The Family Resort - Greyson Family - Cover

The Family Resort - Greyson Family

Copyright© 2022 by qm2x1798

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - This is the story of a visit by the Greyson family to a nudist family resort. This is from the perspective of the son as he learns what other families do when everyone is naked. Along the way, he will experience the changes in his own family dynamics. This story was originally submitted under the Family Resort universe by HappyComet. The author is no longer active so I'm submitted the work under my own pen name. Hope you enjoy it

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

The sound of the ocean woke me up, that and the warm body next to me. I was on my back and my sister was next to me, her breasts touching the side of my body.

“I always wondered if guys woke up hard. I’ve heard about ‘morning wood’ and I don’t know if I quite believed it. The tent in the sheets proves it’s a real thing. Do you wake up with a hardon every morning?”


“Do you always have a hardon when you wake up in the morning?”

I was still half asleep. I looked down at my erection standing tall and proud under the white linen of the sheet. “Yeah”. I yawned.


As the fog of sleep cleared my mind, I remembered what happened the night before. Watching the Abbott family fucking by the beach, my sister joining me and playing with herself as she held my hand. I remembered the feeling of her lips on my cock as I emptied my balls into her warm mouth.

“About last night Kelly.”

I was going to say more when my sister cut me off.

“No need to thank me. Well, you should thank me if I’m being honest. I wanted to sleep and there was no way you were going to sleep with your problem. If you weren’t going to sleep, you would have kept me up all night with your tossing and turning.”

My sister pointed to my hardon and chuckled. She said that since she wasn’t tired that I’d have to take care of my own problem. Then she pulled the sheet off both of us and said that she’s hungry and that I need to get up. Kelly grabbed me by the hand and dragged me out of bed.

We walked into the common area just as our parents were coming out of their room. My sister gave my father a kiss. It was more than just a mere peck on the cheek, and it was accompanied by my father grabbing Kelly’s ass to pull her into his arms. After several seconds my dad released his hold on her and my mother gave her a similar kiss. This time their breasts mashed together as they locked lips.

My father waved at me and then my mother pulled me into her arms as she gave me a kiss. Yes, there was lips, tongue and a hand on my ass and another on my still hard cock. After a few seconds I was able to break free, telling my mother that I needed to pee.

After using the bathroom, I waited on the couch as my mom, dad and sister used the bathroom and brushed their teeth. My sister and mom opted for pulling their hair up into ponytails since we would be spending the day at the beach and there was little use in doing their hair.

My mother grabbed my hand and led the way over to the restaurant. We walked by the pool and saw a few earlier risers already working on their tans. I saw Kemry in the restaurant, and she waved at me and my family. I could swear that she looked at my father’s cock and smiled. I waved back and mouthed a ‘hello’ to her since I didn’t want to yell across the room.

There were about a dozen people in the dining room and my attention quickly turned to Elsa, the young blonde I saw the day before at the pool. She walked into the dining room with two adults who I assumed to be her parents and a guy about my age. I watched as her eyes moved around the room, looking at everyone eating breakfast. I could tell my dad saw her too, since he smiled when she looked at both of us.

Yes, I did feel a bolt of energy go down my spine and take root in my cock. I recalled her riding an older guy at the pool yesterday and remembered Sue mentioning that Elsa likes to have sex. I started thinking that it I might have a chance to use those condoms my mom insisted that I bring.

We ate breakfast and talked with another family, the Smith’s. They were from Florida and are older than my parents. Their daughter, Brandy, is a few years older than Kelly. I learned that Brandy is the youngest of three sisters and will be a senior this Fall at Florida State University. Mr. Smith mentioned that he and his wife live at a full-time nudist resort outside of Tampa and that their family has been doing naked vacationing since their daughters were little.

We talked with the Smith’s through breakfast. My parents asked a bunch of questions about being nude all the time. I wondered what was going through my mother’s mind as she would occasionally look over at me and smile. In the end, we stayed at the dining room for more than an hour chatting with the family from Florida.

It was a little after nine when we left the restaurant. My parents exchanged email addresses with the Smith’s after finding out that they were departing the resort and heading back to Tampa right after breakfast. While my parents were saying their farewells, I walked over to the buffet table to grab a bottle of water.

“Hi Josh.”

I turned to see Kemry’s smiling face.

“Hi Kemry.”

“Are you having a good time?” How do you like the resort?”

“It’s nice. A little different then my last vacation.” I wondered how Kemry would take my statement. I didn’t mean to insult her, or her family and I hope she understood that.

“I know. It was weird for me for the first couple of days I was naked. Now I don’t mind it at all. It’s fun to see all the naked guys walking around with hardons.”

I could feel myself blush. I wasn’t hard now, but Kemry standing this close to me was starting to stir feelings in my cock.

“I have to go, my mom is giving me the evil eye. I’m supposed to be helping take guests down to the dock to meet the boat.”

I looked over and saw that Sue was giving her daughter the look of an impatient mother who expects chores to be done.

“See you. Maybe I’ll come find you when my work is done.”

“Bye Kemry.”

I walked over to where my family was saying their goodbyes. My mother gave me a raised eyebrow look. It wasn’t quite a question or a statement, rather more of a ‘I want to know more look’.

“She’s cute, Josh.”

“Mom, stop it.”

“What, all I said is that she’s cute.”

“Stop it.”

“Maybe you think Sam is prettier. If you want my opinion, they are both attractive young women.”

“Stop mom. I don’t need you trying to find a girl for me while I’m vacation.”

My mother started opening her mouth to say something and then closed it, opting to just smile at me.

My dad said he wanted to walk by the front desk to see what the activities are for the day. There were a few couples that appeared to be checking out of the resorts, since they were dressed and had small suitcases. We looked at the activities board, noting that there was a volleyball tournament starting at noon followed by drinks and Salsa dancing at four

‘I think that all sounds fun.”

I could see my mother making a mental note of the times before she mentioned that we should head out to the beach. As we were getting ready to leave, I noticed that Ben had come out behind the front desk and was trying to chat with my sister. A huge smile erupted from my sister’s face when she saw Ben’s hardon. I think she even flirted with him, but not as much as she’d flirted the previous day with Evan and Bruce.

As my parents started walking, I stayed with my sister. The conversation between Kelly and Ben was boring, usual questions teenagers ask when they meet new people. My attention turned when I saw Elsa and her mother walking towards us.

Elsa smiled at me and said hello. Her accent and smile brought my cock to life. Elsa’s mom was about my mother’s age. While my mom was athletic with big breasts, this woman was thin with might be small C cups. She was my height in bare feet and walked with the grace of a runway model. Like all the women I’d seen so far, her pussy lacked hair.

I said hello back, feeling myself blush. I smiled at Elsa hoping that it would hide my embarrassment from starting to get hard.

Elsa and her mother went over to the activities board. I wondered if they planned on participating in the volleyball tournament. An obscene thought raced through my mind about both women and a small part of me hoped that we could team up together to play in the tournament.

Elsa said goodbye and I managed to say it back to her. I was lost in my perverse thought and didn’t notice her and her mother heading back towards the pool.

“She’s cute, Josh. I thought you like women with bigger tits. I see the way you stare at Ms. Greenfield back at home and the way you starred at Claire yesterday.”

“I don’t stare at Ms. Greenfield.”

“You do to. I’ve seen you and so has mom. I think every guy in our neighborhood and maybe one or two wives lust after her.”

“Elsa and her mom could be really nice people. You’re making judgements about them as a person based on how they look.” It sounded good in my head when I thought it, but it sounded stupid when it came out of my mouth.

“Well, your big head isn’t making any sense at all since you’ve said hello and goodbye to them. I get the impression that you’re letting your little head think for you. It doesn’t matter if they’re straight, gay or bi, men think with their dicks.”

My sister pointed at my cock which was fully erect and then she chuckled. I followed my sister as she headed out of the lobby and past the pool. A few more naked guests were laying out in the rapidly warming air. My sister and I talked about the volleyball tournament, and I wondered if Sam and her brothers would be willing to team up with me and Kelly.

We made it back to the cabin and found a young naked woman holding a broom and dustpan. My sister said hello in Spanish and the young woman said hello back. My Spanish is good enough to follow basic conversations, but Kelly speaks it much more fluently than me.

She told us her name is Maria and she’s the housekeeper for our cottage and a few others. She said that she would finish sweeping up and then clean the bathroom and that she would leave. While Maria’s tit’s weren’t as large as Kelly’s, she did have nice legs and hips. The thing I noticed was a small black triangle of pubic hair above her otherwise shaved pussy. I noticed it because she was the first woman I’d see at the resort with pubic hair.

Maria tried to not be conspicuous, but I caught her looking at my still hard cock. I smiled at her, attempting to flirt. There was an uncomfortable moment of silence before she excused herself to go clean the bathroom.

“Better be careful Josh. If you keep looking at all the beautiful women around her, you may end up passing out since all the blood that should be in your brain will be in your dick.”


“Why? I saw the way you looked at her. She’s hot and if I were a guy, I’d fuck her.”

“Please stop, I heard it from mom before we left home, and I don’t want to hear it from you too.” I regretted mentioning my mother the second the words slipped from my mouth.

“What did mom say before we left?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Come on Josh, what did mom say to you?”

“Fine. Mom told me that I should bring a box of condoms. I didn’t want to and she wouldn’t leave it alone so I brought them. Okay!”

“Jeez, you don’t have to be so defensive. Mom was just being practical.”

“That’s what she said.”

“What else did mom say?”

“She said that not everyone I’ll meet will be on the pill like you and her!”

“Mom told you I was on the pill. Did she also tell you that we both have IUDs?”


“An IUD is a form of birth control inserted into a woman. Combined with the pill, it’s really effective at preventing a pregnancy. I like it because I’m not a fan of condoms. I like the feeling of a guy erupting inside me.”

“Stop! I don’t need to hear that!” I rolled my eyes at my sister and made a show of sticking fingers in my ears.

“What’s wrong. Is that too obscene for your virgin ears.”

“I’m not a virgin!”

“Really, who took that from you?”

“None of your business.”

“I don’t think you lost it. I think you are making it up.”

“I’m not making it up and it’s none of your business who it is.”

“Is she in your grade?”

“No. Can we please go out and see mom and dad?” I really wanted the conversation over.

We walked out of the cottage and headed to the beach. My cock had gone down while chatting with my sister, but that lasted for only a minute or two. We walked out and my dad was talking with Sam’s dad, while her mom was rubbing sunscreen on Sam’s tits.

“Josh, come over here. Let’s get some sunscreen on you.”

I sighed knowing there was no sense in arguing with my mother. My mom pulled the lotion out of the bag and told me to turn around. The lotion felt cool as my mother rubbed it onto my back, ass and legs.

“Turn around sweetheart.”

When I turned around, my father was rubbing sunscreen onto my sister’s tits. I was a little shocked, so I didn’t notice my mother was finished rubbing it onto my chest. My mother’s sunscreen covered hands rubbing my cock tore my attention away from my dad and sister. I looked into my mother’s eyes as she stroked my hard dick. What happened next shocked the shit out of me. My mother knelt down in front of me to rub sunscreen on my legs. Looking down, I could see the top of my mother’s head, her face mere inches from my cock.

It was more than a little unnerving with my mother’s head mere inches from my hard cock. I would have been okay, had my mother not grabbed my cock and placed the gentlest of kisses on my swollen helmet.

“There you go, you shouldn’t get sunburned.” My mother released my cock and stood up.

I stood there stunned. My mother had just kissed the tip of my cock. I was so stunned that I didn’t feel Sam grab my hand and start leading me to the water.

“Hey Josh, are you okay.”

“Yeah.” I wasn’t okay. My mother had just kissed the tip of my dick.

I let Sam guide me to the water where her brothers were playing frisbee with Kelly. When my attention finally was able to turn from what had just happened, I realized that I was looking at Sam’s naked ass. She encouraged me to jump into the water and take part in the game.

I was eventually able to focus, and I joined the group as they played frisbee in the surf. We must have played in the water for more than an hour before the one of the twins said he was thirsty and he pulled Kelly towards the beach. I was going to go back in to shore to grab something to drink when Sam swam over to me and wrapped her legs around my waist.

“Josh, are you having a good time?”

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“You seemed kind of dumbstruck earlier and yesterday.”

I wondered if she meant I was dumbstruck when my mother kissed the tip of my dick or when I saw her getting fucked the night before by her father and brothers.

“I’m okay. I was tired from traveling yesterday and still a little bit tired this morning.”

I could feel my cock starting to swell. I’m pretty sure that Sam could feel it too because it was starting to slide up between both of our bellies. A wave pushed the two of us and I grabbed Sam’s ass with both of my hands to keep her from plunging into the water. Sam looked at me and smiled. I watched as her nipples got harder, poking out from her tits. I had the sudden urge to kiss her, and I wondered how she would react. While I was thinking, Sam was acting. A pair of lips connected with mine as a hand slid down my chest and onto my cock.

“Kids! Come out of the water.”

I kissed Sam back.

“Josh, Sam. Come out of the water. We want to get signed up for the volleyball tournament.”

It was Sam’s dad yelling out to the two of us.

“I think my dad wants us to get out of the water.” Sam broke off the kiss and let go of my dick.

Sam released the leg hold she had on my waist, and we walked out of the water. A string of thoughts raced through my mind. Many of them focused on how far Sam and I could have gone before our parents stopped us. Then I wondered would our parents stop us? Would Sam’s dad kill me if I made out with his daughter?

Our parents started walking towards the clubhouse and the pool. Sam looked at my hard dick and smiled. Her hand slid easily into mine and we started following our parents towards the pool. We chatted about everything and nothing all at once.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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