Entity Nest - Cover

Entity Nest

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 34: Well Hell

Horror Sex Story: Episode 34: Well Hell - Everyone loves a good, haunted house story. Striving for a new life of independence after two tours in the Army, Erin Parrish made her move. She bought her first ever home in the wilds of Virginia. One with a monstrous history but being fearless she was all in. Ghosts were only the tip of the Ouija board. Some friendly, some not so much. Her new roommates had met their match. Being a nympho in a house full of ghosts only made it more interesting. Bring it on Boys! BOOyah!

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Horror   Paranormal   Genie   Ghost   Magic   Vampires   Were animal   Zombies   Demons   Dolls   BDSM   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Illustrated  

Dark Ages! Dark AnGElS!

“The Shepard is going to kill us, Erin!”

Janice Stone raced to the side of her ally Erin Parrish while the very first Baphomet embodying the Demigod that history would refer to as Hercules raped and killed the warrior women raised on island Arias.

Virginities were ripe for the taking with the ritual still throbbing in the atmosphere like a dying breath. Lilith the first hovered basking in the glow of feeding upon soul after soul, tiny orbs rising from each female as if butterflies. The Watchers were no longer watching, their own immortality sucked away in an instant due to the ceremony. Their multitude of souls had pumped into Lilith’s rune coated body, the seven devils of various hells within her feeding upon her delivery. She was a lovely bride this day. Seven grooms proud of her loyalty to each. No jealousy, they didn’t mind sharing the bitch.

“Where’s Brimley?” Erin asked as she tried to free herself from the crazy quilt that was the golden fleece bedding, she and the fading, blue-skinned angel lay out upon. The Ram’s head metal rod within their vagina’s still feeding on what was left of the angel was waning.

“At my feet. She’s back inside Cotton.” Jana attempted to use a spear to cut away the fleece from Erin but each time the wool crept back to its host. Erin was a ewe in this moment so the flock stood by to keep her warm. As a second option she tried to pry at the rod, but it deflected the blade within a protective sigil. “I can’t go near that thing. Erin ... I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to do.”

“Think outside the box my mom always told me. The angel I’m forced to fuck is Gemma, the essence within my necklace ... well, my clit piercing now. I ... wait! I know it’s crazy, but I flicked pussy juice at the women earlier and it seemed as if it broke their will to serve Lilith. Hang on!” In a bold attempt she dug her fingertips in around her pumping station and managed to bring back wet fingertips. “Here! Try me.”

“WHAAAAT! At a time like this?”

“Suck my fingers but don’t swallow it. Spit it on Gemma for me. It’s just an experiment.” Her wet fingertips suddenly began glowing blue. “I think it’s my stone causing that. Risk it Jana. Before it’s too late.” Grumbling, Janice Stone leaned over Erin and placed her lips around the fingers and graced the taste upon her tongue.

“Good, right?” Erin smirked under duress; Jana’s eyes flared wild reacting to the best flavor ever. Nodding, Jana moved to the angel and hovered over her gaping mouth as she gasped for a final breath. Like a momma bird she spit into the angel’s mouth then went back for more, Erin supplying her demand. As if fast acting medicine the angel seemed to be reviving, growing stronger.

“It’s working. GOD, you taste amazing.”

“Tell your mom I’m sorry if she’s calling me a harlot for seducing you.” Erin offered her more and more. An accidental swallow on the last dose Jana felt a sudden boost of energy on her own.

“What are you feeding me? Steroids?”

“Angel Lust!” It was all Erin had. “Question is, why isn’t it effecting the double dildo? The metal maybe? It’s sucking life energies but hold up! What it did for the warriors ... it’s like holy water, I think. It might only affect the physical contact, not through the metal. My squirts are being absorbed into the wool below me so it’s not reaching her ... him ... no her.”

“Holy water? Whoa! Mom thinks the pool below the altar is a well portal to hell where the serpent comes from. Now it’s inside Lilith going along for the ride.” bRIDE! “But the well is empty currently. What if ... big if, mom ... what if we drop some of your uses into the well and maybe seal ... no ... heal that well. The snake can’t get home. Lilith might weaken. Just a thought. Outside your box!”

“My box! HA! Try it!” Soaked fingers after fingers Jana licked them off and dropped to her knees and spat down into the hole beneath the altar. Peering down into the darkness each droplet of spit that hit the surface of the pool began turning the ripple blue like adding dye. The more she offered it the brighter the pool was getting.

“OH, MY GOD! It’s working, Erin. The waters are ... whoa! I’m seeing sigils forming on the water. Whatever you’re doing, let me eat you up.” Feeling a presence behind her Jana looked down at her mom. “He’s going to kill me now, isn’t he?”

Hooves seen peripherally Jana braced for death, even worse, a huge Ram cock taking her from behind. “I love you mom. Forever!” Cotton bolted away leaving her daughter and ran to the edge of the temple entrance then began howling into the night.

Sign! Sealed! Delivered!

Belltower Virginia! Things were about to get interesting.


Kyra Whimsey attempted to speak with the witch Agnes Bloom, her eyes white and in a trance. Chanting in sequence with the others of her coven, she simply stared at Kyra before her, the barrier between them. “Can she hear me on the other side?”

“Let’s find out.”

Eric Barker and Angela Dare took a stroll left where they saw their fearless leader Police Chief Fiona Waddle looking horrified and confused. The stupor spell over her seemed to come and go rather than maintain for too long.

Perhaps like with possession by ghosts if it lingered too long then brain damage could occur. Every person seemed to take that chance differently. “FIONA!” Angela’s voice spoke through the lips of Truman Porter’s vacant physical body. Hearing Angela from a distance Fiona slightly found coherence and searched for Angela. She knew her deputy’s body was lying next to Eerie Barker’s because they were at her feet.

Concluding the voice was coming from elsewhere Fiona noticed Truman’s arms waving over his head. Freaked out Fiona simply waved back. It was obvious she heard Angela at least. Putting his hands together Truman insisted Fiona pray. She could do that. She did just that. Returning to Kyra, Eerie revealed the good news. “If Fiona can hear us, so can the witches.”

“This is hopeless. They’re all so channeled in maintaining this barrier. I thought it was giving in but it seems strong still.”

“That is because they’re making certain no souls from that side of the barrier hit the bottom of the barrel.” An old woman wearing dark sunglasses moved behind Agnes. Old as dirt old. “Evenin’! Before you ask, just call me, Granny, of the Boston Granny’s. You folks sure know how to throw a party. Good thing my granddaughters couldn’t make it, things might have gotten uglier.”

Granny peered up at the sky. In flight only seen by her mind’s eye Granny listened to her old boyfriend, now a Raven familiar to another witch. Birds-eye view it related info as to what she envisioned. “Interestin’ white star on the girl’s backside. Reminds me of my youngest granddaughter Raven Mourn, her pentagram is all jacked up too. Conflicted by Heaven and Hell both. Not too sure but I’m thinkin’ ... ah ... the girl slain by you.” She pointed at Truman. “Well, the shell of you. Nice body jumpin’ folks. Takes a lot of talent to be bouncing all astral without practice. Looks to me like you have a good tutor.”

“Truman left his body, Angela and I somehow got drawn into his vacancy. Funny considering he owned a hotel.” Eerie offered thoughts. “Why aren’t you chanting with these witches. You have to be one too.”

“Oh, yeah! First of a few, that’s me. Outcast I am, I’m just a ... Watcher. I get my kicks on outcomes. Don’t worry, I’m not such a bad person. I just don’t meddle much. Snooping at best. My old flame just zeroed in on that trailer over there attached to a van. Boy does that rock bring back memories.”

“Rock?” Kyra winced. “What rock?”

“Your boy Truman ... poor Kid got himself mixed up in a world he shouldn’t have. By Kid, I mean goat. Young Baphomet compared to that Herman fella. Now that boy is old as hurt.” They peered back at the Shepard fucking Felicia Wolfe’s throat.

“What’s with that rod between the ewes?” Kyra asked Granny.

“Conduit! It’s forged from Heaven steel. Molded with Hellish text. It steals souls siphoned from one place to another. That’s why your graveyard morsels are gettin’ sucked off slower than expected. It’s pipelining good decent souls right out of the Elysian Fields and frying them up for dinner vittles. Goddess wouldn’t be happy if ... we knew where she was.”

“God, you mean.” Eerie objected!

“Helping hand at best. His Missus is the real bread and butter. Thing is ... she’s gone missing and leaving her ole’ man in charge. Mixed feelings about that, but if she says he’s capable who are we to curse.”

“That’s fucked up.” Eerie indulged!

“Not seein’ an outcome yet, Ms. Dare?”

“How do you know my name is Dare?”

“Fate! You should be pickin’ up the big picture by now. Especially, you bein’ in your ancestor’s booty.”

“Excuse me?”

As if inspired Angela Dare had a vision, one of three cloaked women being raped and savagely fucked by Truman here ... only ... not Truman, eyes black as coal and horn tips bleeding from his skull. Seeing the woman’s face, she with no eyes, Truman nutted inside her before pulling out and moving to another of the three. “She looks just like me.” Even Eerie could see her visions thanks to a shared mind.

“Holy crap, Ang!”

“What’s going on?” Kyra bulged her eyes at the blatant struggle within Truman.

“Truman just raped my ancestor. I think! Oh, God!”

“Goddess!” Granny mused! “Just sayin’!”

“He’s raping Vivian DeVore. She’s looking right at me and smiling. Oh, God ... sign language. She says tell my daughter that I’m sorry. That I love her. Burn my body.” Another violent nut by Truman the vision of Vivian’s ancestor faded, replaced by the third of the three women. This one also stared right at Angela through the ages, even without eyes.

“Genevieve Souillon! Dear God! They’re all connected. Did she just flip me off?” No! That impulse was not conceived back then, merely fingers extended as she was fucked by Truman. “She’s smiling! Evil to the beginning.”

“I’m seeing everything Ang is.” Eerie prompted Kyra. “I think he’s impregnating the ladies. He’s not killing them. He’s heading for a big door.” Truman’s body flinched as both Eerie and Angela saw him head butt the door. No splintering, somehow, he had simply passed through that door without impact. “I don’t get it. He just went ghost after nailing the ladies. How was he solid one second then not the next.”

“Astral!” Granny sighed! “He left this time period astral, solidified on the other side. By going astral again, it means he’s ready to come home. Go home even.”

“Old bird is right.” Eerie saw through Truman’s distant eyes. “He’s climbing stone stairs. Up into the night. Fire! Glowing walls with markings. HOLY FUCK! I think I see the bitch that’s inside Ewing Lambert. Same skin covered in glowing text. Oh, shit!”

Angela took over in verse. “The birth of the Shepard. I see him transforming from man to beast. I ... Brimley’s dog? Naked Janice Stone?”

“You see Janice?” Ingrid Flynn pepped up! “She’s alive?”

“So far! She’s throwing up under some stone table into a hole.” A troubled look over Truman’s physical face leads to, “ERIN! I see Erin.”

“Is she okay?” Kyra now energized by hopefulness.

“She’s ... no ... she’s a ewe like the woman the Shepard is taking. The device is inside her and she’s connected to a bigger blue skinned woman. The rod is glowing but altering color schemes as if confused.” Reaching out to Ingrid for balance, the second contact was made with Truman’s hand, even Ingrid was seeing visions. Happy medium!

“Janice! Why is she licking Erin’s fingers?” Jealousy in the moment her wolf side snarled, hair forming again along her perfect athletic body. Suddenly, her eyes shifted to show sigils once more. “Janice is spitting into the blue woman’s mouth. I can feel a psionic backlash as the woman feels more herself. I think she was dying. I ... where is Cotton going? I can’t see Janice anymore.”

“Just bodies of dead angels.” Angela shared sadness, her namesake aching over the vision. “The Shepard is behind Janice now. Oh, God!”

“Goddess ... I’m tellin’ ya!” Granny sighed!

“Truman’s goat ... I mean ghost ... I mean host ... shit! Astral form! It’s running toward the backside of the Shepard.” Eerie related, he now finding Kyra stepping in to hold Truman’s body. Contact made her former forearm sigil returned, emblazoned in blue light. Shocked by it she turned to see ghosts everywhere; her link was back.

“I see dead people.” Quote from the Sixth Sense. Well, done, M. Knight! Now even Kyra was honored by visions. “I think I’m seeing through Erin’s eyes now.”

She was now privy to watching Erin squeeze her fingers under her stretched cunt around the rod. Wetness brought up she flicked it at the blue woman. Each droplet that hit the beauty drove the blue woman insane as if conforming to an earthshaking orgasm. The trouble was, that meant the physical fucking of the Rams head rod was channeling more energy.

“OH, MAAAAAN!” Eerie blurted! “Truman just rammed the Shepard head on in the backside. I think his astral body is inside the Shepard now.”

Hearing this Kyra turned to view the struggle out on the cemetery lawn. Leaving Eerie and Angela, Kyra bolted through the chaotic landscape of horrified ghosts. She observed the Shepard of the here and now faltering in his fucking of Felicia Wolfe’s mouth and standing up. The disturbance of thought Herman backed out, his lengthy penis flopping free of the Wolfe’s broken jaw.

Her head hit the grass and died instantly. In an odd turn her soul slipped free and found itself lured toward the cryptid. Before it could reach it however the glowing white star on Isabel’s back sucked it back toward her then inevitably within her body. Felicia Wolfe was free.

“It’s working.” Kyra pumped a fist. “Whatever you’re doing, Erin, keep it up.”

Granny fidgeted on the other side of the barrier. “I think my job here is done. Good luck you old quacks.” Outcast disappeared into the darkness, a raven joining her.

“I wonder what my baby succubus is up to tonight?”

Mourning was on the way!

Make that morning!

Arias Island! When it counted.

“Where are you cowards going?”

Dreyfus Bodine yelled as the Minoans fled. The second they saw the Demigod change they cut their losses and ran for the beach. Dreyfus feeling doubt heard wings above him and peered at the moon to see, “An angel?” Following its flight across the sky Dreyfus decided to follow its trajectory. Almost feeling energetic himself he laughed, “Let’s do this Abigail.”

A gut feeling kept him on the run. Moving up the hill but going around the temple to come back up on the side where they first arrived, he heard a howl in the distance once again, then a minor howl out of Cotton. Smiling, Dreyfus bolted into the darkness of the hills and followed the angel as it seemed to be attracting the howls. It had to be Ian Flynn.

Ten minutes of hardcore hoofing it Dreyfus came to a clearing surrounded by trees. It was here he saw the angel land. In the moonlight’s phosphorescent caress, he noted her standing next to Ian in his simplest of wolf’s form. Not Werewolf, all fours, tail wagging. Hurrying to reunite with them Dreyfus saw the most amazing sight.

“Who is this lil’ one?”

“Deputy Bodine! Welcome!”

“Rosalita? You have wings. Red Bull much? Pardon the pun ... me being a bull.”

In Rosalita’s arms she held a glowing baby, giggling up a storm. “This is Serena.”

“How exactly is she here?”

“Alive as I am.” Rosa smiled and kissed her child, bright eyes with sigils making her excitable. “She is glad to be reunited with me. I do not care how this happened. Even if this means she and I remain on this island. We will never be separated again.”

“Much as I love a reunion, Erin needs us.”

“Go! Help her.” Rosa nodded! “Serena and I will be waiting here.” Her wings tickled her baby’s bottom. Laughter amidst turmoil gave them all hope. Dreyfus smiled at the infant and did take a finger to lightly press Serena’s tummy with a verbal, “Boop!”

The merest touch Deputy Bodine’s eyes shared in the sigils, overcoming his pupils. One eye sigil, the other a pentagram. Snorting briefly, Dreyfus backed up and took several steps away, morphing into the bull that Abigail Bloom brought out in him. Large and in charge! Ian Flynn joined his shape changing friend going full Werewolf and took off after him.

“God is good, isn’t he sweetie?” Goddess!!!

Boop turned to poop.

“Motherhood never ends it seems.”

Feather diaper!

Temple Haunt!

“Keep channeling my juices, Janice.” Erin informed her help when she noticed the Shepard standing over the altar eying the events. “Yikes! Hey there, Billy Goat Rough! Nice SHEpard! Only girls allowed, remember?” That rule had gone to hell.

As if curious, maybe the Demigod within him attempting to regain control the Shepard reached over poor Jana on the ground, his huge wet cock slapping her face as she looked up in horror. Angel juices now spilled from his girth.

Whimpering over his threat she tried to crawl beneath his legs, his cock trailing along her back as if painting a stripe on a skunk. It grossed her out. Closing his legs, he captured her within pinning her beneath him. She began praying instantly. She prayed; he bayed.

“Nice She Shed!” Erin fluttered her wet fingers at him then flicked her juices toward him. Droplets pelting his fur the Shepard stammered a bit. Then came the jolt that sent him bowling forward over the angel and Erin. Truman Porter’s astral form had made an impact in entering the Shepard. Vocal discomfort Truman tried speaking through his newborn host.

“It’s Truman. I’m trying to control him.” The Shepard’s fur smelling burnt by the fleece bedding Truman felt his pain. “Herakles! His name was Herakles! The scholars had it right the first time. He apologizes for what he is made to do. I apologize, Miss Parrish. Please let the world know I meant no harm.”

“If we get out of this Truman ... I will. This stupid rod between Gemma and I... “ Truman and the inner Demigod worked in unison and gripped the rod. The sigils faltering under confusion. Behind him Lilith screamed.

“What are you doing, Child? Do not disrupt the flow.”

A savage strength exhibited Truman, and the Demigod ripped the device free of Erin and the Seraphim’s cunts. Once free the rod began turning blue, struggling to maintain its hue. A secondary reaction, the Shepard plucked up the shed serpent’s skin and removed it from the fleece altar. Dropping it onto the stone floor Jana was now free of her furry confinement, weirded out by the skin. Nudging it into the hole until the entire pelt fell into the blue waters below, she felt a sigh of relief. The moment the pelt struck the well it sizzled and burst into blue flame.

“NOOOOOOOOO!” Lilith felt the agony of her consorts within her body, her fleshly runes turning blue, the walls around her, their carved markings as well. “What is happening? The souls, they are resisting me.”

“Well listen to that, will ya!” Erin grinned! “If I can only escape this linen that’s hogging my coverage...”

As if sensing her language and emotion the angel on the altar controlled its duo charm and let her erection topple over. The huge penis slapped Erin right over her stone fused clitoris. Instant orgasm! A yelp and gusher her juices fired all over the cock. Reaction to the splash made the angel find voice as well, her own moans.

Never in her millions of years of existence had she expressed such a thrill. Impacted through bodily contact the penis and the former necklace reconnected. Visions burst into the angel’s mind, a future unseen before now. Erin fighting her hormones reached out and grabbed the angel’s cock with both hands. To her shock the cock grew erect literally lifting Erin’s body forward.

“Towbar! Keep that up Gemma.” The fleece tugging at Erin’s back detached. “YOU DID IT! I KNEW YOU WERE ON MY SIDE!” Her stone glowing brighter than ever before Erin could barely think due to its sensitivity.

While she embraced her freedom the Shepard with Truman’s help stumbled toward the beach side, the divinity rod in their possession. With all of the changes in color the barriers were collapsing. Souls were escaping not only Lilith, but the walls of the temple, the first lady doubling over in pain.

With each hoof step the Shepard and Truman left the temple and fell down the hill to the beach. The moon sinking in the sky gave Truman and Herakles the idea of casting the rod into the sea. Once it was out of range maybe things might return to normal. Good in theory.

On the altar Erin felt right in what she was about to do. Scooting closer to the Seraphim she scissored with her in an unorthodox sense. Clit on angelic clit, the stimulation brought the angel ripping herself up from the fleece to share in Erin’s delight. Never had she known such bliss, such connection. Jana standing up to watch it sighed. “I want love like that.”

The overwhelming passion conceived in their lip lock made the walls hum, shaking the foundation. This next orgasm might just bring the house down. Cotton returning to Brimley’s daughter begged to be held, Jana picking him up and hugging him tightly. “Still with me, Mommy?”

“Forever baby girl. Forever!”

“We’re going to survive this. I just know it.”

“Here comes the cavalry.”

“Cums the cavalry?”

“Don’t make me wash your mouth out young lady.”

The Stone’s had a good laugh. In came Ian Flynn and Dreyfus, the barrier no longer keeping them out. All of the crazy lights were dizzying. Ian seeing Erin making love to a blue angel, wings sprouting back out of her back as if healing, he reverted to his human form and approached the altar.


“Save it until I’m on the clock, Hemlock! I’ll be with you after I save my girl here.”

“Rubbing twats is saving ... well, she is getting her wings. Wow!”

“Deal with Lilith. Go until I’m done here.”

“On it! Bodine, let’s send that bitch back to...

“THE WELL!” Jana intervened! “Toss her in the well below the altar. Follow me!” She sat Cotton down and led them. The boys, both in human form now manhandled a more manageable sized Lilith who was reduced to gibberish. They hauled her down the stone staircase and to the room with the pool. The blue light brilliant, the boys hurled Lilith in. As if dissolving Lilith in acid the water baptized her unto eternity. Hardening, the water solidified and embraced a magnificent giant sigil.

“Popped a cap on that bitch.” Ian chuckled then shut up quickly as the foundation around them began crumbling. “Topside, everyone! Before we’re stuck in this tomb with her.” Scurrying out Jana realized something.

“Vivian! She’s with the Fate’s.” The rocks leading down fell away, too late to save her. “No!” Dreyfus in human form still plucked Jana off of her bare feet and carried her up. Vivian would be remembered fondly. Buried alive with her ancestor.

What a way to go.

Belltower, Virginia, again! Head spinning yet? So were those involved. Bet on that!


Kyra Whimsey noticed him on the ground, holding his sister Isabel’s hand, “You made contact.” Head lifting to peer over writhing legs in spasm, Vienna Edwards, now thrived inside of Rico Montoya’s body. He had switched places with her inside of his sister Izzy now saw Kyra and smiled.

“It’s me Vienna. Rico traded places with me. I think the ewe they’re on is dead, she stopped moving.”

“Shit! What about Serena, she’s still trapped inside her.” Kyra like Rico had dropped to her belly on the ground to peer up under Isabel’s body searching for Serena, with the belly’s glow fading it was harder to see her shadow within.

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