Elves Fairies and More Trouble - Cover

Elves Fairies and More Trouble

Copyright© 2022 by Remus

Chapter 9

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Thinking with the little head ruined(?) Randy's otherwise peaceful life. With several female magical beings, he's been drawn into a conflict on a stellar scale. Note:Need to read "Elves Fairies and other trouble" To understand this story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Magic   non-anthro   MaleDom   Harem   Interracial   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Violence  

Continued Randy’s POV

I looked at Karen and realized Alecia was right. I had the power to free her later. I leaned down and tilted her head up opening her mouth. I took out my sword and cut my hand, dribbling blood into her mouth, followed by some water. Using my power, I made her swallow.

This was the first time I’d used blood, so I didn’t know what to expect.

She began twitching and squirming. A scream appeared to be forthcoming, so I locked the area down with a shield. When she was in mid-transition, I extracted the tracking device and fried it. Mission accomplished, I portaled us all back to our new base before she woke up. I looked at Ciri, “Use your original appearance and talk to her when she wakes. I’m going to be cultivating after all the energy I used tonight.”

Looking back at Kathy, I saw she was going to be a half-elf. I wasn’t even thinking of it, so wasn’t sure where that came from. She was originally a red head, and would remain so. She was a tall one, too. She looked to be near six-foot. Her tits were not outstanding being on the small side for her frame. She would be model thin and not look out of place on a catwalk.

She was losing impurities fast with her body soon covered in black filth as the impurities were expelled. I dug out a depression and brought in some water from the outside. After heating it, I told the girls to help get her in the water. The memory transfer hit, so I knew the transformation was complete. Sizing up her body, I pulled some materials out and made some simple leather pants, a shirt, and some shoes.

By the time she woke, she was cleaned and dressed. When her green eyes fell on me, she crawled over to me and looked up at me, “Master?”

Then she caught sight of Ciri who was in her original appearance and said “Oh my god! You’re dead, how are you here and where is here by the way?” She was off to the races in a full panic. I calmed her mind then said to Ciri “Please explain her circumstances.”

When they began, Ciri went into great detail what had happened to herself, what we were doing, and finally what had happened to her.

Karen looked at me and asked “So I’m your sex slave?”

“No, in fact, I intend to free you. I had no choice but to take you in to keep you alive.”

I will never understand the female mind. Instead of being happy at the prospect, she was dejected.

“So, you’re saying I’m not good enough to be bottom bitch” she exclaimed, then broke down crying.

I looked at her and said “What the fuck is wrong with you, do you want to be a slave? Is that your desire?”

Her eyes cleared for a moment and she said “Yes, please?”

I turned to the others who were staring at the drama. Lisa said “Some women have secret desires to be just that, not many but they do exist.”

I looked at Karen and said “Is that the case with you?”

She stared at the floor and said “Yes.”

I opened her memories in my mind, and saw some pretty advanced fantasies for a 16-year-old. She dreamed of being taken away from her nightmares with the Grey and serving her saviour slash captor. It was deeply embedded fantasy and something she used to escape to when the Greys came for her.

I put the memory in a pod and transferred it to everyone so they understood my next move. Looking at Karen, I said “Come over here.”

I could feel her try to resist, then get aroused when she couldn’t. I encapsulated my thoughts and feelings on slavery and the curse and touched her head transferring them to her.

She looked up at me and said “So when it comes time to choose, you won’t force me away?”

“No. If you choose of your own free will to stay with us, that’s what you will do. You can ask the others here if that is true.”

She turned to look at them all and saw them all nodding their heads, including her childhood friend.

“What’s with the name Ciri” she asked?

“You know I’m a Witcher fanatic. So are you. I remember you always wanted to be Triss. If you got a chance to blow Geralt, what would you do?”

Karen replied, “I’d hit my knees and try to suck the chrome off of a bumper hitch.”

I put on my Geralt persona. After she turned back to me, she knee-walked over and tried to rid me of my pants.

I flashed my pants into my medallion and she swallowed my cock the next instant. She wasn’t kidding about the bumper hitch. She didn’t come up for air until she had a throat full of cum. She was probably the most talented fellatrix in the group.

“You definitely know your way around a blowjob” I said to her. It might have been a bit crude to say, but she took it in the spirit it was meant.

Ciri was looking at my cock with longing, so I made a coffee in preparation. She smiled broadly at my actions, knowing someone, hopefully her, would be giving me relief soon.

I sat back with Ciri and Kathy both on their knees in front of me. I took Ciri’s head and pulled it to my crotch.

She then swallowed me whole, but another blowjob wasn’t my plan. Pulling her head back, I tugged at her clothes. She got the picture and was naked in a flash. She crawled up on me and planted my cock in her leaking snatch. At that, she went to town riding me like it was an amusement park ride. Using my magic, I connected with every erogenous zone she had, strumming them all simultaneously. She immediately stopped moving and began to moan loudly, almost screaming as her body locked up in orgasm. Her vaginal muscles clamped down and demanded my cum. Reaching out mentally, I connected with the same erogenous zones of all the females present. The cavern was filled with the cacophony of orgasming women. After an indeterminate amount of time, all but Lisa were out cold on the floor still twitching with sympathetic orgasms.

Lisa said “Master, what was that? It felt like I was in each of their bodies and yours cumming with all of you.”

After I explained what I had done she said “As good as that felt, I’d strongly advise not doing it often. I’m nearly totally drained of energy. As it is, you need to pump some energy into the ones still out. They are not going to recover on their own since they are unconscious. Even after all these years, I never realized such a thing was possible!”

I began channeling energy to those in need. Soon everyone was up and around. After getting their attention I said “After a rest, I think we’ll be joining Sara’s team in Japan.

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