Entity Nest
Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 33: Mars Attracts
Horror Sex Story: Episode 33: Mars Attracts - Everyone loves a good, haunted house story. Striving for a new life of independence after two tours in the Army, Erin Parrish made her move. She bought her first ever home in the wilds of Virginia. One with a monstrous history but being fearless she was all in. Ghosts were only the tip of the Ouija board. Some friendly, some not so much. Her new roommates had met their match. Being a nympho in a house full of ghosts only made it more interesting. Bring it on Boys! BOOyah!
Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction High Fantasy Horror Paranormal Genie Ghost Magic Vampires Were animal Zombies Demons Dolls BDSM Humiliation Rough Sadistic Gang Bang Group Sex Orgy Interracial Black Male Black Female White Male White Female Bestiality Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Voyeurism Illustrated
The island of Arias in the Black Sea ... antiquity. Myth to some, reality to those who died there.
Things were progressing fast, and Erin Parrish was feeling more and more like this could be the end of her life. The future would undoubtedly change if she did live up to her last name and perish. She would never have found her tiny stone Gemma in the desert, never bought a haunted property, never met Ian Flynn. It certainly felt bleak.
“Crap! Kyra? If I don’t make it home, please stay the sweetheart you’ve always been. Thank you for your service, Staff Sergeant Whimsey. I love you beyond the grave.”
A horn blaring drew her sweaty attention away from tantalizing her pussy, her hormones still revved high thanks to Gemma fusing her tiny self directly into Erin’s clitoris. Not even painful, more in tune with bliss and courage, a bit hypersensitive to the sex drive but, no ... not hyper ... maddening! Simply removing her fingers from within her Gemma was more agony that the initial fusion. It was obvious Gemma did not want her to be forgotten ... again.
The demon goddess Lilith moving to Erin’s feet held up the Ram’s head forged rod in both hands as if a baby toward the heavens. Her female warriors divided their elbow-to-elbow circle around the altar of sheep pelts. In the moonlight the wool sparkled like diamonds, in the fire light as if gold glinting.
At least this part of the old Jason and the Argonauts story was somewhat factual. That had to have meant there were survivors of some sort. “Those Watchers up above are doing nothing. I seem to recall something about the Watchers from when my mom taught Sunday school when I was a kid. Come on photographic memory ... think... “ No true photo memory but she was smart and did often pick up on things she had seen and heard. Always curious!
“Hold on, I remember hearing a man outside a mosque talking of the book of Enoch. The Watchers were also angels sent to observe by God. If memory serves there was something about Persia ... which is modern day Iran ... not Afghanistan where I found Gemma, but the Watchers are blue skinned. Are these the same angels? I mean ... I don’t see wings, but I guess that could just be ... mythology.” Think again, Beautiful! Up from a stone staircase rose giants, easily 8-foot-tall warrior women, manhandling a chained woman weak and losing sight on existence.
“Wings! She has wings. She’s absolutely stunning.” Beautiful thought of! Then she saw, “A penis? Huge tits and a big dick? A woMANgel? TrANSANGEL? What the heck ... no ... it can’t possibly be ... that’s the woman I saw in my vision up in Souillon’s attic when Kyra and I got our arm sigils. “GEMMA!” A name in her world, not this one. The angel was too weary to even look upon Erin.
Tempted to rise to her feet Erin found her body almost glued to her bed of fleece’. Looking at her padding it seemed as if the herd was closing in on her flesh. “No way is my bedding holding me to this altar. Crap! So much for putting the flee in FLEEce! In Greece ... wait ... this isn’t Greece, just Greek to me.” Nerves always did make Erin babble to herself.
“Couldn’t give me a Hercules to save the day could you, God?” In peering at the sky, the Watchers seemed intrigued by Erin’s actions. “They have claws. Surely these can’t be angels. Demons?” It had to be for more than her glossy body and masturbation technique. Although, the Watchers mentioned in Enoch were told to procreate with the women of Earth. “Don’t tell me I’m turning you guys, gals on. Just watch okay! I’ve got enough to contend with.” They remained vigilant!
Stood before Lilith, the angel that Erin knew as Gemma faced her fate. The first lady caressing Gemma’s cheek seemed to revive her from her lag. Standing taller to show her musculature Erin smiled. “That’s it Gemma! Find the strength to kick her ass.” Without even realizing it Erin was back to briskly rubbing her clitoral fusion, the friction combined with her thoughts on Gemma appeared to fuel her inner strength.
Tips of feathers were gently glowing in the moonlight’s cascade. “She’s doing a Goddesszilla I think. I can even hear vibrations that sound like Godzilla when he’s ready to radiate all over his enemy. Breath on that bitch Gemma. Incinerate her!” So much for that! The two giant women took machetes and carved Gemma’s wings from her back and tossed them to both sides of her, feathers instantly scattering about on the stone floor. Gemma however did not bleed, simply standing proud, staring down her adversary. His adversary! “Gemma must be a hermaphrodite, both sexes at once. Does that mean, the Watchers up there are the same?”
Another glance skyward it was as if they read her mind, robes parting to show her massive dicks, fully erect. Equally massive breasts with nipple nubs like five-inch daggers. The shadows revealed that much, no cunts however but those were presumed. As long as they didn’t start jerking off she could live with the scene. “I’d laugh if I got Eknoched up!” Jokes even now, she had nothing else going for her unless her friends could save her. Where was Ian, Dreyfus the Bull, the Family Stone’s, Rosalita? Even the killer Truman Porter for that matter. Were they dead? Well, technically Rosalita was already dead.
Given the order by Lilith the giants roughly brought Gemma up onto the altar of sheepskin. It seemed painful to the angel; a sizzling noise heard as her flesh touched wool. No screams, merely gnashed teeth. Hoisted closer to Erin until their legs were side by side Erin did try and make a toe touch against the angel as if her way of supporting her to remain strong.
It appeared the angel had a similar attraction so to speak. In lightly tapping her toes on Erin’s body the angel Gemma’s limp cock rose tall, it had to have been eleven inches, possibly a foot long. Horse cock but so well sculpted it actually turned Erin on that much more. EVEn Gemma flared her eyes at sensing chemistry. So much so that the gem over Erin’s clit began pulsating.
The sternest orgasm Erin had ever experienced made her squirt so violently it shot right off of the altar to the stone floor, landing droplets on the feathers of the angel’s discarded wings. A warrior woman picking up the soaked feather felt suddenly liberated of her views. Eyes darting about at her sisterhood as if asking herself why she was there. Intriguing!
Good thing Lilith had more important things to do.
Ten minutes prior!
Below ground Jana Stone and Rosalita Montoya noticed the giants hauling the angel up the staircase, the door to the pool left wide open. In her thoughts Jana wondered if that was smart. What if that huge snake got out? It would devour everything in sight. Silent as mice only Jana and her mother Brimley could communicate with telepathy. It would be so much easier if Rosa could hear them too, but now that she was inexplicably flesh and blood alive and with a heartbeat that didn’t appear plausible. “Mom? What do we do? If we go upstairs, they’ll just nab us or kill us on the spot.”
“If they intended us to be dead, they would have sent warriors down in pursuit of us.” Brimley surmised the situation better. It did make sense. “My visions are coming to me more frequently Janice. Something is calling me to that pool. The water has to be coming in from below, perhaps the serpent entered through ... no ... there is more to the snake than ... its eyes glowed. It has sentience!”
“Its thinking on its own?”
“We did just witness the serpent rise up and out of that hole above with the wand. It returned without it so it must be working in conjunction with Lilith. Why is it Lilith does not seem to notice us down here? Is there something blocking her senses?”
“The Fates were locked in. Surely, she has to have access to place some barrier at the door to prevent their leaving.” Jana whispered aloud for Rosa to feel in on the thoughts shared.
“Unless... “ Rosa looked back down the stairwell. “They erected the barrier themselves.”
“Or the angel in this room did it for their protection.” The feather tip she had procured began glowing in Jana’s hand. “I think I might be onto something there. Its acting on my thoughts, I think. Are you thinking the same, Mom?” More the fact Gemma just had her wings severed from her back, but there could be a connection. As Cotton whimpered the feather guided Jana’s fingertips to move on their own, the quill pointing like some divining rod into the chamber the angel had been imprisoned within. “I think it’s telling us to enter.”
“Is this wise?” Rosa clenched her teeth, brow creasing with worry. “The serpent is still in there.” As if timed by its mention the massive Boa ... Python ... Anaconda ... whatever breed it was lifted six feet up out of the water but stared up at the hole. This made the trio hug the walls and wait, afraid it might sense them and give chase. All Rosa could think of was what Vivian’s ancestor and the other Fates had said about her baby being here, back in time. It just made no sense whatsoever! Still, she intended to find her baby ... wherever she might be.
Belltower, Virginia ... still suffering.
Rico Montoya was told to try hard to either get through to his sister Isabel, or work on his astral jumping. The thing was the sigils that bound he and his sister were no longer present. At least that he seemed aware of. Sigils seemed to be sneaky little buggers that come and go when least expecting it. For the moment all he could do was circle around the events unfolding and feel the tug of the souls being vacuumed up by Abigail Bloom’s pentagram. Amplified by her astral body being mystically drawn into the cryptid of a slaughtered lamb that Ewing Lambert aka Lilith in our times, or at least her essence possessing Ewing, had animated as her fleece. It was her unit of power it seemed, like a solar collector but not. It wasn’t even clear how this sheep existed in our time period. Nothing really made sense outside of the fact that this was reality, and it sucked ass.
“The Shepard will not let me get close to Izzy. Between both Baphomet’s I might be crushed between their horns that collide every few minutes. Kyra suggested if I could go under the glowing rod within the ewes and somehow remove it to do so, but that’s just impossible.”
Further pacing out of arm’s reach he studied the bodies of both Ewing and Felicia Wolfe. In the glow of Felicia’s obviously impregnated belly the shadows of Herman Shepard’s monster cock soared through her body as if organs were intangible reaching the belly itself from her gaping jaws as he, face ... chest ... torso fucked her from within. How was she alive? How could she not be in agony?
Far worse still, Rico knew his deceased baby sister Serena was inside that belly floating about as if on an endless sea of Baphomet semen. As horrible as it was, he knew his sister was dead, a ghost, yet somehow still amidst the disgusting turmoil. Child abuse even for a ghost it made him miserable. Her elder sister Isabel, like Abigail’s host cryptid was mystically fused over Felicia. She had the privilege of sharing her sister’s unsettling swim, baying babylike cries emitting through Izzy’s vocal cords. Afterlife express it appeared. The horrors never seemed to end.
Rico decided to take the risk and dropped to his belly between Baphomet’s. In hopes he could possibly reach out and try to obtain the double headed wand shared between the ewes as they fucked it. In this lower angle the Baphomet’s would have to reach harder to shove him away. Lying still as if dead at first the Ram’s paid him no mind, furthering their feverish throat fucking of Ewing and Felicia.
Peering up over Felicia’s scalp he attempted something new, concern. Her leg right in front of him, she dug her heels into the soil for traction to be able to fuck the rod inside her stretched-out cunt. The glow of the rod blinding he simply reached out to palm her thigh. He expected a barrier but there didn’t seem to be anything stopping him. However, with his other hand he tried going for the rod wiggling about between ewes prevented his touch. It was simply too red hot. Hellfire hot perhaps!
His sister Izzy’s legs dangling next to Felicia’s Rico made contact. Shocked to be able to he felt his arm tingling. Her hand reaching back attempted to hold his. With no conflict out of the Baphomet’s over it, he gripped Izzy’s hand and held it tightly. “I am here Izzy.” He told her in his thoughts.
“So am I.” That was Vienna’s voice, however. In the blink of an eye Vienna and Rico switched places, his astral body yanked from his physical form and merging with Izzy. Vienna was now inside Rico’s body. “Please don’t let me get sucked out of this body. I don’t want to go to Hell.” She just knew the end of the road thanks to Lilith and Abigail’s pentagram.
A sigil appeared on Rico’s palm while still in contact with Isabel’s. It had to be due to the glowing white upside-down star on Izzy’s lower back. Someone somewhere was helping the best they could. “I can feel your body locking me into it Rico.”
“Remain calm. I think my bond has gone three ways now. You are in our holy trinity.”
“So, is God here helping us or what?”
“That I do not know. Just don’t let go.” As if responding to the new static charge in the air, the Shepard raised his mighty hand like hoof in an attempt to stomp Rico’s head. The sigil prevented contact as if a barrier of its own. “It can’t touch you. Just hang on Vienna.”
“I won’t leave you guys, I swear.” Looking to Rico’s right, Vienna saw the cryptid reaching a deformed leg his way. “Rico? The lamb is trying to hold my other hand. Should I try it? Maybe that Abigail is seeking our help.”
“She’s on the dark side. Better not. Roll this way.” The crying of Serena through Isabel ceased. An unmistakable patting on Izzy’s abdomen was felt by both Izzy and Rico who tapped into her physical body. “Izzy? I think Serena feels safer now that we are both close to her.”
“Her cries are so naive, Rico. She begs for mom. She was the only one to know her. Maybe she’s sensing mom in us, mom did occupy my body yesterday. Some connection might remain. Could it be she thinks I’m mom?”
“I don’t know. Izzy? What’s with the tattoo of the white glowing star on your back?”
“I don’t know but it’s soothing. That’s where Willy nutted on me, but the scars remolded into the star. I could feel it changing and taking shape. It’s almost as if it is mirroring the pentagram on the lamb. A counterattack? God assisting us?”
“Let us hope so. Keep optimistic. Erin will come through for us I just know it.”
If fingers could only be crossed!
Arias Island ... more suffering.
“NONONONONO! Don’t shove that rod up my hoohaw. SHIT! That thing is thick.” Lilith graduated the cooled rod deep within Erin’s throbbing cunt. How Lilith failed to notice the stone fused to her clit was unpredicted, Erin just knew the bitch would try and rip it from her and take her clit with it. Whew! From Erin, Lilith quite easily drug the angel closer and used her forearm to lift the angel’s footlong penis out of the way.
Locating the transangel’s vulva, sealed tight from being a virgin, her nails slit the opening enough to shove the other end of the rod up into her until her hymen ripped. The second it did, the Ram’s head rod began to glow yellow, the runes embellished into its surface twinkling.
Erin with her head lifted to watch it all dropped her jaw. “Crap! I took Gemma’s virginity. I’m soooo sorry!” The angel simply laid back looking at the moon above. Calm! Patient! No pain! No blood loss like a traditional virgin. Her slit however glowed like the sun around the Ram’s head. “Why am I even a part of this? I’m not a virgin. Lost mine at 15 for creeps’ sake.”
Erin was not even there in Lilith’s mind, no offer of explanation. Instead, Lilith began chanting toward the moon, each time she recited a certain verse her own body shared runes through every pore. The very altar beneath her burst with blinding light through the pelts. Runes all around the temple began throbbing in vivid cycles, almost like data streams on a computer screen.
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