Cougar House - Cover

Cougar House

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 71: heaLth ALLIANCE

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 71: heaLth ALLIANCE - The widow Margo Needy prepared to send her adopted son Elliot off to Paris to a college program for high intellects. Left alone in the wilderness mansion of her late husband, college basketball coach Darryl Needy, she opted to let her son's young friends rent spare rooms to feel safe. Let her secrets and theirs lead Momma Margo down a gloriously erotic path that goes darker by the day. It was time for Margo to let it all hang out. Just like it was time for those boys to become men. BIG TIME!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Illustrated  


Billingsly Municipal Hospital! Small but effective.

Officer Bebe Service was resting easy in her tiny hospital room. Out of the ER for a bullet wound with no severe damage, the surgeons patched her up nicely and drugged her to ease the pain. Bandaged up neatly but nothing to wear outside of her gown and last night’s bloody uniform she at least had a lead souvenir in a jar waiting to go home with her.

The battered brunette was tough for 120 pounds wet. No gym visits for a few weeks the mini body builder in training was ordered to take it slow. Impossible for a workhorse like Barbara, preferred name Bebe. Having spoken to Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Filmore, warning her that his wife Frannie would come pick her up and take her home she was mentally prepared to grit her teeth and take a few days off. Thing is, nothing ever works out as planned. Instead of Frannie, troublemaker Heath Talbot was on his way to be her knight in shining amore, armor that is. The chink in hers within the hour.

Having been with Francine in her classroom and starting a whole lot of erotic trouble for her, Heath was present when Riley Filmore called his wife. Thinking she had stayed home from school after last night’s warzone, he intended to have her drive over and escort Bebe home. He should have known his drop dead gorgeous lethal weapon wouldn’t listen to him. It was sad that she could obey a douchebag like Talbot, but not her own studhorse hubby. Even sadder, Riley loved her so much that he would do anything that made her crazy happy. What she saw in a boy of nineteen when she was 34, he had no clue. Some Deputy he was!

Two miles out from Billingsly, Pennsylvania, Heath jammed along to a song called Low Life by the metal band Dirt when he saw something that made him pull over. Letting traffic go by him before hopping out he jumped a ditch on foot to a patch of daisies that ornated the hillsides. Plucking up a bunch he took them back to his truck. Was there a sudden romantic individual finding his way to the surface of an egotistical bastard? Come on! His only intent!

Back inside his Nissan Xterra he merged back onto the road and ventured within the population sign. A new song playing by Kickin’ Valentina called Turns Me On seemed pretty fitting. Spotify was badass! It complimented the only thing worth money in his vehicle, an expensive newer stereo.

It certainly wasn’t his 2004 Xterra with 200,000 miles on it. Headlok as he called his SUV was a competitor, named thus because Heath was a wrestler in high school. He used to consider it a pussy magnet because it was pretty sleek still. Headlok often also pertained to a girl’s lips locked around his head, dick that is. Twisted Talbot!

“Billingsly Municipal Hospital. Home of the medical billing from hell. BILLING SLY! I hate to see what they’re going to charge Bebe for a bullet removal. Kind of crazy she’s getting released so fast. I’m fucking glad it wasn’t worse, she’s pretty badass in a young Angelina Jolie kind of way. My lil’ Tomb Raider.” He thought about that term for a moment then gnashed his teeth.

“We could have all been in a tomb if things had turned out worse than they did last night.” Just as fast he thought about lying on top of her ass on the trail last night humping her just for kicks. Danger made him horny, and she was the brunt of his nervous release. Bad timing sure, but he was a part of saving a lot of lives, so he felt vindicated. Of course, he nearly destroyed his landlady’s Camaro in the process. None of the ramifications had sunk in yet. In time!

Parking wasn’t hard to find, taking his leave with the daisies stashed in a plastic grocery bag he had stashed in his center console. Nothing glamorous but it wasn’t like he had a vase. Heading inside through the ER entrance he discovered in asking a nurse that she had been placed in a room to recover up on the second floor.

Heading up by elevator he located Bebe’s temporary hideout and just walked right on in. Lying in bed on top of her covers wearing only a cloth gown, her police uniform soaked in blood, so not being put back on. That was Riley’s point of having Frannie pick her up, to bring her something to wear home. That went out the window real fast. Tragic that Riley didn’t have time to let Bebe know of the last-minute ride replacement.

“Hey! Troubleshooter!” Heath walked right up to her bed as she lay eyes closed to rest, kind of loopy with painkillers in her system. Eyelids opening at the sound of visitation she squinted.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I’m your ride. You’re my ride.” He chuckled! “Doing, okay? I mean, I know that bullet wasn’t a BB.”

“Haha! You just had to tease my name when I’m down. I thought Frannie Filmore was coming to get me.”

“Oh, she’s cumming. Just not to get you. I left her naked on her desk at school getting molested by her class.”

“YOU WHAT? Why are you such an asshole? You’re not ... you’re serious?” She studied his expression! “Whoa! Riley knows?”

“Yup! Talked to him while her asshole was being eaten. I told him I’d come get you.”

“As an apology for nearly getting me killed?”

“Naaa! I’m still nailing your ass again. Maybe before we get back to Wildwood.” He humped the bed jokingly. While he did so a nurse walked in, a short blonde with brown eyes and obvious dark roots in her hair. There was no mistaking she had a body to die for beneath her scrubs.

“Are we ready to send you home?” She reached the bed, standing next to Heath who was still humping. He glared down at her with a smirk, while she lowered her gaze to his gyrations.

“Don’t mind Humpty Gumpty, Callie. He’s a moron.”

“Sup, Callie!” Looking at her tits he realized something, “Nice! Now that I drool over you, you do look like another Cali I know, porn star Cali Carter. I’ve nutted to that bitch like a thousand times.”


“I’ve heard that believe it or not.” She giggled! “I looked her up once and saw the uncanny resemblance. No tattoos on my ribs though.”

“Will you quit humping the bed. Christ, Talbot! Show some respect.”

“I’m fine!” Callie smiled! “I get perved over a lot. A least this one is a cute perv.”

“So, fucking you.” He sneered! “Get out of that bed Service, we need it.”

“Fuck you, Talbot. You try being shot in the shoulder and moving fast.” She sat up slowly, Cammie hip bumping Heath to get out of the way. It certainly helped her boring day.

“Thought you were tough, Service. Body like yours you could be a Terminator.”

“Oh, I’m tough, Asshat! Let’s see you walk out of here less than eight hours after a gunshot wound.”

“Do you have anything for her to wear in that bag?” Callie asked Heath.

“Naaa! I just brought her flowers.”

“Excuse me?”


Bebe began her exit from the bed, casting her legs over the far side. In doing this her entire backside was exposed; the gown’s ties having come undone in her resting stage. Heath whistled at seeing her tight ass, her crack rising high in its flaunt. Callie laughed regardless of her own bad timing. “Why would you bring me flowers in a Wal-Mart bag?”

“No vase!” He lifted the bag to show Bebe. “Daisies!”

“Why daisies?”

“Because you were almost pushing up daisies last night.”

“Goddammit! Get out of here so I can put my reeking ass uniform back on. It’s all I have thanks to you.” A swift glance at Callie, she warned her before it was too late. “Run Florist, Run!” Too funny!

“I can help with that.” He sat the bag on the bed then whipped off his tank top. “Here!” Callie immediately admired his musculature. “Better than nothing.” He did have a point. “Want my cargo pants too? You know I will.” Callie nodded and nibbled her nails, looking almost as if suckling her fingertips.


“Big help you are Cooper.”

“Callie Cooper?” Heath looked down at her as he unfastened his cargo pants, unzipping them as he faced her. The upper portion of his dick revealed itself amid his pubic hair. “Almost Callie Carter.” He laughed!

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” Bebe stood up and pointed at him. “You are not taking your pants off. I am still a cop, Dickhead!”

“This dickhead?” He reached in a pulled out his sturdy seven, the crown boasting purple. Callie turned beet red but had to stare at it. Now her fingers were tasting yummy!


“I’m arresting you for indecent exposure.” Bebe took off her gown against her better judgment, revealing her bandages.

“Better join me in lockup then. You’re streaking too. Bandages don’t count even if they do cover your nipples.”

“Wow!” Callie fanned herself! “You two could be married the way you bicker.”

“Oh, hell no! He is sooo not my type.” Callie might disagree. Heath was a cute freak for certain. The dick looked perfect to her. His penis too!

Bebe frowned and picked up Heath’s tank top eying the words on it as F#CK, go figure. Being a mere 5’6, 120 his shirt fit like a mini dress, Heath being 5’8. Bebe’s bandaged breasts were hard to cover still, as the shirt hung low on her. Trouble was, she could pull the shirt up to cover them better but that would mean pussy and ass review. It was a no-win situation. At least her bandages were hidden.


“We’ve fucked.” Heath frowned at Callie, as he dropped his cargo pants. No boxers! No panties for Bebe. Oh, the insanity!

“Don’t be telling everybody. It was one time.” Bebe gave up on trying to cover herself. “This thing is hopeless.”

“We just need to get you to the car.” He chuckled stroking his cock at Callie. She stood her ground like a trooper. Although she did realize the hospital room door was wide open. A quick shuffle to it Callie closed it to avoid any doctor or other orderlies from seeing the chaos. Once sealed in she turned to find Heath had stretched out on Bebe’s bed and was resting back with his arms behind his head. “Hop on, Callie Cooper.”

“I can’t!” She clenched her teeth staring at his dick. She sure wanted too though. Bebe shook her head at him eying his dick for herself. She was so not horny under her painkiller influence. She did recall how good that felt inside her though. Shivering at the memory she rolled her eyes.

“ENOUGH! Put your pants on. I should just call an Uber.”

“Wearing that?” Callie giggled! “Hitchhiking in a bloody uniform wouldn’t go over any better. It should be destroyed.”

“Just like your pussy, Cooper.” Heath was full throttle jerking off. Her gaze torn between his erection and Bebe’s dilemma. “You know, one of my favorite Cali Carter videos is her bunk bed movie. I’m in a bed right now. If you climbed on top, it would be like the upper bunk.”

“Don’t lose your job over him. Make a date outside of this place if you need to ruin your life.” Bebe was growing pissed. Finally, Callie relented and went back to the door. Pausing before opening it she looked back at Heath. “I’m off on Friday.”

“No! You’re on, on Friday.” Date accepted. Bebe stepping around the bed carefully knelt to pick up his cargo pants off the floor. Digging into a pocket she found his car keys. Jingling them she waited until after he shot his load all over his abdomen like a beast then tossed his shorts over his stroking hand.


“I’m commandeering your vehicle. Cooper? Burn my uniform please.” She swiftly went to her nightstand where her personal effects, cell, badge and wallet were. Lip gloss too. Also with them was a big bag of gauze to change out her wounds. Snatching them up and putting her shoes on over bare feet she met Callie at the door. Opening it up Bebe did sigh and whisper, “He may be an asshole, but he knows how to use that thing.” That bit of info made Callie’s day.

Hurrying to put his pants and tennis shoes on he gave chase. Bebe was on a mission in walking right on out the door defying protocol. Normally a wheelchair exit was in the rule books. Not today! The security guard did look at Bebe in passing but she just showed him her badge. “At ease, Bulger!” Soldier with a hard on. He let her go. Heath without his shirt quickly got Callie’s number, warning her he had to get a new phone before he could call. She ended up masturbating in the girl’s bathroom during lunch break. Noisy, Nellie! Doctor’s orders! heaLth reliance!

Finding Heath’s Xterra in the parking garage, Bebe used his key remote to unlock the door then tossed the keys over her shoulder into his outstretched catch. “Just get me home safe, Talbot. I’m sore and dizzy from the meds. Can you just be nice to me for once?”

“Yeah! Hold on!” He ran around her and beat her to the passenger door. Opening it he had a better thought. “Don’t get in yet.” He then opened his backseat door and brought out a gift. “Put this on.”

“You brought a dress and didn’t bring it in? I’m not the dress type but I ... I know this perfume. Did you...” Her jaw dropped, “Is this fresh off of Frannie’s body?”


“You left her naked in school?”


“Oh, you’re an evil bastard.” She sat the dress on the front seat and took off his tank top tossing it at him. She them put Frannie’s dress on. “Last time you ever see me in a dress, Talbot.”

“You do look pretty hot.” It made her pause briefly to look at her reflection in his window and the mirror.

“I do, don’t I? Ehhh! I might consider dresses more often.”

“Easier for sex. Taking your pants off takes too long.”

“Get the fuck in the car.” He did close her door like a gentleman and put his shirt back on. Climbing in he started up Headlok and let the music resume. Puckering at the song, Beautiful Sin’s tune Take Me Home, Bebe. “At least you have good taste in music.”

“Good taste in cops too. Buckle up, it’s your law!”

Not easy with her shoulder wound. No assist on Heath’s part.

What an ass!


“Was that an explosion?”

Edith Ross looked up from her playing hand. Edie, grandmother of Cabot Ross was playing poker with three gentleman residents. They tried to persuade her into strip poker, but the Administrator Rachel Dunletter disagreed after seeing Edie’s bra on the table. Enough of that! Not in a room full of other inmates. Informed to do that in private she got after Edie via whispers just before the Big Boom.


Rachel stood up straight and bulged her eyes at the distant noise. Patting Edie on the back and saying behave, the portly redhead stepped outside to look around. Smoke over the treetops in the distance certainly meant something bad. She couldn’t recall any small factories in the proximity so made a switch decision call to the police department. Dispatch warding off calls right and left, Rachel was lucky. Dispatcher Dot was a good friend of Rachel, so she answered her private cell.

“Dorothy? Was that explosion anything I should worry about? I hear firetrucks. Do I need to move my residents to safety?”

“Just relax, Rachel. It was at One-on-One Apartments. Riley and our skeleton crew just went there. You should be fine out there you’re a good ten blocks from the blast. Just keep an eye on your phone I’ll call you if it spreads.”

“Bless you, Dorothy. I do hope no one was hurt.”

“I have no answer to that.” Mainly because Riley Filmore nor the fire department had found apartment owner Drew Hardesty’s body parts just yet. Minutes away from that discovery though, but Dot couldn’t relay personal info like that until Drew’s family was contacted first. “I need to call, Coot. Just remain calm. Bye, Rachel.”

“Bye, Dottie!”

“We, safe?” Rachel heard a voice behind her and turned to see the lovely Melanie Bush.

“Yes, for now. Just help keep the residents cheery. Why are we so short staffed?”

“Uh? Bad timing, but it can wait.”


“I know that look. You’re quitting, aren’t you? You’ve only been here two months, Melanie.”

“I know and I’m really sorry. I just landed a killer job working for Roselyn Albright.”

“Really? Doing what? Last I heard she was a filthy rich widow living off her husband’s interest.”


“Masseuse and keeping her company. Edie’s nephew got me the job. You would not believe her home. Five levels with anything you can imagine in there. Her old man was loaded.”

“Well, I hate to see you go. The residents love you.”

“Some of them a little too much. Ole’ Butch over there gooses me every chance he gets. Each time he does I fly South.”

“Again? He does that to Maria too. I swear I’m going to have to tie his hands to his wheelchair arms.” Why no man ever goosed Rachel was beyond her. In her unwedded bliss she had no luck with men. Nor women. She wasn’t really picky. “What a day for Maria to call off work. With only you, Darleen Powell, and Kendra Wilkes to help cover everyone I pray we don’t have to evacuate.”

“I know! Kendra’s been really moody of late. Don’t let on I told you this, but she found out her son Braedon might be gay. Well, pics say he is. I guess he was at some party, and someone took pics of his blowing his friend Burley.”

“Don’t gossip!”

“Sorry! I don’t believe he’s gay. Braedon flirts with me when he drops by here to see his mom. She said he was dating Gwen Bishop but now I think he blew it.” She gnashed her teeth! “Bad choice of words.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Edith is taking her blouse off. Why does that woman feel the need to act your age?” Rachel stormed off to prevent Edie’s striptease. Now that Edie was getting used to her new home her loneliness was catching up. Swinging single after so many years married, her husband deceased over a year ago, she wanted companionship. She just didn’t know who yet. Her card partners seemed like a good starting point. She wanted a good poker ... player. Okay, maybe she was the real player.

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