The Family Resort - Greyson Family - Cover

The Family Resort - Greyson Family

Copyright© 2022 by qm2x1798

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This is the story of a visit by the Greyson family to a nudist family resort. This is from the perspective of the son as he learns what other families do when everyone is naked. Along the way, he will experience the changes in his own family dynamics. This story was originally submitted under the Family Resort universe by HappyComet. The author is no longer active so I'm submitted the work under my own pen name. Hope you enjoy it

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

Hi, my name is Josh Greysen. My mom and dad will kill me for telling the world what happened at The Family Resort, but I have to write it down because it’s too hard to believe. I’m not sure which of my parents first came up with the idea of visiting The Family Resort, but both really pushed me and my sister to go along with the idea of visiting the resort and more importantly, family nudity.

It all started in May of my sister’s senior year in high school. Kelly is 18 and about to graduate from a private school in Texas. As part of her graduation gift, my parents promised to take the whole family to Europe for three weeks. While I wasn’t in love with the idea of spending an extended amount of time with my family, what 16-year-old boy is, I couldn’t refuse the chance to look at hot French, Italian and Czech women.

It was after dinner one night when my parents called my sister and I to the table saying they want to have a conversation with us. As we gathered around the table, I could see my mother and father both had big grins on their faces.

“Kid’s we are finishing the reservations for our trip, and we want to tell you about a change we are making. We are going to be adding a week to the trip and spending it at the beach. There is a new family resort that’s opened up and we are going to be taking you to it.” My dad smiled as he looked at the three of us.

It was my mom that spoke next. “This is a new family resort with a different approach to vacationing. It’s a nudist resort for families.”


My sister and I spoke at the same time.

“Yes, it’s a nudist resort.” My mother looked at each of us. “Everyone there will be naked and so will we.

“Don’t look so surprised Kelly. Haven’t you been asking me for the last month if we can visit the Super Paradise beach in Mykonos when we go to Greece. This will be like a nude beach only better. Everyone will be naked all of the time and you don’t have to worry about perverts in speedo’s looking at you.”

My father chimed in and explained that we would be flying from Texas to the resort, and we’ll leave for Europe from there. I was more than a little surprised when I looked over and saw my mom’s nipples poking through her shirt. The bigger surprise was when my father opened his laptop and showed us the web page for the resort. The resort page showed the little family bungalows, the pool, and the beach area. What I wasn’t expecting to see pictures of naked people lounging by the pool, playing on the beach, or eating in the restaurant.

“I’m not too sure about this.” I looked at my parents.

“It will be okay sweetheart. You have nothing to fear since we will all be naked.” My mom reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

“But you’ll be naked mom and so will Kelly.”

“Josh, haven’t you seen me naked before. I seem to recall you walking in on me while I was changing a few months back.”

“Yeah, mom I did, it was an accident and I saw you for less than five seconds. This is different, you’ll be naked all of the time and so will Kelly.”

“So, it’s not like you haven’t seen naked women before. Remember when we caught you looking at your father’s magazines?”

“I was ten years old mom, and I didn’t know what I was looking at.”

It was a running joke in the family. I was ten and found one of my father’s porn magazines and was thumbing through the pages in our home office when my mom and sister walked in on me. My sister started laughing when I asked why none of the women in the magazine had clothes on.

My family debated the visit to the resort and in the end my parents won out. I was surprised how little resistance my sister put up to the idea of stripping down in front of the family and the world. I retreated to my room to ponder the reality of our ‘new and improved’ family vacation.

Wound up from the discussion with my parents and unable to focus on my homework, I scrolled through the resorts website in private. The beach looked nice, and the pool area seemed big. It was hard not to notice the naked people in the pictures. There were women my mom’s age that had nice boobs and well as younger women closer in age to me and Kelly.

I expanded my search, finding nudist pictures from all over the world. I was getting hard and started rubbing myself through my shorts when my mom knocked on my door and walked in on me just as I was pulling my hand away. It was hard to hide the fact that I was looking at naked women on my computer screen.

“See anything you like Josh?”

“It not what it looks like. I was doing some more research on the resort.”

“It’s okay sweetheart, you don’t have to lie. I can see that you were curious about what you might see when we are on vacation. It’s only human nature for a young man to have hormones rule his life.”

“Really mom, it’s not like that.”

“Hmmm. No like that. So, when you stare at Ms. Greenfield down the street, it’s not like that.”

“No Mom. It’s not like that.”

“It’s okay Josh. Ms. Greenfield is gorgeous. It’s okay to look at her, your father does.”

“You’ve seen dad looking at her.”

“Yes, and I’m not mad when he does it. She has a gorgeous body. I wish that I looked as hot as she does.”

“You’re gorgeous mom.”

I could feel myself turning three shades of red. It didn’t help that my mother’s nipples were still poking out of her shirt and my cock was pressing again the zipper of my shorts. We talked for a few more minutes about the trip and when my mother left my room, she had a smile on her face.

The next week was a bit of a haze as I continued my research into the nudist lifestyle. The level of bizarreness increased that Thursday when my parents sat us down with more information from the staff at the resort. They explained that we would have a two-bedroom cottage, each room having a queen size bed. Ours would be close to the beach, but at the far end away from the pool.

Along with the room details, the resort staff passed along several recommendations. The first of which is visit a tanning salon to get a good base tan before arriving. They said that the sun is strong at the resort and a base tan will help to prevent a sunburn that would ruin the vacation. Next, they recommended removing body hair below the head. They said that it helps in getting an all-over base tan. Finally, they recommended introducing nudism at home prior to leaving on the vacation.

My parents told us that they’d arrange for us to go to a salon to have our hair removed. When I started to protest, my father looked at me with a sideways glance and said that if he could do it, then I should be able to ‘man up’ and do it. We continued to talk about the benefits and drawbacks of waxing before eventually discussing the tanning regime. We never did get to talk about introducing nudity into the family prior to the vacation. I assumed that my parents had a plan, and it would turn out that they did.

The next day was the worst part of preparing for our vacation. My parents took me to a salon where I was forced to suffer the indignity of having my body hair removed with some sugary substance. I yelped a little when my chest hair was pulled off. The bigger yelp came when the young black woman smeared the substance on my pubic hairs and ripped the hair off above my cock and off my balls. I couldn’t believe it when she told me to roll over and spread my ass cheeks. In the end, she stripped the hair off the crack of my ass.

I was in a state of shock when she put lotion on her hands and started rubbing it into the parts of my body from where she just ripped my hair out. It was hard to contain my growing cock as she rubbed lotion onto my balls. She commented on the size of my growing dick and wrapped her hands around it, giving it about a dozen tugs before proclaiming that my treatment was done. She got up and left, leaving me hairless and hard. I put my clothes on and they felt funny. I may only be 16, but I was just starting to sprout chest hair to go along with my pubic hairs and now they were all gone.

We stopped for dinner and then made our way to a tanning salon by our house. I recognized the young blonde working the counter. She was a senior when I was a freshman and I think she is going to the local college. Our parents spoke to her about different package options and then prepaid for a month of tanning for all of us. We were set up with our booths and my mother reminded me to go naked in the booth.

Once back home, our parents called us into the family room. They said that we were going to have a family game night. My parents got this wicked grin on their faces when they said it would be a little different. They said that we are going to wear the outfits they bought us and then they handed my sister and I little bags. They told us to change and then come back down to play a board game.

I about freaked out when I opened my bag. In it was a pair of underwear that had a black mesh panel in the back and front. The panels weren’t translucent, but you could see the outline of my cock. ‘Oh no. My mom and sister will see my cock’ I thought to myself. I must have looked at it for about five minutes, because my dad knocked on the door and came in. He was wearing an identical set of underwear to the pair laying on my bed.

“Hurry up Josh, we are waiting for you downstair.”

“Uh ... okay dad.”

I couldn’t believe that my father had the underwear on. I resigned myself to wear what my parents picked out, stripping out of my clothes and putting the underwear on. I looked in the mirror and it was clear that the mesh panel hugged my cock, showing an outline of it. I covered myself as a I walked out of the room and down the stairs to the dinner table.

Sitting at the table was my mother and my sister in matching pink baby dolls. The material covered about half of my mom’s breast, stopping just at the top of her nipple on her big tits (I’d eventually learn they are 34DDD). Even after having two kids, my mother’s breasts still sat up high on her chest. My sister’s tits are not as big as moms (would learn she has 34D), although they looked like half melons and her nipples prominently pointed above the horizon. I could feel my face go flush as both my mother and sister stared at my mesh covered cock.

My parents rolled to see which of us would go first in the game. My mother won and we started. After about 45 minutes of staring across the table from my mother and her erect nipples. She asked if any of us wanted something to drink. I looked as she stood up. It was hard to not notice that she had a thong on, with about an inch wide strip of material covering her ass crack. I looked at my sister, wondering if she too was wearing the same type of underwear. She looked at me and smiled, knowing what was going through my mind.

“Let me help you mom.”

My sister got up to go to the kitchen, showing me her thong. My sister return to the table and flashed me a wick smile as she bent over to hand me a drink, her tits mere inches from my face. The game continued until just before eleven when my family retreated to our individual rooms.

As I sat at my desk wondering what in the hell happened, I heard moans from my parent’s room. Normally, my parents are quiet when they have sex but not tonight. Their moans were loud, as if they didn’t care that Kelly or I heard them having sex. I was about to put my headphones on when I heard it, my mother’s voice. She is normally not vocal when my parents have sex, so it totally blindsided me.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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