Paige Turner - Cover

Paige Turner

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 11: My Little Ponytail

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 11: My Little Ponytail - A coming-of-age story. Paige Turner turns 18 in four hours. A daddy's girl taken to the brink and happy to do it all. At 4'11, 107 pounds she's a little cutie ready to live life to its most extreme. What daddy wants; daddy gets! So, yes incest. But this goes far beyond that. Cum say hello to the fiery redhead who acts younger than she really is. Baby like voice that could melt glaciers, Paige is growing up fast and every dick nearby is rising.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  


Sunday morning 8:15 AM! The Turner residence!

“I think Joshy stretched me out daddy. My vajayjay is tender.”

“Vajayjay?” Lonnie Turner chuckled as he shaved the stubble from the underside of his chin. His glances down at his flawless daughter Paige taking a bubble bath beside him it took him forever to finish shaving. “Is that what you call a vagina these days?”

“It’s better than saying pussy.”

“You’re just new to getting fucked so often daughter of mine. You were worried some after Greg too. It’s because you’re getting some really big ass dicks right from the get-go. I’m beginning to wonder what all of these bastards are eating to get that size.”

“A dick size has to do with a healthy diet?”

“I’m kidding. You worried about how big Bryan is?”

“No. He said seven inches when you allowed me to talk to him on the phone after school Tuesday. Daddy ... Josh didn’t wear a condom. I know you said he had to, but he said no condom fits him.” Her toes playfully toyed with a yellow rubber ducky in her bathwater. Still a kid at heart she loved her toys.

“I’ll deal with Josh next time.” Finished shaving, Lonnie wipes the excess lather from his face, looking about for any missed spots. “I know you want to experience everything sex has to offer, but now that my head isn’t screwed up by last night, we do need to discuss everything that was said and done.”

“About him owning me after I graduate?”

“That too.” He hadn’t told her what he and Josh discussed outside before he left. Now that Lonnie had time to think he felt wrong about cutting deals. Even if Paige was his outlet to fixate his own fucked up fantasies, this was his daughter and he loved her dearly. He felt she was only doing this for him. Yet he could see it in her eyes how much sex was consuming her thoughts. “This notion of you fucking all of his friends is what bothers me. He told you what 20?”

“25.” She flares her eyes, teeth clenched with a hint of fear yet exhilaration.

“That’s a lot, Paige. That’s a fucking gangbang.”

“Isn’t that the same as being with three of my uncles?”

“Well, yeah it is. However, do the math, Miss Straight A’s. Big difference between four including me and 25. Even if I’m there to protect you I can’t stop 25 guys on my own. Hell, I doubt I could stop Josh.”

“You could invite the uncles to watch and help you if you need it.” She blows bubbles from her palm with a goofy expression.

“That wouldn’t be a good idea. I don’t think we should tell them about any of this. Promise me you won’t talk about it in front of them. Uncle Greg is going to drop you off at Bryan’s later. Not a word about Josh. Am I clear?”

“Yes daddy. I don’t have to do this with Josh and his friends. I have lots of guys on Tender I can date still.”

“I made it clear to Josh last night...” He catches himself not wanting to indulge too much about the insane deals he had with the fucking Grizzly. He was just on an all-time lust high when they spoke. He felt like an idiot at the moment. To make matters worse Josh and a few friends were going to meet Lonnie out at the lake while Paige was on her date with Bryan Colby. Lonnie wanted to give Paige a few unexpected surprises. Even if it pissed Bryan off.

“About what?”

He puffs his cheeks and sits down on the side of the bathtub. “Alright listen. I’m going to level with you, but first I need you to be 200% honest with me about what’s in your head.”


“Are you ONLY wanting to pursue this because you know I’m a fucking pervert?”


“And friends.”

“I think Josh is the sexiest man, I’ve ever seen. I loved fucking him. When he carried me to your bedroom the first time, I was terrified. But once we left the room it felt as if I had conquered the world. If you had really been asleep it would have been even hotter.” She slouches in the tub allowing her healthy chest to bob up from the bubbles. Ducky was docking right between her mounds. Her nipples were fierce today thinking about all of this. “When you walked out into the living room and busted him I nearly peed. What you said to him brought the Bear out more. After he carried me over his shoulder to your bedroom again, then fucked me right beside you, I wanted more things like that in my future.”

“That doesn’t quite answer my question.”

“I do everything for you, because I want you to be you daddy. Don’t they call watching others a voyeur?”

“Yes, they do. But you’re my daughter. That’s pretty low for a father to sink. Sick is putting it mildly.”

“Then I’m sick too. I like it when you watch me being fucked. Do I want Josh to own me? Is that even possible?”

“From what you’ve told me about your mother and her man Mark you should have an idea how possible that is.”

“Being tied up means being owned?”

“Bondage stuff usually requires a master and a slave. It sounds like Josh might want to be your master to a degree. I’m not sure I want you to be a slave, Paige. Even though...”

“Please tell me daddy. I can accept anything.”

“I kind of told Josh he could own you for short periods. I’m not prepared to let you do anything fulltime. We agreed that when there are things like all his of friends I had to be there.”

“Short periods?”

“Weekend here and there. You’re eighteen Paige it’s not like I can keep you locked away, but I’d like a few more years with you. Cutting you loose will leave me all alone.”

“I’m yours forever daddy. I am your blood.”

“When you really find your soulmate, I’ll let you go. Just don’t look to hard for him. You’re young and still impressionable. That’s why I mentioned dating boys your age.”

“I’m not sure I want a boy my age. I guess because I’ve never dated before Josh and he’s 32. Was that even a date?”

“Yes and no. More of a hook up. Mainly because of me.”

“Did daddy pimp me out?” She giggles.

“No money involved but I guess I did.” He shook his head grinning.

“You can pimp me out whenever you want if it’s as fun as last night. I hope today is just as much fun.”

“I set you up on Tender to get experience. Not just sex but dating. I figure that Comicon guy can be a real date. Even if I secretly tag along. I’ll let you do your thing and I’ll just hang back.”

“But I like teasing. I want to tease Dillon too.”

“And Jeff the Rodeo Clown?” He laughs splashing water at her.

“Stop that. I’ll get soap in my eyes.”

“You’re wearing swimming goggles to take a bath for cripes sake. I swear sometimes you’re still ten years old.”

Hearing a knock at the door then a gruff, “ANYBODY HOME?” They knew Uncle Greg was early. Lonnie merely looked toward the opened bathroom door and called back, “In here.” Paige brightened up but continued her soaking. Lonnie turned the hot water on for her and increased her bubbles. She knew he wanted a tiny show.

Trudging down the hall the bearded biker smirked, “You two taking a bath together now? Every time I see you two you’re in hot water.” He reaches the door and leans on the threshold. Lonnie nods at Paige and stands up.

“I need to get dressed. You’re lucky I’m wearing boxers.”

“There is a clothing God.” Greg chuckled letting Lonnie pass. “How’s the bubbles, Bubbles?”

“Hug me.” She sits up in the water offering awaiting arms.

Greg puckers and steps toward the tub and starts to bend down when she climbs to her feet to show off her gorgeous body covered in patches of foam. Greedily hugging him, Greg literally picked her up out of the water and lets her throw her arms around his neck. Wrapping her legs around his waist it was a no-brainer that she got his clothing soaked. He didn’t care. Having her tits crushed against his chest and his hands on that sweet ass was too much fun. Lifting away from his shoulder she stole a kiss to his lips. After a peck he grins and palmed the back of her wet scalp and drew her in for another lip lock, “Get those lips back in business.” She kissed him long and hard. Paige loved kissing Uncle Greg. After three minutes he stands her back in the tub. “Better shut the flood down.” The water level nearly touched the top of the tub. She quickly shut it off and pulled the plug to let some out.

“So, you’re going on your first real date, huh?”

“Yes, to the lake. Bryan is going to take me riding on a horsey too.”

“Sounds fun. Bryan, eh? How old is Bryan?”

“I think he said 28. He has his own home. Two horses.”

“Your dad asked me to drop you off and gauge my opinion of him.” Not the full truth. Greg didn’t know Lonnie was going to the lake ahead of Bryan and Paige. He was told that Lonnie had to meet up with his ex-wife Paula over back child support. Greg wasn’t totally convinced that was the truth. “Bother you my going to check him out? I need to make sure my adorable little niece is safe.” He like his buddies Andy and Mike loved being her adopted uncles long before it became imaginary incest.

“No. I just want a ride on your Harley.”

“First time on a bike, isn’t it?”

“Yessssss! First time on a real horsey too. Horsey/ Harley, Harley/ Horsey!” She rests back observing him check out her chest. She intentionally trails a finger around her nipple to keep him interested.

“I guess I need to buy you some ass less chaps for the next ride.” He chuckles.

She snorts and blushes, “I would wear them too. I could wear my butt zipper jeans. Same concept.”

He looks over his shoulder for Lonnie before mouthing, “Wear them.” She shivers and nods and bright-eyed affirmation. She knew her dad would know so it wasn’t going to be any secret. She was leaving before him so there would be no hiding them. Chances were good that Lonnie would be all for it anyway.

“What time is it, Uncle Greg?”

“8:46.” He looks at his wristwatch.

“I better get ready too. I’m supposed to be at Bryan’s at 10:00.” She decides to let the water go ahead and empty out seeing as it was already draining the overflow. Seeing a big white towel Greg became a gentleman and held it out for her. Climbing out carefully Paige turns her back to him. He hated to hide that beautiful body but he smothered her in cotton. Holding her tight with the towel around her chest he kissed her neck before giving her space. A whisper to her ear got her wet where it counted.

“I’m going to talk your dad into letting me fuck you again. Alright with you?”

She turns swiftly and bounces in step, “Oh, my Gosh! Yessssssss!”

“If you weren’t going out with Bryan, I’d take you somewhere and fuck you on that Harley.”

“After school some night. Talk daddy into it. Pleeeeeassssse?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Yay!” She claps her hands as if praying.

“You get ready. I’m going out there and have a talk with Lon.”

“I just need to dry my hair and ohhhhh!” She unwraps her towel. “See how Daddy shaved my pubes?” Drying her hair reminded her he hadn’t seen her new arrow. Greg puffed his lower lip and reached down to lightly feel its softness. She blushed but shivered with delight at the same time.

“He did a good job. Points right at your clit.”

“I love my clittycat. I’m never going to shave it off.”

“Can’t go wrong. Get ready.” He left her wishing he had rubbed her clit. Paige had zero control of her hormones and rubbed herself even before Greg headed down the hallway. Her life was changing dramatically. Drying fully, she hangs the towel up then breaks out her blow dryer and brush. Once dry she puts her long silky red locks up in a ponytail tied with a lacy black ribbon. She would take that brush with her on her date to maintain her beauty.

Joining Lonnie in the kitchen where he was pouring another cup of coffee, Greg went to the cupboard and grabbed a cup for himself. Lonnie tipped the coffee pot and filled his cup.

“So let me in on things. Don’t give me any bullshit, I’ve known you too long.” Greg blew into his cup to cool it. He liked it black.

“She’s liking this shit way too much. I’ve created a slut monster.”


“Off and on. Until I look at her looking at me and wanting it.”

“You know at first I thought you were fucking nuts letting us tap the punk. Now, I find myself jerking off thinking about her. I’m not going to apologize for that because you started this, Lon.”

“Yeah, I know. I can’t be mad at any of you guys for that. I signed her up for Tender. Thinking maybe guys her age might be my ticket out of this. As of 6:00 this morning she was up to 1,884 dudes messaging her. They just keep coming.”

“If you don’t put her on lockdown they’ll be coming harder.” He winks at Lonnie who scowls.

“I hear you. Crazy thing is all of them are older guys. Youngest I’ve noticed is 26, I think. They go up to 53. You just know those guys only want arm candy.”

“Little blue pill and a second childhood, Bro.”

“Right! Look at us we’re in our late 30’s. I thought that was bad enough.”

“Maybe I should message her and get a date.” Greg narrows his eyes and sips his coffee.

Lonnie shrugs “Go for it. She likes all of her uncles. It’s not like you’re true blood relatives.”

“Unlike you.”

“Don’t rub the incest in.”

“Brother it’s your life. I’m not knocking you.”

“You want more of Paige, don’t you?”


“I guess I can’t stop you.”

“Do you want to stop me?” Greg knew Lonnie was hooked by his freak side.

“No. I’d just rather be around when you guys do.”

“Let her breath on her own. You know we’ll look out for her.”

“I know. Thanks!”

“No! Thank you.” Greg grips his crotch and chuckles.

“Use a condom is all I ask. I stashed some in her book bag earlier. Paula got her on birth control but that’s not full proof.”

“Nothing is. You rolled the roulette wheel Lon.”

Nodding without another word Lonnie looks at the clock on the kitchen stove. “Bout time for me to head out.”


“Are you really meeting Paula?”

“Dammit Greg.” He hated lying to his friend. “No. I’m going out to the lake early to spy on her and Bryan after they get there. Supposedly Bryan set up a camp site and has his horse trailer there, so they only have to ride one way and have a way home later.”

“Fresh air will do her some good. Don’t get caught and look all daddy stalker.”

“She knows I’m going out there. He doesn’t. I haven’t met this Bryan, so he has no idea what I look like.” He ponders a bit. “Shit! I better take our picture off of her cell screen in case she shows him accidently.” They had taken selfies on her birthday together and one graced her opening screen proudly. “Give me a second.” Lonnie sits his cup on the counter and goes to her room finding her cell charging on a bedside stand. Opening it up he finds a text from Bryan saying he was excited and waiting impatiently, a photo attached of he and a beautiful brown horse cheek to cheek. Nodding at the charmer he envisioned her riding it naked. Growling at himself he sends her pic to his phone because it was a great father, daughter moment. Removing it, he replaces it with a picture she took of herself holding her damned teddy bear Fuzzy. It was adorable. Setting it back where it was, he headed back to the kitchen.

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