Elves Fairies and More Trouble - Cover

Elves Fairies and More Trouble

Copyright© 2022 by Remus

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Thinking with the little head ruined(?) Randy's otherwise peaceful life. With several female magical beings, he's been drawn into a conflict on a stellar scale. Note:Need to read "Elves Fairies and other trouble" To understand this story.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Magic   non-anthro   MaleDom   Harem   Interracial   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Violence  

I opened a portal and sent everyone through except Sara and Ciri. Soon after, there was a silver glow in the hangar. In the glow, I could make out seven Grey bodies materializing. I felt a pressure on my mind that I pushed back on, shutting it out. Sending my senses to Sara, I saw where she too had blocked the pressure. I then checked Ciri. She was nearly comatose from it. I sent some energy through our connection which pushed out the influence. At that point, the bastards had fully materialized.

Rushing forward I removed two heads with one swing. The other five began a keening wail which was cut short by Sara, who chopped one in half with her axe, and Ciri, who was flashing between them swinging her sword for the fences. I turned on the last one cutting it from neck to hip sending one half one way, and the other half, just dropping to the floor in a pile of viscera and silver colored blood. I turned to Sara and yelled “Get her out of here!” while pointing at Ciri.

I then made a very risky portal back along the path of energy I had sensed them coming from. I found myself standing inside a very odd hangar. Several ships were present, along with a dozen Grey and a few hybrids.

I collected energy into my hand making it vibrate rapidly, then sent it towards them in a blast of energy that, when it reached a Grey, set on it on fire. Only two didn’t get hit, so I charged them down, taking their heads.

There was silence in the hanger, except for the crackling of burning Greys.

A voice came to my head. It was Bal’nek again which took me by surprise. “This was the evidence I needed for the council to approve direct intervention. The base you’re in is crawling with them. Teleport to your site in America immediately, the others are awaiting you there.”

So that’s what I did.

When I arrived, I condensed a ball of water my size around me, rinsing the gore and stink off of me. Immediately after came Bal’nek’s voice in my head again. “Your mission will soon turn to helping the Fey to survive and also helping any humans in need you come across. The Grey’s will be wiped from this system permanently within 24 of your hours. The human creator wants the Fey to return to their original mission of helping humans.

I have agreed to that. You are now free to do as you please with one exception. You must act in good faith as you have been. The powers given you are what humans would have classified as demi-god in strength. Do not use them to collect power among humans to yourself. You will be taken away from this system should you ignore that.”

With that, the voice was gone. Everyone was staring at me, leaving me puzzled.

Alecia said “We heard what you were told. I noticed there was no injunctions on taking power among Fey.”

Lisa said “You’ve been written a relatively blank check. Each of us were directly enjoined to assist you and warn you if you stray from the intent.”

I looked at them and said, “I, for one, want to explore the system. However, the original intent of healing some folks still stands. But Nora’s reaction begs the question, how strong is the life water I have now. For that, I think I need Guardian’s input.”

With that thought, I placed a token for Safe Haven in the floor. Opening it, I went through first. After all were in, Guardian gave me the same spiel about freeing any who wished it except for my direct converts. Nora and Kathy, who were listening in looked alarmed.

Looking at them I said it’s your choice, but Nora, I never got confirmation of the life force stamp from you, so I don’t know what your status is.

Guardian obviously heard the comment and said “She converted after drinking life water. There was no stamp, and she is therefore already free.”

Kathy looked relieved, but Nora looked ready to cry as she looked back and forth between the twins and me.

“Why are you upset?” I asked Nora.

“I wanted to stay with them, I’ve never had an Onee-Sama* before, much less two of them” she said as she pointed at Yoshika and Hitomi.

Guardian stated “If their master agrees, there is nothing preventing it.”

I got the puppy dog eyes after that.

I said “If you stay with us, you do as you’re told and build your strength like the rest of us. You will also submit your memories to be filed by me.”

She happily jumped up and down at that, hugging Hitomi.

I turned to Guardian and took out a vial of the water from my ring, handing it to him.

I asked “Can you tell me what the correct dose of this is? The same volume as you suggested before was used, but it had much stronger effects.”

A green glow surrounded the vial, and Guardian said “Bring out all of this you have please.”

Making an energy bubble to contain the water, I brought out all that I had.

After looking it over, Guardian materialized two bottles in front of him, what looked like medicine bottles. Turning to me he said “This water has traces of the original mineral in it. One drop will equal enough to heal. Two drops will extend life. You should remember to thoroughly shake them to mix before application.”

“The two ounces Nora swallowed must have had some serious punch” I said to myself.

Guardian continued, “Without your life force to guide them, they will simply become long-lived humans. It would be best if you don’t do that as it will threaten the balance of life on earth.”

“I have no intention of doing that. The wars that would start over it would negate any real or perceived benefits.”

Guardian replied, “I see you understand. It’s good you came to me on this, it will prevent many problems.”

After a pause in conversation, I condensed some normal water and made coffee with it. I used a single drop in the cup before drinking it. Seeing this, Guardian ask “May I know why you did that?”

I replied with an explanation of the effects it had on me. He looked at me like I was stupid, then asked for a sample of the finished product. I poured an ounce into an empty vial and handed it to him.

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