Nashville Pussy - Cover

Nashville Pussy

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 377: HIPpy HIPpy SHAKE

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 377: HIPpy HIPpy SHAKE - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Illustrated  


Counsellor Piper Cherry took time for a last-minute cheerleading practice in the gymnasium. Calling her squad from classes over the intercom was a highlight that meant freedom a while longer for those just getting off of lunch break.

Giddy at their fearless leader’s rescue the girls quickly vacated their current classes as if their life was in jeopardy. Not knowing for certain if tonight’s game with the Lafayette Rhinos was even on after the dense rainfall all morning Piper decided last second to be as prepared as possible just in case, they got the positive heads up. It was clear out now, but the fields were muddy, so it was still a blinking question mark. With tonight’s game scheduled to be at Lafayette that meant a bus ride there and back, so making certain things were organized before hand was crucial.

The gym clear on one side of the basketball court thanks to coaches Roman Crandell, Ruth Dunbar, Jin Zellers, and Tony Gunther that gave the ladies time to stretch and do their thing. Beating Piper there the cheerleaders took things further than required just to feel the freedom. Short-lived on the court the ladies relocated to the locker room downstairs, namely the boy’s locker room because they had learned that Tony Gunther was in there. They intentionally caught him by surprise and changed into their cheerleading shirts, no skirts, not one wearing panties. Don’t go blind Coach!

Stunned but immobile, Tony simply stood back leaning on a set of lockers watching them undress and tease him. Uneasy due to his past he simply could not resist at least getting a glimpse at the hottest of the hot. Oddly, this meant Sable McKellen acting shy even if she did show him her titties earlier in gym class. A slow reveal on her part she too took her clothing off to change. Her cheer dears would gladly help keep her secret from her loser boyfriend Travis Herbert. It was pretty much an ironclad pact these days to mask her mischief.

The only male cheerleader on the squad Brandon Davis, who was blatantly gay, found it appealing to strut about in front of Tony. The boy’s pecker dangled lifelessly until he waved at the coach, then up it went. The girls busted up laughing at Brandon being as excited by Tony as they were. In a strange way each of the girls accepted Brandon regardless of his lifestyle. All of the girls were bi-sexual, so hey, why not.

Even Sable considered that title after her Saturday night sleepover with Tawny Martin. Compile that with the few licks she had gotten from Robin Banks while slyly portraying her twin sister it wasn’t all bad. Well, and her sister Dakota, they had dabbled a bit at home in the shower together and around their father. So much fun!

“Isn’t the new coach a stud?” He posed with his back to Tony as if offering him a chance at his backside. Not this lifetime Brando! Tony was all man! Women or celibacy!


Brandon smirked at Sable; the two seated close to one another while undressing. Sable was the only girl there to keep her legs closed at least. No bra or panties she hurried to put on her uniform shirt, but even that barely covered her hips and ass. What was Piper thinking in purchasing these new uniforms anyway.

The central cheerleaders loved them for being so revealing, but Sable as sexually amped up as she was these days still maintained a minimal dignity. That, and she wanted the girls to see her old self rather than act too slutty like her sister Dakota. The portrayal must go on. They knew better but hey it was her game. They had their own.

“He is.” Sable snickered! “I feel dirty though. The only boy to see me naked, besides you, is Travis.” Not true of course, there was Mace Belmont, Knox Hardecker, her father, Dominic Black, Corey Sampson, Custer Martini, the wrestlers, the Terrible Trio, dozens of others who saw her nude that presumed she was her sister. Outside of that mass of testosterone not many knew the truth. Only Robin Banks, Tawny Martin and Tina Wiles truly knew anything about her switcheroo with her sister. There were still loads of secrets not shared or discovered. By days end even more would know her true agenda and keep her secret. Math class was where it counted!

“You should get with the HOgram.” Brandon chuckled, leaving his underwear off just like the girls. His five-inch penis dangling at the hemline of his shirt was gently visible until he performed of course, then it would be open for inspection. “Let’s get you on top of the pyramid this time. Are you ready, Sis?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be. We haven’t had any practices for me to get good at it. I think Piper just assumes we know what we’re doing because the others are really talented. I’m a klutz still.”

With Tony smothered by Regina Owens and Priscilla Vincent, both rubbing all up on him he had to vacate. There was only so much he could handle having his dick groped right through his trunks. A bold statement his erection was ripe for the shaking. Taking is allowed!

He told himself to take things slow when accepting the coaching job here at Horton-Dexter. He wasn’t completely certain of the trust level yet outside of Piper Cherry, Josie McKellen, and Jin Zellers. Having no desire to repeat his former coaching job over in West Memphis, Tennessee where he nearly ended up in jail this was a true test. Yeah, no way was he NOT going to fail.

With bitches as fine as these girls they were going to be hard to resist. Thing is, he didn’t want to resist, but until he knew that Principal Carl Manley was truly legit in letting shit happen, he chose chivalry. That, and for some reason he found himself thinking of his new roommate Amber Hawthorne, and how fun it was going to be to tease and deny the girl. Torturer Tony, he called himself. Deciding to go on upstairs to the gym floor he knew where it was safer. Sure!

Out in the hallway he ran into Piper Cherry hurrying downstairs. Having temporarily forgone her shrunken white leggings and putting on her own cheer outfit in her office she like her squad felt liberated. On her way down the staircase, she feigned something in her eye and used her lower hemline to lift it up and dab at her eye. Full nudity up to her under boob Tony chuckled. “You did that on purpose.” Winking repeatedly at him she teased him by saying, “EYE did not!” Uh huh! Throwing her arms about his neck she kissed him for thirty seconds then sighed.

“Quit distracting me.” A slap on his ass she headed toward the girl’s locker room until Tony whistled. Redirected he pointed across the hall as Piper shook her head. “Of course! Silly me! You just came from there.”

“From! No cumming!” He laughed and took the staircase up. He rejoined Jin Zellers and Coach Roman Crandell in watching the current class of students on the far side. “This is going to be chaos, you two know that, right?” Roman frowned at his protege. Of course it was going to be chaos. This was Nashville!

Taking a seat beside Jin on the bleachers she leaned back, lifted her top and rubbed her bare tummy in front of them. Boy shorts on like Carl Manley requested not much was hidden from her own torso down. Hell, she even had her tennis shoes off. Colorful tube socks however made her exceptionally cute.

Roman grumbling over how open his fellow coaching staff was acting he got up and headed for his downstairs office. The second the elder was MIA Tony’s hand went right beneath Jin’s shorts and began fingering her, the students seeing but not staring. Jin ignored Tony and instead eyed the Nerd Herd out on the floor. That was her turn on! Tony well aware enjoyed helping her attract them.

Slobber, you geeks and freaks!

Moments earlier entering the locker room Piper barged in and found her girls plotting to seduce Tony at some point. Hearing this she altered their plans. “Listen up ... everyone but Sable and Brandon.” Piper then lowered her voice so only the other cheerleaders could hear her.

“Forget Gunther for now, you bitches are going back up to detention with Roger Dundee before game time. Get your frustrations out so we can focus on the Rhino’s tonight. That is if there’s even a game.” She then finished her speech with louder words for everyone. “I just spoke to Roman before coming down here and he’s waiting on the call from Lafayette’s coach to okay or cancel. If it gets a thumb’s up, we’ll meet out by the bus barn to ride over on a bus. Be there by 6:00, no later.”

“We’ve played in worse conditions.” Tina Wiles prompted! “What’s a little mud wrestling amongst rivals.”

“Right!” Priscilla chuckled! “The ground will be softer for when McKellen falls from the pyramid.”

“Be nice!” Piper winced! That was likely true though. “She won’t fall.” Sable smiled nervously but found herself doubting that assessment. Brandon bumped shoulders over her sigh and whispered his faith. “You got this.” Nodding with hope Sable agreed. While offering a pep talk Piper’s cell pinged. Checking it out her eyes flared, accompanying a grin.

“Hold that thought.” She addressed them then stepped out into the hallway to call the texter. “Odessa, hi! Cutting things down to the bird on the wire, aren’t you?” It was Odessa Bradley; Octavia’s cousin who worked at the t-shirt print shop Crown Prints.

“Better late than never. It’s been busy here this week, there’s a big biker event going on next weekend. Shirts promoting that charity. Anyways, I reinvented the mascot outfit, and it is badass. I’ll drop it by Horton-Dexter myself before last bell. I told my boss it was priority, and he agreed. I also made even better shirts for your girls, more feathers, I bought out Hobby Lobby’s faux ticklers just to complete these. Do you want pics or to be surprised?”

“I trust you.”

“No itching powder, I swear. I will never let you down again. How’s Mace? He hasn’t text me much.” To her misfortune he was on his way to Hayseed’s, only an alley away but she was already loaded up and running another errand at the moment.

“I believe he’s out looking hard for a job, that’s probably why.” Not exactly!

“Will he be at the game? Wait! Is there a game?”

“I’ll know soon. I don’t think Mace is coming.” Mainly, because he didn’t want to run into Roman Crandell after suckering he and Josie McKellen at the hotel they all hooked up at. He did not want confrontation should Roman create a scene, not when he had a game to win.

“I really hope ... you know what? I’m not certain if Roman even wants a mascot after Travis Herbert’s humiliation last week. I doubt Roman wants Hoyt Rollins back even with your new costume. Let me talk to him and I’ll text you. No, bring it and I’ll convince him. If I have to put Travis in it myself behind Roman’s back, I will.”

“I gave it more room to breathe this time. The cheerleading uniforms are pretty close to your order last week, but I added more feathers around the bottom to hide their coochies. If anything, they might have their fancies tickled.” Odessa laughed! “Let me get off of here, I’ll be there no later than 3:00.”

“Thank you sweetie.”

“I pay my debts.”

“So do I.”


Call ending Piper went back into the locker room and found the girls utilizing their time by building that pyramid just so Sable had a fighting chance. Robin Banks was a very good leader in getting the job done without Piper. With their bodies facing away their twats were in full view making Piper giggle. At least on the field it would be nighttime, their cunts not so easily seen, still, even when on all fours their shirts drifted down so that their titties were seen dangling low.

“That’s my baby birds.” Piper snickered! “And one with a worm.” Brandon’s dick! She shook her head at the fiasco but loved every second of it. It was good to see Brandon coming out completely these days. While she hadn’t spoken to him this week it was easy to tell the young man had taken her advice to heart. Good for him, it was nice that the cheerleaders had adapted to his character. Now if everyone in school would give him a fair shake.

Sable readied to make her climb but hesitated, not having much room to run toward the lower left in order to ascend. Pausing her Piper told the girls to take it upstairs where there was room. Disgruntled a tad after everyone getting into formation, they broke things down and hurried upstairs. Piper holding Sable back hugged the girl from behind.

“Stay confident. I know you have greatness in you.”

“I want to make you proud of me, especially after you fought to get me on the squad. I can do it. Just do me one favor tonight if we play ... keep Travis away so he doesn’t knock us over. I’m a klutz ... but he’s a catastrope!”

“Odessa just told me she has a new mascot costume ready, newer uniforms too. Rotten won’t be at the game to create havoc either, so, Travis, if Roman lets him wear Bad Bird would be our only wildcard.”

“I hope Knox leaves him alone tonight. You should call his dad Winslow and get him grounded.”

“I am not doing that.” Piper pressed her chin atop Sable’s head as they wobbled together toward the stairs. “We’ll be fine. But again, I have no clue what we’re up against in facing our rivals. I wonder what their cheer coach is like. Yes, I am sizing up my competition.” She released her ward, and they took the stairs normally.

“Ask Deanna. She has family that goes to Lafayette. They were talking about that before we started constructing King Tut’s tomb.”

“I’ll just do that. I ... really?” Realizing her girls were already in formation and ready that part was deserving of praise. What wasn’t, was the fact that they were on the sideline of the bleachers directly in front of Tony and Jin. Tony had a bird’s eye view at every pussy and breast on the squad. They made Brandon be on the bottom to hide his pecker. Tony and Jin were grinning at one another over their antics. “Well, at least they’re facing away from the gym class out on the floor.” Seniors!

“Oh, my gosh! Mister Gunther has his hand down Coach Zellers shorts.”

“Better look again, her hand is down his too.”

“Whoa! Beet red!” She chuckled! Piper didn’t buy it. Moving around to stand in front of her squad Piper got their attention by clapping and making bird noises. “CAWK CAWKAW!” Tony just knew she did that due to his cock.

“We only have the rest of this class so concentrate on the pyramid.”

“DOING MY BEST!” Tony yelled over the squad laughing.

“I know you are, Handsome.” Piper grinned! “You hush up back there. Ladies? Almost lady!” She pointed at Brandon playfully. He busted up over her expression alone. “All digging in?”

“YES, HE IS!” Jin squealed; Tony’s knuckles powerhousing her cunt from beneath her shorts. His hand was so big that daylight could be seen under her shorts revealing flesh and his free fingers all around her bikini area. His dick still hiding was throttled just as hard with Jin’s talented grip. Piper was proud of her raw recruits. They were fitting in just fine. Still energetic after all that they had done earlier along with Piper herself.

“That includes you, KPOPPI.” The cheerleaders as well as the gym class were dying. Clapping loudly to regain composures Piper pointed at Sable. “Okay, Baby Bird, build up momentum then begin your climb. If you fall from the nest get back up and try again.”

Thumbs up, Sable made her first attempt and immediately lost balance on Octavia’s back and toppled to the floor. The gym class halting their basketball game watched, which made things more stressful. One boy in particular hurried around Piper to help Sable up, getting a healthy shot of her divided lower extremities. Custer Martini to the rescue. Sable had, had her eye on him all week long, now here he was playing gallant knight.

“You got this, Birthday Girl.”

“Aww! You know I want it.” Flirt! “Thanks again.” She stood up and brushed her uniform down to hide her ass cheeks from the other students. Mostly Nerd Herd but a few of the Jock Flock were in attendance. “Oh, boy! Both Custer and Corey Samson are in this gym class. This is so embarrassing.” Piper stepping in grabbed Custer by his shirt and pulled him out of her way.

“Hey, Foghorn Bighorn! You’re supposed to be pecking at my ass.”

“I had that ass twice now.” He chuckled! “Always game for more.”

“Ditto!” She wiggled her brows at him. “Still got the hots for Sable, I see.”

“Competition is fierce. Samson over there likes her. I hear rumbles of other fellas too.” He stood with his arms folded next to her communicating on the down low. “No hurry! If it’s meant to be. Long as she’s with Perbert, I won’t try too hard.” Ehhh! On the fence! He had her panties that was enough for him today.

“Teasing goes a long way. Just flirt but be her buddy.”

“Gotcha, Boss.”

Sable was ready for round two. Losing balance again she fell flat on her face toppling forward in front of the girls. Before Custer could dive back in there, Piper palmed his abdomen to stop babying her. That left things open for Corey Samson bolting around them to assist her up.

“Need me to mount you?” Corey chuckled!

“What?” She dropped her jaw. “You want to mount me?” Of course, he did! She knew that! Her brain was addled at the moment. The floor was not exactly padded!

“Maybe! I have had time to think since I first told you that you weren’t my type. You ever break up with Trav ... shit! Sorry! I won’t bring that up again.” Maybe his brain was addled too. Just under two hours ago she and he had that very same conversation.

“Leave her be, Corey.” Piper insisted! “She has to do this on her own.”

“I know! By the way, by mount I meant help you reach the top.”

“Oh! I can find the top just fine.” She stuck her tongue out at him, almost a wag until she caught herself flirting. Eyes flaring, she looked away and prepared her next run. Corey now moved to Piper’s right, bookending Custer on her left.

“She’s going to break her neck.”

“I’m going to break your neck.” Piper doubled her fist and bagged his erection. “Save that for me.”

“We don’t have detention today.”

“There’s always, Monday.”

“Tonight, after we kick Lafayette’s ass?”

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