Elves Fairies and More Trouble - Cover

Elves Fairies and More Trouble

Copyright© 2022 by Remus

Chapter 4

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Thinking with the little head ruined(?) Randy's otherwise peaceful life. With several female magical beings, he's been drawn into a conflict on a stellar scale. Note:Need to read "Elves Fairies and other trouble" To understand this story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Magic   non-anthro   MaleDom   Harem   Interracial   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Violence  

There were now nine of them left aside from Ciri. Still too many, but it was their choice to remain.

I looked at Guardian as we got back to the hangar. “Is there a way to set up a portal keyed to an artifact.?”

He walked over to the corner where the hangar met the tunnel and created a 20-foot by 20-foot room. In the middle, a glowing rune appeared on the floor. He then handed me 15 coins. The coins had a lot of energy in them.

“Place these wherever in this solar system you wish, to be tied to this portal rune. It will set a gate connected here. Be aware, anything not carrying your signature energy stamp will immediately be destroyed on portal activation along with the portal key itself. The power for the transfer will come from this end.

“Can they be placed inside one of the ships?”

“It’s never been done to my knowledge, but I can’t think of any reason why not. Just make sure they are stationary when activated.”

“All I need now is the water. What do I need to do to collect it?”

Guardian handed me another spatial ring. Sending my senses inside, I saw a few dozen vials of two different sizes as well as piles of metals and various gem stones. I looked at him and asked “Why the two sizes?”

“The smaller one is enough to cure and or heal them. The larger dose will do the same, but add extended life to them as well. You will also recognize the materials for creation of spatial artifacts in there. Now for the last thing I need to give you.” With that, his finger glowed and he touched it to my temple.

I felt an artifact embed into my temple. It was a memory storage artifact. Already loaded was the knowledge on how to free Ciri, as well as the others. My other collective memories flowed into the artifact, leaving only an index in my mind. The stretched out feeling I’d been having disappeared.

Guardian looked at me and said “You were dangerously overloaded. The human mind cannot hold the amount of knowledge you were carrying around without risk of collapsing into insanity then dying. Now, your mind is clear of the excess.”

“Shit, I never realized I was in any danger from that. Is there anything else I need to know?”

“Human memory usually works by association. You need to train your mind to index memories. The memory artifact I just gave you should facilitate that.”

I looked at everyone and asked “Are you sure you want to continue with me? It’s likely not going to be pleasant at times.”

After getting an affirmative answer from them, I said “Let’s go then, load up into Electra.”

After getting back in my seat, Ciri and Lisa dropped to their knees and fished out my cock. Lisa started the show by swallowing me to the root, then passing me to Ciri, who mirrored Lisa’s action. Before we made orbit over Venus, I dropped a load in Ciri’s throat.

“Electra, do you have the energy to make it to the base around Saturn?”

“I have enough to make it to planet X and return if I stop to charge on Charon on the way out and back.”

My mind temporarily froze at that one. “You have been there already?”

“Yes, there is a colony ship from the Sagittarians orbiting it. It was part of my regular assigned patrol keeping an eye on this system’s visitors. The Sagittarians are a race similar to Elves except they have no inherent power in their body. All of them were still in stasis when I performed the last flyby.”

“Well, let’s go there, but first, let’s fly by earth and catch up on the news. It shouldn’t be too hard to track down and intercept a satellite to listen in with.”

Soon enough, we were orbiting in stealth pulling down recent news articles. There had been a shit storm after the explosion on Antarctica. Accusations of nuclear bomb testing on the frozen continent were still flying. It appeared to me, the major polities were using it as an excuse to ignore inquiries about UFO activities.

We landed in a remote area of Copper Canyon, Mexico to acquire some decent coffee. Afterwards, I scanned the immediate area and found several viable areas to hide in. They had no external access, with one of them sitting on top of a leyline. That one was too good to pass up. I opened a gate into the area and walked into some odd ruins.

I transmitted images of what I found back to Electra, who forwarded it to Guardian. This was apparently a long forgotten Grey base. The ruins were all made of gold, so I made a tunnel to the surface. One sure way to destroy this place was to lead people to it. As much as I wanted the leyline, the risk of a stray Grey popping in was too high. Taking pictures and videos, I removed anything with any hint of being a magical artifact, then drafted an email to Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) (English - Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education). In the email, I attached the pictures and videos along with GPS coordinates to the site. With all the gold pictured, I didn’t think it would take long for them to be swarming the area.

The Greys would find this location decimated and occupied should they try to return. After reaching orbit, I would space the suspect artifacts with enough velocity to cause them to burn up in the atmosphere.

To make sure it got the proper attention, I had Brandy call and speak with the Institute’s equivalent of a professor of antiquities

Mission accomplished and coffee in hand we set off again. Three weeks later we made it to Charon.

The base was in an area NASA’s New Horizon mission had dubbed a ‘Mountain in a Moat’. It was aptly named from what I could see. A large mountain surrounded by a moat filled with liquid hydrocarbons.

I didn’t sense any energy until we got inside. Inside, the energy level was almost overwhelming. I began cultivating and storing it alongside Ciri. She was normally slow at this, but the energetic surroundings had her peaked out in only a few minutes. out

I was watching her internal flow and witnessed her transformation to a solid core cultivator. Her power increased ten-fold in just an instant. She should be capable of creating minor artifacts by now. I gathered the knowledge in a thought transfer and touched her temple. While she recovered from that, I gathered what was needed for her to make her own spatial ring and set it before her.

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