Elves Fairies and More Trouble - Cover

Elves Fairies and More Trouble

Copyright© 2022 by Remus

Chapter 6

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Thinking with the little head ruined(?) Randy's otherwise peaceful life. With several female magical beings, he's been drawn into a conflict on a stellar scale. Note:Need to read "Elves Fairies and other trouble" To understand this story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Magic   non-anthro   MaleDom   Harem   Interracial   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Violence  

Having license to use the water as I will, and a full energy charge, it was time to convert the other four Sagittarians. Pointing at the shortest one, I pulled my cock back out and pointed to the floor in front of me. Having seen it before, she knew what was required.

It was obvious she had never sucked a dick as she just held it in her mouth. I grabbed a handful of purple hair and began moving her mouth back and forth while Vicki sat next to her whispering instructions until she got the picture and began blowing me with her own effort. I pointed at one more of them and had her kneel in front of me with her mouth open. I switched to her and raked my cock down her throat before alternating between them.

When I was ready, the first one got the shot straight into her stomach. I pulled out and went into the other one’s mouth delivering the dose straight down her throat. The first one glowed purple, then blue.

The second one screamed in pain, then glowed red and disappeared.

Bal’nek appeared again.

“She was tainted by Grey’s gene modifications. She was banished to hell with the other evil ones. I have scanned the remaining two, their genes are clean.”

Bal’nek faded again.

I looked at the nervous first Sagittarian and said, “You I will call Cecile” just before she fainted. Her body glowed blue and I could feel the surrounding energy enter her body. When her conversion was complete, she had massive tits easily a DD set with long shapely legs and a bubble butt. Her hair remained purple though.

Sara spoke up “Oh my, she converted into a dwarf.”

I think I was just as shocked as the others.

Looking at Alecia I asked “How does that happen?”

She replied “Somehow, you influenced the change. You’ve taken dwarves before, so it’s not like your power doesn’t know what they are. Besides, you were given a mandate from the creator, we all witnessed that one. It could be an influence from him.”

Thinking on it, that hypothesis felt right.

I turned to the other two Sagittarians and said, “That killed the mood for me. We will wait to convert you two for now.”

The pair of them just blinked their eyes at me.

I saw Vicki and Cecile cultivating and said to all, “Everyone should be doing the same, we will be leaving here after I set this token.”

Walking into the corner of the room, I set the portal token on the ground and activated it. I then said “Be right back” and walked through the portal.

I was met by Guardian on the other side. Taking the ring off, I wiped my stamp from it leaving it open, followed by passing on the instructions from Bal’nek to Guardian. He nodded and thanked me.

I turned to re-enter the portal but found it closed. I turned back to Guardian with a raised eyebrow “Why did the portal close?”

After a few gestures from him it opened again.

Passing back through I found AI and the two remaining Sagittarians in conversation. They were wondering what had happened to their friend and how she had gotten through the screening process with tainted genetic code.

I entered Electra followed by the girls. After sitting I took out everything I had in my remaining ring except the chunk of life ore as I’d come to think of it. I then started the process of making another ring. When I finished, I put everything from the floor into the new ring.

After replenishing my energy, I asked Electra “Is there anywhere we should visit before going back to earth?”

She replied, “Everywhere else, the other ships are aware of. Any one of them could contain hostile forces.”

“All the more reason to visit them then.” I replied. “What is the best way to break the others away from hostile control?”

“Overwhelming energy delivery. If the hybrid controlling them is weaker than you, that hybrid will die from the backlash thus breaking them free.”

I pulled all the Nd I had out of my ring and topped it off with energy.

“Let’s go hunting then.”

We lifted off with our first stop being Triton, the largest moon of Neptune. I learned it was a captured dwarf planet from early in the solar system development. The base was located beneath the crust, entered via sailing through a series of dormant cryo-volcanic tubes that might or might not need to be cleared.

Upon arrival, the entrance was blocked. I feed Electra some charged Nd so she could blast through. I found this process fascinating as she would teleport antimatter into the blockage where it would interact with the normal matter blasting a hole through. The antimatter was a continuous beam, so I thought of it as an antimatter blaster. When we got to the base, we discovered a nasty surprise. There was a foreign presence in the form of a space station obviously brought in by the former USSR, if the flag was any measure. There was another ship present as well. First order of business was to neutralize the other ship. I sent a blast to it in the same manner that Inia had done for Electra. It was over just that fast. After I stamped my lifeforce on the other ship, I learned the Greys had been using this place for snack time and that there were three of them in the base alongside 25 humans and hybrids. I was definitely going to fuck this place up before I left.

I saw my first Grey as three of them tried to evacuate. Large bulbous heads on top of spindly bodies with huge beady black eyes. I told Electra to hit them with the blaster. Three puffs of matter splattered the wall shortly thereafter.

The humans and hybrids were now stuck here.

Electra said “There may be more Greys masking themselves inside. We either destroy their base and them with it, or some of you go hunting inside.”

“Do you think the humans were abducted” I asked?”

“Unlikely. They usually only abduct younger humans. All human scans inside are consistent with aged humans.”

“Fuck it, destroy it all.”

Electra placed a charge of antimatter on the floor and retreated back to the outside the asteroid along with the ship from the base. The antimatter charge blast caused the base’s shield to collapse and destroyed the base entirely.

“Should we make another base?”

After that thought, another window opened in my mind similar to Electra. This one was labelled ‘Anastacia’. “What are your orders master?”

“Are you fully charged?”

“No master, I am not.”

After getting a feel for how much she lacked, I pumped all the energy I had in my Nd to her.

“I will call you “Stacy.”

“Yes master.”

“Stacy, I need you to scout all the bases known to you. Report to Electra any with a permanent Grey or hybrid facility. Run in stealth always. If you are spotted, hide in the asteroid belt for two weeks, then continue mission.”

It occurred to me that we needed a neutral base for ships to charge without revealing Charon or Venus base.

“Do either of you know of a good leyline where a charging base can be built.?’

“Yes, there area numerous locations on earth I have previously scouted, the best being in South America. It was my previous master’s directive to find them when I was not in service to him” Electra replied.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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