Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 12: Snow White

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 12: Snow White - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


“Dear Diary! Prince Bryan is making me Disney, I mean dizzy.”

“I’m here!”

“I can see that.” Bryan Colby the tall blond-haired man in a ball cap, jeans, boots, and a short-sleeved button down met her after tying his horse to the branch of a small tree in his yard. He kept enough distance not to spook his steed at the revving of Greg Birch’s Harley. Bryan made his way to meet Paige and Greg in the gravel driveway. “Mister Turner?”

“No. Daddy had to meet with my mommy this morning. Uncle Greg volunteered to drop me off. I love your farm.” She looks at every intriguing facet of it. Bryan had his shirt unbuttoned halfway offering a view of a chiseled chest with very little hair. A chain dangled around his neck showing off dog tags.

“Military?” Greg grew curious, Bryan realizing his observation lifts the dog tags as an icebreaker.

“My dad’s actually. He served in Desert Storm. Humvee blew up in transit. He and two others died that day.”

“Awwww!” Paige’s immediate empathy melted into him with a tender supportive hug. Bryan smiled timidly at her concern and lightly rubs her back. Greg eyeballing her fast reaction took the hint and nodded with his own respect.

“Sorry to hear that. I’m sure he was a man of valor.” Greg offered his condolences. “My own dad was in the Marines. I never quite felt the need to follow in his footsteps.”

“Thanks. He was a good soldier. Growing up without him around was tough. My mom did her best raising me from a young age without dad. I think I turned out alright. This farm used to be his. Mom remarried and moved in with her new man and left all this to me.”

“You didn’t want to enlist and carry on for him?”

“I couldn’t leave my mom. She took it pretty hard. Emotional problems. Still struggles but luckily my stepdad is a psychiatrist.”

“Awwwwwwwwwww!” Paige liked hugging Bryan. He smelled really good. His body was ripped but not as over abundant as Joshy the Grizzly was.

“All these hugs ... I think she likes you.” Greg smirked resting back a bit on his Harley as if posing tough.

“I hope so.”

“I think she’s in good hands. I’m going to head home. Give me a call if you need anything Punk.”

“Thanks Uncle Greg. I love you.”

“Love you to Kid.”

Walking his bike backwards to straighten out Greg roared the bike back to life and rode off into the early morning sun. Reclaiming his helmet from her saved his eyes. Harsh UV directly in his path.

“Your Uncle seems nice.”

“He is. Greg isn’t my true uncle, but I’ve known him since I was a baby. He even changed my diapers, I think. I don’t know my real uncles very well. One lives in Texas, the other on my mommy’s side lives in Kentucky.”

“Too bad. You smell delicious Paige.”

She smiled thinking to herself, “I hope he doesn’t smell Uncle Greg’s cum. I sprayed extra perfume on after I wiped him off.” She grins still hugging him, her chin on his chest looking up over her glasses at his warm smile, “You smell really good too.”

“Come on, I’ll introduce you to Applejack.”

“Okay.” She follows him hand in hand back to the tethered horse. Calming the steed Bryan allows her to pet his nose. The horse took an immediate liking to her. “Am I riding this horse?”

“We both are. You said you were afraid to be on a horse alone. There’s room in the saddle for both of us.”

“Can I ride in front this time? I rode in back behind Greg on the way here.”

“Sure, you can. Give me your backpack, I’ll tie it to the saddle. Might be more comfortable on me not having a pack in my chest all the way there.”

“I want to be comfortable too. I might want to use you as a back rest.” She giggles.

“You’re welcomed to lean on back anytime you like.” He blushed a bit himself saying it, even with swagger. Fidgeting a bit, he takes his ballcap off and fans it about. “Paige? I have to ask, the other night you messaged me with a video that sounded a lot like you were using a toy.”

“I was.” She turns red lowering her gaze with a thin smile.

“No shit?”

“I couldn’t help myself. I think you’re soooo cute.”

“You’re pretty damned hot yourself Red.”

“I can be hotter if I put my bikini on now.” She blushes shyly.

“Go for it. It’s hot as fuck out here as it is. Must be 98. You can change in the house.”

“I can just go behind your car over there real fast. I won’t take long.”

“You act shy but somehow I don’t think you’re as bad as you let on.”

“I really am shy.” She shrinks in step with her chin on her left shoulder. “I just want you to really like me.”

“You think I won’t like you if you’re too shy?”

“Maybe.” She fidgets.

“So, you believe you can win me over by being open.”

“Kind of...”

He ponders her revelations and considers how to make this reaction useful. He like any man wanted things his way without being pushy. Sighing he shrugs slightly, “I do like a girl that can be openminded.”

“I fantasize about being really open. That’s why I mentioned putting on my bikini for the ride to the lake.”

“Tell me about these fantasies Paige Turner.” He smirks.

Her eyes flare at his request holding a set of fingers over her mouth as she giggles. “I have a whole diary of fantasies. I don’t know where to start.”

“I’ll tell you what, you go over there beside my car and change into that bikini. Think about what you want me to know. I’ll stay here with Applejack.” He passes the pack which had Hello Kitty emblems all over the outside right back to her. Unzipping it she takes the bikini out giving him the backpack to hold until she returned. Shyly pointing toward the car, the tiny Ginger wiggled away. Bryan chuckled over her cutesy charm and rubs the snout of his horse. Peering into her opened bag he discovers the box of condoms. Looking up with an unexpected grin he mumbles a hopeful thought.

“This just might turn out to be a good day Applejack.”

Hidden behind the car, she removed her white laced heels, then wiggles her jeans down over her legs, stepping out of them. Folding them up she sits them on the roof. Her red lowcut shirt pulled up over her head is neatly folded and set on top of the jeans. This left her totally nude. She looks for Bryan, covering herself with her hands as a sudden breeze claims the thin bikini pieces and blows them off the roof and over the trunk of the car. Bryan had moved away from Applejack and chose to chase down her bikini. Capturing them he stands tall looking back to see her with an arm over her chest and a hand in her lap. She was beet red and gnashing her teeth.

“Missing something?” He chuckled and gave up being respectable. Moving directly in front of her he hands her the bikini. Her hand lifts away from her thighs allowing him to peek at her flaming arrow pubes. She too gave up and just let him see her full frontal.

“Openminded. Openminded. Openminded.” She chanted nervously letting him overhear her nervous admission. Grinning over her giddy trial at boldness he assisted her in tying her top on by moving behind her, Paige pulling her long red hair aside for him to work. Unable to resist, his roaming eyes checked out her tight, creamy, heart shaped bottom. Once the top was tethered firmly, she slips her bottoms through her legs and adjusts them as he tied her left hip, she, her right. Once on the bands crept between her cheeks Bryan couldn’t resist it any longer and whistled at her.

“Looking sexy Paige Turner. Burgundy suits you. Matches your blushing.”

Trying not to laugh herself she pouts and points at him, “Don’t make fun of me.”

“Not even. No underwear, I notice.” He grabs her clothing to carry for her. She follows him barefooted back to Applejack where he had hung her pack over the saddle horn. Reaching up to remove the bag she stuffed her things inside it. She begins to put her sandals on until he stops her. “Might as well leave those in the bag. No reason to lose one on the trail and have to hop down and retrieve it.”

“Good idea. As far as wearing underwear, I don’t really like them. Besides, I was hoping you might notice I wasn’t wearing any.”

“Ohhh! I noticed no bra for certain. Can’t hide those high beams.” He winked.

“My nip nips?” She giggled palming her chest as if shy suddenly, then just as fast removed them. “I think one is bigger than the other.”

“Wouldn’t matter!” He smirked, “My truck and horse trailers at the lake. I had a buddy bring me home early this morning. We have snacks, drinks, bug spray, a big ole blanket for you to tan on, lotion, oil.” He snickered, “Even a beach umbrella in case the sun gets too much for you.”

“You thought of everything.”

“Haven’t been able to stop thinking of you. I aim to please. ready to ride?”

“Yesss!” Hopefully his cock. At the very least she hoped his aim was good. A facial by the lake sounded fun.

“Put your left foot in this stirrup here. I’ll lift you up into the saddle.” Cooperating she felt his big hands grab her hips and hoist her up. Clumsily she throws her right leg over the saddle. In mounting Bryan got a quick peek up between her legs, her narrow bikini bottoms tightening up into her labia. Damn sexy!

Once she sat upright, she made a silent “Woohoo!” not wanting to spook Applejack who nodded his head with a snort.

“Mind if I lose my shirt? Sweating up a storm here.” He unbuttons his shirt and removes it. Her eyes flare behind her glasses at the sight of his chiseled chest.

“Gosh! You have a muscular chest.”

“Farm boy pride. This is what bailing hay does to a guy.” He chuckles and slithers his shirt through a saddle loop tying it off so it wouldn’t get lost. Reaching in front of her to grab the saddle horn he steps into the stirrup and swings up behind her. Scooting forward with her legs wide to give him room he instantly thought of taking her doggystyle from behind. Stretching so far forward the horn with his hand brushed up against her chest. Not only that but in finalizing his comfort zone she could feel his erection right up along her ass crack.

“Big saddle horn.”

Laughing he positions himself even closer to her ass while she wiggled for a cozy approach up to his inseam. With a shiver she shyly peers over her shoulder. “Is that another saddle horn between us?”

“That would be my penis.”

“Oh! Hi!” She giggled then felt his arms reach around her. His right arm untethering the reins from a tree branch.

“Here we go Paige Turner.” He makes a ticking noise that prompts Applejack to begin his journey. She was nervous, worried she might fall off with her bare feet dangling without stirrups to hold them. His boots were in those. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you. Just relax. If you slip, I’ll just yank you back by your hair.”

“Flirt!” She razzed him, “This is awesome.” Lying back against his chest shyly, Bryan guides her back further as he reverses the ballcap on his scalp. With each step Applejack took her tits jostled about. “Don’t let me fall. Hold me, Bryan.” As he glared over her shoulder at her bobbing chest, he could see her abdomen through her cleavage swell. His free hand slid around her body and palmed her belly just above her bottoms highest stitch, low on her as it was her red arrow pubic hair faintly left strands free to tease with his fingertips. Her not objecting she simply loved his caress.

The first leg of the ride led them down the path leading to his property line. In crossing the main road after waiting for a few cars to pass, a few of those vehicles waved and admired Paige in her bikini. “Makes you wonder if they’re looking at you or me.” Bryan chuckled. One of those in passing was a female.

Peering up over her brow at him she held his knees and sighed, “She can’t have you.” That melted his heart. Patting her bikini area, she moaned softly and held his knees tightly. “You’re awful close Cowboy.”

“Can’t wait to get closer. I’m really liking you, Miss Turner.”

“Kiss me.” She tilted her head as far as she could and let him lean down to claim her lips. It was a good thing Applejack knew the route blindfolded because that kiss was steamy. As passion claimed her Bryan slipped his fingertips beneath her bikini bottoms and ever so lightly discovered her clit. The touch was as fiery as her hair, Paige rising to swallow his tongue. Without penetrating her vulva, he lowered his fingers to measure just how wet she was. A warm drizzle instantly pelted his hand. A gentleman suddenly he began to withdraw until she moved her left hand from his knee to halt his escape. Hearing her whimper, a firm no into their kiss he let her encourage his hand back into her patch. Convinced of her need he introduced one finger, curling up into her vagina and lingered there without friction. It was enough to calm her and increase the potential of her kiss. Damn!

Their intimacy continued as Applejack headed down another path into a thicket of trees and shrubs. Alone in the wilderness Bryan ended their kiss but inhaled her hair.

“I smell peaches?”

“I live for peach. Shampoo, body spray, perfume. I even eat a lot of peaches.” She giggles as his nose tickles her ear.

“My favorite fruit. Let’s get back to those fantasies.”


“Leading up to our meeting what were you fantasizing about?”

“Oh, my gosh. A lot of things. How you might touch me. Kiss me. What we might do at the lake. I’m living half of those.” Her expression looking up at him was so very innocent, even with his finger up her cunt.

“Tell me about those.” He nuzzles her red hair gently and dared to move his finger outward then enter her tunnel once again.

“I imagined your big hands caressing me.”


“Everywhere. Where it is now.” She bites her lower lip and shivers.”

‘Like this?” He hands her the reins freeing him up to lightly run his fingers along her left arm down to her wrist then back up to her shoulder. That combining with his finger up inside her made her pant.

“Yes. That gave me gooseybumps.”

“Your child like voice is really sensual.”

“Is it?”

“Keep that up.”

“I don’t have a choice. It’s my real voice. Bryan?”


“You can add another finger.”

“Don’t tug on the reins.” He lowered her hand to prevent Applejack thinking he should stop. “Don’t tug right or left you’ll confuse Applejack. Just keep a firm grasp on them and let him do his thing.”

“I’ll try. You do the same. Firm grasp and let your hand do his thing.”

“Like that do you?” A brilliant nod of yes without words Bryan applied both hands to caress her arm as he inserted a second finger up inside her welcoming vulva. He could feel her tremble at his invasion. No kissing just eye contact he watched her expression of desire come alive. The fingers of his free hand lightly grip her bicep as he lowers to kiss her shoulder and neckline. Whispering to her he asks, “Did I kiss you like that? In your fantasies.”

“Yessss.” She sighs.

“Did I do this?” His arms surrounding her, his left hand roamed from her clavicle to tenderly clutch her throat. She loved it as her head tilted toward him for a dedicated eye connection. His right hand going for broke in fingering her cunt with a third finger added to her tightness she moaned. Almost too tight but she pressed backward and accepted it.


“Was I bolder than this?”

“Much bolder.” She whispers closing her eyes at his warm lips on her shoulder. This led his hand from her throat downward, slithering fingers beneath her right bikini cup to squeeze her tit. Fingers lightly circling the areola.

“Was I this bold?”

“You were so much bolder than this.” She breathes heavily.

Tugging her bikini top up over both breasts he moved his hand back in to jostle her breast, squeezing them, crushing them together. Moving from grip-to-grip pinching both nipples taunt one after the other. The insertion speed of his fingering rapidly increased to invoke a squeal, making her gush a warm flood over his knuckles and wrist. Removing his hand, he wiped her wetness all over her tummy and ventured that hand up until he could squeeze both breasts at the same time.

“Oh, my gosh Bryan. Are you trying to make my fantasies come true?”

“I can’t answer that unless you let me know what they are. Every dirty little detail.”

“You took my top off.”

Guiding her forward his hands moved behind her to untie her top and remove it completely tying it around the saddle horn. She whimpers and nestles her bare back tightly against his chest.

“Did I remove these bottoms too?”

“Yessssssss.” She feels his fingers untie both sides of her bottoms and drag them from between her thighs. Tying them to the horn as well, Paige Turner was riding Applejack in the nude. Bryan’s touch then consumed her flesh. She melted into his kisses along her neck and earlobe. His hands roaming both of her breasts then down toward her pubes. Right hand petting her thin strip of fur before going lower, two fingers massaging her clit. She moans softly. “Yes Bryan. Just like this.”

“Did I put fingers back up inside that pink little kitty?”

“Gosh, yes. Two of them. No, three.” She knew he wanted three or he wouldn’t have done it already. Her fawning expression led him to her wishful sinking.

“Like this?”

He curls his two middle fingers up into her hole and probes them about then added that third. She nearly lost the reins until Bryan did something unexpected. He removes his wet fingers and takes each end of the reins and ties them around the saddle horn freeing her to use her own hands. As his fingers returned to her pussy, his other hand once again wraps around her throat. Tilting her gaze he kissed her lips, losing all focus on what was all around them as he devoured her. Neither of them noticed a pair of hikers literally walking up the path toward them. A man and a woman in their late 20’s. Seeing the riders in their passionate state, Paige moaning with extravagant hunger, they stopped and watched until Applejack walked right on by. The hiking couple held each other tightly smiling. Inspiration led to a romp in the grass. So perfect!

As their kiss took a breather, his fingers retreating to again wipe her juices all over her, Paige flashed back to the carousel at the mall. His grip on her throat subsiding Paige sat forward then looked back at Bryan. “Can I face you?”

“Sure. I’ll hold you. Carefully swing your right leg over Applejack’s mane. Don’t kick him or he might throw us. Curl your left leg over in front of me.” She squeals lightly as her movement felt unbalanced. With his strong hands holding her she made her turn and met him palms to his chiseled pecs.

“Eeeep! Saddle horn up my butt.” She giggles then settles into the saddle facing him, her arms immediately surrounding Bryan’s neck. A new lingering kiss became smoldering. His hands roaming her entire back side from shoulders to butt, a finger teased her butthole without resistance. Her own hands caressing his chest and his face at the same time she cooed and devoted everything she had to his lips until he chose against it. Kiss broken but lips hovering he grins.

“I have my own fantasies, Paige.”

“Tell meeeee!” She was giddy pecking his lips but not fully kissing him.

“I pictured you unfastening my pants and stroking my cock.”

“Me tooo.” She sighs at his bottom lip. Her hands sensually dropping to unbutton his jeans and zip him down. He lifts his hips just a bit to give her room to dig his beast out of his boxers.

Bryan’s cock saw daylight, all eight inches of Pepsi bottle girth. His crown was enormous and regally purple. Her eyes lowering to examine it he kisses her forehead. Those glasses needed to go so he took them off of her and carefully placed them in her Hello Kitty bag.

“Did I stroke him like this?” She whispers looking up to study his reaction.

“You used both hands.”

“Like this?” She surrounds his cock with her small hands and began jerking him off. His grip over the back of her neck Bryan drags her into another steamy kiss, his other hand squeezing her left breast.

“Just like that. Little faster.” He parts lips just long enough to mumble his words.

For three minutes they kissed as Applejack continued his stride. They passed yet another couple of men who pointed and kept quiet. They didn’t want to spook the couple and ruin their moment. The men were gay and were more intrigued by Bryan’s beast. The men whispering, “Lucky bitch.” Like the first couple the men stowed away in the bushes and enjoyed their stay.

Ride continuing Paige drew away from Bryan’s lips to kiss along his own throat and chest. He narrowed his eyes and watched the path ahead. He saw a clearing coming up and people moving around. The lake was in sight. He didn’t want this to end so with a bit of daring he ignored the oncoming activity and allowed her to keep jerking him off.

“Was I bolder still?” He murmurs.

“Yesssss!” She was consumed by kissing his pecs.

Hands on her hips he raises her higher and coaxes her to straddle his cock the best she could. Pussy hovering over it he slowly nestles her labia on his crown, discovering her hole. Without her help he penetrated deep and held her spine as she gasped. Careful gyrations led to more kissing. Without being aware of her surroundings Bryan rode Applejack right into the park. Everyone who spotted them grew silent, assisting in his lustful ride. Mostly guys and their jealous girls. The intimacy led the couples to consider their own rides. He saw his truck and trailer down the path near the camp site and pushed himself to continue regardless of the risk.

Hearing a boat motor and a pair of jet skis Paige opened her eyes and discovered the lake, including the onlookers. Her eyes bulged as she darted her gaze to look at Bryan.

“Oh, my God! Bryan! This was in my fantasy too.”

“Keep riding that cock, Paige Turner. We’re almost at my truck.”

“I don’t want to stop. Let me cum in the saddle Bryan.” She trembles heavily watching guys wave at her behind them. Girls too. By the lake she spotted her father Lonnie with binoculars. He was grinning from ear to ear. This made Paige meld back into Bryan, holding his cheeks to kiss him fiercely. His ballcap toppled off and fell to the path. He didn’t care. She was riding him as hard as humanly possible without spooking Applejack. With a squirming quake he felt Paige explode all over his cock and boxers. He wanted to nut too but knew that would be a bad idea, no condom on. Calming his nerves he kissed her a while longer, calming her with warm palms up and down her spine.

As they gravitated in the saddle, Applejack stopped at the trailer. He knew his second home anywhere. Both huffing at their feat Bryan pats her butt. “I think we’re here.”

“A lot of people are watching us. I think I’m going to pee.” She hides herself shyly using him as a shield.

“I can’t get down and hide you at the same time.” He shakes his head trying not to laugh.

“Where’s my bikini?”

Bryan untangles the reins from the bikini pieces and lets her put her top on, regretting the loss of skin already. He then climbed off leaving her bottomless to tether Applejack’s reins to his trailer hitch. He took the remainder of her bikini with him after helping her down, Paige pouting as he walked away with her bottoms. Grabbing her pack from the horse she used it to cover her lower half against a good eight sets of unfamiliar eyes. Beet red she watches Bryan go to his truck unlocking it, to toss the bottoms in the seat. As she steps next to him in the opened door she whimpers. “Why did you put my bottoms in the truck?”

“Bag goes in too.” He snatches it from her hand as her jaw drops. “Hand over your top.”

“What?” She loved the idea but put on her best game face to appear shocked. Swallowing as she looks around her at the horde of hungry eyes, she notes his pants still unzipped and his cock dangling. That was inspiring enough. Hands behind her she unthreads the strings and removes the bikini bra. He takes it and tosses it in the seat too.

“My fantasy has you running naked in camp for all to see.”

“Really? Bryan, I’m scared. So many people are looking at me.”

“Come on Paige, you’re not that shy. Good act though.” Door slammed shut he uses his remote to lock the door. “Cooler in the bed. Want a beer?”

“No.” She sheepishly pouts.

“Can of pop? Bottled water?”


As he leads her to the truck bed, she hides herself with her arms again, watching as he digs into an ice chest before handing her an icy bottle. He then climbs up using the rear tire as a step to sit on the truck bed observing her shy approach at opening her water bottle and taking a sip.

“Relax, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

“I feel really safe with you. I’m just ... let me get used to this.”

“Got all day Paige Turner. I think you’re going to open up just fine.”

A cleared throat distracts them as Lonnie approaches from the front of the truck. “Not trying to intrude on you kids but you dropped your hat back there.” He approaches cautiously. Bryan nods with a grin, “I knew I was missing something. Thanks.”

“Anytime. I hope you don’t get offended but, well, this is a family lake.”

“You might be the only guy out here complaining.” Bryan puts his hat on and glances about.

“I’m not complaining.” Lonnie chuckles. “I’m just saying have your fun just be wary of kids. There’s a family picnicking just around those trees.”

“I’ll keep my eyes open. Thanks for the warning.”

“I can keep a look out if you want. I was young once so I’m ... well now.” Lon rubs the back of his neck as Paige fondles Bryan’s cock. Feeling her hand Bryan’s attention is drawn to her shivering grin.

“Bryan?” She offers her kiddy like voice. “I do fantasize about being watched.”

Lonnie pats the side of the truck, “I’ll leave you two alone.”

Seeing her yearning eyes Bryan coughs, “Hey! You can hang a bit if you want to.”

“No shit? I don’t know, people might think I’m a pervert.” Of course, he was, this was his daughter.

“Fuck those people and what they think. This girl is so hot that everyone out here is wishing they were me.”

“Do you really think so?” Paige tugs his jeans and boxers lower to let his balls pop free. Bryan lifts his hips to give her yet another strong tug.

“Everyone I see is grinning up a storm.”

“I think you’re right.” Lonnie scans the area. Of course, half the guys looking were with girls who were getting turned on themselves. The other men were Josh’s friends. Josh himself missing at the moment.

“You haven’t cum yet.” Paige tenderly leans down to kiss and lick Bryan’s scrotum. That made Bryan share a beaming grin toward Lonnie.

“Isn’t that a work of art, watching those eyes sparkle as she’s licking my balls?”

“No comment! She is pretty adorable. You’re a lucky fella.”

“Well, now you’re lucky getting to watch her in action.”

“Watch this.” Paige giggles and molds her tongue around Bryan’s bulbous ball sack and licks straight up his full eight inches of foreskin until she kisses the tip of his crown. She smiles brightly up at him then tilting to face her father, Bryan’s side girth between her lips.

“Look at those big green eyes. She loves my cock.” Nodding viciously, she wags her tongue over his urethra. Stroking his beast as her mouth widens to pucker around his crown, she went for it.

“She’s certainly got talent.” Lonnie knew it well even if Bryan had no idea.

Bryan reaches out and caresses her long red hair, “Come on beautiful. Take it all in. Here I’ll make it easier.” Nudging her back he dropped to the ground and leaned against the bed. Kneeling before him she smiled and held his penis exploring it. “Now you can really work me over.”

Nodding with a deep breath she rolls her lips around his girth and forces as much as she could down her throat, namely six inches. She tried for more but struggled. Bryan then palmed the back of her head and held her firm. “Little deeper. You can do it.” She took in another very gagging inch and a half before panic mode. He released her scalp and gave her a chance to pull away in a web of saliva. Without waver she took a deep breath and went in again. She wanted to impress not just Bryan but her father. At barely over seven inches she choked. He lets her pull away again. In her gasp she whimpers, “Morrrre! I can take more.”

“Daaaaamn! Look at her go.” Bry leers at Lonnie with pride. Lon nods with a puckered lower lip.

“She might just take it all.”

“Doubt it. She’s giving it a darn good shot though.” She shocks him at seven inches but vomits a bit. Pulling away she wipes her mouth and pouts, Bryan caressing her cheek, “Don’t be upset. You did good.” Lonnie saw a sensitive side to Bryan. That formed a bit of respect.

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