Cougar House
Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 67: Let’s Get Physical
Erotica Sex Story: Episode 67: Let’s Get Physical - The widow Margo Needy prepared to send her adopted son Elliot off to Paris to a college program for high intellects. Left alone in the wilderness mansion of her late husband, college basketball coach Darryl Needy, she opted to let her son's young friends rent spare rooms to feel safe. Let her secrets and theirs lead Momma Margo down a gloriously erotic path that goes darker by the day. It was time for Margo to let it all hang out. Just like it was time for those boys to become men. BIG TIME!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Romantic Slavery BiSexual Heterosexual MaleDom Humiliation Rough Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Orgy Swinging Exhibitionism Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Sex Toys Squirting Tit-Fucking Voyeurism Illustrated
9:35 AM!
Taking a short break at Hilltop restaurant Cabot Ross looked at his phone and noticed a message from his filthy rich sex slave, Cougar at 43, Roselyn Albright. Reading it while sitting out back at a picnic table shelter for the smokers to enjoy, he realized it was a download that he had requested but hadn’t gotten to. It was her app that allowed him access to her security cameras inside and outdoors of her mountain top mansion.
Knowing it was nearing her meet with personal trainer Bryce Leedes he quickly loaded the device and checked out each room for activity, mostly a tomb of silence. Locating Rose in her main floor living room the cougar was lying on her sectional sprawled out in a sexy pose. Nude just as her Baroque had ordered her be, she played with her lovely pussy. The camera having a zoom feature he zeroed in on her submerging fingertips.
“Nice! Good job, Nouveau.” His pet name for the filthy rich cunt. He wished he could hear her moans but the feature did not comply with sound. “As loaded as Rose is and she can’t upgrade to a sound system version? Add that to her must-do list!”
Researching the features for the app he realized just how advanced the system was otherwise. A blinking dot in the corner of his cell screen he noted the word “Visitor!” Touching the dot out of curiosity the scene shifted to the road spiraling the mountain. A Jeep Wrangler on its way up passed by sensors along the entire mountain so that the owners could have an advanced warning. “This is cool. I didn’t even know she had cameras clear down the mountain.”
Exploring further he found an intercom feature and tested it. “Spoke too soon, it does have audio. Can you hear me, Nouveau?” Rose immediately sat up and licked her fingertips.
“Yes, Baroque. You figured it out. Yay!”
“Bryce is on his way up now. I didn’t know you had sensors and cameras hidden on the roadsides.”
“They look like birdhouses to blend into the forest. I am nervous, Baroque. What if I offend Bryce?”
“Well, now that I can talk through your system, I can guide you a bit. Breakfast has slowed down here at Hilltop so I might be able to slip out more. Just do as you’re told.”
“I love how you push me, Baroque. For better or worse I will test Bryce. As you said, if he walks away, he does. I still have you as my trainer.”
“That’s right! He’s at the front gate. Allow me to let him in. Mention my name to him and see if he remembers me. I mean he graduated when I was just starting high school. He might not.”
“Oh! Look behind me. Do you notice anything?” She pointed at her fireplace mantle.
“You took down the pond and put up my chessboard painting. I’m honored that you care enough to show me off Rose.”
“That goes both ways my youthful Master.”
“I buzzed Bryce in. Get ready!”
“I will make you proud Baroque.”
“I’ll stay on here through his initial reaction. After that you’re on your own. I’ll view your camera footage tomorrow. Text me how it went after he heads out.”
“He’s at the door.” Rose hopped up and grabbed her coffee mug to look as natural as possible. Doorbell sounding, she took a deep breath and began her journey to the door. “Baroque?” No answer! Was she on her own already? Masking her face behind her cup as she opened the front door her 6’4, 230 pound, trainer Bryce who resembled actor Alan Ritchson, cocked both brows and grinned.
“Good morning, Bryce. Come on in.” She opened the glass storm door letting him take over before she turned to walk away. It amused Roselyn as she ignored her curiosity to look back just to see if he was checking her out, certainly he must be if he was a real man, right? “Would you like a cup of coffee?”
“I’m good! Forget to wash your yoga pants?” He laughed! “No offense!”
“None taken! No, I just decided that this is my house and if I want to run free, I should be able to. Do you object?”
“Not as long as you remember our conversation a few weeks ago. I do love my wife and she would be heartbroken if I betrayed her. Sami is too good to me to mess it up. Bad enough she worries about me being so fit and good looking.” He chuckled! Part of his ego wanted to flex his muscles. In the distance Cabot still watched their interactions, going silent just to see how Roselyn handled it all without him. Trouble was, he only had maybe three minutes longer on his break.
“I totally understand Bryce. Just know I have no plans on getting dressed. Shall we adjourn to the gym downstairs?” Facing him mid-turn so that he could peruse her curves, nipples spiking, Rose did catch a quick glimpse of his workout trunks to see if he was getting hard. Of course he was, i was impossible not to even for a happily married man.
“I’ll try to behave.” He flirted just for kicks. “I will say this Rose, you’re coming along nicely. Another few weeks of dieting and pushing your workouts, my job here is done.”
“Just be yourself Bryce, like me. I refuse to apologize for my being comfortable in my own home. I’m not trying to ruin your marriage. I respect that about you more than my nudity might contradict. As I’ve said, if you feel the need to walk away and sever your services I’ll understand. You, having changed my life in the past few months rebuilding not only my body by my self-esteem will be well compensated. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” She bent over in front of him, picking something up from her floor. Lint!
“More like from the bottom of your future heart shaped ass Roselyn?” Bryce chuckled! “Come on you did that on purpose.”
“Did I?” She opted to stand up straight and bring back her dust bunny, pinched between her fingers. “I sorely need a maid.”
“Okay, I believe you. How much you paying for maid service? Sami is looking for a job.”
“Your wife? Now how would that look with you training me in the nude from here on out. If I hired her, she would get jealousy.”
“Not jealous really, more the fact that she would know my every move. Samantha worries I play around on her when I haven’t. I’m faithful, but if I’m being honest, sometimes I think she’s the one cheating. She sits home all day now that she quit her job at the fire department over at Rayburn.”
“Your wife was a firewoman?”
“I think she just liked the pole they slid down from upstairs.” He laughed! “She could easily be a stripper. Loves to dance and tease. Sunbathing is a bitch if you can imagine. Our neighbors are always looking our way. Horny divorced guys on all sides.”
“I bet her colleagues often teased her over it.”
“I know they did. She told me.”
“Why did she quit?”
“Fire Chief doesn’t think it’s a job for a woman. He called her out as too distracting.” He opted to dig into his duffle for his phone, pulling it out to share Samantha’s photo for the first time ever. It had just never come up before today. “This is Sami.”
In the picture it was he and she on their wedding day, Bryce in a black tuxedo and Samantha in her white dress with tiny pearl accents all across an obviously enhanced bosom. It wasn’t easy seeing her true proportions due to the billow of her train and skirt. Bleached blonde hair was pretty much silver, her deep tan gorgeous and alluring with emerald green eyes.
“She is beautiful. The pearls on her cleavage is rather flaunting, I think. Is she tiny? I know you’re quite tall but in the photo she...”
“Pearls were her idea. To me I feel she wanted to show off her boob job. Pearl’s looking as if I shot my load on her. She’s 5’5. Yeah, I dwarf her by a good foot. It does make sex more fun when I can toss her around like a rag doll.” This memory was not helping his erection at all. Add in the fact he hadn’t fucked Sami in three days, his missing her, and a naked Cougar right within reach, he was a growing boy. “Here’s a better picture without the wedding dress.”
In this photo she stood alone. Wearing white leggings and a black and blue camisole her chest was even more enormous. Her blonde hair was positioned to show off her neckline. “Does she work out with you? She looks very fit. I can even see cameltoe.” Rose blushed! “Sorry! It’s just too noticeable.”
“Yeah! She flaunts it but I like seeing her show off sometimes. When Sami does, she tells me that she just wants women to see what she has at home when we go out. She knows women check me out constantly, so this is her fighting back.”
“Or showing off for men who equally look at her.”
“I guess that could be true. Probably! She’s all over me in public though.”
“Perhaps to lure in eyes wishing that they were you.”
“Are you trying to make me think she’s teasing other guys by making it look like she’s doing it all for me?” That hadn’t occurred to him until she said it. “Huh!”
“Don’t let me make you question her motives. I’m simply saying it’s possible considering you mentioned the Fire Chief’s reason for dismissal. There are other firehouses she could join.”
“She’s applied. Well, everywhere but Wildwood I think. Anyways, we’re wasting time, I have other clients today. Let’s take this booty to your gym.”
“Follow me.” Rose intentionally used both hands to slap her own bottom. Witness to palm prints Bryce had to quietly clear this throat and grin.
Sheepishly Rose turned to lead him to the staircases going down. After Cabot had declined her using the elevator, she wanted him to view her complying to his rules. Before today she had always taken Bryce down by elevator, even he was now wondering what caused this change. Didn’t matter really! Watching her bare ass with that extra overload was pretty hard to avoid. Even Bryce knew once she lost that extra fat in her ass, she was going to be freaking perfect. At 43 she was still showing promise. “Does Samantha plan on applying in Wildwood too?”
“Her ex-boyfriend works there. He’s the one who got her interested in being a firefighter. So, that might not be smart. She’s avoiding that situation so it doesn’t create problems.”
“I see.” They reached the third level and veered from the staircase into the massive floorplan. The gym lighting up via motion sensors upon entry shared Wardell’s equipment. Ignoring the elliptical inventions, she moved to the mats spread out on the floor as if ready for a wrestling match.
“I will consider Samantha as a maid. With as much room as my home has between all five floors and the loft above my seven-car garage it will require at least two, possibly three maids. I do have one girl I’m interviewing later today which seems promising, but I will certainly help your wife out if you are sincere.”
“Wow! I was kidding but it would be nice having that second income again. Let me run it by her.” Phone wiggled in his hand meant here and now. “Do some stretching like I showed you. I’ll call her.” He turned his back on Rose for a few minutes giving Roselyn the opportunity to quietly install a gift she had hidden down here from earlier.
Once applied Rose lowered to her knees in front of him and stretched forward into a doggystyle position but continued down until her chest crushed against the mat. Strangely, she had an inspiration in that moment. She would invest in new mats that had Mumble Home embroidered on each section just for Baroque, one of her more thoughtful ways to prove her loyalty to her master.
In arching her ass higher Bryce while awaiting Sami to answer him noticed something unexpected. Rose was now wearing Melanie Bush’s ruby red butt plug. Eyes bulging at the sight he nearly blurted, “Oh, fuck!” Good thing he didn’t. “She wasn’t wearing that upstairs. Sneaky bitch!” More than one as he would learn.
“Hey, Honey? What’s up?” Sami answered sounding winded. “Aren’t you at Rose’s today?”
“Watching her stretch now.” He circled Roselyn and ventured to bend and press down on her lower back to get her to realize her mistake. “You sound like you’re breathing hard. What are you doing?”
“Ran out to the mailbox when I heard the phone. Raced back in is all.” A whimper heard Bryce narrowed his eyes. He knew she made that exact same whimper when having sex with him. “So, what’s up?”
Shrugging it off he went for the real reason he called. “Listen, Rose was just telling me she was looking for a maid. I told her you were out of work right now. Are you interested in cleaning house?”
“Wow!” She huffed! “That might be cool. We could use...” Another whine, “ ... the money. Would that...” a very low tone male grunt heard she increased the volume of her voice in the moment, “ ... be a conflict of interest with you working for her too?”
“Naaa! She’s fine with it. Did I just hear a grunt?” Rose eavesdropping smirked. Bryce was being played and she knew it. In reaction to her suspicions, she purposely slouched, luring Bryce to grab her butt and pat it upward for the stance he wanted her to experience. His palm remained on her cheek as he talked to Sami.
“Yeah! I bumped my knee on the coffee table. Ouchie!” She covered another whimper. “If you want me to take the job I will.”
“You can ride over with me next time I’m here and hang out until I’m done working Rose over.” His words sounded almost sexual, Rose again sinking so that he would get after her. His palm on her ass alluded to fingers digging into her cheek and bringing her posture back up. He hadn’t intended to grope her like that, but the call distracted his reason. Rose of course used this to her advantage. She really hoped Cabot was watching. Unfortunately, not! He was busy taking an order from a customer.
“Sounds like fun!” A giggle then a muffled squeal right after made Bryce grumble. Something was wrong he just felt it. “Anything to spend time with my handsome man.” She meant now, with her secret lover plowing her cunt in a livelier manner. Sami tried her best to conceal it but Bryce just knew. Rather than confront her he continued making conversation.
Coaxing Rose to rise up on her hands, Bryce moved to her side and lifted her torso until she was teetering to stay balanced in her stretch. His hand sliding slowly, unintentionally into her bikini area she flared her eyes. This phone call was working to her advantage with each time he heard Samantha make some sensual noise. It was blatantly obvious Sami had a guest over behind Bryce’s back. The thing is, Bryce wasn’t getting angry over it, if anything more turned on. Faithfulness was a pipe dream!
“Get those hips higher.” Bryce growled at Rose, but Sami used it as a tool.
“Anything for you baby.” Sami had her ass up and her lover drilling her from behind. “High enough?”
“HIGHER!” Bryce snapped. He could swear he heard a guy chuckle just as Sami moaned.
“You’re turning me on Bryce. Are you sure this is appropriate? Can Rose hear us?”
“No! So, who is he?”
“What do you mean?” Sami froze even as her penetrator slapped his thighs against her cheeks. She knew Bryce had heard her sudden stop, her lover not. “Are you thinking I’m cheating?”
“I know you Sami. Every whimper you make says sex. Don’t even try lying to me. Be honest if you want to save this marriage.” Standing tall Bryce moved directly behind Rose and eased in closely to palm her lower back. Rose grinning at her luck tightened her stance and pressed her ass into his jeans, feeling the massive swell behind them. Bryce reacted with closed eyelids and just let Rose rub his concealed beast. If Sami was going to play, he might as well to. At least in smaller amounts.
“Honey I’m ... oh, fuck!” An orgasm looming, she couldn’t contain her expression, nor her sincerity. “Right there! Right there! Oh, fuck!” If that wasn’t an admission nothing was. “Don’t stop!”
Bryce in that moment backed up on Rose and unzipped his jeans, resting his cell on the mat on speaker in order to lower them to his knees. Lured down, a large nine-inch pecker popped free. Not giving a shit anymore and knowing Rose wanted it he lined his crown up to her pussy and nudged onward into her. Gasping at his girth prying her tunnel wide, Rose bucked back against him. Cell plucked up and to his ear he and she shared in the rocking horse moment.
“Tear my wife up!” Bryce snapped!
“NO PROBLEM!” A deep male voice chuckled.
“Is that Vince?” Bryce recognized the raspy tone. “So, the fire chief canned you for a valid reason, huh Sam?”
“More than you know, Bry.” Vince chuckled! “Sorry to break it to you. Bad timing on your part calling now. I told Sami to answer it and take the risk.”
“BABY!” Sami cried out! “I’m soo sorry! I swear love you. I just...”
“Oh, fuck!” She could be heard crying, but Vince was still wailing on her from behind. Bryce was about to face the shock of his life. Her cell taken away Sami plead at a distant appeal, but an image popped up on Bryce’s cell. Suddenly, he learned more than he bargained for. The activity facing him was a straight on image of Sami totally nude with a big burley Vince in his fireman’s helmet behind her yanking her head back by her hair.
Hoses seen Bryce knew she was on top of a firetruck. His heart sank but the porno before him was pretty hot. To her sides were two other firemen laying half under her, half out, mouths swallowing both of her nipples. Bryce himself mimicked her in saying, “Oh fuck!”
He hadn’t expected a freaking gangbang. One guy maybe, but three? Wait! It had to be four because someone was holding her cell. “Holy shit!” Bryce huffed then reached over Rose’s back to grip her by her hair. In watching Sami getting nailed hard, hiding no longer an option she let go, moaning, begging for harder. Still, even in doing so her face expressed her sorrow toward her husband. She truly did love Bryce, but in the end even in a happy marriage she just couldn’t resist the fact that every guy alive wanted her. In a brazen move Bryce restrained his emotions.
“IS THAT ALL YOU FUCKERS GOT?” Prodding was a good idea?
“Not even, Brother.” Vince laughed! “Bring it in!” Right before Bryce’s eyes two more firefighters straddled the arms of the men beneath her, taking her hands and curling them around their dicks. No argument Sami began jerking them off.
“YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT SAM. GET INTO IT!” Oh, hell! Hearing her husband order her to perform better she lost it, eyes bawling at being caught, but at the same time realizing her true love was expecting more? “I know you bastards have more guys on duty Vince. Round those fuckers up and destroy that unfaithful wife of mine.”
“Couple more! Sounding to me like you’re not holding a grudge, Fitness Boy.” Vince was 40, all of the firefighter’s but one was near his age. Sami at 24 seemed to like older men. Men in general most likely.
“Oh, I’ll be putting my foot down on her neck when I get home. Bet her red ass on that.” Bryce wailed on Rose. Up until now Rose had masked her moans, wanting to hear out this insanity without making Bryce look equally as guilty. It was becoming hard to resist, her trainer’s dick hitting her G-spot every single thrust was impossible to contain.
Unknown to all, Cabot Ross while down in the wine cellar of Hilltop restaurant had taken time to check in on Roselyn. Searching room after room until keying into the gym’s cameras he found her being fucked from behind. “Nice! Well, done Nouveau!” He chuckled then creased his brow with curiosity. “Wonder who Bryce is talking to. Looks like he’s FaceTiming someone.”
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