Nashville Pussy - Cover

Nashville Pussy

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 380: HUMMINGBIRD

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 380: HUMMINGBIRD - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Illustrated  


Time was flying by.

For a school with a team name called the Swallow’s that was commonplace. Last hour classes in session were good for some students, better for others. For Dakota McKellen it was awesome. She had free period her last hour which meant a study hall in the library to either do homework or in her case live the dream.

Ever since her in the hallway blowbang of the football team as led by Angus Furlong she was riding high and barely able to keep her dress on. Gaining a nice entourage of boys since then she used them to her advantage in walking the halls with her dress completely unbuttoned and fanning to her sides for a full-frontal exhibition.


Guys were tripping all over themselves in cloaking her from younger students and eyeballing teaching staff. Not that it bothered her if those Freshmen did see her. Hell, she walked right by her mother’s English class with her dress off of her shoulders and over her arms. All it would have taken was to let her arms go straight and she would have been nude. Even though there were cameras literally everywhere watching she did not care, she was challenging the system. Risky, sure! But hey, if Piper Cherry could get away with it why couldn’t she? Case in point her chat with she and her mother before lunch about their behavior.

Of course, if Kota had bothered to look into her mom’s doorway, she would have seen Josie bound naked over her desk, blindfolded and gagged. Boys were having a heyday hitting her pussy. Eleven by days end! What the heck, at the top of the stairs she paused and let her dress slip to the floor. Oopsie!

“Carry that for me while I play Ariana Grande!” Grande style in her pose she playfully offered a 360 view of her gorgeous body. Students at the bottom of the flight were as silent as the cads behind her in rejoicing over her striptease. Like her mother and Piper Cherry everyone seemed to be protecting their goddesses. “I can get used to this.” Used! They thought much the same if not different meanings. All in good time!

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“Follow me my cute minions.” Taking the steps seductively, hands in her hair she navigated those on the stairs and allowed them to caress her body in passing. “Keep up!” She told her entourage. Every damn boy around her said, “Already up!” Dicks were mighty today!


“Then I must be doing something right.” Giggling she pressed on. At the bottom of the stairs those congregating swarmed her briefly, feeling her up everywhere possible. A few students swooped in with a sneak attack, pelting her nipples with loving kisses. In her thoughts she swore she would exceed her mother in stealing their attentions. So far so good! Right on past the principals off. Woohoo!

Entering the library, she sucked up the courage to shuffle right on by the librarian, elderly and quite deaf Marisol Quinn. Seated in her office Kota managed the impossible of waltzing in butt ass naked and uncaring who saw her. Not once did Marisol bother to look her way even amid her cluster of lusters.

Yes, the lust was immense. For Dakota it was equally as shared with her McKellen’s Felons as she deemed her posse. Whether this congregation would last beyond today remained to be seen, but for now she was greedy and needy. Hello everyone! Sure, some students were stunned at seeing her parade on through pinching her nipples, but none complained. Considering everybody was aware of her mother’s antics they simply let it ride.

Knowing where the cheerleaders hid themselves away after their fun and games recently with the wrestlers, Dakota made certain she hogged that area before the cheerleaders had a chance to steal it. Isolated in a back corner and enclosed by bookcases she had the place all to herself at the moment. Why not get comfy!

Dakota Marie was up on the long wooden table touching herself to her eight-man fan club, many of those witnessing her earlier blowbang. Guys keeping watch allowed her to masturbate freely even with a camera pointed right at her. If she could get away with this she could get away with worse. After tomorrow at her birthday party, she was determined to really cut loose.


Not even worried over her best friend Andrea Beckett, she taunted her audience by teasing her clitty cat. Up close inspections encouraged, she would playfully whisper, “You can get closer she won’t scratch you.”

A nervous chuckle amidst those eight, each visitor exhaled on her knuckles and dared to wag a tongue, yet not one made contact. That was okay, she had a hunch they were just afraid of Angus. Knowing the cheerleaders might show up at any second, they didn’t want to get busted. That, and they were also aware of that damned camera on the ceiling.

Convincing them that the cheerleaders got away with being eaten out and giving blowjobs the other day still did not invite any takers. Chickens, all! She was fine, she still made herself climax, juices trickling on the table. What occurred after her shrill emission was a table full of newer guys taking seats around her. Eying her security detail she slid her bottom around the table and gave each of them a personal up-close performance. The most any of them would do was rub her legs. That was enough. For now!

“Cheerleaders.” Brad Sherman warned her! “Coming this way.”

“Nobody moves! Stop being pussies and look at mine.” Dakota huffed with a playful bitterness. No one got up, that was a good thing. Brad nodding at Robin Banks and Tina Wiles leading Deanna Sweeney and Octavia Bradley around the corner, the ladies sneered at Brad for being back here. Unaware of their favorite spot being dominated they learned the hard way.

“Pull up some table ladies.”

“Uh? The wrestler’s... “ Tina began to say then looked back noting the lumbering giants on their way. Those around the table currently were not the cheerleader’s first choices for certain, but Dakota was definitely stealing their thunder. Robin chuckled over the girl’s hostile takeover and chose to make a move she might not normally make. Tossing her book bag, she moved in and sat on Clinton Kelly’s lap, pulling her uniform shirt up over her butt cheeks to sit her bare bottom on his tented erection. Dakota slid in reverse to face Robin and patted her wet pussy.

“Lick me.”

“You’re getting bold, McKellen.” Robin smirked! “Definitely one of us these days. Now that you brought up us showing off more let’s just forget you ever challenged us. Get that clit over here.”

Giggling at her voyeurs Dakota slid her thighs right up to the edge of the table and watched Robin settle in better. “You can be my spotter and hold my hips, Kelly.” The boy grinned vividly and reached just under Robin’s shirt to grasp her tight flesh. “Take a seat you bitches and wait your turn.”

Laughing at the situation Octavia chose Merritt Wyley and dropped into his lap. Deanna selecting Hogie Dean and Tina going with Simon Crowley. Not one of them were necessarily cute or any sort of Jock but hey, this was a game of Follow the Leader. Dakota leaning her head back shot glances at the cheerleaders now lying back into their human seats.

“This can be my birthday present from you guys. I know you didn’t buy me anything.” Robin’s tongue on her clit made her yelp then gnash her teeth. “FINALLY! Somebody likes me.” They all did. Happy birthdays were vocalized around the table, the boys just learning of this fact.


Wrestler’s rounding the bookcase stopped dead in their tracks. “What the hell is this?” Pratt Ewing laughed! “Sup, Dakota?”

“It’s my birthday. You can lick me too.”

“Furlong cool with that?” Willard Dreyfus worried! He knew he could hammer Robin anytime he wanted but Dakota was ... something new.

“It’s just saliva, WillDo!” Robin lifted away. “Don’t go fingering her she’s saving herself for Angus.”

“You can do that on Monday.” Dakota snickered! “Take a seat I’ll be with you shortly.” Her childlike voice made them all rock hard. A few of the seated boys offered their seats up but Dakota wouldn’t have it. “HEY! Standing room only. Sit your asses down.” Bitch was greedy! Everyone loved it.

Smug looks shared, the wrestler’s circled the table to reach the other cheerleaders. Nodding at Tina Wiles, Pratt reached around Simon, through her uniform’s side entrance and palmed the center of her breast, nudging her further back into Simon Crowley. Like Robin had done the ladies had lifted their uniform shirts up for comfort, all bare asses on their chosen laps.

In nudging Tina back, Pratt chuckled, “Hold her wrists, Crowley.” Nervous but cooperating Simon held her loosely until Tina hissed. “Ewing said, hold me. That means don’t let me fight back bitch boy.” The grip became tight. “That’s it, now I’m your bitch, Crowley.”


Simon’s dick grew substantially beneath her thighs, definitely noticeable Tina did smile at him. From there Pratt licked his fingertips then reached across her body until down between Tina’s legs where he began fingering her. “Lap that lap, Wiles.” She gyrated over Simon as encouraged by three fingers digging up inside her twat. “Let’s see who finishes first, you or Crowley.” Tina by a mile she squirted almost instantaneously. “Two out of three, Simon.” He was all in! So were Pratt’s fingers.

Octavia faced similar. Kyle Booker, reinvigorated after hammering Josie McKellen over her desk twice took charge of the ebony goddess, going even further. He and his twin brother Lyle who normally stood watch were now invested. Dragging her shirt up to reveal her chest the boys leaned in and devoured both of her nipples while Merritt Wyley was smothered in her long curly black hair.


The Booker’s while gnawing on her nipples moved hands down her tummy and shared her vulva in double digits each. Four fingers up her she was hissing up a storm. Merritt didn’t know what to do with his own hands, so he experimented. Trapped as he was, he brought his arms upward and gripped Octavia by her neck, squeezing her throat. “Oh, fuck yes! Be a man, Wyley.” Choking her airflow Octavia squirted hard over the Bookend Boys. No stopping there! Again!

Deanna Sweeny was with Wayne the arrogant. After licking Sable McKellen in Edwin Connelly’s class as well knowing of Custer Martini and Corey Samson’s mischief in the halls, Wayne Johnson enjoyed watching Dakota, envisioning Sable. Hell, both of the twins. Same girl basically.

To that end Deanna felt cheated by Wayne’s lack of enthusiasm. Horny as hell she sighed and took Hogarth “Hogie” Dean’s hands and brought them around her, guiding one toward her right breast through the side of her shirt, the other down into her bikini area. His trembling fingers managed to rub her clit, but Wayne stole her cunt. Between the two of them it was a whole lot better.

“Oh, my God!” Dakota’s legs were shaking dramatically. Robin wiggled her tongue as far up Dakota’s pussy as she could shove it. She knew there wasn’t enough pressure to steal her hymen from Angus before tomorrow. With Robin accepting Dakota as her boyfriend’s other girlfriend, and Dakota embracing Robin, this was a true honor. The girls might not have gotten along at first, but now they were chumming it up at a rapid rate.

“I may be a lesbian after all.”


The group quietly laughed so as not to alert the dozens of other students in the library. It was a quiet place after all. Holding in orgasms was not easy but managed quite well. “Can you go any deeper?” Robin winked over Dakota’s thin pubic hair and did her best, another quarter inch at depth the twin McKellen arched her back and gushed across Robin’s chin.

Fingers violently rubbing across her clitoris Dakota let out an unexpected scream that made all parties freeze. Guard dogs noting a room full of eyes shooting glances, Brad Sherman and Jimmy Vega managed to convince them that Dakota stubbed her toe. Some bought it, others knew different. Come on they saw Dakota walk in naked. No-brainer!

“I do not want to know.”

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Andrea Beckett flared her eyes toward her new boyfriend Nathan Lowe while seated off alone. The two of them had come in after Dakota’s entrance. “She’s going to get expelled; I just know it.” Andi had no idea of just how dark Dakota McKellen, or her sister had been sinking to this past week. Nathan of course, had a clue after Dakota sucked his dick here in the library recently, before he and Andi agreed to date. Shrugging he just held Andrea’s hand.

“So, I’m riding with your mom to the McKellen birthday bash tomorrow?”

“Yes! My mom can’t wait to meet you. My dad will be out of town hunting, but mom will be there with us. She knows Sable and Dakota’s parents. Counsellor Cherry said it was going to be insane the things she has planned so we have to hang. Dakota wants me to stay the night, her dad put three big tents up in the back yard. Wait! You already knew that.”

“Yep! That sounds cool. I guess your mom will have to take me home if you’re staying the night.”

“You could always... “ She held her long brown hair out of her blush. “ ... stay in the tent with me. Protect me from any monsters.” She knew Knox Hardecker lived behind the McKellen’s. “Besides, we’ve already talked about how far we should go. I’ll compromise some just not all the way. Anal possibly!” She batted her eyes. With promising Beau Hunter her virginity, she had to save herself until Sunday night. So, Nate was getting her anal virginity, Beau her pussy. YEP! Mind made up!

“Wow! Moving fast, aren’t we?” He wiggled his brows.

“Nathan, I know it’s only been a couple days but ... the twins are going to lose their virginities ... I’m going to feel weird in my tent all alone. Sandy Martin can’t stay. Now that she and Dirk Mason are seeing each other I can’t blame her.”

“Furlong and Dakota? Sable and Perbert?”

“I think so. Yes! Please stay the whole night with me.”

“Are we getting ... comfy?”

“Comfy? I ... do you still want my butthole?” Her eyes shivered in his expected rejection.

“Do you want me to actually take it, Andi?” A gasp with a nibbled lip she gripped his hand tightly.

“If you want to ... I do.”

“I’ll bring the mosquito spray.” YESSSSSSSSSSS! Andi wept in her panties. Nate might have tripled his hard on in ten second’s time. Virginities were going out of style it seemed. They were overrated anyway.


Odessa Bradley pulled into the Horton-Dexter parking lot, having borrowed her sister Odette’s car while she worked at a dress outlet not far from Crown Print’s. Odette knowing Piper Cherry and Mavis Hale she was more than happy to help them out. Her sister was just the go-between.

Baby sister had heard Odette relate Mavis Hale’s unconventional striptease then sex on another day right there in Odette’s store. The news only added to the girl’s adoration of the teacher and the counsellor. Bitches be crazy but Odessa loved every bit of it. She loved Piper’s nephew Mace even more. That boy had best start calling more.


“This feels so right after last week’s sabotage. I will never help Ophelia do such a mean trick to another team again. At least she graduates this year so there’s no worry of that anyway. My days of high school hijinks are over in two more games. Harvester-Kent Huskies after the Lafayette Rhinos tonight. Minus the hijinks!” She snickered climbing out to grab a large box from the back seat. Sitting it on the trunk she paused long enough to call Piper Cherry inside the school.

Piper had made it back to her office and was now plotting cheers to impress the Rhinos pep squad coach Valerie Decker. She had to show her rival the Swallowers meant business so she jumped at the cellphone ring. Answering it she looked over at Carl Manley one desk away and flipped her tongue out at him. He merely frowned and counted the minutes until the end of the day.

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