Elves Fairies and More Trouble - Cover

Elves Fairies and More Trouble

Copyright© 2022 by Remus

Chapter 5

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Thinking with the little head ruined(?) Randy's otherwise peaceful life. With several female magical beings, he's been drawn into a conflict on a stellar scale. Note:Need to read "Elves Fairies and other trouble" To understand this story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Magic   non-anthro   MaleDom   Harem   Interracial   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Violence  

“Now the big question. How the hell did this planet get here?”

Electra replied “According to AI, the Grey’s were trying to take over the planet via the means I just described. Every frozen being below was a hybrid. This ship was a colony ship of pure Sagittarians. Rather than become food for the Greys they chose to activate their wormhole drive while still in orbit around their home planet. The wormhole kicked their planet out of Sagittarian orbit and it wandered through space for countless years. When your star system passed by, it pulled the planet into a distant orbit around the sun. This planet and spaceship have been here since your earth was created. Most of those still in stasis died over that time as their stasis pods failed. I myself was saved by the creator by transforming me into what you see now. There were sixteen of us ships created. All but myself and Inia are ruled by hybrid Greys. They’ve been searching for this place for a very long time. The waters from this place would extend their lifespan by 2,000 years. This planet will doom the human race to being food stocks if it’s ever found by them. Thankfully, I am the only one the creator designated to monitor this place. Charon was created specifically for me to charge from as a result. Without that charge, none of us can make it here. The waters of life given to you by Guardian did in fact come from this place. What you have in your ring is ten times more effective than what Guardian gave you. Use it wisely.”

I didn’t miss the change in tone from Electra.

“Electra, that sounded like a message from someone else. Was that a message from the creator you’re programmed with?”

“No, its not a programmed message, it was just sent to me by the creator. From here, he can communicate directly with me.”

My inner survival instinct was running around in my head like its hair was on fire with its arse catching.

“If that’s the case, when we get back to Charon, I will use one of the tokens Guardian gave us to transport back. You should stay on Charon and help the survivors from here.”

I then heard an unknown male voice in my head. “No, you will return to Earth with the survivors aboard Electra. The ship and the planet will be destroyed after you leave. The human probe ‘New Horizons’ will pass this place in five more earth years, I cannot destroy it without drawing Grey attention. Everything left behind will be gone before it gets here. If you attempt to circumvent my instructions, you will be destroyed with it. I will destroy this entire system before I allow a Grey foothold be created.”

‘So, what do you say when given a mandate like that from something as powerful as a God I thought to myself.

‘You shut your face and do as your told’ my survival instinct screamed. I had to agree with it.

About that time, we landed in the Sagittarian ship again. AI led us through several corridors until we reached an area full of what looked like low tech storage tanks. After Ciri offloaded the frozen water from the planet into one such tank, we were led into another room.

This new room was featureless except for five small tube structures with what looked like female elves floating suspended in them. They looked like the other elves I had been exposed to. As we looked on, the tubes were being flooded with what was obviously the water we had just retrieved.

Their faces that had looked like they were near death, soon become flush with the glow of life. Then as one, they opened their eyes. Unlike the other elves, these had almond shaped eyes and a striking violet iris.

After a moment, they all locked eyes on me, making me a touch self-conscious.

All of them were unusually tall for elves, being near five foot, with one nearing 5 foot four. Their bodies were slender with large breasts for their size. On earth, I’d have assumed cosmetic surgery, but here, not so much.

Soon the water drained and the tubes opened. All of them stared at me with the same feverish look Alecia had that first day when she was telling her tale. Each of them walked over, arranging themselves in a semi-circle around me than dropped to their knees saying “Bal’nek, we live to serve.’”

I was definitely taken aback.

I said, “I don’t know who ‘Bal’nek is, you have mistaken me for someone else.”

The middle one and tallest said “We know you are not He, but He has given us instructions to serve you.”

At that, I had a suspicion Bal’nek was the voice that had entered my head.

I felt his presence in my head affirming my suspicion, and letting me know these five would do anything I told them.

I thought to myself “Shit, I just got several into Free Haven, now I have five more to deal with.”

One thing I wasn’t going to do, was convert them here and now after I thought about how much it drained me to convert Ciri. This was a job better done on Charon. I was also intent on putting a portal token in that base. I wanted to use it for creating artifacts given it was the strongest field of energy I’d felt to date.

A thought struck me at that point. If the water Guardian gave me came from this place, it was about to be irrevocably lost in time. I needed to retrieve some to replace what had been given me already.

I looked at the five of them and then Ciri. Turning to the latter, I instructed her to tell them what they were in for as I had a mandate from their Bal’nek to convert them.

Ciri looked surprised but didn’t question me.

I then announced “I have one more task to complete on the surface below. Load everyone up into Electra.”

As they got moving, I asked AI “Are you bound to the ship or could you go with us?”

I then informed it what I had been told was going to happen. AI replied, “I am tied to this ship, but if you could take a data matrix with you, it would be like bringing me along.”

With that, a round ball of blue material appeared in front of me. There was no magic in it. It was about 4 inches in diameter, with the feel of a computer. I asked AI “How can I interface with it?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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