The Family Resort - Greyson Family - Cover

The Family Resort - Greyson Family

Copyright© 2022 by qm2x1798

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - This is the story of a visit by the Greyson family to a nudist family resort. This is from the perspective of the son as he learns what other families do when everyone is naked. Along the way, he will experience the changes in his own family dynamics. This story was originally submitted under the Family Resort universe by HappyComet. The author is no longer active so I'm submitted the work under my own pen name. Hope you enjoy it

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

As I said before, my parents will probably kill me for telling the world what happened on our vacation. Looking back on it now while our family is in Mykonos, it’s still hard to believe what happened during our time at the Family Resort.

A month prior to my sister’s graduation, our parents told us that they were taking us to a nude family resort. People are correct when they assume that most 16-year-old boys fantasize about being surround by naked women, I know I’ve had that dream before. The only difference is that in my dreams, my parents and sister aren’t naked as well.

The lesson my father continually tries to teach me, and my sister is that nothing in the world turns out the way you plan it. The difference between my dreams and reality are that I will be seeing my family naked at the resort.

While I didn’t like the idea of being naked around my family, I resigned myself to going along with my parents plan. It helped that the resort posted a few new pictures on the webpage and there was an attractive woman about my age. While I was coming to grips with being nude at a resort with other families, I was still processing my parents fucking and my sister spying on them when it occurred to me that there will be other families at the resort. I tried to focus on the other families and hopefully women my age as a way to escape having to spend every moment with my parents and sister.

“Josh, you’ll be late for school if you don’t get moving.”

I clicked my mouse to close the website, after making sure to save the picture of the nude blonde. While her face didn’t look at all like our neighbor, she a figure similar to Ms. Greenfield.

I grabbed my book bag and headed down the stairs. I walked into our kitchen and my mom handed me a breakfast sandwich and a bottle of orange juice. My sister was waiting to give me a ride to school. She mentioned that we needed to leave since she had an early appointment with one of her teachers. As she headed towards the door, I started following my sister.

“‘Josh, didn’t you forget something honey?”

I walked back over to where my mother was standing. Since the first day of kindergarten, my mother has always kissed me on the side of the face as she sends me off to school. It’s more than embarrassing, but my mother insists on doing it if none of my friends are around. I expected a kiss on the side of my face, so my mother’s lips pressed against my own froze my brain. I felt a firm hand on my side as my mother pulled me against her body, making me instinctively close my eyes. Then the lips were gone.

“Have a good day at school sweetheart.”

I stepped back from my mother. “Ummmm ... okay”

I turned and saw my sister with her mouth slightly opened, obviously as surprised as I was by what just happened. We headed out to the car, the sound of silence filling the air as my sister started driving. The radio was turned off and my sister just drove. At the stoplight leading out of our neighborhood she cleared her throat.

“Mom and dad were pretty loud again last night. I don’t think I’ve ever heard them fuck that hard.”.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?” I was a little louder than intended and it scared my sister a little bit.

“Mom just kissed me on the lips. What the fuck is happening in our family?”

“Jesus Josh, take it easy. Mom was just saying goodbye like she normally does.”

“Kissing me on the side of my face is normal. Kissing me on the lips is anything but normal. It’s not normal to hear our parents fucking all the time.”

“Relax Josh, people have sex. There is nothing wrong with it. You do realize that mom and dad had sex when they made you.” My sister giggled.

“Did mom kiss you goodbye this morning?”

“Yeah, she did.”

I looked over and saw my sister biting her lip. I don’t believe my mother plays favorites with my sister and I, but she normally doesn’t kiss my sister goodbye when she leaves for school.

“Did she kiss you on the side of the face or on the lips.”

“Ummm ... on the lips.”

An image flashed through my brain. My sister and mother smashing their tits together as they kissed. I felt embarrassed as soon as the thought went through my teenage brain and relieved when it was gone a moment later.

“Why do think mom and dad are taking us to the resort? What’s with all of this game night and outfit crap?”

“I don’t know Josh. Maybe mom and dad want us to be closer as a family. You know when the Greenfields got divorced a few years ago, mom spent a lot of time over talking with Sandra. In case you didn’t hear, the Edison’s are also getting a divorce. Mom and dad are really good friends with them.”

“What does the Greenfields and Edison’s getting divorced have to do with our family. Why would that push mom and dad to take us to a nudist resort?”

“I don’t know. Maybe there is something going on with our parents and they think this will help.”

We were still three traffic lights away from school.

“Kelly, did you enjoy watching mom and dad the other night?”

My sister swerved the car and almost hit another car on the road. I didn’t think I’d get that kind of reaction out of her.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

While my sister denied watching our parents, her red face and swelling nipples gave away her true answer.

I’d seen my sister watching our parents fucking two nights ago. I’d turned off my bedroom lights and slowly opened my bedroom door about fifteen minutes into my parent’s nightly ritual. My parents’ bedroom door was open all of the way and I could see my mother’s legs high in the air as my father held onto her ankles. My mother was on the edge of the bed, taking my father’s strokes as she begged to be filled by young cock.

To add to the surreal sight, my sister was standing outside our parents’ bedroom stark naked. Like before, she had one hand grabbing her tit as the other rubbed her pussy. She was poking her head around the corner of the doorframe, getting a good view of our dad’s cock pounding our mother. With my bedroom door barely open, I watched for more than five minutes and then retreated into my room as my dad pulled out and shot a load of cum all over my mother.

“Sure, you do, you know what I’m talking about. Either that or it was a dream that I saw you.”

“Josh, it must have been a dream.”

“Yeah, a dream where my naked sister watches our parents fucking.”

“Well ... that’s twisted.”

“Yeah, about as twisted as our parents taking us to a nudist resort.”

I looked at my sister. Her nipples were pressing against the fabric of her shirt. I wondered if she wore a bra. The car was silent between the stoplight and the school parking lot. My sister said goodbye after parking the car.

School was normal and about the only thing normal in my life right now. While most kids can’t wait to get out of class, I dreaded the school day ending. My sister had her after school mentoring session with a sophomore cheerleader, so I was forced to take the bus home. Since the bus dropped me off less than a block from my house, there was no delaying my return from school. I really didn’t want to go home today. While I’d been able to push my mother’s kiss from the forefront of my mind, it slowly crept back into my conscious thought as I stepped down the stairs on the bus.

I grabbed a drink in the kitchen and was just finishing my first gulp when I heard the grunting noises.

“Oh, fuck baby, your cock feels so good in mommy.”

I was down in the kitchen, so my mother’s cries weren’t overly loud, but clear enough for me to hear them. I walked up the stairs as quietly as I could. I took two steps at one point, to avoid the creaking sound on the fifth stair tread. I wondered if I could slip into my bedroom without my mother seeing me.


My mother’s back was turned to me. She was squatting on a dildo that was somehow attached to a pillow under her. I watched for a few seconds as the dildo slid effortlessly in and out of my mom.


I quietly opened my door. While my dick may have wanted to watch my mother, my brain reminded me that I needed to study for my finals. My mother’s cries to be fucked filled the hallway of the second floor until I put my headphones on.

I’d just finished reading the last chapter in my western civilization class when my mother walked into my room. With the noise cancelling turned on, I didn’t hear my mother walk in. I was surprised by the touch on my shoulder. I turned around to see my mother’s short silk robe open, her pussy partially in view. I instantly smelled the musky odor of sex and looked up to see erect nipples.

“Hi sweetheart. How was school today?”

“Fine mom. I’m starting to study for finals.”

I pointed at my book, hoping to not stare at my mother’s tits or partially exposed pussy.

“That’s good. I’m sure you’ll be happy when school ends.”

My mother held out a bag. It was like the one that she’d left in my room the previous two weeks. She said that this is my outfit for game night tonight and that we’d be going out to dinner a little after five.

“Thanks Mom. Do I need to put this on now or when we get back from dinner?”

“After dinner sweetheart. That is unless you want to give your mom a little show right now.” My mother shot me an evil grin.

“After dinner then.”

My mother bent forward, giving me an unobstructed view down her silk robe. A kiss on the lips froze me again. While I was aware of my surroundings, I was frozen. If my brain had worked, I would have noticed that my mother’s rob barely covered her ass or that she wiggled it walking out of my room.

The rest of the evening went like the previous two Fridays. Our parents took my sister and I out to eat, to the tanning salon and then back to the house for family game night.

As I stood in my room getting ready for game night, I looked at a pair of briefs with a mesh panel in the front. I held my hand up being the mesh panel. While the mesh panel was light blue, it was translucent enough to be able to see almost every detail of my hand. There was a similar panel at the back of briefs, giving the world a view of my ass crack.

I pulled on the shorts when I heard my parents call up to me. ‘Think about homerun stats’ I told myself. I tried to recall the top 20 players on the all-time homerun list. I hoped by doing so I could keep my cock from rising.

My efforts were a lost cause. My mother and sister were in equally revealing mesh bras and panties. While theirs were a shade of red, it was easy to see their nipples since the they were poking through the material. I walked into the family room with my hands in front of my crotch hoping to hide my erection.

“Oh Josh, those look nice on you sweetheart. Turn around and let me see the back of them.”

“Do I have to mom?”

“Just do it Josh.”

I turned around in a circle while standing next to a dining room table. The first time I kept my hands over my crotch. I had to suffer the indignity of the fashion show again when my mother told me to move my hands away from my body and spin around again. If there was anything worse than the dream of going to school naked, it was right now. It didn’t help that my father raised his voice at me and told me to do what he did. My dad spun around, showing his erect cock to my mother and sister.

“There, I did it.” I spun around for my mom and my sister.

“Thank you, sweetheart, they look very nice on you.”

My cheeks were warm, and I could tell I was blushing. I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed in my life. My mother and sister were both starring at my mesh covered cock and smiling. My mother licked her lips while my sister bit her lower lip. I wondered what was going through their minds.

Thankfully, my father said something about starting the game. While I hoped that it would be another board game, my hopes were dashed when he said that we were going to play the drawing game. My mother instantly said that she and I would be partners.

The game started and it was impossible for my mother to not stare at my cock while I was standing up drawing at the easel. We missed the first drawing, in part because I could see my mother starring at my cock and not my drawing. Thankfully, my sister was as equally distracted looking at my dad’s erection.

We changed places and I watched as my mother’s tits bounce as she tried to draw a scene from a movie. My mother is horrible at this game, so it was nearly impossible to guess the movie title based on her horrible drawing of a broom, a house, pointy red slippers.

We went through several turns before my dad mentioned needing something to drink. He said that I should help get drinks this time.

“Thanks for helping Josh.”

“You’re welcome, Dad.”

“Your mom and I really appreciate your willingness to go along with the game nights and going on the trip. I know it isn’t how you envisioned spending our vacation, but it means a lot to your mother and I.”

“Sure Dad, anything for you and mom.”

My father smiled at me as he handed me the last of the drinks. I think we both wondered if I meant what I said. Would I do anything for my parents. The look between my dad and I lasted a few second.

The game lasted another hour. Despite my father’s cock never getting soft and my sister keeping a keen eye on it, they were able to guess correctly enough times to win the game. At the end of the hour my parents said that they needed to go to bed and asked that we take care of the mess from game night. I told my sister that I’d close up the house and watched as she and my parents went upstairs.

It took about ten minutes to put the game away and take the dirty dishes to the kitchen. After turning off the lights, I walked up the stairs and saw the light on in my parents room through the open door. I’d almost made it to the door of my room, when I looked through the open door. I saw most of my father’s naked ass standing in the center of the room. My naked mother was kneeling before him. I couldn’t see her tits, as she had her left hand up. I suspected she had her hand wrapped around his cock as I watched her head bob up and down.

I listened to the slurping sound of my mother’s mouth. My feet were frozen and I couldn’t move as I watched my mother sucking my father’s dick. I was finally broken from my trance when my mother stopped sucking and released my dad’s cock from her mouth. Then she moved her head slightly to the left and looked straight at me and smiled. Then she went back to sucking off my dad. I quickly retreated to my room and waited for the inevitable sounds of my parents attempting to break the bedframe.

My mother begged over and over to be defiled by young cock. My father cried out to that he wanted to fill a young woman’s tight pussy with cum. I didn’t dare look out my bedroom door, afraid that I’d see my naked sister or the shenanigans of my parents.

I was surprised that my parent’s sexual antics didn’t carry on throughout the whole weekend. I believe my mother stopped my father after she found me napping at the dinner table on Saturday. I was supposed to be studying for a final rather creating a puddle of drool in a history book. That evening the house was quiet after supper and I got a lot of studying done.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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