Nashville Pussy - Cover

Nashville Pussy

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 3: ENTERtainMEnt cENTER

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 3: ENTERtainMEnt cENTER - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Illustrated  


Day 3 in Nashville, Tennessee...


“What the fuck?” Piper Cherry lay on her floor half nude save for the fuzzy throw left for her by her neighbors the McKellen’s. Having bought an entire case of Chardonnay she imbibed a little too heavily and made it through her final night of desolation. Yawning and stretching vividly, her big, beautiful breasts reached for the ceiling, back arching until popped. Sitting up she scratches her wild mane of near bleach blond hair and just knew she appeared dreadful. Looking at her cell she heard the doorbell ring again. “I’m coming. I’m coming.” She stood up and realized she was still nude but hovered at her closed front door. “Fuck me!” She hissed beneath her breath before vocalizing louder, “GIMME A MINUTE!” She yelled as a man outside returned her vigor with an equally loud, “YES, MA’AM.”

Shuffling about she stepped into her main floor Master bedroom and sifted through her opened luggage for something to wear. When coming up from Atlanta she only packed light in her hurry to escape the past. One luggage had her entire life at the moment. “Nightie. Nightie. Bra. Panties. Falcon’s jersey, need to toss this but it’s comfy. Fuck it, even if it does have the tiny air holes in it. Freebird Mister Falcon.” Slipping the jersey on it dropped to just below her hips. One wrong move it was peep show central. “Works for me.” Brushing her hair as she stepped through her home to reach the front door, she opened up to blinding sunlight. “FUCK ME!”

“Ma’am?” A giant of a man with bodybuilder ambitions stood on the porch looking at her, his eyes lowering while she covered her own eyes with pinching fingers.

“Whose idea was it to turn the light on the third day? I thought it was the first. GOD!”

“Sorry Ma’am. Sunny and 90 all day they say. Good for us at least we’re not moving your things in the rain.”

“You’re early. It’s...” She looks at her cell, “Fuck you’re late.”

“GPS needed to be updated. Nashville is a bitch to maneuver in. The old map took us way out of our way.” He eyes her jersey, “Falcon’s fan I see.”

“Well, I did live in Atlanta, where I rented you ... big boys. Jesus! Did ARI Movers go to Muscle Beach to do their hiring?” The man laughed at her sizing his crew up. He had five other crew members within two large moving trucks. Every one of them had biceps bigger than her upper thighs. Way bigger!

“My pop owns a gym down in Atlanta.” The six-foot four black man rubbed his bald scalp of sweat. “Two of the guys are my brothers. I’m Jaye, the two in tank tops are Willy and DuWhitt.”

“Seriously? Willy Do It?”

“They both would.” He chuckled, “We can give you time to get dressed if you need it.”

“Good as it gets unless you want me in a nightie. I left Atlanta light.”

“Yeah, the jersey’s your best shot I’m thinking, if you want the job done by dusk. Otherwise, it might be Thursday.” He laughed. It was Tuesday.

“Yeah, no! I need my bed; my back is killing me sleeping on the floor.”

“Pardon my asking, why didn’t you rent a hotel room? Looks like you could afford one.” He scans her home outside then behind her at the interior.

“Needed my space. Besides you ever use a black light in those places? Come on ... pardon the pun.”

“You’re a funny lady Miss Cherry. You ... seem familiar are you somebody important?”

“The woman paying you to move her stuff in and set things up. Time to get busy Hercoolees, Hercoolees.”

“Eddie Murphy. My man!”

“I knew you appreciated talent. You boys eat breakfast? I can order in donuts or something.”

“Nice of you Ma’am. We ate, but we’ll be hungry again in an hour. Comes with the steroids.” He laughed.

“I get it now. Ari Movers as in RE Movers. Removers. That’s classy. I really thought the company had Jewish owners. Oy Vey!”

“I’m bustin’ a gut here. Stop or I’ll need to use your bathroom.”

“As long as your gut is all you bust.”

“I wasn’t thinking dirty.”

“Me neither. I meant no busting my things, not a nut. Men, I swear! If you need to do that, the powder room is to our left. Need more space, being big boys, the Master bath is huge, it’s toward the back of the house. Tinkle don’t sprinkle.”

“Unload don’t explode?”

“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” She winks, “Fuck! I need my sunglasses.” She parades right out into the yard and makes her way to her white Ford Edge using the keypad on the door to unlock it rather than going to get her key. Bending across her passenger seat to get into her center console for her shades her entire ass slipped into view. Clam nice and smiley. Gritting her teeth as she heard low level whistles, she collected her glasses and stood up. In bending the shirt rose up over her cheeks so when standing up the hem hugged her waist in back. She looked around at her movers and shrugged, “What?”

All of them puckered and shook their heads. It wasn’t until she reached the porch that Jaye paused her in step, “You might want to...” He reaches over to gently pinch her shirts hem and tug it out to drop over her cheeks. Looking down between her arm to observe his deed she grit her teeth.

“Fuck me!” She growled. “Thanks! I’m so not awake yet. Too much wine has my brain on the backburner.”

“Not a problem Miss Cherry. Word of advice if I may?”

“Funny. I plan on being a Counsellor. Advice is my job.”

“You might want to stop saying Fuck Me so much. My crew might get ideas.”

“Not if they want paid. I hired you guys; I can fire you guys. Hell, I could buy those trucks you drove in on and make you boys hitchhike home.”

“No need for that. I’ll keep them in line.”

“Riiiight! You keep looking at my tits as it is.”

“It’s the screens Ma’am. No offense but I can see your nipples sticking through the lil’ holes.”

“Uggggggggggggh! Just start bringing things in. I’m going to go shower. My hair looks like I’ve been in Vegas.”

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” He chuckles.

“Why do you think I brought up the black lights earlier? Get busy I’ll Grub Hub some donuts and coffee. When we get to the kitchen stuff, I’ll have glasses to drink from.”

“On it, Miss Cherry.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” She razzes him with her tongue, then turns to his loitering crew who stood mesmerized by her amazing body. Long legs with ankle jewelry were sexy as fuck. Yellow toenail polish freshly painted the night before just as appealing. “Damn!” She thought looking more closely, “I think they brought their barbells with them.” Every guy in her yard had an erection, shorts on each of them for comfort huge dicks dangled down legs barely covered. Turning away her eyes flared, “Wow! I’m liking this freedom. No more Mrs. Nice Liberty. Cherry up Bitch.”

Wiggling away a call was made to order breakfast then she headed straight for the Master bath. Hearing laughter at her expense meant one thing. They were bragging about her. A worried smile led to a deafening sigh. Reaching into her massive shower with black tiling on two walls, all glass the rest of the shelter, she ignited her water letting it warm up. Prepared to lock her bathroom door she paused to look up over her brow directly at Jaye’s brother DuWhitt carrying in a box toward her kitchen. “Dammit! Muscles are so my weakness. It’s a safe bet these guys hope I tease the hell out of them. I seriously doubt Jaye would let them do anything stupid like rape me. I could be smart and lock this door, but where’s the thrill in that? I came to Nashville to explore my sensuality now that I don’t need to be a faithful wife any longer. Fuck!” She closes the door but leaves it unlocked.

Stripping her jersey off she tosses it over her large jacuzzi tub and steps into her shower beneath a perfectly heated waterfall. Facing the current she enjoyed the cascade, using her palms to pull back her newly wet hair until her curls disappeared. Using soft soap on her puffy purple luffa she spread suds across her entire body, it felt so good to wake up better. Nipples stabbing high she toyed with them feeling a deep arousal. “Stop that, Piper. I’m horny 24/7 as it is. I can’t get too worked up around the Iron Man Triathlon out there. Breath bitch breath.” Her mind was racing.


Eyelids closed to keep soap from her eyes she hears the door ease open. “Pardon me Ma’am?”

“Jaye? Do you always interrupt a woman taking her shower?”

“Sorry, Ma’am. Door Dash is here with our breakfast. I also found a box marked towels.” He tried to avoid looking but his hormones said differently. His brothers behind him jumping up quietly trying to get their own glimpse of her nudity. Even behind steamed up glass they saw perfection.

“Shoot! My only other towel is in the family room. Step in and set the box on the sink. Thank you, Jaye.”

“Anytime Ma’am.”

“You’re looking at me, aren’t you?” She sighed; eyes still sealed.

“Hard not to Miss Cherry. I’ll be going now.”

“Be honest Jaye. How many of your crew are looking me over?”

“Ummm! All of them.” That made her open her eyes and rub a porthole in the steam to peer though. Sure, enough six burley men were crowded in the doorway drooling. Jaye at least was the only one in the bathroom.

“HEY! GET BACK TO WORK. If you find a box with Toys written on it bring that in too.” She giggled setting in motion a blur of activity racing away to search the truck for that particular box. Jaye had to laugh.

“Sorry! My guys can’t help themselves.”

“Well, they better not ask me to help.”

“Gotta say Miss Cherry, you are taking our frustrations well. I said I’d keep them in line. I will.”

“As long as that line isn’t outside that door and there’s no one calling out numbers.” She laughs, “I should really stop being so flirty I guess.”

“Rather you didn’t Ma’am. It makes the job go by faster when there’s banter.”

“Uh huh!” She smirks, “Find my wardrobe while you’re at it. I need real clothes once I’m done here.”

“Least you got your jersey to fall back on, or a towel.”

“How big are the letters on the box?”


“Hand towels.” She laughed. “The bigger towels are in big letters. Jersey it is. I plan on tossing that jersey soon. Bad memories behind it.”

“Hold up! This jersey is the real thing.” He lifts it up to read the number on it. “Davon Liberty. Damned shame he got sent up the river.”

“He made his bed. Now I’m sure his bunkmate is named Bubba. Speaking of ... set up my bed as soon as possible.” She begins shaving her legs, eventually her sparse landscape above her pussy. Jaye was still lingering.

“Question Ma’am? Are you ... his wife?”

“Not anymore. Let’s not go any further than that Jaye. I’m trying to start over away from that mess. Please don’t spread the fact.”

“I thought I recognized you. You were one of the hottest Falcon cheerleaders.” She did notice his back remained to her. Jaye had balls staying there but he did appear honest.

“That’s sweet. Thank you, Jaye.”

“Can I ... have this jersey?”

“All yours.”

“Awesome. I’ll cherish it. It’s sad what Davon did, but he was the hero to a lot of fans in Atlanta. Before ... the other stuff happened that is. I’m really sorry you had to endure all of that bad press. Thanks for the jersey, Miss Cherry.”

“Can I finish shaving my hoohaw in peace Jaye?”

“Yes Ma’am. I’ll go help locate your clothing boxes.” He leaves her taking the jersey with him, the bathroom door left wide open. She merely shook her head only now realizing she had nothing to wear suddenly. Hand towels were it.

“Shit!” It dawned on her the fact, “Jaye’s long gone. I’m such an idiot. I just left myself wide open like he did the door. Maybe I should punch arm holes in the towel box and wear that. That would look lovely. Cardboard lingerie!” She delicately shaved her pubic region smooth and stubble free, tediously working around her hood and clitoris to look spotless. “Baby’s butt if I say so myself.” She pats her clit sending fire through her loins. “Why the fuck did I just do that? Dammit Piper. Fuck I’m horny.”

Her water running cold she shivers and shuts the water off. Opening her door, she steps out and trembles at her helplessness, eying the hand towels all taped up she didn’t even have anything to cut the box open. “Not breaking a nail. Air dry it is. Unless... “ She listens for movement and hears nothing, “ ... everyone looks as if they’re outdoors, I could go get my towel from the family room. Fuck it lets risk it.” She tiptoes out the opened bathroom door and looks around corners. Scurrying past the hallway leading to the front door a draft coming through gave her goosebumps. Chilled by being wet she reached the fireplace area. “Ummm? Where’s my towel? Those merciless Motherfuckers. They even took my fuzzy blanket. Shit!”

In her aggravation she heard movement behind her. Walking in backwards two of the moving crew carried in her loveseat and found her standing there with hands on her hips. “You bastards took my things on purpose.” Chuckling the large white male named Drew simply ignored the fact.

“Where do you want the loveseat?”

“Fuckers! Over here.” She stepped back using her hands to give them a good idea where to set it down. Once down Drew and his partner Vince faced Piper admiring her chest with interest. “You know what? I’m comfortable in my skin.”

“I’d be comfortable in your skin too.” Vince winked.

“Nice try Bromeo. Just haul my shit in and wipe your chin.”

Drew used his knuckles to gently tap Vince on the bicep, “Calm it down Vinnie. We’re just here to pay the bills.” The two of them headed back outside. Drew turned back, “Still looking for the toy box. We’ll let you know when we find it.”

“I’m sure you will.” She rolled her eyes and decided the best way to dry off fast was by standing under the sun. Sliding her French doors open she took a stroll out to her poolside chaise and laid out nude. Looking toward the house behind her fence she spotted the flicker of sun on something. “Gotta be that Travis checking me out. Go ahead Perbert enjoy the opportunity, it won’t last.”

In the harsh rays of the sun, she dried quickly, rolling over to let her backside claim it’s charm. She was shameless even as her moving crew took a breather to stare at her through the glass doors. “Pervs at every angle. Lucky me.” She rolled her eyes hiding her smile. Truth be told she was eating up all of this attention. “As long as it doesn’t bite me in the ass.” Feeling her hair she winced, “Better blow dry this or I won’t be in any better shape than before my shower.”

Getting up she headed toward the French doors and opened them. Not a single mover stepped out of her way. “Excuse ‘em Twat?” She cocked an eyebrow and brushed along their bodies in making her way back through to aim for her bedroom. “CHOP CHOP! You guys have barely brought anything in.” Knowing she was right Jaye clapped his hands loudly.

“Let’s go guys. Stop staring.”

“As if that’s going to happen.” Vince laughed but went back outside.

“I warned you Ma’am.” Jaye huffed, “I kept your secret, even from my brothers.”

“Thanks. Um! I really need clothes Jaye.”

“I think they must be buried toward the front of the trailer.”

“Just my luck. Or yours.” She shakes her head, then teases her hair in an informative manner, “Giving myself a blowjob. Keep your boys busy please.”

“Will do.” He turns away grinning like the devil. He was having as much fun as his crew. She was just too much entertainment. Hearing her blow dryer fire up in her ensuite he understood her blowjob comment. Crossing the yard as Drew and Vince unload the matching sofa to her sectional he whistles and calls everyone together. “Alright listen. Let’s hurry up getting the furniture inside and set up. Once we unload the big stuff, we can tell her we need a break. Sit in her living room and flirt hard.”

“Hard?” Willy grips his dick.

“Harder Bro. She’s got bite but she’s got nobody here in Nashville. Allll alone.”

“Hot as fuck too.” DuWhitt admits hissing.

“Dude! Don’t find her clothes until after that break. Just find the toys.” The sixth member of the crew Marcus pleaded with his eyes. He took it upon himself to make that happen.

“Don’t worry I’m keeping her naked as long as possible.”

“You see her slick ass pussy?”

“Watched her shave when I was in the bathroom.” Jaye chuckled.

“I want to eat that cunt raw.” Drew grunted.

“We all do. Just take it slow. We got this.”

Breaking up at Jaye’s pep talk the crew hustled to carry in the furniture. Sofa with centerpiece connecting the sectional, recliners, curio cabinets, washer and dryer, dressers, upstairs full-size beds and dressers, finally her own king size bed. Jaye supervised the building of her bed making it his personal priority in case they got her on that mattress later. Fingers crossed!

After languishing in her bathroom longer than necessary doing her hair and makeup Piper sprayed on a scintillating perfume as if preparing for a date. The pheromones alone turned herself on. “I’m just asking for trouble. This is just too much fun. They thought I looked hot before ... let’s see what they do now.” Lipgloss her final touch she winks at herself in the mirror then exits her bathroom. Walking out amongst the crew in various stages of hooking up her 80-inch Smart TV resting on its stand, and situating curio cabinets she asked for a few minor adjustments in placing. Willy looked back over his shoulder.


“Goooooodaaaammmmn! You are one fine woman.”

“Isn’t it amazing what make up can do?”

Drew took time to lean in and inhale the perfume along her neckline. She tilted her head slightly feeling his breath. They all noticed her nipples cresting before their eyes. “Now, now!” She snapped her fingers to break Drew’s trance. “Minus the W’s in now. Back to work it’s 2:00. Where are my clothes?”

“Still looking Ma’am.” Jaye called out from her bedroom. She had literally passed by him and DuWhitt building her bed frame which consisted of large oak poles seven feet high on each of the four corners. Twin box springs added as she observed, the final touch bringing in the mattress itself from the hallway. Once placed Jaye sat down at the foot and wiped his brow. “That was a job. These big ole’ poles aren’t light.”

“Quit bragging.” She shook her head.

“You know what I meant Miss Cherry.” He pats the pole next to him. She in turn just had to go over the top and act as if swinging on the other foot pole like a stripper, then stroking it with both hands like a cock. “How do you expect us to finish when you do things like that?”

“Couldn’t resist.” She sheepishly grinned.

“I think you love torturing us.”

“Any more than you love stealing my clothes, blanket, anything I could use to cover myself up?”

“We ... like seeing you like this.” DuWhitt rubbed his goatee mumbling, “Mmmmhmmm!”

“Well as much as I enjoy being free, I really do need things to move along. I’d like to start unpacking tonight when you leave.”

“Hot in here. You got central air?”

“I do. But I’m not turning it on because I get cold easily. No clothing remember.”

“We can rub some circulation into your body.” DuWhitt chuckled.

“Tempting, but no. Besides you guys are leaving my front door wide open. I’d be defeating my purpose. Unlike you, I don’t mind the heat.” Her curls did but hey!

Ducking his head in Vince added, “Electronics are hooked up. Can we take a break? I’m needing to sit down awhile.”

“Thirty minutes Miss Cherry?” Jaye looked for confirmation.

“Fine! Thirty minutes.” She waved her knuckle toward Vince in a flutter of fingers.

“Mind if we sit on your sofa and loveseat?” Vince asked.

“Sure. Take a load off, you are movers, right?” Vince chuckled and mumbled under his breath, “I’d love to unload on you.” She follows him out finding Drew and Willy already seated on the sofa. Vince plopping down between them took up the entire sofa. DuWhitt and Jaye hogging the loveseat. “I see five of you. Where’s the sixth?”

“Right here!” Marcus walks in holding a large box.

“My clothes?”

“No. Toy box. Sorry.” He winced sitting it down. “I dropped it, I hope there’s nothing breakable in it.” She noted the top tape busted 90% through.

“Mostly rubber. It bounces back.” She rolled her eyes opening the box to look inside. Marcus got nosey and had to peek over her shoulder next to her.

“Nice! You must collect dildos.”

“It’s a passion of mine. Stop snooping.” She reaches up and nudges his cheek away with a scowl. Reaching in she brings out a thick ten-inch monstrosity and wags it about to numerous laughs, “I call this one Bodzilla. King of the Monsters.”

“Almost as big as me?” Willy chuckled.

“Now that’s a lie.” She wags it at him, “I can see your tent. None of you are anywhere near this big top.”

“I can prove it.” Willy showed his pearly whites and acted as if he were ready to lower his trunks down.

“Let’s just let me be the only naked person in the room, alright? I’ll take your word for it.”

“You going to use Bodzilla for us?” Drew winked.

“If I did that you bastards would be all over me. Anyone find my glassware? I’m dying of thirst.”

“I think most of your kitchen stuff is in there.” Marcus nodded toward the kitchen. Stepping around them she wiggled her way toward her kitchen in the mostly open concept room, every man sitting turned in their seats to watch her ass work its magic. Only a small archway with a short wall was in the way. She knew without even acknowledging it. The crinkle of leather enough to reveal the obvious.

Within the kitchen she checked each box for content. “Well fuck. I guess the glasses are still outside. Styrofoam coffee cups it is.” Finding her cup set aside by the sink earlier, she poured water from the tap and quenched her dry mouth. Stepping behind her the giants Drew and DuWhitt found their own foam cups and noticed she had an icemaker on her fridge. Helping themselves she thought nothing of it as she sifted through boxes on the floor, purposely bending over in front of them.

“Nice clam.” Drew complimented her as she ignored him, taking out wrapped cereal bowls and placing them up into a cabinet to the left of her stove. “Good thing I’m not allergic to shellfish.”

“Better enjoy your thirty minutes while you can or I’m docking pay.”

Drew moved in behind her with an ice cube in his teeth, daring to touch the cube along her left shoulder again inhaling her intoxicating perfume. Feeling the cool wetness caress her shoulder up to her neckline she tilted her head and allowed it. “You’re still getting the cold shoulder.” Joining Drew, DuWhitt plucked a cube from his cup with his fingers and gently trailed it down her spine until her ass took over, a pool of cool water cupping up at the base of her crack. She began shivering and leaned on her stove for support.

“Feels nice doesn’t it, Miss Cherry?” Drew lifted his chin and applied the cube’s caress to her earlobe, she could feel the cool ice on her lower back melt and trickle down along her crack and over her butt pucker, moving further South by the second.

“Twenty minutes.” She gnashed her teeth to compensate the sensations their attentions were causing. “Um! JAYYYYYE?”

“Guys leave her be.” He called out but shook his head no behind her notice. He just wanted her to feel as if he were on her side. Of course, the men ignored him. Now DuWhitt was taking a deeper interest in her tight ass gently caressing her cheeks in a swirling motion.

“FUCK ME!” She touted her nervous aggressive version of the term as she tensed up.

“That an offer?” Drew licked her earlobe this time, the cube having melted away. In that moment she made her move turning to face them, tits loud and proud, eyes sneering.

“Damn!” DuWhitt and Drew both tipped their glasses for another cube between their lips. With her pinned to the stove she found her nipples being glazed in ice water, both men teasing them with the cubes. As worried as she was the sensations made her tilt her head back at the taunting. In that moment Drew’s massive hand roamed over her tits and gently applied fingers to her throat. She gasped and hissed a softer version of, “Motherfuckers.”

A wink shared amongst men Drew made the final move and lifted her off her feet and tossed her over his shoulder. “DAMMIT!” Carrying her back to the living room he landed her gorgeous ass on her large marble coffee table. She pointed up at them with a wince. “You boys need to stop right there.”

Vince holding her toy Bodzilla looked it over then showed it to her. “Looks to me like Bodzilla here needs a cave to hole up in.”

“Jaye?” She glanced at the crew boss.

He looked at his watch then back at her. “Fifteen minutes?”

“Unbelievable. Fine! Give it to me.” She reached out for Bodzilla, but found the guys chuckling and acting as if they were all going to unfasten their pants or lower trunks. “BODZILLA you assholes. Keep your pants on.” Vince passes her the toy and watches her lay back on the coffee table. “BEHAVE!” She insisted and rubbed her pussy, “Might need lube.” She glanced at Marcus to dig into her toy box for a bottle. Before he even located the bottle Vince leaned forward and spit a loogy on her cunt, daring to rub his saliva in. She tensed up at his fingers touching and rolling it around her pussy’s entry point. “FUCK!”

“More if you need it.” Vince formed more spit with a disgusting recall from his throat.

“Lube will do. Keep your saliva.”

Marcus opened the bottle as she poised Bodzilla for him to coat the crown. Using her hands as if jerking it off she greased the beast. Every man there admired her hand motions and gripped their crotches. Ready, she lowered Bodzilla down and used her already lubed fingers to add some to her vulva before lining the head up. Prying her labia, a bit she touched home and eased the dildo inside her. With every inch moving deeper she arched her back rising up on shoulder blades alone, her feet on the tables edge. Head tilting over the other side of the table her hair dangled toward the floor. “OHHHHH, FUCK!” She encouraged it inside as far as it would go. The men certainly praised her efforts.

“Fuck that juicy cunt.” Vince shared his wishes. Complying she eased the dildo in and out for a good five minutes. Unable to just sit and watch, Drew and DuWhitt took more ice cubes and teased them over her belly and chest glossing her up in the puddles left behind by each trail. Hearing her gasp but not resisting they shared ice with Marcus and Willy. She now found herself drowning at their gentle attentions. Vince couldn’t just settle on this, taking her hand from the dildo he took over and fucked her harder with it.

“DAMMIT MAN!” She reacted to his faster insertions. In her reeling mind her fingers slid down to massage her clit for a more intimate sharing of sensations. Jaye content to watch gave up and motioned to DuWhitt to grab her left ankle as he grabbed the other. Against her will they pulled her legs wider and further back so that Vince could plunge Bodzilla straight down into her sloshy well, the view of how Bodzilla’s girth stretched her cunt so wide was incredible, pink ripples upon retreating, a snug dedicated entry equally as dramatic. Moans were impossible to conceal. Technically, Piper didn’t want to hide them.

“Miss Cherry likes this.” Vince chuckled, “Look at her rubbing that perfect little clit.”

“Fuck you.” She huffed then let out a laugh of defeat. “You know this is rape right?”

“There’s that offer again. Can’t call it rape if you’re saying fuck me and fuck you. “ Vince grinned, “Is that what you want Beautiful?”

“No, you dumbass! Just finish me off and get back to work.” She truly hoped the dildo show was enough to satisfy their urges, she really didn’t want to file charges or make them lose their jobs. She knew the risks and still demanded attention on her terms. “Fuck those cubes are cold.”

“My pleasure.” While she tilted her head back again Drew took it upon himself to hold her throat a bit tighter than before, keeping her from looking up as she moaned, to be nice he did run his fingers through her hair. Cubes between their lips Marcus and Willy devoured her nipples frolicking the cubes around her areola as they sucked upon them. The chill factor tightened her nipples up so high she could feel them stretching, something she had never experienced in her life.

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