Nashville Pussy
Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 378: cLONE WOLF
Erotica Sex Story: Episode 378: cLONE WOLF - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Teenagers BiSexual Heterosexual Cheating Slut Wife Humiliation Sadistic Gang Bang Group Sex Anal Sex Bestiality Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Oral Sex Squirting Voyeurism Teacher/Student Illustrated
“Woohoo! The rain stopped!”
As tired as he was Mace Belmont was coaxed into driving across Nashville to pay a visit to his buddy Ernesto Montoya and his new girlfriend Rhonda Stinwicky. It was for a good cause in his mind. Penis cloning kits ready to build him an empire and capture a few dollars in the process for making dildos of his monster cock was on the agenda. Now that Rhonda’s parents knew of her theft of the other kits over the last few days and who they were for they were supportive. Mace was awesome in their eyes, especially Momma Jasmine who worshipped that boy’s behemoth. She had dibs on one for her own collection. As did Rhonda and her sister Rhoda. On the sly!
“I hope those hot ass blondes are still at Hayseeds. I promised them a clone of me so I’m guessing they are still around. Although, they did say their dad was close by. He could have picked them up and ruined my fun.” In all honesty it was a good thing he was talking only in his thoughts. With Watchtower hackers tapping into cellphones to get juicy info to use against people the notice of getting too close to the family Banfield might not go over well for him. Luckily their rogue hacker Pindrop Fred aka Snoopy was one of the hackers monitoring today so the earlier call from Rhonda was intercepted to protect the Banfield twins. Whew! Talk about close calls!
Pulling into the parking lot Mace parked three cars down from Harrison Banfield’s SUV. Music blaring, he shut his engine off and climbed down then locking up his truck. Dressed nice for once to make a good impression he started across the lot when he heard a loud mention of his name.
“YO, MACE!” Looking in the direction of the manly voice he twisted in step to see Burt Stinwicky and Harrison Banfield walking across the street.
“Oh, Hey, Burt!” Worth a vivid manly wave! Halted he decided to meet them halfway. Hands up he felt guilty enough to seek penance. “Let me apologize for talking Rhonda into helping me out with those cloning kits.”
“Don’t worry about it. Jazz and I can make a killing off of those once you deliver the goods.”
“How many kits did you have in storage?”
“Twelve! Well, fifteen but I kept a few for the shelf.” A slight bluff he had twenty but hid a few extra for Harry. Carrying three big boxes between them of sex machines Harry seemed weak.
“Need help with those?” Mace jumped at the chance to be of service. He knew if this happened to be the father of the blondes, making a good impression might help. “I got one.”
“Thanks! Heavier than I predicted. I should have pulled up behind the hobby store.”
“Mace, this is Harrison Banfield. Don’t think anything of it about us talking business. Harry here is wanting one of your clones for his wife as a gift.”
“I’ll pay you well for three actually.”
“Wow! I could definitely use the money. I have plans on driving up to North Carolina next weekend to see my sister.” And hopefully take more clones for Monet’s sexy roommates. For a cLone Wolf, Mace was leading the pack, so to speak. “Wait! For your wife? Won’t that look ... strange.”
“You don’t know my wife.” Harry chuckled! “The other two are for my daughters. Their first toy. Let’s keep that to ourselves. Hundred a piece?”
“Sure! That leaves nine for Jasmine to package and market them. HA! She should use the caption ... CLONE WOLF! LEADER OF THE PACKage!” Let’s be dramatic about it, palms up like a director in a movie.
“Perfect! I’ll tell her to do that.”
“So, wait! Are the two blondes Ernie is piercing your daughters? I went FaceTime with Rhonda earlier and she introduced me to them.” He showed the twins his erection. Good times!
“Yes! Proud Poppa! My wife might discourage my buying them a dildo that’s why I’m doing this on the sly.” Pindrop had better have scrubbed that comment.
“Our secret!” They reached Harry’s Escalade, and he opened the back. The three sex machine assembly kits loaded he closed up and drew out his wallet.
“Here! Three Benjamin Franklin’s. I want you to make those before you head home today. Matter of fact you have my permission to let my daughter’s help you make those.”
“Whoa! I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Relax! Between us, my wife and I have sheltered our daughters all their lives. I’m trying to make things up to them by giving them certain freedoms. Just be respectful, but not too respectful.” Harry patted Mace on the back. “Do me a favor. Tell my girls that Burt and I are headed to Shelton’s club for a few beers. I’ll be back to pick them up in say two hours.”
“Will do! Thanks, Mister Banfield.” He pocketed the cash.
“Listen!” Burt chimed in. “Harry here paid me to close the store for the day. If you and the girls want to go over where it’s quiet and cast your shadow, you’re welcome to the comforts.” Sofa in the store. “Jazz can help you and you can talk the marketing. I have a packaging machine in back where we package Jasmine’s twat clones. She can design the label while you build your beasts.”
“Sounds awesome! Let me run inside and tell them the plan. Ernie might not be able to go because I think his boss left him in charge today.”
“Problem solved!” Harry again took out his wallet and produced a grand in hundred-dollar bills. “Tell Ernie to keep what he needs for piercing Brooke and Paisley and throw the rest in the register. He can close shop and join you. He can always open back up after if he wants.”
“Sweet! You must be rich.”
“That I am!” Millions to come! “Let’s go chase some hillbilly waitresses, Burt.”
“I’d say shotgun but seeing as it’s just you and I ... no competition.” Laughing the two elders left Mace and drove off. Burt did call Jasmine to warn her of his offer. Momma was delighted to hear of Mace dropping by. A whore’s bath was required after Harry and her sex machine. Perfume added! Momma always looked and smelled delicious.
“Hot damn! At this rate I might not need to dance at Cashanova. But again, the bigger my fanbase the more clones I might sell. I keep this up my dick will be in every woman in Nashville.” Mace Belmont was laughing hard by the time he reached the frontage door to Hayseeds. Looking inside he didn’t see anyone, but it was obvious if Ernesto were piercing intimate areas, he wouldn’t do it right out front. Then again, this was Nashville. Bell jingling as the door opened a set of colorful beads over the backroom door parted. Out walked Rhonda Stinwicky.
“You made it!” Giddy she ran up to Mace and hugged him.
“Record time too! I just ran into your dad; we’re good about the cloning kits. Also met the dad to those blondes. He’s really cool.”
“Awesome! They’re in back. Ernie is piercing Brooke’s nipples. She’s terrified, you should hold her hand.”
“How about her other tit instead.” He chuckled! “Might calm her down if I suck on one nipple and Ernie needles the other.”
“You should so do it.” Rhonda took his hand and led him into the back room where Ernie had a single tattoo chair set up. Making an appearance Rhonda grew vocal. “Look who just got here.” Brooke was nibbling her lower lip while Ernie heated up a needle. Paisley held her sister’s hand. Topless, Brooke covered her nipples until Paisley swatted her hand.
“We agreed to show off.”
“Sorry! Nervous is all. Hi, Mace.”
“Brooke, right?” Mace retrieved his hand from Rhonda and stepped over to fist bump Ernie.
“Which makes you, Paisley.” A wink had both girls swooning. “Hey, I met your dad. He and Rhonda’s dad hit it off so they’re going for a beer. He said he would be back to pick you up in two hours. So, who wants to help me make penis casts?”
“WE DO!” Triple threat! Even Rhonda said it at the same time as the twins.
“Rhonda’s dad said we could relocate to Hardcore Hobbies to make the clones. They have a sofa to relax on and Burt closed shop for the day. Jasmine is still over there.”
“Great!” Rhonda rolled her eyes. “Mom will want to keep you hard.”
“Hey! You can all take turns doing that.” He laughed, then pointed at Ernie. “Not you!”
“No problem, Homie! Rhonda can help me out later. I’ll need to stay here though.”
“No, you don’t. Harry gave me a grand so you could close down too. He said just subtract what you need for piercing the girls.” He produced the cash to prove it.
“I’ll go lock the door and put up a sign.” Rhonda volunteered!
“Sweet!” Ernie sat his needle aside to count the cash, then nodded at the twins. “Your dad is alright in my book. Rich girls!” His grin had the Banfield bombshells giddy. “What’s your dad do?”
“Stock market stuff. Our mom is a high school principal.” Paisley chimed in!
“No way!” Mace played it off as shock! “What school? My aunt is a school counsellor.”
“Filmore!” Brooke teased her nipples catching Mace eying them. “Feel more!” Playful minx! “Hold my hand Mace.”
“I have a better idea. Get that needle ready, Ern YerMoney!” Smirking, Ernesto snatched up his tool and moved into position in front of Brooke. Mace swung around the back of her chair and pinched Paisley on the bottom before turning his sole attention on Brooke from the side. “Don’t freak out.”
Just as Ernesto was ready to poke her nipple, Mace lowered his face and puckered to kiss her nipple, inevitably sucking in her entire areola. Swooning over it that tiny prick to her nipple was made without so much as a shriek. Selected bling inserted one nipple was completed.
“Didn’t hurt too bad, eh, Chica?” With Mace still loving on her areola, Brooke barely heard Ernie. “Ease up, Homie! Don’t go sucking on her bling.” Chuckling Mace did the next best thing and lifted Brooke’s chin and kissed her. All the while Ernie cleaned her other nipple with alcohol and performed the second jewelry appliance.
Paisley looked at Mace kissing her sister and pouted. She wanted his attention too. Shirt up and off Paisley moved next to Mace and tapped his shoulder. The second he severed his kiss with Brooke, Paisley took advantage of him. Time to enjoy the other sister’s nipples. Hands all over one another Brooke fanned her features and admired her new additions.
“Ok! Break it up, Homie! Busy day!”
Laughing, Mace peeled away from Paisley just as Brooke left her chair. Seeing the vacancy Mace walked Paisley backwards until her knees buckled forcing her to take a seat. Ernie switched out his needles for another sanitized prick then watched as Mace devoured Paisley’s right nipple. Sighing Ernie leaned in and suckled her left nipple. Palming their scalps the baby of the Banfield’s was in awe of two lovers. Brooke now joined by Rhonda in front of a mirror took a look at her fixed bling.
“Do you have your nipples pierced?” She asked Rhonda!
“Yes! I just have a cheap barbell style. You look good wearing gems.”
“Thanks! Hey! Quit playing and finish the job.” Brooke turned to Paisley’s fun. Flipping tongues at one another the sisters focused on the reason for being here. Mace and Ernie stepped away and Ernie went right back to work. While busy Brooke swooped in and kissed Mace without permission. As if he would pass up luscious lips.
Paisley was a bit more sensitive to the needle but clenched her teeth until both were done and looking gorgeous. Tiny garnet settings were perfect. Rhonda at least hugged Paisley from behind, chin atop her scalp to be her champion in the moment. Aww!
“That should keep those balloons from letting air escape.” Ernie chuckled admiring his work by palming the sides of Paisley’s titties. “You hear a hiss, Rhonda?”
“Only from me because you’re paying more attention to Paisley.” Playful jealousy, nothing too serious. Rhonda already knew that for their timid relationship to last she had to let him do his thing. In all reality she knew deep down that Ernesto was never her soulmate. Until her true prince showed up, he and Mace here at least kept her happy. “Relax, Romeo! I’m only teasing. If Paisley is okay, I’m okay.”
“Umm! What am I okay with?” Naivety spoke!
“Sharing my man.” That made eyes pop wide. Paisley wasn’t really even interested in Ernie like that. Now Mace, if her sister hadn’t staked a claim she was into.
“No reason to panic Chica. I’m not making moves on you.”
“Why not?” She blushed, suddenly recalling his mouth around her areola earlier. “I liked it when you had your lips... “ She finished her sentence by pointing at her nipple. “I guess you can’t do that now.”
“Could! Better not! Infection and all. He prepped alcohol and a dabbing cloth. “This will sting too.” Carefully he cleaned away the tiniest hint of blood as Paisley squealed. Once done the pain went away. “Yo, Mace! Bring Brooke over so I can swab her nubs.”
Chuckling mid-kiss Mace picked Brooke up and walked her backwards into the tinkerer’s hands. Kiss ended he sat her down, twisted her in step and drew her arms up over her head. Kiss resuming at an angle Mace held her captive to the beekeeper. Sting and sting! Whimper and whine! All saved by a kiss. Now Paisley was pouting. She wanted in on that action. A buzz between her legs was the best she received. Thanks Freddy! Now she was even hornier.
“We relocating, or no?” Ernie looked at Rhonda then clapped his hands at Mace. Brooke resisted letting Mace go at first, her kiss becoming needy. It took Paisley to pull her sister’s hair to get her to let him go.
“Ow! Why did you do that.”
“Because we only have two hours. Let’s help Mace make these clones.”
“It does give you both a chance to keep him hard so we can do it.” Rhonda giggled! “Trust me I know he needs help in between casts.” Time consuming for sure.
“We want one to take home with us.”
“I can tell you two, Harry paid me to make you each one of my dicks so you could fantasize and practice with me.” He laughed! “He just doesn’t want your mom to find out.” Mainly because Harry was going to give a third clone to Madison. Mace was quickly becoming a member of the family.
“YESSSSSSS!” There came the hisses! Lungs expelled!
“You’re becoming, Mister Popular.”
“Not even trying! They come to me.”
“For you too, Homie!”
“Sounds like another set of twins I know.” He spoke, but in their giddiness the mention of twins escaped Brooke and Paisley. Just as well! Too many questions might ruin their fun.
“Put your shirts on ladies. Let’s strut.” Rhonda bumped shoulders with both girls and handed them their button up shirts.
“Hold up!” Ernie paused them with a devilish grin. “Better let those get air.”
“So, you want us to walk across the street topless?” Brooke shivered with excitement. “I’ll do it.”
“So will I!” Sisters!
“Just drape the shirts but leave them open.” Rhonda suggested! Not that they truly had to do it, Ernie was only bluffing to see if they would. Vibrations felt between both of their legs the twins knew Freddy wanted to witness that for himself. The code for yes repeating itself was good enough for them. Across town Fred Maltese aka Pindrop aka Snoopy looked into Mace Belmont’s creds and found him to be the grandson of Senator Lane Cherry of Atlanta, his parents bigwig horse trainers. Rich as fuck!
What really popped his eyeballs was learning that he was Counsellor Piper Cherry’s nephew. That was hitting too close to home. Still, he did promise the twins to assist them in having fun. Freddy let it go! Ironically, across town a certain Darkhorse by the name of Troy Valance maintained this info for himself.
Nice try Fred!
Ole Red’s!
Quiet this early in the day, the rain not helping, the bar owned by a certain country singer. Harrison Banfield and Burt Stinwicky stepped into the atmosphere and wondered if they had the right place. Pictures on the walls were interesting, all of the talent paying visits here over the years. For as long as they had both lived in Nashville this was a first time social. It just proved that they needed to get out more often.
“Looks like an open mic.” Burt nodded at the stage where a brunette beauty stood with a guitar and tuning her strings. “Might as well pull up a chair and see what she’s got. Nice lungs by the looks of her.”
“Sounds like a plan. If she sucks, I can just pay her to use the jukebox.” Harry chuckled! “I’m joking, I’m not that cruel.” At the moment he wasn’t worried about Watchtower monitoring him. Even if Fred wasn’t blocking his fun which he knew he couldn’t keep that up he would simply enjoy his newfound powers the best he could. If he didn’t slip up on occasion, then his father-in-law Barker Banfield would know it was all bullshit. Fingers crossed that Troy Valance had his back too, that helped.
Taking a seat, a lone waitress made her way to their table. A blonde with strawberry pink streaks in her hair approached wearing a deep cleavage elastic style blouse which reminded them of an Octoberfest.
“Howdy Gents! My name is Pinky, what can I get for you?”
“Afternoon, Pinky! I’ll take a Bud Light draft.”
“Make it two my good woman.” Harry winked!
“Now, I’m not that good. I’ve been known to rumble.” She giggled resting coasters on the table for them. “Be right back with the drafts.”
“She does have some pretty strong legs by the looks of her.” A short skirt showing them off certainly shared a worthy observation.
“Pinky is a wrestler too. This is only a two-day a week gig for her.” The brunette on stage overheard them. “Thanks for being my audience. The rain’s kept this place echoing like a tomb.”
“Our pleasure! Where’s your band?”
“No band. I’m a solo artist looking to break in like hundreds of others. I’m Felicia, I go by Filly.”
“Salutations Felicia.” Harry praised her friendliness. “Does this pay the bills?”
“Water bill.” She laughed! “I’m a bartender too.”
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