A Tight Spot - Cover

A Tight Spot

by Sakka

Copyright© 2022 by Sakka

Science Fiction Sex Story: From the Karinaverse. Superannuated Grand Admiral Lady Enirkamar is long menopausal, but seeks out famous babymaker Hugo Birnbaum in a remote asteroid belt for a sample of his sperm to "study". Also along is young Karina, abounding in fertile eggs ripe to be soaked in Hugo's semen. What could go wrong?

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Space   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Lactation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Foot Fetish   Leg Fetish   .

(From the Karinaverse. Superannuated Grand Admiral Lady Enirkamar is long menopausal, but seeks out famous babymaker Hugo Birnbaum in a remote asteroid belt for a sample of his sperm to “study”. Also along is young Karina, abounding in fertile eggs ripe to be soaked in Hugo’s semen. What could go wrong?)

It was the damnedest thing; one moment Lady Giida was chatting amiably with the prospector Hugo Birnbaum in his asteroid housing shelter, then the next she was bent over his autogalley table with the old coot up to his balls in her, driving her up on tip-toes in her 4-inch heels as he pounded at her cervix with his thick helmet.

What the hell...?

Meanwhile, Scout pilot Karina Farwall sat nearby and rubbed herself vigorously. Fair-skinned blonde Karina was just a baby compared to Hugo and Giida; she was 26, while Hugo was 73 (a grizzled man with a shaggy mop of grey hair and a horseshoe beard) and Lady Giida was an incredible 117. In fact, Lady Giida was not just an Imperial noble (a duchess from Deneb) but also held the honorary rank of grand admiral after retiring from line service decades earlier. That was reflected in double stars, five bars and an Imperial eagle on her blue tunic sleeves; befitting her pure Vilani blood she was very dark-skinned, with a pageboy cut of pure white framing an almost-Elfen cute face. Presently, her uniform blouse was torn open to reveal beautiful plump double-D’s, and her blue skirt was tossed up over her hips as Hugo slammed into her.




In fact, Giida was rather cute; about 5’6, plus 4 inch heels, she had a nicely-shaped body with wide hips that Hugo now held tightly, savoring the folds of her slippery puss as he sawed in-and-out of her. Karina had often seen Giida on holovid newscasts, commenting on science projects she was now involved with (ultra-long baseline interferometry, antimatter, teleportation... ) and she mingled with the highest ranks of Imperial society in the Marches. As for Karina (herself wearing strappy 4 inch sandals with her sports bra and cargo pants), she was most envious of Giida’s lovely legs and perfect feet; it wasn’t normal for a Navy officer to wear anything but black pumps, but Giida’s lovely feet looked perfect in strappy white sandals with simple vamps tight on her toes and tight straps around her heels (but no ankle straps). But presently those heels were loose as Hugo pounded into her, pressing her toes forward in their vamps...

“Hugo ... wait! Hugo, you’re too deep...!”

Surely a duchess and grand admiral wasn’t used to being treated like this.

“Just a few more minutes...” Hugo said, reaching up to fondle one milky tit; “then you’ll have your baby...”

Giida seemed triply surprised by the massive cock, her dribbling tits and the thought of having a baby. She hadn’t had a period for 20 years, and her two grown children were twice Karina’s age; plus...

“I have milk...? How do I have milk...?”

Karina stood up (also pulling her pants up) and crossed to where the dusty prospector and beautiful admiral stood coupled. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t dream of so much as touching a noblewoman without permission, but Giida had asked the Scout pilot (rather than her own servants) to bring her to this remote corner of Shionthy Belt to meet the famous, but reclusive Hugo. Now with the admiral skewered on Hugo’s 8-inch cock, it didn’t seem too inappropriate to take one of Giida’s plump boobs in her mouth and suck on the nipple. Milk flowed freely.

“You taste good, Your Grace.”

“Oh, I’ve got to have some of that,” Hugo said, pulling out of Giida to spin her around, plunk her on the tabletop and plunge back inside her. Then both he and Karina began to nurse on the lady’s sweet mams.

“Oh, this is humiliating...” Giida said, even as Hugo resumed his pumping and hit a sweet spot in her pussy; combined with pressure on her clitoris, he was making her come!

“Nrrrgh ... Hugo! You’re making me come!”

Background: it was the year 1095, and Shionthy Belt was a red zone ~ restricted to all regular traffic due to fields of antimatter left over from the detonation of its mainworld in the Final War 300,000 years earlier. Yet somehow, despite going out of his way to keep to himself in his one-person shelter in a remote corner of the main belt, Hugo was known to fathered over 2000 (!) children over the past 20 years. Many were local women, but also naval personnel and ladies from Regina University who maintained a science facility at the Regina University Complex. Some would be humped by Hugo when he occasionally dropped into the RUC or Socrates Starport for supplies, but others actively sought him out expressly to mate with him. Shionthy itself had pre-stellar technology and no gene vendor station, so it was a wise girl who made sure her birth control implant was active and up-to-date. Yet somehow a legion of women had fallen pregnant by Hugo and chose to keep the babies. Discreetly interviewed by Imperial Naval Intelligence, all revealed that Hugo had a strange charisma that mesmerized them, almost like a psionic power. Of course, psionics were illegal in the Third Imperium, but some people did have natural latent psi powers. Intent to study this, Regina University arranged to pay for all of Hugo’s child support in exchange for occasional samples of his semen ~ something he was all-too happy to offer any lady professor who happened his way...

As for Giida, in semi-retirement she maintained a laboratory at Research Station Beta on the remote planet Yori, and was curious about this babymaker Hugo just 5 parsecs away in Shionthy Belt. Now quite menopausal, she was sure she couldn’t possibly conceive by the old goat, but she happened to know a beautiful young Scout pilot named Karina Farwall who would surely catch Hugo’s eye. Plus Karina loved to play the ‘baby game’ and had no birth control whatsoever; she would conceive babies right-and-left and so far had been lucky to give them all up to the gene vendor network before time would force her to either abort or give birth. At a gene vendor station, Karina’s little first-term fetuses would be placed in cryostasis pending adoption and gestation by other mothers; meanwhile, Karina often won hundreds of credits for especially valuable DNA in her babies. At any rate, taking a jaunt to Shionthy in Karina’s humble scout/courier would keep things low-key so no paparazzi needed to see Lady Giida arriving for a quick hump with Hugo. Instead, a few polite inquiries let Hugo know they were coming, ostensibly to ask him about the platinum, lanthanum and antimatter fields he mined lucratively. Only, after the ladies arrived at Hugo’s humble shelter, it wasn’t Karina but Giida who found herself skewered on Hugo’s massive penis.

“Close now...” Hugo said; “time for your baby...”

“Hugo, I can’t have a baby; I haven’t had a period in 20 years!”

Then something flashed on Giida’s retina, a message from her nanobots: OVULATION, LEFT OVARY.

What...? How?

“Fuck no, Hugo...” Giida said, trying to wiggle free from his grasp, but he held tight as he drove toward his cum; “I’m ovulating...!”

“Good,” Hugo said, mixing up the pace now as he nuzzled Giida’s neck and ear; “you’ll make a good mother for our baby...”

Then the explosion; Hugo gave a grunt, thrust deep and exploded deep inside Giida’s clenching love-tunnel. Giida could feel the member pulsing as Hugo’s fat balls pressed into her ass, pumping semen ddep inside her, and there was so much! It flooded her womb, and even worse Hugo’s tip actually pressed into her womb as her cervical os opened to take him deeper. A long moment followed as the partners regarded each other in the aftermath of their coupling; then...

“Your turn,” Hugo said to Karina as he slipped out of Giida and uncorked a flow that gushed down her thighs and fell to the floor in wet plops. Giida fell backward with an arm over her face, and Karina actually licked her lips as she shuffled off her pants and Hugo moved between her thighs.

“Oh, you’ve got a nice snap in your pussy...” Hugo said, as he plunged inside her; “you must be a vendor girl...”

“You can tell?” but of course she couldn’t play the baby game without it having some effect on her pussy. Carrying fetuses to the cusp of her second term meant a vendor probe had to dilate her pretty good to remove the baby, umbilicus and placenta, and she’d easily had a dozen pregnancies in the past 10 years.

“Am I too loose?” she asked.

“Oh god no,” Hugo said, churning the juices in her slippery muffin; “this is world-class pussy...”

Then Hugo lifted Karina’s bra and neither was startled to see her dribble milk as he fondled her 38D’s. Even though Karina had never given birth (technically), her many pregnancies left her breasts plump with milk, and even the slightest touch made her let it down. Now Hugo was sucking at her left tit ardently, drawing forth her life-sustaining fluid, then milk continued gushing from that tit as he switched to her right and sucked on that too. Karina moaned, savoring the old man’s cock in her twat even as she fed him from her ample bosoms...

“I suppose...” Hugo said, now savoring the snap in her deep pussy as he stabbed at her womb, “you’ll give our baby up to the vendor network...”

“How ... do you know I’ll get pregnant...?” Karina managed. Then a sign on her retina, much like Giida’s: MULTIPLE OVULATION: ONE OVUM LEFT OVARY, TWO OVA RIGHT OVARY.

Holy shit, her girls had burped up three eggs for this horny old goat!

“It’s too bad,” Hugo said; “you’d look good nursing the baby...”

“Or babies...” Karina said pensively; “my little girls just burped up three eggs...”

Hugo’s cock stiffened even harder at that, and Karina gasped with surprise as his pubic bone crushed her clitoris against hers. She came, drawing him closer and milking him with her high heels tight around his ass, then swooned as she felt the massive member kick, pulse, and ejaculate inside her. She’d had a few good cocks in her day, but this orgasm was incredible! Even as she remained tight around Hugo, wringing him with her girlmeat, Hugo seemed to cum endlessly, laving her womb in jets of thick cum, and filling every nook and cranny of her pussy, her cervix, womb, and probably even her tubes; he poor eggs didn’t have a chance...

“Ohhh...” Giida moaned.

“What’s wrong?” Karina asked, trying not to focus selfishly on her own pleasure.

Giida managed to push herself upright.

“I’m ... pregnant!”

She’d seen it on her retina: PREGNANCY DETECTED.

“Damn!” Karina said to Hugo, “you must have some fast swimmers!”

Hugo smiled at Karina, still oozing inside her ~ and somehow still hard. He gave her another deep thrust, making her grunt in surprise, then pulled out to return to Giida.

“Again...?” Giida asked, as Hugo pulled her off the table and turned around to take her standing doggy-style again.

“Well, you did come looking for me...” Hugo observed, as he thrust deep inside her soupy-wet cunt.

“True...” Giida said, trying to maintain her dignity as minutes passed, and Hugo drove her to the edge of another orgasm. Then it was Karina’s turn for surprise.

“Holy shit...” Karina gasped, holding her taut tummy; “Hugo, I’m pregnant too ... with triplets!”

That did it, driven over the edge, Giida collapsed onto her forearms as her pussy went into spasm, clenching tightly at Hugo’s thrusting member.

Maybe ... coming here hadn’t been such a good idea...

Startling pregnancy (and lactation) aside, Giida tried to remain calm as Hugo lay alongside herself and Karina later in his own bunk, finally spent after blasting three thick loads into each woman. She’d asked two maidservants to bring her yacht ‘Aurora’ to Socrates Station to collect her in a week (letting Karina go on with her duties for the Scout Service), and that would surely give Giida plenty of time to get back to Research Station Beta on Yori before she began to show. Even with a few hiccups along the way, her jump-2 yacht should have her back at Yori within 9 weeks, then she could discreetly place her embryo in cryostasis for future study. Jumping to Regina to use a gene vendor station there was out of the question; it would add another week’s travel, and the risk of starting to show would be scandalous as she’d been a widow for 50 years. Plus it would deny her the embryo to study if she gave it up for another mother to gestate and raise; not that any woman would want Giida’s embryo, even gene-blurred to conceal its parents’ true identities; at 117, Giida was afraid the embryo inside her would be wracked with birth defects, and she might have nothing more than a miscarried, misshapen lump to put in cryostasis when she got to Yori. In the meantime, she waited for Hugo to wake up so she could enjoy his massive dick in her again...

“Karina...” Giida said, “are you ever afraid you’ll misjump into open space, and have to have a baby?”

“All the time,” Karina admitted; “I’ve misjumped a few times, and one time I went past the 15-week deadline to give up a fetus on Regina. Had to high-tail it to Efate, since they’ll let you give up a fetus as far as 20 weeks.”

“You must have had quite a bump.”

“Oh, yes,” Karina said, rubbing her belly; “a little embarrassing really.”

Giida found the thought peculiar; after she’d lost her husband, she always made sure she had protection. She fooled around with a boy or two, usually nice young boys at some university or research center, but knew she didn’t dare conceive a baby by one of them. For one thing, she was already a grandmother by age 80, and risking a pregnancy at her age would be utterly shameful!

“So, why do you risk it? I know you tend to win prize money for your valuable DNA, but all alone in that little scoutship of yours ... didn’t you say you’re an orphan, and 300 parsecs from home? No husband or boyfriend either; wouldn’t it be rough being a single mom if that happened...?”

“I’ve thought about that, but I like when a boy spurts in me and I know he’s making a new life in me. Plus it makes me happy ... to know the baby will be adopted by a mother who really wants her. It’s usually moms on pre-stellar worlds who adopt them, where they don’t have in-vitro fertilization or fancy fertility clinics. But it’s nice to know I have a dozen little ones out there, lilttle girls and boys with happy families...”

“I can’t believe you’re an orphan...” Giida said, caressing Karina’s pretty round face; “you’re a pretty girl.”

“Well, that’s the other reason I play the baby game. I think someone actually created me on purpose ~ made me super-fertile with good DNA so I’d be motivated to keep giving them up to the vendor network. I want to know who my real mom and dad were, and little-by-little the more babies I conceive the more I learn about their genomes, and started narrowing down where they came from.”

“And now you’ll have three more.”

“Yeah, I’ll really have a bump again, if I push it and carry them beyond 12 weeks.”

Giida was amazed; even with the unexpected little one she was carrying, Giida only had three children, compared to Karina’s now-fifteen. This girl was a baby-making machine!

“Well, if you get in a tight spot,” Giida said, “and can’t give these up in time, come see me on Yori. I’ll make sure they find a good home.”

“Your Grace...” Karina said, nodding in a sort of semi-bow as they were all in bed.

Then Hugo roused, and his erection along with him.

“Dibs!” Karina said, clutching the lovely shaft by its root.

“You should let your senior go first,” Giida said, clutching the shaft just above Karina’s hands.

“You could share...” Hugo suggested, and both women accepted the notion, closing on his shaft to lick and slurp on his helmet. Hugo seemed to like that, but neither Karina nor Giida wanted to waste the next nut in her mouth; Karina deferred to Giida, and let the old girl impale herself on the belter.

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