Nashville Pussy - Cover

Nashville Pussy

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 383: wHOLE MILK

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 383: wHOLE MILK - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Illustrated  

Thirty minutes prior to running into Piper and Josie on her way home.

Last bell of the day! FUCKING FINALLY!!!


Chandra Mahkharti was at her wits end as her reputation was leaning more and more toward what her mother might call a floosy. Her occupation should never have led in that direction but circumstances falling as they were she truly had no choice in the matter.

Student Dillon Kirkpatrick of the Terrible Trio had her father’s phone number and was threatening to send her parents raunchy videos of her exposing herself naked in public, including here at Horton-Dexter. Around young impressionable students at that. Of course, he instigated a good 70% of those actions.

Today alone she spent most of her rainy day in a soaking wet white dress that had been compared to Piper Cherry’s now defunct albino leggings. See-through central! Transparent City! Even more, her pussy was in plain view over her last three classes. She might as well have just accepted her fate rather than prolong teaching in the nude like Josie McKellen. Lucky for her she convinced Dillon to give her until Monday. Her students were ready a week ago.

Like some GrEEK TRAGEDY her constant run ends with the clumsy but oh so adorable Travis Herbert had the students thinking they had something going on. While yes, in small favors it was predominantly simple errors in judgment. She was lonely, and a closet pervert like he was. Their bond was growing, and she was becoming more and more curious. If only her heart would let her hurt his girlfriend, Sable McKellen. Kind and sensitive yet finding herself slipping Chandra needed more. Not the type to search for love on dating apps, nor accept some arranged marriage like her parents wanted she was secluded to her fantasies. Nightmares as of today! Likely the rest of her life!

Before school Dillon caught her in her car and made her suck his dick. Filming even that was bad but she had no options. Worse still he made her blow his younger cousin in her classroom as well. That was quite unsettling! If she squealed to Principal Carl Manley, Dillon would fire off videos to her parents and ruin not just their vacation but their lives. She could never let that happen.

No! She would endure his cruelty and perform what was necessary to prevent heartache caused by her. Strangely, she masked her worry well. Those fantasies of being controlled were surfacing. She just wished it was not Dillon. A handsome Boston Logger maybe! No! Two big for her holes. At least for now. Experience required first. If her students could graduate, so could she.

With her final class of the day running for the door to start their weekend off, it left Chandra alone and slouching in her swivel chair. Emotionally drained she stared out toward the windows that she had escaped through before lunch. With the rain over she noted the sun out again. That brightened her spirits slightly. Standing up to stretch her legs she took a stroll to the windows and peered out for a better look, the football field in sight.

“I did promise, Mister Herbert that I would be there for tonight’s game. I suppose I should leave now so I can shower and change clothing. This dress feels so very dirty now that it was wet so much today.” She was still chilling from the cold wet cloth even if it was dry now. Brrr! Nipples were deadly in the moment.

“You are still here.” She jumped at a voice behind her. Covering her chest to prevent nipple notice she followed the voice.

“Mister Booker and Mister Booker.” Fresh from the library where they had watched Dakota McKellen get eaten out by cheerleader Robin Banks, Lyle and Kyle were as stiff as stiff got. Erection that is! Popcorn feature for sure! “You must be here about your father’s final check for the mowing. With all of this rain will he still complete the job tomorrow?”


“Around noon! He said the ground should absorb the rain and be just dry enough. Your property is hilly so the runoff will help. He said if it comes down to doing half on Saturday and the rest on Sunday, he will honor that.”

“Right!” Younger Booker brother Kyle chimed in looking at her skirt to notice hints of cheek. “The temperature tomorrow is supposed to be 98. So hot!” Like her!

“Will you be home tomorrow?” Lyle followed his brother’s observation.

“I will. My father has left me a list of things he wishes I do while they are in Mumbai.”

“Anything we can help with? We’ll be out there to help dad.”

“That is kind of you to offer. I will let you know.”

“Oh! Mind if I ask you something? You look stressed. Is everything, alright? I noticed Dillon Kirkpatrick yesterday looking as if he was giving you a hard time.” Very hard!

“He disagreed with a grade I gave him.” Nice cover story. “I will be fine. Thank you for your concern.”

“Anytime! We’ve got you, Chandra!” Tomorrow a distinct probability. Horny bastards! Play it cool, Fellas! Get on her good side. Both sides!

“We heard about Perbert today. We’re pretty sure Kirkpatrick and Pryor had something to do with that birthday cake. It was a cool gesture on your part but they totally made you look bad.”

“Yes! Well, what is done is done. Mister Herbert is calm now.”

“You’re too nice. Especially after Perbert plowing into you so many times today. I saw video of him lying on top of you in the hallway. Twice! Then I hear he groped you in the cafeteria.”

“An accident. I know Mister Herbert means well. I will learn to watch where I am going from now on.”

“Touchy subject I’m sure, but are you okay after Mimi ... well, ate lunch with you yesterday.”

“You will make me blush. That too was quite unfortunate. I have learned that she was made to do such a thing. I cannot fault her for her obedience.” Mainly because she was in no better shape. Officer Anson Potter had Mimi under his control as much as Carl Manley. In Chandra’s case Dillon pulled her strings.

“Crazy stuff! As long as you’re okay. We have to head out. See you tomorrow.”

“Have a good evening, Mister’s Booker!”

“You too, Beautiful!” Kyle grinned then flared his eyes. “Respectfully saying!”

“Charmer!” She giggled! “Until tomorrow.”

“LAYter!” Lyle saluted her! Turning away the brothers smirked at one another then left her classroom. Just outside the door the boys tapped fists. “All alone at home. We can hang out after dad leaves and catch her off guard. Until then we have to play nice.” Agreed!

“There’s Perbert and the twins. Trav is looking this way I think he wants to pay Chandra a visit too.” While yes, Travis wanted to make the journey to see his crush, Sable grabbed him and led him from their lockers toward the front door. Dakota seeing the Booker’s lifted her skirt to moon them. Loitering students witnessing it whistled until she simply pulled her skirt up to her waist and walked out bottomless. They had told their mother they would meet her at her SUV. Nope! Staircase shortly! Kota did pull her skirt down to avoid hearing Josie grumble. Not that her mother could say anything. Her dress was sticking to her like glue after so many boys had coated her in semen.

“Kota is all about the nudity. She made it clear today during her blowbang that once Furlong takes her virginity, she intended to fuck every guy in sight.”

“DP like her mom?” Lyle chuckled!

“You know it! I wonder if Reese Teller released Josie yet?”

“Man alive! Teller has some balls I’ll give him that. I bet fifteen guys tagged Josie while bound and blindfolded. I know I hit that pussy hard.”

“Sable knows too. Hell, I’m betting Dakota does by now. Sable is going to be as bad as Dakota here soon.” Possibly worse! “Wayne ate Sable out in Connelly’s class right beside Priscilla Vincent. I even heard she gave Connelly a foot massage. Piper was behind that, or I know she would never have gone near that fat fuck.”

“Let’s hit the road. Things to do! We need to charge the battery on our drone.”

“So we can spy through Chandra’s bedroom window.”

“Every window!”

“What about Mister Mahkharti’s surveillance system. We can’t get busted.”

“Let’s let dad deal with that.” Watchtower affiliations had that covered.

“Oh, yeah! Duh!”


Ten minutes earlier, upstairs on the second floor!

For the last three hours Josie McKellen lay stretched over and numb atop of her oak desk. She had been bound by multiple belts, unable to free herself even if she wanted to. With all of the attention she had been getting who needed to go pee. She did, up until five minutes ago since the final bell sang. Her unknown lovers leaving her for the freedom the weekend brought, she finally cut loose. It was a good thing her daughters didn’t see her urinating so freely.


All the twins did was duck in, laugh at her and tell her they would meet her at her SUV before going to their lockers. The little bitches didn’t even bother to cut her loose. Of course, she would have demanded they not. She knew the boys would be back for their belts. The janitors were definitely going to get temperamental tonight over a massive pool of sweat, cum, piss and determination that lie on the tile beneath her thighs. What a mess!

On his way upstairs Reese Teller led his belt loop brethren just as she predicted and discovered a pleasant, well, a surprise visitor. Pausing his caravan of silent partners, they observed the unthinkable. Out in the emptied hallway stood of all people math teacher Edwin Connelly. To be fair the obese man was not planning on this pitstop, he was on his way to deliver the serpentine dress belonging to Mavis Hale. Glancing into Josie’s room to find her incapacitated he was falling prey like that MOTHer to the FlAME. He did know that she was famous for teaching in the nude. Oh, Momma!

“Is Ed beating off to Josie?” Dean Potter whispered to Reese Teller.


“Looks that way. He has Mrs. Hale’s dress hiding his hand, but his pants are undone. I see belly overhang. Bet he nuts on that dress.”

“How did he get her dress?”

“Furlong! Don’t ask! Mavis has been naked almost as long as Josie today.”

“How the fuck did we miss out on that?”

“Underclassmen schedule. Let’s give Ed a minute, this is priceless.” Cell camera rolling Reese recorded Ed’s feeble stance. As big as he was, reaching under his belly girth for his erection was pure hell. It was not as easy as when seated at his desk. Giving him three more minutes they heard him aim for a quiet nut. Teetering in step the guys worried he might fall backwards. Hefty Ed did suffer high blood pressure, so Reese found sympathy and stopped recording in order to rescue the teacher. Leading his crew, they ran up behind Ed to steady the guy.

“Easy there, Ed! We might not have the muscle to pick you up off of the floor.” Beet red long before his embarrassment Edwin mumbled his thanks and slyly stashed his penis away wet. “You need to go sit down?”

“No! I need to return this to Mavis. W-why is Josie tied to her desk?”

“Why were you enjoying Josie tied to her desk?” Reese chuckled and squeezed the man’s shoulders with a firm grip. “Relax! We’re all cool with what you did.”

“Touche! Please don’t tell her I... “ Josie lifted her head from her desk mumbling through her gag. Blindfolded or not she knew their voices.

“Too late! Hang in there, Slut! I’ll get to you in a minute.”

“I’ll be fine. Release Josie she needs to go home. Her daughter mentioned going to the football game tonight.”

“Don’t rush me, Edwin! My bitch!”

“Pardon me?” Ed looked confused!

“Yo, Slut! Nod yes if I own your stupid ass.” Josie immediately nodded! Stunned by her consent Edwin swallowed dryly and decided he best leave this alone. Thankfully, a distraction parted his saviors. Art teacher Mimi Alexander left her classroom humming and as naked as she was often ordered to be.

While Carl Manley did tell her to wear her dress that was during teaching hours. Now that school was over, she was free in spirit again. Not that she listened to Carl like she should. She loved his control tactics, but her heart told her to push even him to punish her for disobedience. Anson Potter was already lining up her punishment for tomorrow night. Why not challenge both men to see who punished her the best. Twisted, sure! Mimi was quickly learning to be quite the freak.


Belt boys gave chase leaving Reese and Ed alone in order to corner Mimi Mouse against the lockers and paw her up. Edwin seeing Mimi overwhelmed by hands and mouths yet giggling fell silent and waddled away. Mavis needed her dress back. Messy or not!

“There’s my blowjob Queen.” Reese chuckled, recalling Mimi suck him off to protect him from Henry McKellen the day he dropped by Horton-Dexter to see his wife. “Have fun you Plumber Cracks!” No belts worn; their jeans were slouching down over their hips.

Leaving his beltless flock behind Reese went into Josie’s classroom and closed the door. Looking at her messy floor he scratched his head. “Damn, Bitch! I should make you lick that cesspool up.” Her forehead hit her desk with a mumbled, “Please don’t!” With a sigh he moved around to the back of her desk and sat down in her swivel chair. Scooting closer he palmed her face like he would his favorite Spaulding.

“You have never looked sexier than you do now.” Shocking her he kissed her forehead. “Bitch, you reek!” She wondered why! “Before I release you answer me one question.” Perking up she listened. “Do you want me to stop treating you like this?” Unable to shake her head she loudly moaned, “GOD NO!”

“Make it two questions. Should I step up my game or slow down and let you breathe.” He let her face go and removed her gag. “There!”

“Just let me get through this weekend, Reese. I love what you do to me, make me do. If I were opposed, I wouldn’t meet you each morning and risk my marriage, or my relationship with Roman.”

“Come on you know Crandell can’t satisfy your nympho ass.”

“No, but I do enjoy spending time with him.”

“You just feel sorry for the guy.” Sad, but true! Knowing he was right he took off her blindfold. “Look me in the eye and tell me that I’m wrong.”

“I do like his company, Reese. But yes, I prefer yours.”

“What about your marriage? Ole’ Henry satisfy you?”

“He does! I simply know I need more than he gives. My hubby is hung and very energetic. Since Piper moved in he has opened his mind and has accepted Roman.”

“Would he accept how many guys you get hammered by each day?”

“I don’t want to find out. I prefer he stays in the dark. I let him play with other women so he really can’t say too much if he does find out.”

“The twins know.”

“Sworn to secrecy. Why do you think I let them get away with what they have been doing lately. I really have no options; my mothering skills are tainted. Reese? Can you please untie me. I don’t have much time before the game tonight.” Nodding he released her hands and took the time to claim his own belt from her throat. Putting it on first he then untied her feet. Peeling from her desk she stepped down into her puddle with a grimace.


“Don’t slip and fall.” He tossed her dress up on top of the desk then brought up her heels and sat them beside it. Stretching vibrantly, she batted her lashes at him before bothering to snatch them up. “Legs numb?”

“You know they are.”

“I saw the twins headed downstairs. What did Dakota and Sable say about what I did.”

“Does it matter? They look at me like everyone else does. Shameless and easy!” Ignoring her dress she slowly walked around her desk and turned him in her chair. Leaning into him she kissed him on the lips. “Thank you for putting me in my place. It was rather fun not knowing who had me at any given time. Although, I’m pretty sure Carl knows. I can hear it now.”

As if perfectly timed the PA system crackled with a thunderous, “MIMI ALEXANDER! GET YOUR ASS TO MY OFFICE. NOW!” Eyes flaring Josie saw movement through her classroom door’s glass window. Mimi was running by with boys chasing her. They would follow her all the way to Carl, only stopping when he pointed with authority. Later, Memes! Carl yanked her into his office and slammed the door. Whoa!


“Huh! I guess she did something against his wishes.” Josie sighed then retrieved her dress slipping it on. “Like I said, just let me get through this weekend with family visiting for the birthday party. After that I’m at your beckon call. Oh, except during my night class at the community college. I can’t miss another class, or I might lose that backup job.”

“I’ll leave you alone until Monday.” Sure! “I am tempted to come to the game tonight though.”

“I would make time for you. But let’s agree that after the game no contact until Monday here at school. Once our family heads home we can be ourselves again. I’m still waiting on my own parents to let me know if they’re coming. My past ... has complicated that relationship.” Spotting a box of tissue Reese stood up and retrieved it from a filing cabinet then wadded up a few panels to voluntarily clean her feet off before she put her shoes on. “Such a gentleman!”

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