The Family Resort - Greyson Family - Cover

The Family Resort - Greyson Family

Copyright© 2022 by qm2x1798

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - This is the story of a visit by the Greyson family to a nudist family resort. This is from the perspective of the son as he learns what other families do when everyone is naked. Along the way, he will experience the changes in his own family dynamics. This story was originally submitted under the Family Resort universe by HappyComet. The author is no longer active so I'm submitted the work under my own pen name. Hope you enjoy it

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

The sun didn’t wake me up like the day before, instead it was my swollen cock. Actually, it wasn’t my swollen cock, rather a fingernail tracing the edge of my engorged helmet. I didn’t open my eyes and just lay on the bed as the finger teased the tip of my dick. Still half asleep, I wondered if I was dreaming. Was Sam in bed with me, playing with my cock?

“I love how hard you are in the morning.”

The voice didn’t belong to Sam, rather it was Kelly’s. Her warm breath filled my ear while I opened my eyes and looked down to see my hard cock and her index finger tracing a circle around the tip of my cock. I knew that it was wrong, that I should be pushing my sister away from me, but I enjoy having the tip of my cock touched. Kelly’s fingertip traced several more circles around the swollen helmet.

My eyes shifted from the tip of my dick to my sister’s face. Our eyes met and Kelly smiled at me while her finger continued to trace circles around the tip of my dick. No words were spoken, my sister continued playing with the tip while I wondered if I should return the favor and play with her pussy.

The thought of playing with Kelly’s pussy sent a shiver down my spine. I wouldn’t have even thought of the question prior to our parents bringing us to the resort. I knew it was wrong on so many different levels for my sister to be touching my dick. The kisses from my mother blurred the relationship between mother and son. What Sam did with her family is taboo and rejected by most of civilizations across the globe. Yet here I was wondering if my sister wants me to play with her pussy.

“Hey kids let’s go get breakfast”

My mother’s voice filled our room. My sister and I both looked at our mother, her large breasts and huge smile filling the doorway to our room. There was no hiding the fact that my sister is playing with the tip of my dick. I pushed Kelly’s hand away from my body and nearly jumped out of the bed. I pushed past my mother, turning different shades of red. I headed to the bathroom, suddenly feeling the urge to pee and get out of the room.

I stood at the toilet for a few seconds as I contemplated what had just happened. I stood in front of the porcelain throne, not noticing my sister walk in and stand behind me. She wrapped her hand around my cock.

“Here, let me try aiming for you.”

I was going to protest but the words wouldn’t come out. What did come out was urine from the tip of my dick. A split second after my sister wrapped her hands around my cock, I released the tension on my bladder and allowed piss to flow freely. My sister’s warm hand made it impossible to focus on cutting of the stream of yellow liquid, so it continued to flow. Kelly aimed it to the toilet bowl, getting the first shot of piss on the back of the toilet seat. After a second, she pushed my hard dick down more and diverted the stream of into the center of the toilet bowl.

The pee continued flowing for about ten or fifteen seconds or at least it seemed to take that long in my mind since time seemed to stop. The last droplets of pee spurted from my swollen helmet my sister shook my dick. After the stream stopped, she shook my cock a few more times. Kelly asked of I wiped off my dick or washed it after I pee and she was surprised when I said no. She told me to stand there, and she released her grip on my dick. I watched as she turned on the water, wetting her hands before walking back to me and rubbing her wet hand on the helmet of my dick.

“See, I told you that I could aim your dick better than you.”

“No, you can’t. Do you see the pee on the toilet seat?”

I pointed out the place where the first droplets of pee had hit the toilet seat before she’d mastered aiming my dick. This brought on a small argument with my sister about aiming my dick. She claimed the first part didn’t count since she’d never tried to aim a dick before. I told her that her statement the day before was that she could aim my dick, so it didn’t pee on the seat and that she’d failed. We were still bickering about winning the bet when my mother walked into the bathroom and asked about the argument.

My mother listened to my sister describe the bet and how it wasn’t fair to count the first time. What shocked me what when my mother boasted to my sister that she could do a better job aiming my dick. The smile on my mother’s face would best be described as an evil smirk. Then she shocked both Kelly and I when she said that she’d aimed our father’s cock countless times while he peed.

My mother walked over to me and kissed me. Like before, her warm lips locked onto mine as our bodies melded together. Still in shock from having my sister aim my cock while peeing, my mother’s hand on my half hard cock barely registered in the front of my brain. What did clear my brain was her invading tongues and firm tugs on my dick. Mom stopped kissing me and turned to my sister, still holding my dick in her hand.

“Next time your brother has to pee, I’ll show you how to properly aim his dick”.

My sister looked at my mother. I looked at my mother. ‘What in the fuck is happening?’ ran through my mind over and over at like a million times in a second. The grip on my dick eventually released as my mom turned to kiss my sister good morning. I watched as their lips locked and my mother’s hand slid down between the two of them. I could see slight motion in my mom’s arm but I couldn’t see exactly what was happening. Based on how my sister’s posture changed, I imagined that my mom was running her finger up and down my sister’s bald pussy.

The kiss lasted about ten seconds more and then my sister nudged my mom away saying that she needed to pee. As I was starting to walk out of the bathroom, my sister said something to me wanting to ask me something. I turned in time to see a clear stream of liquid emerge from her pussy, the distinct sound of fluid hitting porcelain. She smiled at me when I said that I didn’t need to see her taking a piss. My sister’s antics ended quickly when my dad popped his head in the doorway telling us that he and mom needed to pee as well.

It took ten more minutes for everyone to pee, brush their teeth and find sandals before we headed off to the dining room. One the way there, we walked by the pool and saw several families already starting to stake out their spots for the day’s activities. Arriving in the dining room my attention immediately turned to Elsa and her gorgeous mother. They were leaving the dining room and Elsa smiled at me, sending a shiver down my spine and ending at my cock.

My daydream of fucking Elsa stopped when I heard Ben and Kemry say hello to my family. They were holding containers of food for the buffet. As the young woman held the container of food, it was not hard to miss the swollen nipples that sat in the center of her A cup breasts. After Kemry set the food down on the table she started chatting with me, standing about a foot from me. She asked how I was enjoying the resort. I told her that I was enjoying it and that I had fun yesterday playing volleyball.

I could feel myself getting hard as my gazed continued to focus on Kemry’s swollen nipples. The temperature in the room seemed to suddenly rise several degrees. I had the sudden desire to kiss the young woman standing in front of me. I was lost in the daydream of kissing her and realize that she was kissing me on the side of the face and saying goodbye. What caught my attention and pushed me out of my daydream was her hand wrapped around my cock. She smiled at me and said that she’d try to find me later after her chores were done.

I watched her naked ass as she cleared a few dirty plates from a table and head into the back of the restaurant. Looking around the room I saw several of the dads and more than a few of the teenage boys looking at Kemry as she walked out of the dining room. They all had the same look on their face. The look of wanting to spread Kemry’s lithe body across one of the tables and bury their cock in her. I imaged it was the same look that I had on my face since I was thinking the same thing. My mother and sister just smiled at me, sensing what every guy in the room wanted to do right now.

The special today was pancakes, which I love. I probably had half a dozen of them as well as scrambled eggs. My family talked about everything and nothing. My mom said there was going to be a group snorkeling lesson at the beach later and a trivia contest afterwards. We agreed that both might be fun activities. I wondered if Sam might be interested in going snorkeling with me. My mom and dad didn’t say anything about going to the beach by our cottage, I think they assumed that we would be up for spending most of our time at the beach.

It was almost half past nine when we left the dining room. I smiled and waved at Kemry as she was helping a family at the front desk. Like the day before, my mother and sister grabbed my hands as we walked past the pool and to our cottage. There was a couple stopped along the edge of the pool. They along with a few other people around the pool were watching Elsa and her parents. The older blonde had her hand on her daughter’s head, holding her face against her pussy. Elsa’s father was holding his daughter’s hips, using them for leverage as he plunged his thick rod in and out of her wet hole.

The sounds of Elsa’s moans mixed with the cries of a few nearby seagulls and the distant sound of the ocean. My mother and sister both tightened their grips on my hands. The blood started to flow into my cock as I watched the young Swedish woman shake with a massive orgasm. Elsa removed her mouth from her mother’s pussy long enough to cry out. A few words were Swedish, but I clearly hear the word ‘fuck’ several times.

The speed of the thrusts from her father increased as Elsa’s body shook with another orgasm. Unsure how long the family had been fucking, I could tell that it was about to come to a climatic end. Several deeper thrusts were followed by deep male voice proclaiming that he’s coming in accented English. My family and others watched as Elsa’s father thrust into her several more times, likely dumping the last of his seed into his daughter’s womb.

We watched as he withdrew his glistening flesh rod from his daughter’s pussy. What happened next shocked the hell out of me. Elsa’s dad looked over at me and my dad, while pulling apart her tiny ass cheeks to give us a good view of her battered and cum soaked pussy. Then he gave my father an inviting look, as if he was offering his daughter’s pussy to my dad. I didn’t hear exactly what my mother said to my father, but I did see the smile light up his face. I wondered if my mother had just given my dad permission to fuck another woman.

We stood there for another minute, and I wondered if my father was going to fuck Elsa. I would have fucked her, not caring that I didn’t have condom or that some guy had already pumped her full of cum. The next steps my father took were not towards the young blonde rather they were towards our cottage. Before leaving I saw my father smile at Elsa’s dad. It was the type of smile that conveyed that my dad appreciated the offer and that he’ll be back later.

After going back to the cottage to grab towels, sunscreen and drinks, we headed out to the beach bed. Sam and her family were already down at the water. We said hello and I smile at Sam when she smiled at me. My half hard cock started to fill with blood again as recalled watching Sam getting fucked just like Elsa. Unlike Elsa, last night Sam had three cocks in her at one time. What did my sister call it ‘airtight’?

My mother told me to lay down on my stomach so she can put sunscreen on my back. I did as I was told and laid down on the bed, my hard cock pressing against my belly. I was surprised when my dad laid down next to me, allowing Kelly to put sunscreen on him.

The sunscreen was warm and my mom’s hands even warmer. I felt as she worked the sunscreen into my neck and back muscles. Hands worked the sunscreen along my spine and out to my sides. I giggled at one point when my mother found the spot just below my ribcage. The hands moved down to my feed and then up my legs. I spread my legs when mom said she needed access to my inner thighs. Soft fingertips rubbed the inside of my things before making their way over to my ass. I groaned as my mom rubbed my ass and then worked her hands down to coat the area between my balls and butthole.

“Turn over Josh.” My mother’s voice filled my ears. Her warm breath against the back of my neck and she leaned over giving me a gentle kiss on my earlobe.

I didn’t want to roll over since I was still hard from thinking about Sam getting fucked. My mom asked me to turnover again and I relented. She let a small gasp out as seven inches of hard flesh pointed up towards the sky. I looked over at my dad and he was just as hard as me. My mother started applying the sunscreen to my chest, stomach and then my legs. As she worked her way up my things, I wondered if she was going to stop and let me apply the sunscreen to my own cock. I already knew the answer to the question, and I didn’t want to admit it.

My eyes opened when I heard Kelly breath out heavily at the same time as my dad. I looked over to find my sister’s hands wrapped around my father’s dick as she rubbed sunscreen onto it. As I watched my sister stroke our dad, a pair of warm hands caressed my dick. It lasted less than a minute, but in that time I watched the smiles spread on the faces of my sister and my parents.

My mom eventually let go of my dick and then she asked me to rub sunscreen on her. It took a moment for my mom and sister to switch places with me and my dad but soon my mom was face down on the bed and I was applying sunscreen to her upper back. I repeat how she applied sunscreen to me, staring at the top of her body. I then did her legs and moved up her thighs. Unlike my mom, I tried as hard as I could not to touch her pussy or her ass crack.

“Josh, make sure you rub sunscreen everywhere. I don’t want to get burned.”

I tried to rub my mother’s ass crack as lightly as I could. When I go to the backside between her pussy and ass, it surprised me how moist she was down there. After a minute of rubbing, I noticed that my sister had rolled over and my dad was starting to apply sunscreen to her large breasts.

With the flip of a body, large DD cups were less than two feet from my face. I grabbed the sunscreen resigning to the fact that I would be touching my mother’s tits. A small gasp escaped her lips as I rubbed sunscreen first on her left breast and then the right. In the back of my mind I knew this was wrong, I couldn’t help but enjoy touching my mom’s breasts. I like breasts, big or small, it doesn’t matter. I eventually let go of my mom’s right breast after she reminded me that she had more skin that needed protecting.

Starting at her feet, I started applying more sunscreen up her legs. Without being asked, my mother spread her legs giving me an unobstructed view of her swollen pussy. While touching my mom’s tits was wonderous, I didn’t know if I could rub her pussy. There was something so inherently wrong with touching her womanhood. I thought to myself ‘you came out of there for God’s sake’. I steadied myself saying that I could gently apply the sunscreen and then be off to play with Sam and her brothers.

‘You can do this. You can do this.’ I tried to convince myself that this was no big deal. I poured a dollop of sunscreen on three fingers and placed them on my mom’s pussy. Her flesh was wet and opened far enough to see her swollen clit. I started rubbing up and down her outer lips, sunscreen absorbing into bald skin.

I looked over at my sister when she gasped. Kelly’s legs were spread open like my mother’s. Unlike me, my father was not trying to be careful rubbing sunscreen onto his daughter’s pussy. Instead, my father had two fingers buried deep in my sister and was pumping them in and out. I didn’t notice that everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch my dad and Kelly. I saw Claire and Steven watching the show along with their children and my mother. I subconsciously pulled my hand away from my mother hoping that she didn’t expect the same treatment from me.

The finger fucking lasted about thirty more seconds before my sister noticed everyone and pushed my dad’s hands way from her. Kelly gave my dad a big kiss on the lips before climbing off the bed and grabbing my hand to pull me down to the water. We were soon joined by Sam and her brothers.

We said our hellos and I could feel myself blush as Sam gave me a big hug, pressing my swollen cock between our bodies. Sam gave me a peck on the cheek and a tug on my cock as she pulled me by the hand towards the water. It seems that at some point in the past day, Claire and Steven had found inflatable toys for us to sit on. Sam grabbed a ring floatie that looked big enough that it could hold the two of us. The twins grabbed Kelly’s hand and pulled her forward saying they want to play frisbee.

While I could tell that Sam wanted to float with me, we ended up playing keep away with the frisbee. I caught Sam several times as I tried to pry the blue disc from her hands. She didn’t seem to mind when I grabbed her tits by accident.

We played for about thirty minutes before the game broke up. The twins wanted something to drink and Kelly said that she needed more sunblock. As I watched Kelly walk out of the water, Sam wrapped her legs around me. I felt a pair of lips on my neck, my eyes still locked on my sister who was handing my father the bottle of sunscreen. The image of my sister getting fingerfucked by my dad popped into my brain.

“Your sister is gorgeous.”


“Josh, I said your sister is gorgeous. I hope I have a body like hers when I get older.”

“She’s nice looking.”

“She’s more than nice looking Josh. I could spend my entire day with my face buried between her legs.”

I must have looked surprised, more likely shocked by Sam’s admission that she wants to have sex with my sister.

“Josh, don’t look at me like that. You’ve seen me eat pussy. I’d love to eat your sister and your mom.”

The blood was flowing from my brain to dick. That had to be it. That’s why I was hallucinating when I heard Sam say something about wanting to have sex with my mom and sister. I didn’t say a word as Sam unwrapped her legs from me and started waking out of the water. The blood continued flowing to my dick, expanding it to its full seven inches. Retrieving the float, Sam waded back to where I was standing.

“Climb on Josh and I’ll join you.” Sam smiled at me, her erect nipple pointing right at my eyes.

Still somewhat dazed by Sam’s confession, I didn’t notice that my mother was having a second coating of sunscreen applied by one of the twins. When I finally did notice, Sam was climbing up onto the float and my lap. I caught a quick view of one of the twins rubbing sunscreen on my mom’s big tits while the other looked to be fingering my mom’s pussy.

Sam straddled me, placing her crotch against my swollen cock. She rubbed her pussy up and down until she’d gotten it to the point where I could feel the swollen lips on hugging the length of my shaft. I grabbed hold of Sam’s ass as she slid her body up and down mine. I got a play by play description of how Sam’s older brothers were applying sunscreen to my mom.

“I hope you won’t be jealous, it looks like Evan is fingering your mom.”

“Why would I be jealous?”

“I don’t know. I thought you might freak out if you found out one of my brothers is with your mom.”

“My mom and I aren’t like that.”

“Like what?”

“Close. Close like you and your family.”

“I’d say that applying sunscreen with your mom this morning was a little ‘closer’ than you think.”

Sam kissed me as she continued to rub her pussy up and down the length of my swollen shaft. At one point I could feel my swollen helmet begin to pry apart her hairless lips. Sam breathed in heavy as she ran the length of her pussy down the helmet of my cock.

“Do you want to watch them? We could trade places.”

“Why do you think I want to watch my mom?” I didn’t really need to see my mom getting fingered but the real reason I didn’t want to change places is that I wanted to keep Sam right where she was at.

“Okay. I figured you and Kelly had a thing about watching people.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean that you and Kelly have watched my family and I the last two evenings. My mom told me that she waved at the two of you to join us and that you just stood there watching.”

“Uhh. Umm.”

“It’s okay Josh you could join us if you want. In fact you can fuck me if you want. You could fuck me right now in front of my parents and nobody would say anything about it.”

I looked up at Sam, my eyes locking with hers. The look of pure lust stared back at me and time seemed to stop. A pair of warm lips locked onto mine. An invading tongue entered my mouth as Sam continue to grind her bald mound onto my swollen cock. We kissed and kissed more. I could feel Sam’s body begin to buck and wondered if she was preparing to impale herself on my cock.

All as once I was worried. This wasn’t the first time I was going to have sex. It was the exact opposite. I frequently have sex with a woman that my parents and sister know nothing about. My anxiety level was increasing rapidly because I was about a have sex with a relative stranger on a beach at a nudist resort in front of my parents. I could feel Sam starting raise her body off mine, allowing my cock the freedom to start pointing towards the sky. I anticipated the velvet glove of her pussy soon embracing my cock at any second.

“Hey kids, you’re floating out to sea.”

Sam unlocked her lips from mine and we both turned to see Claire swimming up to the float. We’d managed to float about 75 yards away from the beach. Sam’s mom grabbed the edge of the float. Sam lifted herself off me, allowing my raging hardon to point directly to the sky. Claire’s face was about two feet away from it and a huge smile erupted from her face.

“I’m sorry if I interrupted something. We didn’t want to have to call the coast guard to rescue the two of you.”

While I was turning red, Sam’s face remained a bronze color.

“It’s okay mom. Josh and I were just talking. We can always talk later, right Josh.”

I watched as Sam hurled herself off the float and started swimming back to shore leaving me with her mother.

“Sorry about that Josh. Sam can be a little pissy when I interrupt her.”

“It’s okay Misses Abbot.”

“Please call me Claire. I think you’ve seen enough of me to be able to call me by my first name.”

“Okay, Claire.”

“If you were about to get lucky with Sam, I am sorry about interrupting that. You know, you can always join our family after the sun goes down.”


“You don’t have to play stupid Josh. I’ve seen you and Kelly watching me and my family fuck. You’re welcome to join us. Sam and I can always use another cock.”

I looked at Claire’s big tits floating in the water. I recalled how they looked swaying back and forth the night before as she was pummeled by her twin sons and husband. I imagined how they would look at eye level as she rode my cock. I continued to stare that them as Claire smiled at me. She reached out her hand, grasping me cock and telling me again how she could use another cock. Claire let go of my cock and told me to jump off the float. She’d managed to pull us back to shore and the water was shallow enough that it reached to our waists. This was good because Claire reached out and grabbed the full girth of my cock, wrapping her fingers around it.

“I’m sorry again about interrupting you and Sam. If you don’t want to join us tonight, I’m sure the two of you can find alone time at some point today.”

I stood there dumbfounded as Claire held my dick. She leaned forward and gave me a peck on the lips and then let go of my cock.

‘Holy Fuck’ I thought to myself. Sam’s mom just gave me permission to fuck her daughter.

When I looked at the beach, Sam was sitting next to her dad and my dad. The twins had stopped applying sunscreen to my mom and were now playing frisbee again with my sister. I walked over to the cooler to grab a bottle of water and that’s when Sam approached me. When she asked, I told her that her mom had apologized for interrupting us and that she was just looking out for us. I hoped that Sam would want to take a walk somewhere, but she grabbed a bottle of water and stood on her tiptoes to give me a peck on the cheek before walking back to where her father and my father were sitting.

It was after Noon when our families decided to go to the restaurant for lunch. We all seemed to ignore that fact that as we walked past the pool, we saw Elsa and her father fucking again. In addition to the Swedish family, there was also another group of people fucking by the pool. One of the daughters was riding her father’s cock while the other was riding daddy’s face. The sight of a father fucking his daughters was surreal enough but what really shocked me was that I saw Kemry and her mother standing there watching as well. Kemry’s mom had her fingers buried in her daughter’s pussy and looked to be rubbing her clit.

Seemingly oblivious to what happened by the pool, the group talked over lunch about going to the snorkeling lessons at two in the afternoon. I wanted to go back to the pool and watch Kemry getting fingered by her mother, but I stayed at the tabled after my mother mentioned that I must be lost in a daydream. The warm fingers wrapping around my swollen cock also brought me back to reality. Sam smiled at me as she asked me if I’m enjoying lunch. I said yes, when in reality I wanted to tell her how good it felt getting my cock stroked by her. I really wanted to pull Sam from her chair and spread her across the table, burying my cock in her. I remembered how Kemry’s mom mentioned that sex in the dining room is frowned up.

Thankfully Sam let go of my dick after stroking me for a minute. My balls were aching and I had to really concentrate to keep myself from spraying seed all over the underside of the table. By the time our two families left the dining room just before two, my cock had gone down far enough that I didn’t look like a walking sundial. I was disappointed when we walked past the pool and found the sexual shenanigans had ended. Elsa and her parents were laying by the pool as well as the other family that had been fucking earlier.

The snorkeling lessons were fun. The instructor led the group over to a small lagoon on the other side of the island. There were at least twenty people there when the lessons started. We had to pair up as we went out into the water. Sam and I managed to pair up and we had a good time swimming around. I tried a couple of times to feel Sam up, returning the favor of the hand job at lunch but I could never make it work. In the end, we spent more than an hour floating around the lagoon and it was almost four in the afternoon when the lesson ended and everyone headed back to the beach and the pool.

Once we dumped the gear off, Sam grabbed my hand and pulling me towards the showers by the pool.

“Can you help me Josh, I want to get clean.”

I smiled at her and we both walked under the spray of the showerhead.

“I need your help washing off my back.” Sam pointed to the bodywash dispenser.

I pumped the dispenser a few times and coated my hands with the green liquid. Sam turned around, pulling her hair over her shoulder and across the tops of her tits. I was gentle at first as I rubbed my soap covered hands up and down her back. The feel of her warm skin started my brain wandering and I started rubbing harder. When I asked, Sam said that she wanted her whole body washed. I took that as permission to rub my soapy hands across her small ass. I was surprised when Sam grabbed each of her ass cheeks and pulled them apart allowing me wash her crack and the underside of her pussy.

I admit that I did a terrible job washing her legs. I was hoping that she’d ask me to help wash her front. She chuckled after asking me to help wash her front. She said that I looked like a kid on Christmas morning after Santa brought him a new toy. I grabbed another handful of bodywash and went straight to rubbing Sam’s perky tits. As I said, they are smaller than Kelly’s, maybe a C cup. However, given how thin Sam is, they looked huge on her body. Sam closed her eye and bit her lip as I ‘washed’ her tits.

Sam opened her eyes, a glazed look on her face as she let out a little moan. She said that she has other places the need to be washed. Then she took my right hand and placed it on her swollen mons. I started rubbing Sam’s clit right there in the shower next to the pool. It may have been watching the fucking at the pool earlier or our time on the pool float that made Sam so worked up, but it took less than a minute for her to orgasm. Burying her face into my chest, Sam’s pussy convulsed on my finger. It shocked me how quickly she reached the peak of ecstasy since I didn’t even get the chance to bury my fingers in her wet hole.

The sound of a clearing throat brought the two of us back to reality. I looked over and saw an older woman and her daughter waiting to use the shower.

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