Over there is Ryan.”

“Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.”

Another rough brake to retrieve passengers the bus gets filled over capacity. People were elbow to elbow. Ben and Ryan moved closer to Paige to give room to more people. Only one other girl their age stood beyond Ben the goatee. Paige chuckled up at them. “This is so funny. I might miss my stop because I can’t see out.”

“What stop do you need?”

“Hilltop and Winstead.”

Jamie peered out the window calculating distance for her. “Another six blocks.”

She could feel Clint pressed against her front. His own erection caressing against her chest. With her pack on she knew it wouldn’t be comfy against Jamie, daring to remove it and kneel slightly to set it at her feet. As she did Jamie snuck in to unzip her pants slightly. Not much but enough to see milky flesh. Two inches tops! She felt her jeans loosen but didn’t respond other than a flare of her eyes as she looked down with a thinly pressed smile.

“Thanks Paige. That bag was killing me.”

“Sowwy! All better now?”

“Waaay better.” He winked at his friends pointing down at her ass and the lowered zipper. Ryan and Ben could see butt crack. Another bump plants her hands back over the crotches of Ben and Ryan. With an evil move Ryan kicks her bag forward as if it shifted. She notices it wincing at her predicament. Before she could crouch to reach for it, Clint chuckled and bent forward at an angle. His face mashed right into Paige’s chest, Ryan kicking it again just out of Clint’s reach. Paige’s eyes bulged as Clint spoke moving his mouth literally over where her nipple should be.

“I got it. I think.”

Behind her Jamie laughed and took a risk of encouraging her zipper further down. With an expression of blown exhale he gets a good look at her ass. Calling eyes to look, both Ryan and Ben join him in a yummy visual.

“It’s getting chilly in here.” Paige knew it was lower yet made no effort to admit her knowledge of their mischief.

“I almost have your bag.” Clint’s lips mashed over her tit. In speaking it almost appeared as if he were sucking her nipple. Paige shivered dramatically and reared her head back to look up at the three still standing.

“Am I almost at my stop?”

“Getting close.”

“So is my zipper.” She finally admitted, “It’s almost down.” Offering a pouty irresistible look, she awaited fate. “You can pull it down all the way. It’s only for a few more minutes.”

“Nice!” Jamie did just that. Zipper touching its lowest point three separate hands dug inside to palm her butt. She stood up straight and felt a finger inside her butthole. Seeing the other guys getting the shock of their life Clint removed his lips from her chest and stared at Paige. She used an index finger to call him up closer. As he leaned in she whispered, “I’m on Tender.”

As her stop arrived, she reached behind her and smiled. Zipping up, the guys groaned at their loss. With a fast drive-by over each of their crotches she giggled and grabbed her bag. Looking up at Clint’s crotch she got even and bit his erection through his jeans. Moving away she waved while escaping the bus. Standing outside on the curb she ran up to the window looking up at them and blew kisses. Clint would inform them of her being on Tender. They would search all day long if they had to.

Heading another block away on foot Paige Turner was at school. Guys were already noticing her jeans. This was going to be a good day. Calmer than expected she was still wet and that would not fade until the final bell. Throughout the school day which went by fast her friend Beau and the other boys did their best to be respectful to her face to face. All day long she really wanted to unzip her jeans but kept it clean. Graduation was too near to screw it up by being evil.

By 3:00, at her locker, Paige got a text from her mother that read. “Mommy! I hope she cancels.” Not this time!

“Mark is outside waiting on you. Look for his van.” Paula’s message read, “Last minute thing at home, so he is going to take you to the mall. Look around and I’ll join you there in an hour. Message you when I get there. Love you baby!”

“Noooo! I hate Mark. He’s so scary and always looks like he wants to rape me.”

Calming her nerves, she left the school alone and located Mark in his van. He drove a white van, Raper van as they were called. The kind with no windows on the sides or in back. Sunroof however! Mark was just so creepy. What made it darker still was his last name as well as his vanity plates were RAPIER. Just like the French sword. RAPIER Van indeed! With a blare of his horn, she walked toward him with her head hung low. Even behind dark sunglasses it was obvious he wasn’t looking at her face. More, her extremely tight jeans!

“Get the fuck in.” He gruffly motioned with a crane of his neck, then turned down his metal music. Mark was a large man of 6’2 with a bald head, tattoos on his entire upper body, including his scalp. Wearing a solid black t-shirt with no sleeves and shredded denim jeans, boots, and those dark sunglasses only added to his menacing appearance. Being muscular increased the intimidation effect. He wasn’t quite as large as her pet Grizzly bear Joshy from Tender, but the man was big none the less.

“Hi Mark. Can I just go home?”

“Little girl, get your ass in this van.” Not even a smile, more of a scowl.

“FINE!” She copped an attitude. She really didn’t like Mark. Mostly because he always tried to replace Lonnie as her dad, talking bad about him whenever he could. That never sat well with Paige who loved her father with every ounce of her soul. Her mother always siding with Mark didn’t help.

Climbing in she rolled to her right in the seat to locate the seatbelt. In her contortion Mark noticed her zipper in back that was ever so slightly unzipped. A fingertip sized amount of skin stood revealed to him. Puckering he reached across in her struggle and dared to unzip it another inch and a half. She didn’t notice this time. As she reeled back his direction to lock her belt, he turned up the jams of the band 3TEETH, their song Pumped Up Kicks and grinned to himself. She pouted the entire way to the mall.

Mark didn’t bother to try and talk to her; he knew she didn’t care much for him. It didn’t matter to Mark Rapier he didn’t truly care about anyone but himself. Her mother Paula was only there for sex and money. He merely gave Paula the affection required in exchange for his darker desires. Desires that Paula had grown to adore. Namely bondage! Allowed to be normal around Paige, Paula was meek and obedient otherwise. In a sense maybe Paige took more after her mom than she considered. Her father Lonnie was also in a sense doing the same toward Paige. At a slower rate concerning the bondage aspect, but Lon did control his kid.

Nearing the mall Mark decided to finally speak. Stereo volume lowered tuning out a newer song by Burner called It All Returns to Nothing he glared over at Paige. “Any thoughts on what you want to do after you graduate?”

“Not really.” She didn’t even look his way, out the passenger door window instead. “College, maybe.”

“College? Fuck that! Get out there in the real world and spread your wings” Legs, if he had his lay. WAY! “With looks like you have going on, you’d make a killing as a stripper.”

“I don’t think daddy can afford college anyway, even if I got a grant. I know mom can’t help. Why would you want me to be a stripper. Ewww! That’s creepy rude Mark.””

“We all do things we don’t always want to do. Money rules our lives and you’re too fuckin’ hot not to use what you got. I just put up a stripper pole in my backyard for your mom that you can practice on.”

“Mom uses a stripper pole? That’s just gross. I’ll pass. I think Daddy has ideas on a job for me.” She concealed a smirk with the ball of her palm, her elbow on the door frame.

“Oh, yeah? What’s All A Lon, have in mind? He ever find another bitch to replace your mom?”

“That’s his business not yours. You know, you really are an asshole, Mark.”

“Born and bred little girl! Your mom is getting good on that pole. She’s even making tips when my buddies drop over. I guarantee you’d make more than her.”

“I don’t want to talk about that. Why do you abuse mom like you do? You know she’s a recovering alcoholic. If you push her too much she’s going to start drinking again.”

“I’m keeping the bottle away from her. Only using an empty when we spin it.” He laughed. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head; I got your mom under control.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. You’re not a good influence, you drink in front of her. Sooner or later, she’s going to relapse.”

“If she does, I’ll sit on her until she dries out again. There are other uses for bottles little girl. Trust me!” He wiggled his eyebrows at her over his shades. She shivered at his morbid imagination.

“What does she see in you?” Pouting she glared at him with hatred. “Just take me home.”

“Nope! I’m doing a solid for your mom. With you graduating in a few weeks this is important to her. Me? I could care less, but I’m still here, aren’t I?”

“Whatever! When I visit mom you and your skinhead friends spend more time teasing me than you do with mom. She’s just there for sex and a paycheck. If she starts drinking again there goes that money.”

“Why do you think I put up that pole? Supplemental income!” He chuckled. “Your mom has still got her looks. Not as hot as you, but still.”

“Stop flirting with me.”

“Just giving you shit. Boosting your self-esteem.”

“My self-esteem is just fine, thank you. If you’re not taking me home, then park so I can go shop until mom gets here. Why is she late anyway? She said she was at home.”

“I had her shining that pole.” His buddies cock! “If she wants money to buy your dress for graduation, she earns it.”

“You are a horrible man.”

“She loves me. I must be doing something right.”

“That bondage shit?”

“Good for the character. Shows your mom I mean business. Keeps her sober and me happy. You should try it sometime.”

“Not with you. I know that’s what you’re after. I have a boyfriend now who is bigger than you.”

“Bigger than ten inches?” He rolled his eyeballs behind his sunglasses.

“Ewww! STOP, already! I’ve seen video of you with mom I already know how big you are. It’s not ten inches. My boyfriend is though.” Bragging was a safety measure in her mind.

“LONsome Loser let you date? Does your mom know?”

“I’m eighteen I can date who I want. Quit belittling daddy, he’s a better man than you will ever be.”

“Which is why he can’t find a girl of his own. Bitches like a boss, not some Cub fan waving a fucking flag and wearing a Styrofoam finger.”

“He sees someone!” Oh, boy! She meant herself being daddy’s incest lover. “She’s cute.”

“Uh-huh! Blow up doll and a pocket pussy.” He turned off the main street and into the mall. “Believe it when I see it.”

“I’ll invite her to graduation just to prove it.”

“Wouldn’t matter I won’t be going to that.”

“Thank God!”

“Your so-called boyfriend going? What’s his name?”

“Josh and yes!” No! She only had two visitor passes for Lonnie and her mother. Unless she could figure something out before then.

“Josh? Sounds queer!”

“Definitely not queer! I dare you to tell him that.” She smirked. Taking it a step further she took her phone out of her Hello Kitty bag and brought up a picture of the brute in his bodybuilding pose while hugging her out at the lake when she dated Bryan. He had her up on his shoulder in her bikini. “There! That’s my man.” Reaching over to show him he narrowed his eyes and realized she might not be joking.


“Works out! How tall is he?”

“6’5, I think. He could break you in half.”

“Or drop like a tree. Big guys are clumsy. Bet I could take him.”

“I’ll be sure to tell him you want to find out. He won’t like that you hit on me. He gets really jealous.” Not at all! Like Mark, Josh Barrister intended to own little Miss Paige, as his future sex slave. A deal arranged with her dad gave him ownership on a part-time basis. Lonnie was second guessing that agreement. Paige however was thrilled by it.

“We’re here!” He heard his own cell buzz and looked at it while attached by a holder to his dash. Parking spot found he read the message as he put his van in park. “Paula’s on her way.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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