Nashville Pussy
Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 382: SOAR LOSER
Erotica Sex Story: Episode 382: SOAR LOSER - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Teenagers BiSexual Heterosexual Cheating Slut Wife Humiliation Sadistic Gang Bang Group Sex Anal Sex Bestiality Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Oral Sex Squirting Voyeurism Teacher/Student Illustrated
“Look out school mascot coming through.”
At least he hoped so.
Travis Herbert left his final class with the determination of ditching study hall. Excited by Counsellor Piper Cherry’s admission of a new mascot costume and that the football game tonight was happening after a rough eight hours of rain, he wanted a second chance at glory.
With Piper’s recommendation that he get this opportunity he was in a rush and dodging students in the hall as if he were the quarterback, not any Bad Bird rip off. Tripping over his own skids and darting down the staircase from the second floor he lost his balance and landed on something a lot cushier than a flat tile. He was getting good at tackling teachers and students, all females. Unlucky, Mister Lucky!
Laughter roared as Travis plowed over poor Geek Squeak member Megan Love. Not his first time either. This time however he was right on top of her in a very compromising position. Winded by the impact the two looked into one another’s eyes and couldn’t even blink.
“Ow!” Travis winced, his back aching slightly. A kneecap bruised from impacting with the floor made rising tender. No hurry!
“Oh!” Meg whimpered at how his body lay over her, his timid erection although hiding behind his denim pants directly on her inseam as if ready to fuck her missionary style. After a few days of pining over Travis, Meg’s heart soared at the possibility he had finally taken interest in her. What was really sad was that her ex-boyfriend Dirk Mason was one of them holding their belly busting a gut. What she ever saw in Dirk went right out the window.
“Are you alright, Meg? I’m really sorry, I was in a hurry.” He started to rise then his footing slipped again, and his hips slammed down into hers. Arching her back at his erection’s defining moment she envisioned him making love to her and nibbled her lower lip. “Shit! Sorry again.”
“Hit it, Perbert.” Dirk chuckled! “She likes it rough. I should know!”
“Fuck you, Dirk.” Meg lost her moment then appealed to Travis with a pout. “I’m fine. You can fall on me anytime you want to.”
“Uh? Okay!” He was only erect because of seeing Piper Cherry’s pussy up close in Spanish class. Add in the purpose that he was eager to reach the coach’s office and plead his case. There was also the fact that he was always semi hard because of his hypersexual mind. Pervert Herbert aka Perbert!
Easing away, his chin slid over her t-shirt right between her large breasts, feeling both mounds against his cheeks. Why he didn’t roll off instead was anyone’s guess. It just happened this way without thinking about it. He heard Dirk tell his buddies something unexpected then gnashed his teeth. “I think Perbert’s going down on her.”
Embarrassed Travis hid his face in her shirt and kept moving to her belly button area before finally using his hands to lift away from her body. She was teary eyed by the fact that he was so close to her thighs. Fear creeping in she caught up with her lustful emotions and sat up to assist him off of her.
Rising to his feet he extended a hand to help her up. Hand taken, Megan stood up and smiled. “Thanks. Are you okay?”
“Never better!” He grinned! “I might get to be mascot again. I just have to go convince the coach. You should come to the Lafayette game tonight. You can help me cheer them on and be my seeing eye bird dog. If this new suit is as clunky as the old one, I could barely see where I was going.”
“You can’t see where you’re going without the suit.” She giggled! “At least I cushioned your fall.”
“Nice cushions ... I mean, nice job. The floor might have really hurt face forward without you there.”
“Aww! You say the sweetest things.” She batted her eyes even behind her glasses. Here of late she had given up her contacts with no real boyfriend thanks to Dirk and then Toby Melon. “Sure, I’ll come at the game tonight ... to the game.” She grew flustered over her hormonal mistake. “Meet you there.”
“Awesome! Eat you there then.” Two can play that game! He didn’t even realize what he had said he was in such a hurry. “Gotta go!”
“Bye!” Her heart was soaring. “Please let him like me. Sable does not ... will never make him happy like I would.” A glance down a lonely hall she noticed teacher Chandra Mahkarti waving her to class. “Oh! Right!” Chandra, like Meg had faced Travis the plow for herself. A hint of jealousy perhaps but well hidden.
Students giving up to head to their final class of the day left only Dirk, two friends Andy Tanner and Carmine Mendoza, and a pair of annoyed recently returning from expulsion Hoyt Rollins and Neo Pryor.
Looking at the impact and their reaction to one another the boys grinned devilishly. A text to Knox Hardecker a fiendish plot was set into motion. Even though laughing at her Dirk Mason felt a dash of guilt. He did kind of miss Meg. That is until Tawny Martin and Lily Kramer went wiggling by him.
The three amigos bit their knuckles at seeing butt cheeks ever so visible below the hemline of their cheerleading uniform shirts. Meg who? Hell, Sandy Martin who? She was still in her mother’s van wearing a bloody dress. Dirk decided now that the rain had stopped to stretch his legs and go change into his gym shirt, less blood on it. With all of this occurring he was a little slow getting back to Sandy. Time to go!
Hoyt Rollins told Neo he was skipping class and followed Travis. “No way is that numb nut going to steal my thunder. I was mascot long before him.” He was counter attacking the plan he and Neo had just instigated if he did get to be Bad Bird again. Neo just hoped he wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize that ingenious plan. Letting it and Hoyt go all he could do was hope for the best. A text from Dillon Kirkpatrick about Chandra, Neo smirked. Hoyt could catch up later.
Reaching the gymnasium Travis Herbert bolted through a boy’s class ending the day. Noting them as a junior group he wondered how the new girls’ coach Jin Zellers who watched over them while Tony Gunther was MIA was getting away with boy shorts and a crop top. Even more she was waltzing around with her silver whistle in her lips and her hands up her crop top palming her bare breasts. Tits were covered by both her palms and the shirt but still. “Nice!” Moving along the sidelines of the basketball court Trav grinned at Jin.
“You look nice today, Jin. You switched clothes.”
“Thanks, Perbert. You said that earlier too.” She winked, her whistle slipping to fall and dangle between her breasts from its lanyard. “Why aren’t you in class?”
“Study hall last hour. Piper told me to go talk to the coach about being mascot tonight. Are you coming to the game?”
“Can’t! I have to go to my other job tonight.”
“Other job? What do you do?”
“Stripper at Cashanova!” His eyes bulged at her admission. DUH!
“That’s right, I forgot I heard that! I can totally see you on stage.” He took out his wallet for a dollar bill and chuckled. “Still 17! I can’t get into the club, but I can tip you.” Shaking her head at him she stepped closer. An energy drink had her name on it and the dollar was going to be helpful. Not that she was broke!
“Hurry it up.” Eyes flaring, he tried to figure out how he wanted to plant the bill to get his money’s worth. “Shaking you down for your lunch money.” She giggled! “Just stuff it already.”
Using both hands he nervously alluded at going in from beneath rather than the waistband. Resorting to pinching the thigh area he carefully slipped it under and ran his knuckles over her thin fuzzy bikini area and out the other thigh so that the bill became dog ears over both thighs. Eying his ballsy move she smirked. “I better not get a papercut on my clit.”
“I’ll put a band-aid on if you need help. At least I didn’t offer to kiss the booboo.”
“And that is why they call you Perbert. I’m good. Go win back your night job.”
Thumbs up, Trav walked away sniffing his knuckles. The juniors were in awe of his badass move. Eying Jin as she faced the dodge ballers, she left the dollar confined. After class she would be tipped by a dozen more boys. Easy money if not only dollar bills. Red Bull gives you wings.
Swallow’s had wings.
Running down the staircase Trav nearly tripped all over again but caught himself. Rushing up to the coach’s office he found Roman at his desk and Tony Gunther standing across from him. The two were bonding now that the sexual bullshit had subsided.
Tony felt compelled to apologize even though he wasn’t truly sorry. Jin Zellers was too hot to not get cozy with. If he didn’t have plans with his sexy landlord Lauren McBride already, he might go to Cashanova himself tonight just to watch her dance but again money was tight. A knock on the glass Roman looked over to see Travis.
“Aww, hell! I know what this is about.”
“I remember him. He was actually pretty decent on the basketball court.”
“Perbert? You’re kidding me. That kid falls over everything. Not to mention he’s a pervert.”
“Aren’t we all, Roman?” Roman sighed. To an extent that was a fact. Waving him in Travis opened the door.
“Hey, Coach! Uhh? Coach number two.”
“Why are you not in class?”
“Everyone keeps asking me that. Study hall last hour. Nobody misses me, trust me.” A good thing he wasn’t in the library with what Dakota McKellen was doing. Innocent orgy in the back corner of the library she was now being licked to high heaven by cheerleader Robin Banks. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone!
“Let me guess, here to beg to be mascot again?”
“Am I that obvious?” Trav dropped to his knees and went into prayer mode, sharing an expression of sadness. “Pleeeeeeease let me redeem myself. Piper told me to tell you she supports my hopefulness.”
“She did, did she? We don’t even have a new costume yet.”
“On its way. Odessa Bradley hooked us up. God, I hope she didn’t put itching powder in the bird suit.” Not this time! But what would be put in the suit would give him plenty to squirm over. Topic for a few hours from now. Odessa would not be to blame.
“That make’s two of us. I ... what now?” Roman saw Hoyt Rollins outside. Frowning over it he waved the punk in. Seeing Travis on his knees Hoyt rolled his eyes.
“Be a man Perbert! Real mascots don’t beg.”
“Bite me, Rollins.” Tony Gunther smirked at Perbert’s grit. There was more to this kid than a nickname and he just knew it.
“Come on, Coach! I’ve learned my lesson, let me be mascot again.”
“Learned your lesson? Have you even apologized to Herbert there?” Trav shook his head negatively while looking up over his brows whistling. Tony nearly laughed but withheld it. The kid had spunk.
“You and your knucklehead posse stripped that kid naked and superglued him inside the mascot suit. Need I remind you that no one is making you pay for the new suit? You pissed on the poor guy even.”
“That was Pryor. I was around but I didn’t do any of that to Trav. That was all on Hardecker.” Under the bus! “I’m SORRY they did that but...”
“Viral videos!” Travis coughed into his prayer hands, and smelled Jin Zeller’s on his knuckle. Yummy! Ohhhh, yeaaaah!
“Videos? I didn’t take those.” Now that was a lie. “Coach, come on! I’ve been mascot two years in a row now.”
“End of the road, Rollins. Trav? Last chance, don’t blow it.”
“Only if Hardecker messes with me coach. You can’t blame me for what they do. You think I loved running around with my ass hanging out of the tailback?” Now Tony laughed and held his palms up to show he was sorry for it.
“You humped the Badger mascot.”
“I fell on her.”
“Her?” Tony busted up again.
“Just like you did Megan Love ten minutes ago. You tried humping her too.”
“I did not! I lost my footing.”
“You even knocked over Miss Mahkarti and tried to hump her in her own classroom.”
“You fuckers pushed me over.”
“Whatever you freak. What does Sable McKellen even see in you.”
Travis immediately jumped up and turned his prayer hands into fists. Tony intervened in any punching. “You know she’s going to dump your ass in a week or three. Too many guys flirt with her, you don’t stand a chance.” He so wanted to spill everything he knew and had even done to Sable but knew it would come back to haunt him. Until he had the real opportunity to fuck Sable for himself, he shut his temper down. Now Tony felt bad in catching Sable earlier from her pyramid practice, his dick hanging out and the girl accidently touching it.
“Don’t you dare talk shit about my girl.”
“Dude? If you only knew the things, I do... “ Hoyt was so tempted to just burn Travis by at least mentioning Sable on Knox Hardecker’s balcony naked and watching Trav’s hot mom fucking her master or her day beneath Trav’s balcony being eaten and fondled. Funny, how even that day Sable had a big dick slip between her thigh gaps. Not one of her finest moments. Complicating matters, it was all Hoyt could do not to bring up his ultimate blow that he had fucked Perbert’s mommy. The sworn to secrecy part was hell under anger. Sucking it up Hoyt kept all of that to himself.
“Fuck it! Be the mascot.”
“Get the fuck out of my office, Rollins. Before I drag Manley in on this and boot you out of school the rest of the year.”
“You know Manley won’t do that. Too much to lose.” With everything he let Piper Cherry and Josie McKellen get away with, the cheerleaders, Tony behind Travis he felt justified. Cameras were everywhere to back him up. Of course, in that instant Hoyt realized he was being recorded this very second. Calming his temper, he put out his palms and faked his regret. “Fine! Trav ... I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to be nicer. Have a good time being mascot tonight. Coaches? I...”
“Go back to class, Rollins.” Roman sighed, he wasn’t buying the nice guy act. While turning to leave, his worst nightmare showed up. Outside walked up Principal Carl Manley with the new mascot uniform in his possession. His heart dropped to his feet.
The new suit looked badass tough if not bulky. Noting Hoyt and Travis, Carl scowled. Door opening Hoyt slipped out quietly and left the lower level. Walking by Jin Zellers for a second time the asshole spotted the dollar bill stuffed in her boy shorts. Smiling over it he took out his wallet and showed it to Jin.
“I can top that dollar with a ten.”
“One is enough.” He then took out a dollar with a shrug. Stopping him she wagged a finger. “I meant this dollar. I don’t want your money. I know your rep. Piss off.”
“Fuck you, Gook!”
As a Korean, that did not go over well. Oh, it was on ... the Juniors chased Hoyt out of the gym. Flying by Piper Cherry on her way from the library she cocked a brow. Once the Juniors saw Piper, Hoyt was a free man as they held the door open and let her wiggle into the gymnasium. Zero interest in Hoyt now, they tailed her sweet cheerleader uniform, if you could call it that, back to Jin. She should have stuck with her towel from earlier.
“What was that about?”
“Nothing that my Red Army can’t handle.” She blew kisses at her Juniors. Army by numbers, red by anger over Hoyt’s insult. Made sense! “You finally ditched the bunny ears.”
“Big tipper! Yeah, the novelty wore off once my cottontail leggings were shredded.” Piper looked down at her thighs to see Trav’s dollar. In response Jin looked at her own jiggy bank with a sly grin.
“Just owning up to what you expect of me fearless leader. Carl laughed over it just now.”
“It is cute.” The Juniors could not agree more. “I’d accept tips too but I’m not wearing underwear to stuff money into.” She held her hemline down around the younger class, they saw nothing vital other than the crease of her ass crack beneath the stretched fabric. They did however hear her neglect to wear anything under her shirt. Common knowledge!
“Why am I hiding? Ugggh!” Releasing her tank top style uniform, the material rebounded, and the students now saw labium between her thighs. Peekaboo!
“You had better run the natives are getting restless.”
“Good idea. See you later, Swinging Single.” The dollar as a single, flaps swinging if Jin walked. Piper’s humor was always on target. A whistle blown to continue; the class dodgeball game went back to normal. Piper did run neglecting to hold that hem for dear strife. Down the habit hole Alice went. The young men were still prepared to tip Coach Zellers.
Candy from a bambino!
Reaching the downstairs Piper found Roman’s office empty and frowned. That left only one possible location to find him. Crossing the hall, she barged right into the boy’s locker room. Definitely not her first time in there! Entering, she found Carl, Roman, and Tony Gunther assisting Travis in trying on the new mascot outfit. In only his boxers Travis squealed like a girl getting busted then laughed. “Just kidding.” He chuckled toward Tony. “Psyche!” An open slot with no button on his boxers his penis unintentionally fell out. Piper cocked a brow at him as he hid it behind his hands and turned away in a hurry to stuff it back inside. Oops!
“Early bird catches the worm. So, you did agree to let Travis give us all the bird.” Piper smirked moving next to Carl and leaning an elbow on his shoulder. Roman noting her pussy in full bloom under her slightly lifted uniform shirt frowned at Carl. Now Tony, he was exhaling with lust.
“Alright, Manley! Spill it! How and why are you letting all of this peep show shit go on? This is a high school for God’s sake. Don’t get me wrong, Counsellor, I think the world of you but come on ... dignity already.”
“Has the cops come beating down our door, Roman?” Carl offered then put up a hand. “Let’s talk about this across the hall. Gunther? Cherry? Help Trav find his fitting. That suit looks huge on him. Crandell, lead the way.”
“Be gentle.” Piper told Carl.
“Drill Sergeant’s are not known for gentle, Cherry. Hurry the hell up, class is almost over.”
Roman almost regretted opening up a can of those early worms but of late things were getting too out of hand. Being older and set in his ways Roman just had a hard time accepting certain outlooks. Carl understood that but he also was in charge of more than most people knew. Soon, very soon the truth of the matter, namely his Watchtower association would come out.
It wasn’t like Roman didn’t know of someone behind the scenes after last week’s game and the weird texts he was getting. Of course, he was drunk and watching Josie get hammered by the referees. Not much thought over those texts afterward. The messages vanished from his phone, so he shrugged it off.
Roman was however well-aware how other high schools were getting away with things too. Just the football games and the after parties in the locker rooms were evidence enough that Carl was not any true ringleader. If other principals were letting things happen at their locales that meant a unified effort. Roman had just not figured it all out yet.
In the office Carl turned to Roman and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I get it. I do. I wish I could give you solid reasons for it all, Crandell. But unfortunately, those are above my pay grade. That should offer a clue. Cameras!” He whispered! “Last weekend when you got arrested. You and the others got off unscathed, outside of ... well, being raped, I suppose. Everyone walked away with no criminal records and are now under protection, that alone must show you that this goes over my head. If you want to quit, I’ll grant that wish and give you a perfect reference, you have my word.”
“Even though I told Cherry to buy me out, I don’t want to quit. I’m just looking out for the kids here for God’s sake. The older ones I don’t worry about, but hell, upstairs right now are Juniors. What are they seeing?” Jin Zeller’s titties! “Hell, Freshmen are getting used to seeing skin.”
“Hopefully not too much. I’m aware, and I do get after Cherry to watch her step.” HAHAHA! Nope!
“Don’t give me that bullshit. It’s not just Cherry, Carl. This Zellers girl is up there in boy shorts and a crop top. Half the time her hands are under that top palming her tits. How does that look?”
“Has she shown them those tits?” YEP! Every five minutes! Roman wasn’t in that circle of knowledge yet. “I record every move in this school now that I’ve added a few extra cameras. Trust me I know things get insane. I’m sure your arrest traumatized you even if you haven’t admitted to it.”
“How do we really know the cops have our backs?” He really was in the dark. Sex in the school courtyard between teachers had not even found its way to his ears.
“Go punch a cop and see what happens.”
“Excuse me?”
“Drive reckless and get pulled over. I’m willing to bet you get a warning every time.”
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