Elves Fairies and More Trouble - Cover

Elves Fairies and More Trouble

Copyright© 2022 by Remus

Chapter 7

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Thinking with the little head ruined(?) Randy's otherwise peaceful life. With several female magical beings, he's been drawn into a conflict on a stellar scale. Note:Need to read "Elves Fairies and other trouble" To understand this story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Magic   non-anthro   MaleDom   Harem   Interracial   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Violence  

After getting into the Tennessee cave, I turned to Yoshika and Hitomi, “You two know these woods, I need you to search out any changes as stealthily as you can. While you’re at it, trace this leyline east. Look for anywhere that could be a charging site for the ships.”

They shrank into fairy form, but unlike how they approached me all that time ago, they flew off without a blink and disappeared from my senses.

I then sank my senses into Walking Fawn. It occurred to me that I could force her change by changing the water she needed to drink, but the thought made me cringe. I disliked the idea of forcing anything so I turned to the remaining Sagittarians. It was time to do something about them. I walked to the front of the cave and began shaping a tunnel and transferring the rock into my ring rather than teleporting it out. I could dump it later. With the leyline being under my feet I didn’t need to worry about energy. After about fifteen feet, towards the cliff face I opened the area up into a twenty-by-twenty space. I made some chairs and other furniture out of some nearby trees and shaped some shelves. I then went about warding the space. Any scan would only yield a return of solid rock.

After I was done, I used some more life water for coffee in preparation for the upcoming changes.

Lisa came to find me, and after seeing what I had created, began warding the outside of the area to reinforce my warding. Sara looked at what I had done and said “I see your making use of the Dwarven abilities. The fairies in the crowd have been wondering why you don’t make use of their abilities.”

I just stared at her for a moment and said “Because it never occurred to me to do it.”

The two Sagittarians came in and asked “Is it time for us now?”

I dropped my pants and sat down. Both of them gathered around and started a haphazard blowjob. Lisa joined them, instructing them. After a few minutes, I came in the first one’s mouth who then passed me to the other.

It felt business like to me, unlike how it felt with the originals. After I felt the transfer, they both passed out glowing blue thankfully. I tried to think about Aziza while they were out to see if my thoughts influenced the change. It did in fact influence it, with one of their skin tones turning into a soft Mocha color and her facial features taking after Lisa’s. The other went straight Elf. When they opened their eyes, I saw the Aziza’s eyes had a violet iris, the Elf’s were a stunning green. Aziza were apparently normally large breasted as she was every bit the equal to Lisa except being taller by a few inches. I looked at her and said “I shall call you Grace.”

Looking at the other one made me try to recall what I’d been thinking during her transfer. Her appearance was as if Arwen from the movie LOTR had stepped out of the screen and into this cave. I said to her, “I will call you Liv.”

I then passed the method for cultivation to them and told them to get started.

I sat back and finished my coffee after that. I was contemplating how foolish it might be to try brewing beer with this water. With that thought, I willed some of the mountain spring water from outside into the ring containing the life ore chunk

Just then, Anne walked in with Walking Fawn in tow. I took my first detailed look at her. She was maybe five foot tall if she was thinking tall thoughts and standing on her toes. I wasn’t paying to much attention to her outer appearance as that would change if she converted, but she was definitely a natural beauty. Anne said “I’ve spoken with Fawn and told her what happened and the rest. She tells me that was the third time the evil spirit had come for her.”

I looked at her and asked “Do you prefer the name Fawn be used or something else?”

Her reply was short and to the point. “Yes, that name is fine.”

“Fawn, I won’t beat around the bush. What happened wasn’t planned. We intended to give you something that would heal your sickness. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending how you look at it, we walked in when that Grey you called an evil spirit, was abducting you again. We had no choice but to bring you with us, especially after removing a tracking device it had planted in you. As it is, your father shot and killed the Grey. The government will be all over it as they are, or at least part of them, are complicit with them. Most likely, they have been promised long lives and advanced technology for their cooperation. There was nothing we could do for your father, but you we could save. We have the power to give you a new life and identity if you so choose, or we can give you something else entirely.”

I sent a message to everyone to change into their natural form.

“You may remain fully human and healthy or join us as anyone you see here.”

She gasped when the fairies transformed and flew around her head. Gale landed on her shoulder and smiled. “I’m not actually a fairy, but I can fly like them. The fairies in this group will be back soon. I can do this though.”

Gale flew up to the cave roof and flattened herself merging with the cave to the point she was undetectable. She then peeled away leaving behind some cave art in the form of a fairy circle.

I looked at her and asked “Has Anne explained the downside yet?”

She replied “You mean the cursed blowjob? Yes, she has, but I still want it.”

I said “No better time than the present then.”

When she started, I went into her mind to see what she was wishing for. I could also immediately tell this wasn’t her first blowjob. She had a technique down pat.

An image of a woman was in her head. This woman had the abilities of a wood nymph and the appearance of Pocahontas. I locked that in, then sat back and enjoyed myself. Looking around it occurred to me I’d lost any sense of shame. Out of fourteen women, there were eleven watching the process. Ciri was showing some emotion that looked a touch like jealousy, but the rest acted like they were watching grass grow.

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