Jenny, Adventures in Swinging - Cover

Jenny, Adventures in Swinging

Copyright© 2022 by Orange

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Jennifer MacKay is lonely in Edinburgh and makes a profile on a website, Scottish Swingers, to make new friends and have adventures.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   MaleDom   Swinging   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Massage   Oral Sex   Illustrated  

Scrolling through the website messages from ‘Scottish Swingers,’ Jennifer MacKay was looking for the message from one particular couple. At first, she thought she had deleted it by mistake, but she eventually found what she was looking for. The news was from Gordon and Christine. They were in their late thirties and were interested in meeting Jennifer for a threesome. She looked at their profile page and read the basic information that they had posted. They had also posted some pictures of themselves. Several photos looked like they were taken on holiday, perhaps in Spain.

Jennifer reread the text on their profile and decided to answer them with a short paragraph about herself. It went like this.

(Hello, Jenny Mac here. Thanks for your lovely message, and I would love to meet you both for a drink or a coffee in Edinburgh. I am seeking adventures and friendship.)

She read her message several times, changed it and corrected the spelling mistakes with the spell-checker. Once she was satisfied it was good enough, she pressed the send button. ‘Click’ and it was gone. Jennifer felt like she had butterflies in her stomach for the nervous tension she was having answering the message from Gordon and Christine. “I think I need a drink!” She said aloud to herself and hopped out and down to the shop on the corner for a nice bottle of Chianti.

Ten minutes later, she was back and pouring a glass of wine. ‘Ping!’ her laptop went. A message had just that moment come back to her from Gordon and Christine. “Oh my goodness, they are online right now,” Jennifer said to herself. Nervously but carefully, Jennifer began to chat online with the couple.

“Hello there, Jenny Mac here,” She typed.

“Nice to hear back from you, Jenny. I am Chrissy, and my partner is Gordon,”

Jenifer paused for a moment and then began to type the following message.

“I am a bit of a virgin at all of this. I am unsure how much I should share with you, but I want to assure you I am genuine,”

“We are experienced, so don’t worry about being a virgin, and we will be only too happy to guide you,”

“Smashing! Are you really both in your late thirties? I am 29. Is that all right?”

“Yes, we are in our thirties. Gordon is thirty-eight, and I am thirty-five. You sound perfect to me at 29 ... Are you straight? Bi? I hope you are not a man!”

Jennifer paused to read the message twice to make sure she understood what she would answer back.

“I am straight, not Bi, but willing to try it. And NO! I am certainly not a man. How can I prove that?”

“Glad to hear that,” Christine typed.

There was a pause from both ends of the chatting as Christine and Jennifer were considering what to type next.

“I work in the city, and perhaps we could meet for a coffee during my lunch break. Shall I suggest a place...”

“Good idea, perhaps this Monday or Tuesday. Where would you like to meet, and at what time?” Christine typed her answer.

“12.30 at Gino’s at the corner of Princes St. and George St. Do you know it?”

“Yes, we do. Monday or Tuesday?”

“Ok, Monday, I can make Monday,” Jennifer confirmed the date and time of their first face-to-face meeting with Christine and Gordon.

“One more thing Jenny. Can you send a face picture so that we can recognise you?”

“Gosh! Of course, I can send you a picture. Just hang on a moment, and I will take a selfie,” Jennifer typed.

Jennifer dashed to get her phone, went into the bathroom, took a quick snap of herself in the mirror, and sent it to Christine and Gordon.

“Here we go, this is me just now in the mirror. Have you got it?”

After a short pause came the reply back to Jennifer sitting, waiting for them to see her selfie photo.

“Yes,! Got it. You look lovely, Jenny. Looking forward to Monday, 12.30 at Gino’s,”

Then there was a moment of stillness. The chat went dead, and Jennifer was sitting alone, looking at the laptop screen.

Monday, 12.30 at Gino’s Cafe. Jennifer was sitting nervously, watching the door for any sign of Christine and Gordon arriving. She fidgeted with her cup of coffee. She squirmed in her seat and fiddled with the menu card on the table. She was showing all the signs of nervous anxiety. Her mind was also thinking and double thinking. ‘Would they come?’ ‘Will they recognise me?’. ‘Will I recognise them? What if we don’t like each other? As she waited impatiently at the table, many more questions went through her mind. She looked at the clock, 12.35. They were late. Or had they arrived early, and she had already missed them? With yet another glance at the clock, 12.36. Jennifer almost began to panic.

The door opened, and in walked a couple that looked very much like the photos that Jennifer had seen on the website. She stood up and looked wide-eyed expectantly at the couple. “Jenny, is that you?” The woman asked. “Yes, you’re Christine?” Jennifer asked. They both lightly embraced, and then all three sat at the table. The nervousness that Jennifer had before Christine and Gordon arrived was now gone, and she sighed with ease of enormous relief. Coffee was ordered, and soon they chatted like they were old friends. Smiling and laughing together and sharing private confidences, they shared phone numbers and Jennifer was invited to visit the home of Christine and Gordon. They suggested the next Saturday just after 4 pm. Jennifer agreed and looked forward to the coming Saturday. “Sorry, but I have to get back to work,” Jennifer said. “Of course, and we are looking forward to seeing you this coming Saturday. You will come, won’t you?” Christine said. “Oh, I’ll be there. I am looking forward to it,” Jennifer replied.

Saturday, 4 pm. At Gordon and Christine’s home address. Jennifer got out of a taxi dressed in her best clothes and lingerie. She went straight to the door, which opened before her, and Christine welcomed her into her home. The house was large, standing within beautiful gardens. Jennifer felt quite impressed with the place and ashamed of her small apartment. “Glad you made it, Jenny,” Gordon said as she entered the large modern open plan living room and kitchen. “Drinks all around, I think,” Christine said and asked what Jennifer would like. “Red wine, please, oh, and I brought a bottle with me,” Jennifer said, giving a bottle of Chianti to Gordon. After the nervous introductions, things began to move along rather quickly between the three. Christine passionately kissed Jennifer, and Gordon also passionately kissed them both.

Christine and Jennifer sat on the large sofa with their drinks. Gordon produced a camera and took a few snaps of both women. “You don’t mind Gordon taking your picture, do you, Jenny?” Christine asked her. “No. No, not at all. I am easy about having my picture taken,” She replied and turned and smiled for the camera. “Come on Christ, show a bit of leg, darling,” Gordon jokingly asked. Christine responded by hoisting up the hem of her skirt and giving Gordon a flash of stocking top and suspenders. “Oh, La la...” Gordon said cheekily. “Come on, Jenny, join in,” Christine jollied Jennifer along to give Gordon a quick flash. Jennifer did as she was asked, raised the hem of her skirt, and gave Gordon a long flash of her stockings and suspenders. Gordon raised the camera and took several photos of Jennifer and Christine flashing their sexy lingerie.

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