Nashville Pussy - Cover

Nashville Pussy

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 10: Slut Puppy

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 10: Slut Puppy - Welcome to the SOAP OPERA PORNO none of you ever thought you wanted. One with plot and hardcore sex in every way imaginable. Piper Cherry started over in Nashville from scratch after a destructive marriage. New neighbors, new career with unlimited playmates, more money than she knew how to spend, and no desire to behave. It must be contagious, now everyone around her wants to be with her or to be like her. Nashville however had more to offer than she could ever predict. Anything goes! Perfect!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Illustrated  


“Is that your heartbeat I’m hearing?”

Josie McKellen snuggled under Piper Cherry’s arm, her ear to her tits. Scent alluring her nose nuzzled her Bestie’s nipple before kissing it good morning. The bombshell blonde’s huge breasts were really comfortable pillows. Piper groggy from too much alcohol merely cuddled closer inhaling Josie’s messy brown hair. Fingers intertwining like lost lovers reuniting, they react with even more passion. Lips rising to meet her Josie stole Piper’s lips for another round of stimulating hard nipples and wet pussies. As Piper slips fingertips up inside Josie’s cunt she too hears a heartbeat. Wait! Why only one heartbeat every two minutes? Both of them paused mid suckle, mid knuckle insertion, and winced at one another. No further beat they shrugged it off and swallowed each other’s tongue with such steamy passion that the windows considered fogging up.

“SHIT!” Piper withdrew her fingers in a hurry leaving Josie to pout and cling to her as if not wanting her to leave. A wet pat to Josie’s cheek Piper shared her indecision. The Jack Daniels and abundance of wine had both of them in zombie mode, the intoxication level still high in their systems. Finally, Josie releases her lover to crawl from beneath their silk sheet and seek out a red nightie to cover herself. Now she wears clothing! What happened to Miss Nudist? Piper still wasn’t thinking clearly that red nightie was sheer. No pants on Piper fumbled about drunk looking like death warmed over, the Earth’s rotation turbulent.

Her blonde hair frizzy and wild she hugged the wall all of the way to the kitchen, then the hallway to the front door. Falling into the door with a thud she revived enough to look down at herself realizing her predicament. “What am I doing?” Slapping the door three times as a warning that she was near then hating herself for the hangover mode she trudged quickly back to her bedroom. Once inside she stumbled in taking her nightie off and fell to the floor. “FUCK ME!” Yeah, that woke her up.

“Piper?” Josie called out, unwilling to leave her warm oasis, “What’s wrong?”

“Security guys are here to set up my alarm system.” She leaves her room then has second thoughts. “Goddammit! Now, I’m naked again.” Returning a second time to get dressed she chose her exceptionally short peach colored bath robe from her closet. Unable to find the sash to tie it with, she merely cloaked her front as best as she could, which meant barely. “Don’t go nowhere.”

“Mmmm! I need those fingers, I’ll be here. Hurry back Peaches.”

“Use your own until I crawl back.” Piper giggled and left her bedroom in a rapid shuffle. Racing to her front door she opened it in a hurry. Outside preparing to leave was a twenty something young black male, well-groomed and polite looking. Hearing the door open he turned around to share his pearly whites. Eyes instantly bulging he takes in Piper’s hotness, even with her blond hair in scarecrow mode.

“Sorry! Rough night.” She called out, blinded by bright sunlight and swearing at the echo of birds singing. The wet hand holding her robe together was moved to shade her eyes but in doing that her robe flew wide, breasts almost entirely falling free to expose a thin glimpse of full-frontal paradise. Her pussy just would not remain hidden. “FUCK! Who turned on the supernova? Can you tell those Condors to pipe down?”

“No problem.” He chuckled, hurrying back up the sidewalk to get a better view but trying to appear concerned, “Should we reschedule? When those Condor’s follow the geese North?” Migraine moment she felt him close her robe for her respectively. “No harassment I’m just as blinded as you are right now.” He laughed. “Only trying to help.”

“Hell no, Anthony.” She noted his shirts nametag patch. “I want my system up and running by noon. I just need to play down ... I mean lay down and let my brain catch up to the booze. Follow me Ant Man.” She motions him in with her free hand, her leg keeping the door open. “Get in here and secure me.” Patting his helpful hand she sighed, “I guess you already are. I got this.” She turned around and entered her hallway but tripped again over her own two feet. Landing on the tile face down she cursed and rose up knees first. She was now doggystyle without even caring. Anthony formed a silent whistle at witnessing her gorgeous cunt winking up at him. He had to rub his crotch but then chose to be gallant. But again, the cameras weren’t installed yet to catch his reactions. Stepping over her he went around and offered her his hands to help her up. Accepting them she weakly stood and threw her body into his for added support. “Carry me to my beddy by.”

“Wow!” He actually picked Piper up in his arms her breasts crushing into his chest, her arms around his neckline, “First time I’ve ever been invited in to secure a beautiful woman like this before.”

“Over the threshold we go.” She giggled, “You know what I mean. Don’t mind the mess, still unpacking things, oh, and don’t trip on the empty wine bottles. We were playing spin the body ... I mean bottle.”


“Yeah, I’m still ... entertaining. If you weren’t busy, you could be the entertainment.”

“Thanks for the invite.” He chuckled, “Which way to your friend?”

“Left at the arch. After you drop me off you can get started here on the front entrance while we finish up. Don’t panic if you hear screaming.” She tweaks his cheek then pats it. Just set up cameras where you think I’ll need them the most.”

“Front door, back door...” Anthony looks around trying to be professional. In his examination he hears another voice yelling out making him pause to leer toward its source. It was coming from the left.

“BEDROOM!” Piper grits her teeth at Josie’s determined order.

“You want a camera in your bedroom?” He chuckles.

“Why the hell not. Ooo! One over the TV there. Just do your thing out here.” She points slyly toward the bedroom. “If you need me just ... yell. Not too loudly though ... unless I’m screaming louder than you.”

“Wow! You really are drunk.”

“No ... we are really drunk.” She leads him by point into her bedroom where Josie lay atop the sheets masturbating and groping her chest with a blissful expression. Anthony stopped cold in his tracks at seeing her.

“Mrs. M?”

“Hey, Anthony! Long time no ... see.” Josie opened her eyelids in shock. “I haven’t seen you since you graduated.”

“Been busy.” He was stumbling over his words. “This is crazy. I used to picture you like this all through high school. Wow! Sorry if I’m staring.”

“And holding me hostage.” Piper chuckled, “Tuck me in dammit!” Grinning, Anthony Smooth transported his precious cargo to lay next to Josie. Robe removed Piper rolled into Josie and swatted her hand from her pussy. “You two rekindle, I’m eating breakfast.” Piper transitioned between her Bestie’s legs and collapsed into her appetite. Anthony was blown away.

“So, you install security cameras now?” Josie moaned; this reunion was really turning her on. Not only with her lover’s tongue up her vulva, but the fact her former student was getting hard watching them. “Did you truly envision me like this Anthony?”

“Every fucking day. You never knew how much we all talked about it. I mean you might have had an idea knowing how much we wiped our chins.” He chuckled. “Every so often you flirted too, but you never let on ... much. Seeing you here and now ... worth the wait.”

“That’s sweet.”

“So is her pussy.” Piper lifted up, her chin glossy. “Want a sample before you need to get to work Ant?”

“I ... better not.”

“Get in here Camshaft. You have two minutes to get my slut off while I crawl to the potty.” Piper bites Josie’s clit then slaps her thighs lifting away to roll off the bed.

“You bitch! That hurt.”

“Kiss her booboo Ant.” Piper made it to her feet and teetered toward her bathroom. Once Anthony knew she wasn’t going to fall he looked at Josie.

“Is this for real?”

“Minute, fifty-five Cameo.” Every nickname involving his being a camera installer. Seeing Josie curl an alluring index Anthony threw himself between her legs and inhaled her scent. Eyes rolled back he devoured her cunt. Josie squealed and moaned at her own recollection of her former student, envisioning him doing this while she lay atop her classroom desk. Her brain sorting out fantasy from reality she knew this was only the beginning. That desk had her name on it. Hearing the toilet flush and Piper whining over the loudness of it she washed her hands and splashed water on her face to help energize herself. Clinging to her door frame she watched Anthony eating with an eager starvation. It was obvious he had a crush on Josie even now. Stumbling to her bed Piper let him feast awhile longer, she drawing Josie into a stimulating kiss. Tensing up two minutes into their lip lock Josie had an orgasm. “Okay, Video Hunky ... go grab your tools and hooker us up. I need my Bestie.”

Easing away Anthony wiped his chin on the sheets and beamed. “I’ll remember this the rest of my life Mrs. M. I won’t tell a soul I did this.”

“Oh, no!” Piper resisted her lover’s kiss. “You spread the word. She needs more action.”

“My bro Maynard goes to school at Horton-Dex. Should I tell him?”

“To tell his friends.” Piper smirked, “Tell him you saw Counsellor Cherry eating this cunt up.”

“Holy crud! Maynard mentioned the new Counsellor last night. Said he had his fingers under her G-string. Was that you?” She winked at him, “Woooooiiieee! Daaaamn! Can I re-enroll?”

“Go to work, so I can. Leave the door open.”

“Yeah, I better. It’s going to take a while setting up. Thanks Josie.”

“Any time Anthony. I think I mean that.” She giggled. Piper shut her up going forward. Outside of a thumbs up shared to let him know she was positive that she wanted his tongue more often, possibly more. Whistling loudly now Anthony had to step out. Let the moaning begin.

“Daaaamn!” He wanted to waltz right back in there until his Boss called him to make certain he was getting the job done. Anthony was prone to slacking off. Needing the job badly he cussed under his breath and chose to run to his van for tools, parts and supplies so that he could start drilling and running wires to a central box in her hallway. He stayed on course as best he could while dealing with his boss. Anthony dealt with his employer over the phone for the next ten minutes, forced to mention she held him up due to partying last night.

Piper diving in over Josie making her squeal as they rolled about, the fingers were useful on both of their parts. Wrestling and tickling quickly became a very passionate love making session, kisses flowing long and vibrant. Josie moaned nonstop once Piper decided to kiss and lick her way across Josie’s body atop the sheets. Anthony having left her bedroom door wide open Piper added to Josie’s succulent curiosity. While it was difficult to train her eyes on the doorway expecting her young graduate to take another peek Josie just lost interest entirely and closed her eyelids. Piper’s tongue had found Josie’s sweet, sweet nectar, her pussy thrilled by her neighbor’s arrival. Fingers were now only in Piper’s blonde locks. If only it wasn’t so bright in here. No curtains or blinds was hell on a hangover. She just prayed her daughters weren’t outside snooping again.

Even while Anthony drilled out in the hallway, he heard deafening moans and resisted snooping as best as he could. The job had to be done. Another rash of barely audible cussing proved how unhappy Anthony was at missing out on what was sounding like an incredible show. Listening in between drills was enough at the moment. Once the wiring part stepped into play his ears could listen more intently. For over an hour he heard the women have one orgasm after another, his nerves were on edge. His dick was so hard he nearly took a break just to rub one off. Growling he had to step outside to smoke just to relax his pent-up desires.

While outside nurturing his second Marlboro in a row he noticed a really nice Dodge Ram pickup trolling the neighborhood. Heavy metal tunes on high, the driver looking for an obvious address went too far, then backed up to search for a house number. Once finding the right mailbox he pulled up into Piper’s driveway, luckily, she had parked in her garage, and Anthony had settled for the street.

Music blaring at an ear ringing volume to Parkway Drive’s song Bottom Feeder the young man behind the wheel sat finishing his jam, using his steering wheel as his drum. The song was rather ironic due to the fact that Josie was now feeding on Piper’s bottom, tongue up her Bestie’s asshole rimming it with zest. Beside the driver in the passenger seat sat a really big dog wearing swimming goggles with a band tying them on as if he were used to them. Anthony had to chuckle, thinking that even his own dog would have shaken them off and eaten them long ago. Pretty funny though.

Next door at the McKellen residence!

Twin sisters Dakota and Sable were sitting in the living room watching television in their pajamas. Hearing the disturbance next door both raced to peek out the front curtains facing their porch. Seeing only the bed of the big blue truck they had to learn more. Giggling they rushed to the door and snuck out on to the porch for a better view. While jamming, the driver, a very studly young man dressed in a black polo shirt was beating up his steering column. Looking over at the girls he slowed his drum beat and grinned. The girls dropped their jaws at his seeing them. Then, it dawned on them they were still in morning mode, bedhead and jammies was not that appealing. Squealing the girls ran inside.

Indoors, Piper heard the music as Josie was continuing the favor of eating her out while in doggy style mode, basically sitting on Josie’s face from a face to anus standpoint, Josie also doggy to do so. Scowling she presumed it was Knox Hardecker destroying the airwaves over their neighborhood of Hooters Crossing. Between moans she heard her cellphone vibrate, a vibrator sounded really good about now. Hissing at her cells persistent rumble she stretched for her bedside stand to retrieve it, forced to abandon Josie. Josie would not have it; she wrapped her arms around Piper’s leg and forced her back into position. Piper gave up and said, “Fuck it.”

As the song ended the dog began sniffing the air and growing excitably, truck shutting off the driver gave up trying to call Piper, via speaker phone and Bluetooth. His truck was that tricked out. Seatbelt restraining the dog it became irritable wanting to escape. Eyes bulging at the possibility the mutt would fight his way free and jump out the opened window the driver jumped from his truck and raced to the passenger door. Looking back at Anthony he grits his teeth. “Cherry residence, right?”

“Yeah!” Anthony put his butt out in the grass and pocketed the butt once the cherry was out. Cherry still warm, he patted his pocket cursing at his stupidity. Cherry house indeed!

“Awesome! GPS was messy getting here. You might want to get back I have a feeling Rotten here is going to run you over.” He tried to calm the pup.

“I’ll head back in.”

“Keep that door open.” The boy laughed.

Once the seatbelt detached the dog stormed the opened doorway and jumped down, nearly knocking the boy over. Darting straight for the door sniffing around, a leery Anthony held his ground allowing the dog to run inside the home. Big Rottweiler’s were unpredictable dogs, his own was vicious at times. He hoped he wasn’t making a costly mistake. Slamming the truck door, the boy gave chase and brushed aside Anthony, apologizing along the way. Anthony tried not to laugh but it became impossible. From the doorway he heard two women scream. Hardly from yet another orgasm. So, he thought.


Seconds earlier Piper was cumming hard on Josie’s talented tongue, lurching forward to bury her face under her pillow to muffle pent up anxiety. Squealing she manages to drown Josie’s entire face in a flood. Without even having a chance to control her body’s shaking or even lift up from Josie she heard a rush of whimpering from the foot of her king-size bed. Rotten saw Josie’s ass in the air and licked his lips. Front legs on the bed behind Josie the Rottweiler sniffed at her cunt then began licking it. Josie still out of it thought it was Anthony coming back for more and simply devoured Piper further, using fingers in her cunt. Anthony’s tongue was lovely she thought, the sensitivity of his rapid licks Josie used her one free hand to reach between her thighs to pry her pussy wide so that Anthony could invade her vulva better. Rotten immediately went for the bait, his long tongue rimming her pink interior until she could barely eat Piper. Legs quaking Josie McKellen had a massive orgasm thanks to Rotten.

Her violently quaking limbs spooking the dog, he eased away then jumped up on the bed and walked around his conquest to nudge his owner. Piper uncovering her head with her pillow and dropped her jaw. Josie nearly pissed once she connected the dots.

“ROTTEN!!” Piper was forced to fend off her overly excited puppy, hugging and licking her face, dog breath kisses, tongue to lips just wasn’t very appealing. The reunion was joyous, even under the conditions. Piper in her lust had literally let it escape her mind that her nephew was bringing her dog home from Atlanta this morning.

Rushing after the dog the boy stood in the doorway, hands braced on the threshold while shocked at the sight of, “Aunt Piper?” Seeing Josie convulsing and beet red at being eaten out by a canine she prayed the boy hadn’t witnessed it. This was going to be Josie’s secret humiliation. No way could her reputation lend itself to bestiality. She was simply grateful the huge ass dog hadn’t taken her from behind in other ways. Still, her body couldn’t move as he fell sideways to look at the young man. He was cute!

“MACE!!” Piper dodged her pups slobbering kisses and tried her best not to be scarred up by his nails. “FUCK ME!! I forgot you two were coming.”

Her nephew had to laugh, strangely he wasn’t turning in embarrassment at seeing his aunt naked with another drop-dead gorgeous brunette. A woman with an incredible body at that. In her flailing Mace saw her pussy with very little interference. Josie considered covering up but just hadn’t found the energy. Mace sure didn’t mind.

“It’s so good to see you too Puppy. Momma missed you. His goggles are adorable.” Piper went all babylike in her tone of voice. Even Anthony had to slyly peek in amid the chaos over Mace’s shoulder. Blown away by the two naked beauties he had to go smoke one more cigarette. Okay, he had to go to his van and jerk off in a hurry. The job was not going to be finished on time. In his hyper spasm Rotten abandoned Piper and relocated back to Josie catching her off balance. On her back she found the pup licking her nipples now. Piper reached out to prevent him from his saliva bathing. “HEY! MY GIRL!”

Josie in panic mode led Mace to dare intervening for her safety. Moving in to grab Rotten’s collar he tugged the dog away from Josie as Piper hugged the pup’s neckline. “Calm down you know how I hate it when you chase cat’s up trees.” She realized Mace seeing them naked was not her smartest move to date. The boy being her sister’s son and never before seeing her in sexy mode like this it felt wrong. Even though her freedom was at stake she chose to be smart. “Take Rotten outside until we get dressed.”

Frowning at not getting to stay Mace did as he was told and fought to take the Rottweiler out. To the side of the bed the pup discovered Piper’s robe on the carpet, sniffing it then picking it up between his teeth to toss it about. Mace was afraid to try and take it away from him. The robe was the closest thing to being with his owner, his Mommy. “Definitely going to have holes in it.” At least the dog was calming down. Piper simply waved it off and allowed it. The pool side of the home looked promising so he led the dog out there instead, at least he couldn’t run off with a fence around the yard.

“Sorry Pussycat.” Piper hugged her bestie, “I was overwhelmed seeing Rotten.”

“As if I wasn’t?” She trembled at the thoughts that she actually had an orgasm due to a dog’s efforts. Thank God, no one saw that. She shivered using bed sheets to wipe her eyes, “God I hope I don’t get pink eye from your...” She resisted finishing her sentence.

“Fun while it blasted.” She laughed and assisted Josie in wiping herself. “It sounded like you had a pretty intense climax too. I hope my nephew Mace didn’t see you fingering yourself. I’ll have a talk with him later about catching us unexpectedly. If he weren’t family I wouldn’t care. There goes my weekend of nudism.”

“So, now I have to face your nephew after he saw us naked and sexually engaged.”

“Quit whining Bitch. You know you don’t care who sees us.” Piper giggles, “I left the door open so Anthony could watch us. It’s my fault for forgetting Mace was coming. We better get dressed.”

“My clothes are in the living room.” She crawls off of the bed and peers around the bedroom door first. Seeing Anthony on a step stool wiring she spotted her shirt and daisy dukes by the sofa. Looking out the French door she smiled at Mace playing tug of war with Rotten using Piper’s robe. Deciding already that he had seen her she shuffled into the living room to grab her clothes. Anthony with a clear shot at her she showed him her garments but performed a 360 show before razzing him and going back to Piper’s room. In her retreat Mace saw her from the backside in all of her glory and bit his knuckle. Rotten even gave up the robe to pant in her direction.

“We need to do some damage control.” Piper was out of bed stretching as Josie returned. Watching her Bestie prepare to put on her shorts she stopped her. Taking them away she tossed them on the mattress. “I have to swear my nephew to secrecy, if he tells his parents about my bi-sexuality they’ll go insane. My brother-in-law will razz me forever, he’s had the hots for me since he met my sister Mona.” Piper led Josie by hand into her bathroom to clean up, Josie following behind her knew her Bestie intended on showering together. “I think I’ll head home in a second. You have a lot going on and I need to make an appearance. I’m sure my girls have already noticed Mace. I’ll field their questions and give you time to sort out Mace and Anthony.” Josie merely splashes a wet washcloth on her face and takes a sink bath in three minutes.

Piper turning on the shower understood. “Tell Henry I’m not sorry I stole you all night. I’ll pop over later.” The shower warm Piper stepped in to wake herself up and cleanse away her aroma brought on by hours of cumming. Kissing the glass on the outside Josie waited until Piper pressed her lips from the interior then she left Piper to her bathing.

Stepping back out into the bedroom to obtain her clothes she glanced up at the window facing the pool, a shadow in the room attracting her. With no curtains or blinds to obstruct the view Mace was outside looking in directly at her and smiling. Acting embarrassed at being seen naked Josie covered her chest but left her thighs right open for inspection. She was shivering at his eyes, they were dreamy. Winking at him she proved her bashfulness was made up and gave him a 360 of his own, then placed an index finger to her lips to warn him to not tell on her. The boy saluted her through the glass. A thumbs up gave her confidence.

He watched her get dressed until she was fully attired. Once done she shuffled to Piper’s dresser for a perfume tray of many choice scents and swiped a few short shots of Knowing by Estee Lauder to help against her odor of sex. Ready to go she chose to pop back into the bathroom and went to the shower glass knocking. “I’m back. I stole some perfume.”

“Whatever you need Bestie. Swipe a bottle if you like it. I’ll order more. Oh! Take those dresses you picked out and wear one Monday. I’ll go short skirt too. Remember our pact ... no underwear of any kind the rest of the school year.”

“I must be crazy ... but okay.”

“One more thing Pussycat ... don’t fuck my nephew.”

“What?” Josie creased her brow with a devilish grin, “Oh, so you can fuck my husband, but I can’t fuck your nephew? I could take his virginity.”

“I doubt Mace is a virgin. He’s rich and has a ton of girlfriends, I’m sure. Although, my sister Mona did say his girlfriend Delaney went off to college. You can tease but please, this one I would rather not corrupt.” Piper rolled her eyes, “I know he’s cute Bestie, but ... fuck, if he wasn’t my nephew, I’d even attack him.”

“Uh huh! Call me if you need anything.” Feeling evil as Piper blindly kissed a pucker at her friend, Josie opened up the door and snuck a hand inside while she was shampooing her hair. A sly twist on the faucet valve she turned the hot water off before running away. Hearing Piper scream against the cold-water ambush she laughed on her way out.


“You know you don’t.” Josie called back gathering the dresses from Piper’s closet where they had separated outfits. Six dresses total was enough for now as she draped them over her shoulder. Stepping through the bedroom door she stepped out to see that Anthony was back inside and, on a ladder, mounting a camera toward the front door entrance. Hearing her whistle up at him he looked back at her with a nod. “Thank you for earlier Anthony. You have a very nice tongue.” Eying his tented crotch she smirked and reached up to palm his girth, faintly rubbing it. “Keep fantasizing about me. It might cum true.”

“Always! Are you sure you want me to brag? I don’t want to kill your rep.”

“You can. Just warn Maynard that whomever he tells needs to be careful. We both know how bad it looks for teachers messing with students.”

“Oh, I know. Can I offer you some advice.” She was still rubbing his dick. Mace was even watching from the French door. Her nod affirming his offer he continued. “I might know a few secrets I probably shouldn’t let on to, but if it proves you can trust me I will.”

“I’m listening. Even if I’m rather distracted.” With the most amazing brown eyes ever looking up at him her hand just refused to retreat.

“Touch me anytime. Accept around my girlfriend.” He laughed, “I can’t go into too much detail but ... I know the company I work for installs the surveillance equipment in all of the schools here in Nashville. There are eyes watching. You would not believe what the schools get away with. Horton-Dexter is a baby behind everyone right now, but I guarantee it’s going to allow more than a few illegal acts in the future.”

“What do you mean? Because of Piper’s acts yesterday?” Now she lowers her hand and seeks curiosity.

“She had no clue. This is long before Miss Cherry. Marquette High for instance. I know students and teachers over there are getting away with nudity and sex on school property. No names mentioned but my girlfriend goes to school there and tells me things. Sworn to secrecy but let’s just say ... pretty much anything goes. Lafayette, Harvester-Kent, Wellington especially, that school is getting away with murder too. All I can offer is ... if all of them are breaking legit ... you guys can. Higher powers I’m thinking. Try not to dig too much, I don’t want to be questioned. Just, trust me Mrs. M. I have your back. I’ll make sure Maynard has your back too.”

“Does Maynard know what you are telling me?”

“Not much. I’m trying to keep what I know on the down low. Please, keep things to yourself as much as you can.”

“I will. Thank you for ... warning me. One of these days I want that cock. I want to make it up to you what I denied you the last few years. I’m ... devolving.” She smirks. “There’s no such thing as evolving, I’ve already been there. Take care handsome.”

“Later Josie.” Instead of leaving immediately, Josie turned her attention toward the pool. Anthony watched her wiggle toward the French door, sandals in hand. A tap on the glass she lured Mace inside. Sliding the door open Mace stepped in leaving Rotten outside to wander about sniffing his new home. Josie smiled warmly at the boy but blushed slightly for real this time.

“Hi, I’m Mace.” He extended a hand of friendship.

“Somehow I don’t think I’ll be needing mine.” Josie flirted.

“Pardon?” It went right over his head.

“Mace? As in fending off an intruder?”

“Ohhh! Right! No threat here.”

“Darn! I’m Josie. I work with your aunt.”

“Aunt Piper has a job? Awesome! Doing what?”

“High School Counsellor at Horton-Dexter.”

“Counsellor?” He chuckled, “Your students are already in trouble.”

Behind them Anthony coughs up, “My brother Maynard goes to Horton-Dexter. Linebacker for the football team. You go there?”

“Nah, man! I live in Georgia. I just brought my aunt her dog.”

“Maynard frequents my classes.” She tells Mace, “I teach English and Literature there. Anthony here was a student of mine three years ago.”

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