The Family Resort - Greyson Family - Cover

The Family Resort - Greyson Family

Copyright© 2022 by qm2x1798

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - This is the story of a visit by the Greyson family to a nudist family resort. This is from the perspective of the son as he learns what other families do when everyone is naked. Along the way, he will experience the changes in his own family dynamics. This story was originally submitted under the Family Resort universe by HappyComet. The author is no longer active so I'm submitted the work under my own pen name. Hope you enjoy it

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

If my parents would freak out if they found me sharing with the world what happened prior to arriving at the Family Resort, they definitely will kill me if they find out I spilled the secrets of what happened once we arrived.

My sister’s graduation party occurred the day after the twister game night. Our extended family arrived early in the afternoon. There were hugs, congratulations for my sister and lots and lots of food. Everyone had a smile on their face, everyone but me.

My grandmother asked me what was wrong, and I lied, telling her that I had an upset stomach. I didn’t think it was a good idea that to tell Nan that I couldn’t stop thinking about watching my father, her son, fucking his wife in front of his children. I’m certain that Nan would have had a heart attack.

After several hours the guest left, leaving me alone with my family. My parents gave my sister a pass on cleaning up after the party, letting her hang out with her friends. As I picked up the last of the plates, I saw my mother approaching me with a smile on her face.

“Sweetheart, thank you for helping clean up. Your father and I are going up to bed. Don’t stay up too late.”

With that my mother pulled me into her arms and gave me a kiss. Yes, it was a kiss on the lips, and it included an added surprise of a tongue snaking between my lips and into my mouth.

My mother eventually let me go and started walking into the house. I watched as she pulled off her t-shirt as she walked and unhooked her bra. I was surprised since our neighbors have a partial view into our backyard. I stood there in utter disbelief as my mother turned around and reminded me not to stay up too late.

I probably took more time than required to throw away the trash, empty the last of the ice from the coolers onto the grass and rearrange the patio chairs. I knew that my parents would be in their room fucking with the bedroom door open and most of me didn’t want to see it. Yes, I’ll admit there was a small part of me that wanted to see my mother’s big tits swaying but that devil on my shoulder did not win the argument with the angel on the other shoulder.

I walked into the house and heard the chorus of my mother and father fucking and both of their cries to the almighty. My mom begged for young cock and my dad crying out how good it feels to fuck a tight teen pussy. I opted to watch television instead of going to my room. I turned the volume up high enough to drown out some of my parents carnal activities.

I was surprised when my sister walked into the house a few minutes later. I wondered why she came home early since our parents had removed her curfew once she graduated high school. Watching her out of the corner of my eye, it was surprising when she grabbed a drink out of the refrigerator and then plopped down on the couch next to me.

“Are mom and dad fucking upstairs?”


“They seem to be doing that a lot.”


“I think it’s hot. I hope that when I’m their age that I look as good as mom.”

“Is that why you like to watch them? Do you watch them because you think it’s ‘hot’?”

“Yeah, it’s like porn but only better. Think of it being the best porn movie you’ve ever seen. I get that it’s mom and dad, but watching people fuck in person is totally hot.”

My sister went on to explain that she once watched her best friend have sex with another girl. I don’t think my sister, or I even noticed that our parents had finished fucking. The sound of the television masked that they’d finished, and it wasn’t until we saw our naked mother go into the kitchen did, we realize they were done. We listened to her rummage around in the refrigerator. Our mother said goodnight again as she headed up the stairs with a couple of cans of pop.

It took about 15 minutes for carnal noises to start again, but soon my parents were fucking once more. I glanced to my right, and I could see that my sister’s nipples were trying to poke through her tank top. After a few minutes, she excused herself claiming to be tired.

I waited two minutes before slowly creeping up the stairs. My sister had not even made it to her room before stripping off her clothes. I could see her standing in the doorway of our parents room while her clothes were in a pile on the hallway floor. It was obvious that my sister was masturbating while playing with one of her big tits.

Not wanting to see a repeat performance of the night before, I backed down the stairs and retreated to the couch. I must have fallen asleep while watching television because it was after one in the morning when my dad shook me to wake me up. He said that I needed to go to bed and when I opened my eyes all of the way, his still hard cock was a foot from my face. I eventually made it to my room and quickly fell asleep, not thinking about what had just happened.

It was just before ten the next day when my sister drove the two of us to the mall. We both needed to pick up things for our trip and today was going to be the last day to do it. I quickly found the sunglasses I needed and a few magazines to read on the plane. I wasn’t thrilled about going with my sister, especially when she went into the shop that specializes in swimwear.

“What do you think of this one?”

“I don’t know, I think it might show a little too much skin.”

I was being kind when I said it showed ‘a little too much’, since it barely covered half of my sister’s tits. The small triangles of cloth covered my sisters nipples but left the underside of her boobs hanging out. The bottom covered as much of my sister’s ass and pussy as the thong she wore a few weeks ago at family game night.

“I like it. I think I’m going to get it.”

“Why do you need it? I thought we’re going to be nude at the resort.”

“We are. This is for when we go to the beaches in Europe. You know that those women barely wear any clothes and at half the beaches in Greece are topless.”

I rolled my eyes at my sister and tried to pretend that I wasn’t there when the saleswoman asked my sister if she wanted to try on any other bikinis. Thankfully, my sister said that she’d found the one that she was looking for. Paying for her purchases, we headed out to finish the last of our shopping.

As we were getting into the car my sister said that I should text my mom and let her know that we are on the way home. I tapped out a message on my phone and asked my mother if she needed anything from the store while we are out and about. A moment later my phone chimed with a message from our mom saying that she didn’t need anything and that we should come home and finish packing.

The car ride home was quiet. I don’t know about my sister, but I was lost in my own mind pondering what will happen the next day when we arrive at the resort. Kelly pulled into the driveway and we each grabbed our respective packages and headed into the house.

We made halfway up the stairs before we heard it.


It was probably the loudest I’d heard my mother scream.


I wondered if there was any way to avoid seeing my parents fucking, unfortunately there was no way to avoid seeing my mom and dad. My mother was wearing a pair of heels and nothing else. She had both of her hands on the frame of their bedroom door and was looking out into hallway as my sister and I came up the stairs.


There was no way to avoid making eye contact with my mother. She looked at me as her tits swayed in time with the thrusts of my father. The smile that erupted on her face sent a shiver down my spine that took root in my rapidly swelling cock.


I hesitated for a moment but eventually made it into my room and closed the door. I threw my packages on the bed, grabbed my headphones and sat down at my desk. I’d hoped to drown out the sounds of my parents fucking but I was too late. I heard my mother and father both cry out in what I assumed to be a mutual orgasm.

The grunts lasted nearly a full minute. I never did put on my headphones since my parents seemed to have satisfied their carnal needs. I was just about to stand up to start packing when there was a knock on the door and my mother walked. She had on a short silk robe. The top of the robe covered her large breasts but was not tied closed so I could see her pussy. My mother walked up to my chair, placing her swollen pussy at eye level and I could smell the musky scent of sex.

My mother held out a large box of condoms, handing them to me.

“I bought you these at the grocery store today. I thought you might need them for the trip.”

I could feel myself blush.

“Thanks mom, I don’t need those.”

“Josh, you are going to need these for the trip. You may meet some hot young women at the resort or in Europe and she may want to have sex with you.”

“I don’t need them mom.”

“Sweetie, you’re going to need these. No every woman you meet will be on the pill like your sister and me. If a woman is not on the pill, it’s not safe to have unprotected sex.”

I’m sitting there listening to my mother tell me about needing to wear a condom, while her naked pussy is about two feet from my face. That’s when I notice that my father’s cum is starting to drip out of my mother’s swollen pussy and down her leg. I prayed that she’d feel it start to drip and remember that she needed to close her robe, but she just kept talking to me.

“Are you embarrassed to say you need them? Do you not know how to use them?

“No mom, I’m not embarrassed to say that I need them, and I already know how they work. We saw it in health class.”

“Josh, there is what you learn in class and what happens in the real world, and they aren’t always the same. Do you need some help learning how to use them?”

“NO MOM. I’VE USED THEM BEFORE!” I was louder than I should have been.

“Oh.” That was all my mother said.

I swear that my mother had a look of disappointment on her face when she said it. I wondered if she assumed that I was a virgin (I’m not by the way but that’s a different story for another day). The dirty part of my mind went to a dark place where I imagined my mother wanting to take my virginity.

“Come here and give me a hug. I’m sorry that I upset you.”

My mother held her arms open and prodded me again to stand up and give her a hug. It was a few seconds before I stood up, but I eventually let my mother wrap he in one of her powerful hugs. The silk robe formed a thin cloth barrier between my mother’s tit and my t-shirt clad chest. As my mom hugged me, I wondered how far the cum had dripped down her legs. I was busy pondering that when I felt her lips lock with mine as her tongue slid into my mouth. My mother’s hand grabbed my ass, pulling me deeper into her loving arms. I don’t know why, but I closed my eyes this time. They were closed for a several seconds as my mom’s tongue invaded my mouth before our kiss ended.

“You better get packed dear. You’ll want to be done before dinner. We will want to go to sleep early tonight, since we have an early start in the morning.”

“Yes mom.”

I watched as my mother walked out of the bedroom. Since you probably want to know, the large glob of my father’s cum had made it down past my mother’s kneecap by the time she walked out of my room.

My parents weren’t kidding about the need to finish packing before dinner. Once we finished eating, we went through the travel checklist my father built over the last few weeks. My bags and my sister’s were inspected to make sure we had all of the required clothes, bathroom stuff, passports, and spending money. I gave up arguing with my mom about bringing the condoms and threw them in with the rest of my luggage.

It was a little after seven in the evening when Ms. Greenfield came over to the house. She wore a short sundress and a pair of heeled sandals. Ms. Greenfield agreed to keep an eye on our house and to water my mom’s plants. I could feel my cock swell as I watched our gorgeous neighbor walk around the house. At one point my father and I made eye contact and smiled awkwardly at each other, each of us knowing that we got caught eyeing our neighbor.

Thankfully, my parents only fucked once after locking up the house. As I lay on my bed, my cock hard from listening to my mom begging to be fucked, I wondered what would happen the next day when were arrived at the resort. I didn’t bother looking out my bedroom door as I listened to my parents. I was certain that my parents’ bedroom door was open, allowing my sister to watch them fuck. As for my sister’s state of dress, I expect that she’s naked with at least a few fingers rubbing her pussy.

When my parents said that we were leaving early, I didn’t expect my dad to wake me up at four in the morning. It took several minutes for me to open my eyes again and I only got out of bed when my sister walked in and turned on my bedroom light. The next half hour was a blur as we all got dressed, brought our luggage downstairs, and grabbed a bite to eat. By six in the morning, my family and I were sitting at the departure gate waiting for our flight.

The flight lasted close to four hours. I tried to read, but I couldn’t concentrate. My mind continually came back to the mental images of naked people. I’d spent several days earlier in the week looking at the latest images from the resort. Some of them included a woman that looked close to my age. She was naked except for body paint. There were several other pictures of women wearing body paint. In one of the pictures, it was clear to see the young woman had a bald pussy.

It was just after eleven in the morning when our flight landed. It took almost another hour to gather our luggage up and get shuttled out to the dock where we’d meet the boat to take us to the island and the resort. I was a little disappointed that the attractive young woman helping us onto the boat was not naked. She smiled at my father and said that she doesn’t work at the resort and that her and her father run a boat charter service that serves the resort and other islands in the area.

It took a little more than 45 minutes to sail to the island. When we arrived, the boat pulled up alongside the dock, allowing us to unload our luggage. That’s when I saw her, a beautiful woman about my mom’s age and a young woman who looked just like her mother, both were naked.

“Hi, I’m Sue and this is my daughter Kemry.”

Both women stuck out their hands. I felt embarrassed shaking their hands with two naked women, their bald pussies and tanned tits on full display.

“If you wouldn’t mind grabbing your luggage, we can drive over the to the lodge to get you checked in. You can stick your luggage in either of the carts. We brought two because you said that you have more luggage the most guests have.”

“Yeah, I imagine that most of your guests don’t have much luggage.” It was my mother who spoke to Sue.

“No, most of our guests don’t have a lot of luggage. Most people only travel with a carry-on.”

“We are traveling to Europe after our stop here. It’s Kelly’s graduation gift before she starts college in the fall.”

My mother continued speaking with Sue as my dad and I put the luggage in the carts. I joined Kemry in the cart along with my sister as she drove us to the front of the resort. Helping my dad again, we unloaded the bags and followed Sue and her daughter inside.

I hate to admit it, but I started getting hard looking at Sue and Kemry’s asses. We followed the women into the lobby and to the front desk. The staff at the front desk were just as naked as Sue and Kemry. The young man behind the desk looked to be about my age and Sue introduced him as her son, Ben. I swear that my mother looked over the counter at Ben’s naked body as he was processing my dad’s credit card. My mother turned to my sister with a huge smile on her face.

After a couple of minutes, Sue sent Kemry to do something else and she offered to give us a tour of the resort on the way to our cottage. She started by showing us the dining area. There were a few families eating lunch. Surprisingly, the staff in the dining room were wearing clothes. My mother commented on that.

“Yes, we ask that the staff in the dining room wear clothes. We don’t think the guests would like naked people making or serving their food.”

“What about guests, do we need to wear clothes in the dining room?”

“Amy, clothing is optional in the dining room. I don’t think I’ve seen a guest wearing clothes while they are eating, but you are free to do so if you wish.”

Sue continued the tour after telling us the hours of the dining room. The next place we saw was the pool. I’d seen it a number of times in the photos, but nothing prepared me for what I saw. There were about twenty people around the pool, each of them naked. There were adults about the same age as my parents and some younger. At least half of the kids by the pool looked to be about the same age as my sister and me.

Around the pool were a number of big sunbeds, which looked like they had queen sized mattresses on them but designed to be out by the pool. My hardon was now starting to rage. There were blondes and brunettes around the pool. Some had big tits while others had medium and small tits. I didn’t see anyone with boobs as large as my mom’s, but a few might have been close to the size of Kelly’s.

What caught my attention and everyone else was a young blonde with shoulder length hair and perky tits. She was perched on top of a guy that looked to be my father’s age. She was bouncing up and down and after a second or two you could see that she was riding his cock. I looked over at my mother and father. Mom was biting her lower lip and dad had a smile as wide as his face. Sue could see that we were looking at the pair fucking by the pool in front of roughly twenty people.

“That’s the Nordegren family from Sweden. The young blonde is Elsa, and she is quite the little nymphomaniac. I caught her and Ben yesterday when my son was supposed to be helping clean the pool.”

My mother looked at Sue and smiled. “So is public sex, okay?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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