Cougar House - Cover

Cougar House

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 70: Ragin’ Cagin’

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 70: Ragin’ Cagin’ - The widow Margo Needy prepared to send her adopted son Elliot off to Paris to a college program for high intellects. Left alone in the wilderness mansion of her late husband, college basketball coach Darryl Needy, she opted to let her son's young friends rent spare rooms to feel safe. Let her secrets and theirs lead Momma Margo down a gloriously erotic path that goes darker by the day. It was time for Margo to let it all hang out. Just like it was time for those boys to become men. BIG TIME!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Illustrated  


10.3 miles from Margo Needy’s home!

“Up there! It’s a pretty small sign, but that’s our pussy palace.”

Jeffrey Hancock pointed up ahead of them at a narrow rectangular sign that should have been overlooked due to tree branches along the highway. Eagle eye! “Pushycat Sanctuary! My kind of chicken ranch.”

“You decide to forget about Yon since hooking up with Crista?” Younger brother Brian turned off the main road and ventured down an asphalt slab which turned into a dirt road. Nothing fancy that’s for certain. Easy enough to tell business was slow to none! Who even knew about this place? Charity funded just to protect wildlife Crista Pooshard relied on government grants and her own inheritance money. This was home!

“Ohhhh, no! I’m going for Yon; I just can’t face her parents with a job that deals with shoveling shit. You know as well as I Korean families are all about money and prestige. It’s like Yon says tradition is important.”

“They own a restaurant, right?”

“And a dry-cleaning business. They want Yon to be a lawyer. She’s going to school up in Chinicook to get her prerequisites out of the way.”

“If she’s going off to law school that’s in a big city like Philly. You plan on moving there with her?”

“Too early to decide that kind of future. She may decide I’m not worth it. I mean, I have nothing to lose if I did move with her. Lots of jobs in Philly.”

“Roto Rooter always hires. Roto even sounds like something an Asian might say.”

“Dude don’t be racist.”

“I’m not! Google it! I bet roto is a word in their language.” Puckering Jeff did look it up and found it’s Korean translation as “perbue”.

“It means, inside, as close as I can tell.”

“Just where you want to be.” Brian laughed! “Inside of Yon.”

“You’re so right little brother.” Cheesy grin, Jeff did text Yon to say he missed her. In class of course, she would reply later.

“That must be the place.” Brian saw a pretty rundown shelter that looked all 1980’s. Rundown but with two trucks, large cages in their beds. “We should put Crista and Olivia in those cages and make them masturbate.” He looked into his rearview mirror at his passengers Greg and Ben, both were sleeping due to a long night. “You know they would. We got those bitches hooked on HanCOCK’S.”

“Crista might be early 30’s but that woman can fuck.” Jeff bragged! “I mean I tore her up, but she came back just as feisty.”

“Probably needed laid. I can’t imagine having much of a social life living out here in the hills with a couple dozen other pussies. Olivia was seeing so many hearts spinning around her head last night I wouldn’t be shocked if she was waiting on me naked.”

“They’ve been up all night just like us. My guess is they’re snoozing like those two.”

“Not for long.” Brian pulled into the gravel parking lot next to Crista’s main truck, the newer one. The older truck a small blue Ford Ranger from the 1980’s. It was a wonder it still ran. The tires at least had tread. Rust bucket to the rescue.

“Do the ladies even own a real car?”

“Makes you wonder, doesn’t it. No garage anywhere even. Just this big shelter they have to call home. Tragic!”

“They can’t be this poor, can they? I mean look at how hot they are.”

“Guess we go in and see. I hear music. Sounds like it’s coming from out back. Let’s leave the dimwits snoring until we’re ready to load up. We can dismantle a cage by ourselves.”

“Yeah, I wonder if dad is still fucking Margo. Do you think he has that kind of energy these days?”

“You see Carmen these days?” Bri smirked! “If not, dad has some pretty strong blue pills to keep her.”

“Been a while. I haven’t seen MJ and Daphne in a year or more. Just Gwen and Heidi. You think we just killed dad’s marriage hooking him up with Margo?”

“Naaa! Look how long it took mom to figure out dad was cheating on her. Carmen thinks she’s too hot and that he won’t fuck up again.”

“I don’t know how dad lives in a house full of sexy. Well, except for jailbait, Heidi.”

“She’s cute, just sixteen. Wrong answer!”

“That kid is going to be trouble. That bikini she wore when I picked up the firewood barely covered anything. I can’t believe she wore it to the carwash and got away with it.”

“Did she? I seem to recall dad carrying her off crying. I never did ask him how that turned out. Huh! Let’s get moving. I say we follow the music; they might be out back taking that pen apart for us.”


Leaving the Ford F-150 Brian and Jeff walked around the house through the grass. Over the music they heard water running. Daring to peek around the corner on the sly they found one of the lovely ladies. Young Olivia Furman was taking an outdoor shower to wake up. Liv’s perfect body glistening with her hands in her shoulder length brown hair was almost crystalline. The sunlight coming in on her made her flesh look like diamonds.


“Fuck!” Both brothers mumbled.

“Where’s Crista?”

“I smell bacon. She could be inside cooking breakfast?”

“Wish I’d eaten before I left. Lily made breakfast and we ignored it. You know there won’t be any left when we get back.”

“Quit rambling with your belly. Let’s join her in the shower. I could use a wake-up waterfall.”

“Double up?” Jeff grinned! A fist bump later they spent three minutes getting undressed then snuck up on the short but sweet 120-pound beauty. Walking by a window they totally missed an inhabitant. Inside was a male teenager spying on Olivia and beating off in the window. Seeing two strange men he nearly fell off the chair he was standing on. He was aware company was coming but didn’t know it would be this early, let alone naked. He didn’t know what to do.


Watching them move in on Liv from both sides, she burst into laughter. Pouting at his girl crush getting fucked under the outdoor shower, Darby Pooshard was tempted to open his window and yell at the intruders. However, he had never seen sexual intercourse, just nudity so this was all new to him. He made it a point to spy on Liv every single morning, she never once catching him. Now the young man was witnessing her getting pounded between the two tall men. “Olivia ... likes that?”


“BREAKFAST DARBY!” The sudden yell heard from his Aunt Crista he fell off of his chair. Pulling up his sweatpants and throwing on a t-shirt the young man scurried to the kitchen, dining room combo. Nothing fancy! Setting his plate down on the table Crista Pooshard wearing a green satin nightie with matching panties saw his pale expression. “You, okay?”

“We have company.”

“Already?” Her eyes bulged. Having showered fifteen minutes before Olivia and lounging in comfort to make breakfast she was unprepared. “I need to get dressed. You eat! Wait! Where are they?” Darby pointed to the back yard with reluctance. He pretty much told on himself that he was snooping. Crista was in too much of a rush to scold him, instead she just went to the back door and looked out to see her employee and best friend Olivia taking two dicks and treasuring the moment. “You bitch! I can’t even join her.” A lingering look back at the dining table Crista sighed! “Stay at the table, Darby. Eat your breakfast before chores.”

“Okay, Aunt Cris.”

Out the back door she went, closing it behind her. Just hearing Olivia’s excessive cries Crista pouted. There was no way she could join in on their fun as much as her pussy cried out. “Get in there, whore!” Okay, that was her thoughts, her pussy just gave her a tickle of inspiration. Circling the shower as if one of her big cats Crista had to laugh. “Awful early driving out here. You boys miss us that much?”

Jeff nodded at her and pulled out of Olivia’s anus. That move was met with a whine. “Nooooooo! Don’t leave! This is a first for me.”

“Go on back and fulfill her dreams, Jeff. I can’t join in unfortunately. Goddamn, but I want to. I didn’t bring up something last night because it wasn’t important. My nephew Darby lives with us, his mom is in rehab. Pills! He’s autistic!”

“Shit!” Olivia as much as she loved this treatment realized her actions were disrespectful, “Sorry, Crista! They ambushed me. I didn’t even think about Darby.”

“Finish what you started.” Crista waved them on. “Not like you showering out in the open hasn’t been noticed. Darby isn’t stupid. I don’t even want to know what he’s seen already. His room is right by the shower.”

“I should have used the indoor shower.”

“Glad you didn’t.” Brian huffed, thrusting up deeper into her and making chugging noises that seemed unexplainable. “Fuck I love your cunt!”

“It loves you too.” She squealed! Crista eying the windows and doors as if standing guard hissed. After their test run last night Crista was becoming bolder. Standing at the door watching Darby eat she pulled her panties down and looked over her shoulder.

“Changed my mind. Bring it in Jeff.” Leaning her palms on the wall next to the door she arched her bare ass out awaiting Jeffrey to abandon Olivia a second time. Shuffling over to Crista he stomped on her underwear at her knees and made her step out of them. Gasping at his dominance she found his dick rising up between her thigh gap and finding her honey hole. Whimpering at his deep penetration she endured it with a giddy expression. “I guess we should thank Regis for playing matchmaker. God, I love your cock.” His hands rising up under her nightie squeezed both breasts as he feverishly nailed her. “I feel so bad doing this in front of Darby.” She warned him. “He’s only 14. I mean it’s not like he’s watching his aunt get it from behind, but you understand, right?”

“I get it. I recently had to push away my fifteen-year-old stepsister. She tried hard but I just couldn’t.” He huffed leaning in to go cheek to cheek with her. “You smell nice.”

“Showered as soon as we got back. I didn’t want Darby smelling me. You boys worked us over good.”

“Still going strong.” He panted!

“I didn’t expect last night but, I’m glad we did it. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt a stiff cock like yours. Not since my boyfriend bailed on me two years ago. He couldn’t deal with our living conditions anymore. I just can’t afford better. This old house used to be my great grandfather’s. Dad just gave it to me before he passed. You must think horribly of me.”

“Nope! We all do with what we have. His loss, your ex. You’re fucking gorgeous.”

“That’s sweet of you, Jeff. My self-esteem sure needed to hear that. I feel old, you boys so young I feel like I’m robbing the cradle.”

“Naaa! Big sister action is all.” He chuckled! “We should hook up more often.”

“I’m all yours once Darby goes home. My sister Gail should get out in two weeks. We home school Darby here.”

“Gail lives here too?”

“No! Just down the road. She’s actually older than me. There’s a double wide trailer a half mile further down on the main road. They live there. Darby walked down here to help feed the cats up until Gail was hospitalized.”

“I like feeding this kitty.”

“Fuck!” She warmly showered his cock in her juices. That compliment was all it took. “It’s been difficult around here with no man. The cats are a huge responsibility. If I didn’t have Olivia, I’d be the biggest cat lady on the planet.”

“You two...?”

“Bi? No! She’s just been a blessing. We both like men exclusively. Thing is, I feel like I’m keeping her from having any relationship. 25 and stuck with me and a bunch of misfits.”

“Cats can’t survive on their own?”

“Some probably. I’ve had every cat here since they were kittens. Well, not Delilah! She’s a momma cat that suffered serious gunshot wounds. I couldn’t bear to put her down. She only has three legs.”

“Kind of like me?” He teased her kissing her cheek, his third leg devastating her trickling cunt.

“Don’t make me cry. I like this third leg way too much. After you leave today, I may never see you again.”

“Not true! You know where I’ll be moving to. I have an apartment in Wildwood currently, but my lease is up in thirty days. I’m moving out to Margo’s.”

“How do you not have a girlfriend?”

“Choice mostly! I’ll level with you. I lost my driver’s license, spent three months in jail over too many DUI’s. Sold my car to pay rent. I have a decent job, but I hate it.”

“Doing what?”

“Sanitation department in Wildwood. Shit shoveler! Glamorous, huh?”

“I shovel cat shit. I guess we’re alike in that aspect.” She tensed up and palmed his cheek. “Right there! Don’t slow down. Fuck me, Jeffrey.” Under a minute later she had a screaming orgasm. Olivia behind her on her third. Reflection in the door window she could see Olivia standing bent over in front of Brian flailing, only his hand yanking her hair kept her from falling to the porch. Seeing Brian in his godlike pose wailing on her, slapping Liv’s ass red, Crista came a second time. She so wanted Jeffrey to do that with her. In her trembles she heard something unexpected. “Doorbell! Who could be here, nobody ever comes out here.”

“Ben and Greg! We left them snoozing in the truck.” Seeing Darby get up from the table Crista encouraged Jeff to side shift so she could open the door without his pulling out of her.

“See who it is Darby. Tell them to have a seat I’ll be in shortly. Entertain them please.”

“Okay, Aunt Cris.” Even as she stuck her head in Jeff was still hitting that pussy, lifting her right leg up high and going all tiptoe to hit her deep. His free hand still up under her nightie he extended his reach right between her breasts to clutch her throat, choking her.

“Fuck!” She gasped! “You’re fucking amazing.” Not even her ex-Lonnie had ever fucked her with such imagination and vigor.

“Shall we dance?” He moved her away from the door leaving it ajar and hopped her out to join Olivia and Brian. Side by side but facing away from one another Jeff dropped Crista’s leg and recalled his arm. Reaching up under the back of her nightie he clutched her blond hair just as Brian was doing Olivia. A nod at his brother and hand motions, Brian took his free hand and gripped Crista by the throat as a replacement. Crista flaring her eyes at the shared control came on Jeffrey just that quickly.



Jeff, as Brian was doing reached over and grabbed Olivia by her throat, equal reaction she flooded Brian’s cock. Cold rain over them, Crista’s nightie was drenched. In their stagger between two forces the girls held hands and babbled at how good the men were doing. Team Hancock was at its finest.

Back at Margo Needy’s the third member of Team Hancock was tearing Margo up. Literally, standing on her mattress and hammering her straight down with his monster cock, big daddy Bruno was loving the sweat. Her face buried in her bedding, screaming like a banshee Margo was glad their plans had changed. Originally, she invited Bruno out another time when the fuss of last night had calmed down. With the house left all too she and Bruno, that forced lap dance was all it took to alter the future. In this dramatic turn she had totally forgotten Jenna Nichols. Not that it mattered the girl went to the basement to watch TV and fell asleep on the sectional. She needed rest like everyone else having been caught up in her parent’s troubles.


“Living up to your rep, Mrs. Needy!” Bruno hissed, pressing her head into her comforter. “My gut says you can handle a whole lot more before you toss out any safe words.”

“Who needs safe words?” She mumbled! “Never enough, Bruno.”

“My boys brag about you. Looks like they weren’t tellin’ stories. Not ripping your pussy too wide, am I?”

“Not at all. I love the feel of too much. May I offer a suggestion?”

“Your house, your holes.”

“Mmm! Yes, but I do have five masters’ overseeing my holes.”

“Five? What are you talkin’ about?”

“Your sons. Cabot Ross, Eric Crowe, and my beloved Heath Talbot. I have my collar off at the moment is all. While I obey my young masters’ I have made it quite clear...” Gusher! “ ... that when I need to be me, they will have no say.” Shaking like a leaf!

“Interesting! Need a sixth master?” He chuckled, his long beard tickling her shoulders as he stood over her, gripping her skull.

“What of Carmen?”

“Let’s not ruin my thick fella here talking about my wife.”

“As you wish! Please don’t lose that thick fellow.”

“Long as you’re cravin’ I’m misbehavin’!”

“Long as you’re craving, I’m yours to be enslaving.” She giggled! “My suggestion?”

“Let’s hear it, Scream Queen.”

“It’s a simple request really.”

“Hit me!”

“Could you switch holes please? I would love to feel you in my ass.”

“That so?” He chuckled and pulled out of her cunt in a messy overflow. “Lubed enough already.” Lining up to her pucker he graduated his girth to tearing her wide, then sinking it in slowly to gage her pain threshold.

“You can stop being tender with me Bruno.”

“Invitation accepted.” BOOM! Balls deep, let lil’ momma weep!

“YESSSSSSSSSSSS!” She hoped in her ambitious demeanor he might stop being so gentle. While she hadn’t had many men her age or older, the last being her architect weeks ago, she loved experience as much as youthful energy. Bruno had both but he was likely not wanting to hurt her. Reaching beneath her thighs to finger herself in competition with his log inside her asshole she quickly gushed a second flood staining her bedding. She fully intended to reclaim her bedroom tonight, now that Lily would be living in her garage with Jenna Nichols and possibly Kim.


From balls deep to tip tickling then right back down into a piledriver motion, Margo begged for deeper, harder, faster, “NO MERCY!” Bruno in all of his years had never encountered such a whore goddess. He knew he would wear out long before her, but he intended to at least prove he was a beast. Game on Slut!

Outside driving up next to his fleet of crippled cars, Sheriff Curtis Coot Donnelly noted a familiar pickup truck in Margo Needy’s driveway. Needing a break from his office he left Riley Filmore in charge until he got back. Fresh air and a cigar the daylight could give him a better sense of the reality last night brought with it.

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