Nashville Pussy - Cover

Nashville Pussy

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 381: NO BUENO

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 381: NO BUENO - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Illustrated  


“About time the rain stopped! I need to stretch my legs and bleed the camel.”

Officer Anson Potter had been wasting gas all morning long performing his civic duty as a Nashville cop. Well, save for pulling into the Cashanova Strip Club’s parking lot and taking up a space to spy on the yoga classes conducted in the neighboring fitness center LIFT KITty’s. With all glass windows and bright lights it made for a pretty good show. Crazy how a rainstorm stopped everyone from getting outdoors but fitness junkies. God Bless the American Dream!

Forced to ride with the asshole another day, Officer Catalina Juarez had no choice but to sit back and contemplate the mistake she made in ever joining the force and accepting money from Watchtower. Bad cop with a heart of sold she often called herself. Potter here was on her kill list someday if things went too far. Yesterday he literally urinated all over her at Pitstop Park, neighbors watching helplessly. She didn’t even get to go change into dry clothing, having to wear his urinary stench the remainder of her shift. To top it all off her superiors at the precinct told her to suck it up. She knew then and there her future was grim.

Today Potter seemed relaxed if not claustrophobic. Ordered to steer clear of going inside Cashanova after the conflict with Principal Carl Manley yesterday he resorted to housesitting his squad car. Barely ten sentences spoken toward Juarez he none the less made it known he could do whatever he wanted. Luckily, between the yoga class and Potter watching his wife’s cosplay podcast on his phone he was in another world. Cat did get a look at Marion Potter and realized the age difference. She was adorable. Why would she ever marry a dickhead like Anson? Her conclusion? He must have a hold over her like he did Mimi Alexander. A hold yes, but not in the dominant way she suspected. Oh, well! Their life!


Just an hour ago right there in front of LIFT KITty’s he put his seat back, unzipped his pants and beat off to the hard bodies working out. Juarez attempted to look the other way, but Potter wouldn’t stand for it. He made her watch him until he jizzed all over his steering wheel. Cuffing her hands to the wheel made darn sure she had a front row seat to his perversion. Hand coated in nut he went so far as to rub his cream all over her face and slacks. At least it wasn’t urine this time.


“You are such an asshole, Potter.” That made him shove fingers between her lips to give her a taste of his creamy semen. That shut her up fast.


“Get over it, Lesbo! You signed on to join our ranks, you play the game. Don’t think for a second this can’t get any worse. You hold your tongue, do as you’re told through your probationary period and even, I might cut you some slack. Until then you smile and say thank you, Sir.” She grumbled wanting to bite his fingers but just knew she would be missing teeth if she did. Regrets were numerous! “Is that understood JuarLEZ?”

Tears forced back she nodded until he removed his fingers and patted her cheek. “Good! Be happy I’m not making you lick my dick clean. There’s still time if you get mouthy.”

“Rather not!” She mumbled! She truly hoped today might be her last ride with this psychopath. Hopefully a rotation of other members of the force would be routine. In her mind this was Watchtower observing how she coped with him. Witnessing at Cashanova yesterday how Watchtower checked Potter to protect Carl Manley at least gave her insight that someone in this evil cartel had a heart. The hacker Darkhorse already warned her that he was on her side but could not interfere and blow his cover. At the very least he was a confidante to keep her sanity.

“You sit tight. I’m going to go use the restroom there at KITty’s. Which reminds me now that I’m done nutting to my wife Marion, I need to check in on my little Meow Minx Mimi. Oh! I hear you asked her to be your roommate. I like that idea. That gives me an open-door policy to pay private visits to see her. I expect a housekey of my own Juarez. Got that?”



“YES, SIR!” Goddammit!!!


Nodding he opened his car door and left her cuffed to the wheel but did take the car keys with him. Standing up to stretch, his dick dangling he looked to the cloudy sky to see a hint of blue arriving. Sighing he stashed his beast and slammed the door. Walking up to the gym he stood in front of the windows to see the yoga class stretching. Cameltoes everywhere he looked. “There’s Violet Lovecraft. Staying fit for her biker boys. Wait a second, that gives me an idea.”

Rubbing his chin before entering he made a phone call and stood on the sidewalk. “Afternoon, Hor!” Horace Tart aka Horse of the club Gnashville Knights. “Anson Potter! I’m calling in a favor for Saturday night. Change your plans I’ve got a mission for you and let’s say six of your charter. I’ll text you a timeframe once I arrange things. You know, I’m good. You do me a solid, I do you a solid. Appreciated! I’ll be in touch.”

Hanging up Anson looked up at the glass of the gym’s frontage view. Spotting two giants with arms folded blocking the front door he frowned and cast his arms to his sides. His obstacles were Serafina Black alongside her girlfriend and after dark slave Tanisha Hobbs. Serafina purposely reached up and locked the door. “Hey! I just need to use the restroom.” Tanisha then shared a cardboard sign that when turned said, “Members only!”

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“Hey, now! I have a member right here.” Again, he unzipped his pants and whipped out his sticky tool. “Fine! I’ll just go right here. Call a cop, I dare you.” Urinating on the windowpane he finished up and wagged his beast at them. Timely fashion, he did notice a new patrol car’s reflection in the glass pulling up behind him and twisted in step to see who it was. Grinning at the driver he put his dick away and flipped off the bodybuilders. Stepping from the sidewalk he ventured to the driver’s side door.

“What’s shaking, Lois!” Window rolled down Officer Lois Simpson scowled at him then eyed the urine puddle on the door glass and sidewalk.

“Obviously your pecker. You know I’m only into women so don’t bother to think I’m your backup. I’m only here for a massage from Sera.” Her partner Kylee Penn a Filipino cutie in her own right, shot a glance over at Juarez cuffed to the steering wheel. A hand reaching blindly toward Lois she accidently grazed her breast.


“Lois? Juarez is handcuffed.”

“Keep pawing me up I’ll cuff you to her, Rookie.”

“Sorry! No disrespect! I just ... I’ll just sit here and mind my own business.”

“You’re learning! So, Potter, exactly why is Juarez cuffed to your steering column.”

“Mouthy is all. Training her to watch what she says. She’s been interfering with my pet project Mimi Alexander. Setting her straight is all.”

“I heard rumblings that you were supposed to distance yourself from ... hold up, Mimi is that squeaker we hauled in last weekend with the Horton-Dexter bunch. She’s friends with my girl, LeAnne.”

“Better rethink that, Simpson. Juarez over there supposedly has a date with LeAnne tonight.” Hearing this Lois narrowed her eyes wondering if Potter was just being his usual asshole self. “I’m serious. Ask her for yourself.”

“If you are just fucking with me Potter, you know I’ll punch your lights out and get away with it.” Kylee sank into her seat sweating. Like Catalina she was only trying to make a difference, not fully knowing what she hired into. She herself had no knowledge of Watchtower at the moment. Juarez at least did but warning Officer Penn would only make her life worse than it was. “Back your ass up so I can get out. My appointment with Sera is now. Switch partners with me until I’m done. Penn, you ride with Potter for an hour. I’ll find you after Sera tenderizes me.”


Stepping away from the car door Lois got out. Penn unbuckling her seatbelt climbed out and looked in at Juarez with a pout. Catalina felt her empathy and casually blew her colleague a kiss then returned to hopelessness. Walking around Simpson’s car Lois opened Potter’s door and bent at the knee to look in. “This fucker cum on your face?” She saw sticky glaze all over her. Catalina said nothing. “I have one question and if you lie to me, you can bet your day heads South faster than it already has.”

“Please uncuff me.”

Lois reached over her shoulder at Potter for the cuff key. Claiming it Lois winced over the scent of urine. “Christ! Use some sanitary wipes or something.” Reaching in Lois unfastened the left cuff and freed Catalina but kept the right cuff on her wrist. At least she was free of the car. “We’ll get to that question. Get out, you and Penn and switching until later.”

Hurrying to vacate Potter’s car, Juarez faced Penn on the passenger side. Without warning Cat hugged Kylee and whispered, “Be careful! He’s a sick bastard. Do not report him or you will face his wrath. Trust me!” Nodding, Kylee let her go and Juarez went for the sidewalk to await Lois. Seeing Serafina stepping out of the now unlocked door with some quick dry to powder down the piss puddle Cat shared a look of stress. Sera did wink at her to let her know she had her back. For all the good it would be.

Serafina was bold but also knew that even she could face repercussions if she intervened too much. Still, in a bold move Sera handed the emptied scoop of quick dry to her girl Tanisha then stepped to Juarez. Lifting the unlatched cuff Sera dared to clasp it around her own right wrist.

“Under my protection!” Juarez bulged her eyes at the giantess. A tear streaked down her cheek at Sera’s kindness.

“And just how do you plan on giving me a massage with your hand cuffed to the Kitty.” Lois pushed Potter aside and stepped up onto the sidewalk. “She and I have business Sera.”

“Call me the MEOWdiator. I prefer Kittens myself. And don’t you dare try and make me gnaw on that clit of yours. No happy ending on my watch. Bring on your worst LoLo, you know I can bring the hillbillies to Nashville and wage war.”

“No need for a Next of Kin sequel.” She paused to watch Potter and Penn drive off. “Let’s just even my odds here.” Removing her own set of handcuffs Lois stepped over to Tanisha and cuffed her wrist, the other end to Lois herself.

“What the hell did I do?” Tanisha shared a deadly glare.

“It’s not what you did, it’s what you will do. If Sera can fuck with me, I can return the favor. Until my massage is done to perfection, you’re with me.” She then looked at Sera. “You do realize Potter has that cuff key.”

“Fuck! No biggy! My brother Dominic has a pair of channel locks in his truck. I can snip the chain.” Wage war Bitch!

“And I can have his truck towed.” Twice in 24 hours did not sit well with Sera, having heard Dom’s truck tires were deflated last night during the storm. “You can’t win Sera, stop being your usual badass.”

“I’ll take my chances.”

“We doing this massage or what? Miss Catalina, there can help you seeing as she’s your hand maiden.”

“Stop!” Catalina had, had enough. “What is this question?”

“I hear you and LeAnne Logarth have a date tonight.”

“You know LeAnne?”

“Possibly better than you. She has a date with me tonight. So, either she’s lying to you or she’s lying to me. Which is it?” Catalina went pale.

“I’ve known her since college. We ... are besties. Same for Mimi Alexander.”

“Besties or BESTIES?” Lois sneered raising her voice.

“We care about one another. I ... why don’t you just confront her.”

“Might still come to that. If you have plans with her you cancel it. She’s on my dinner plate tonight.”

“Fine! Shit! My cell is in Potter’s car. He locked it in the glove box so I couldn’t use it.”

“He really did a number on you didn’t he?” Lois seemed to relax a bit. “For the record, I can’t stand in his way. He does whatever he wants and faces his own consequences. We all do.”

“How is it you POPO get away with murder, anyway?” Sera spotted the owner of the gym Kitty Mitchell looking worried, a number of members in the yoga class also feeling her stress. “Don’t answer that. I don’t need the hassle. Look LoLo, Kitty the owner is watching, let’s not give her high blood pressure. Let’s take this into the back room and resolve this over some oils.”

“I’m paying for those nipples on my back at least.” Lois then looked at Tanisha. “Her’s too.”

“I’m not a masseuse. I’m a fitness trainer.”

“You are today. Don’t make me run your background.”

“My background is clean.”

“Sure, it is! That’s what they all say.” Lois glared at Tanisha who just knew some false charge might head her way. “Today, I get the best massage you bitches have to offer. I better feel like a million bucks for my date tonight.”

“Let’s just get this over with.” Serafina lured Juarez into following her. The second her back was to Lois, the busty officer slapped Catalina on the bottom.

“We could have a threesome tonight. You, me, and LeAnne.”

“I’ll pass!”

“As if I would give you a choice. Walk with me, Black Beauty.” Tanisha so wanted to slap that smug racist bitch. Jail time would not be fun, nor facing some corrupt judge. It was better to play along and bite her tongue.

Entering the gym Lois smiled at the owner Kitty. “Sorry for the spectacle, Ms. Mitchell. Old friends having fun. Sera and I have a scheduled appointment.” Looking at Sera, the hillbilly goddess nodded her confirmation. “I’m stealing your trainer here too. We won’t be long.”

In passing, Catalina shyly glanced at the yoga class to see many of the women sensing her turmoil. The yoga instructor, a busty blonde in yellow specifically shared a disgusted look over how the young officer was being handled. Daisy Chainwall knew firsthand what it was like being the daughter of a cop who was not on the up and up. She tried to avoid anything to do with the police department due to daddy Douglas. Story for another day!

Regardless, Catalina’s walk of shame moment before it even happened, felt more like a drive by shooting. Women whispered their distaste of the handcuffs but quickly fell silent once Lois winked their way. Off in a corner biker babe Violet Lovecraft sent a text to her club buddies. Not that it mattered, the club steered clear of interfering in police business, including hijinks. More often than not the club was paid to perform unsavory acts. Case in point Anson Potter’s earlier talk with Horace Tart. Money and favors spoke volume. With a poker run coming in another week the boys needed party cash. C’est La VIolEt!

Taking things to the back room a lengthy curtain was drawn to mask the massage tables. No walls allowed clients freedom to be an exhibitionist should the client ask for it. Kitty Mitchell the owner did know of Watchtower but chose to simply keep things on the downlow. Even she was paid a minimal fee to provide the Tower necessary skin to be able to market videos overseas. Not proud of her agreement she barely had contact with anyone. This gym was her life. Rather than interfere ole’ girl went to her office and shut the door.

“How do you expect to lose the uniform with us cuffed.” Tanisha lifted Simpson’s arm with very little effort.

“Juarez there is going to make it up to me for trying to steal LeAnne. Isn’t that right, Kittycat!”

“If I have to.” Catalina was sorry for ever getting involved with Watchtower. She knew deep down that there was only one way out, fingers crossed, that out being the hacker Darkhorse. The problem with that was she couldn’t just call him and there was truly not much he could offer her outside of advice. A long talk would happen if she was to continue working for him. Who knows if he was even legit, she could be played any number of ways. Bad enough he knew of the campus fire she started back in the day, one that went without a conviction. No one knew but her until Darkhorse busted her to get her attention.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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