Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 61: Phoenix
BDSM Sex Story: Episode 61: Phoenix - Midnight Amador had no life. It began when the Man in Black said it could.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Slavery BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction BDSM MaleDom Humiliation Rough Sadistic Torture White Male White Female Hispanic Male Indian Male Indian Female Anal Sex Exhibitionism Sex Toys Voyeurism Public Sex
Frisky Clam Park! The not so founding fathers of Caretaker had a sense of humor. No one thought dirty but them at the time. That was 60 years ago!
William Gullivant and Lukas Porcupine sat on a park bench and watched their awarded whores play out in the grass. Knowing they had Nick Sanchez and all of his vast wealth to get them out of trouble they took charge the way they saw fit. It wasn’t like students didn’t frequent this park and have sex but ordinarily that was after dark. This was broad daylight, barely after the noon hour. A quiet lunch break pitstop at best!
Juiced up on X-4P347 with added drops of T16R355 thanks to Opal Savage the girls seemed extra ravenous in their playtime. Not even having anal hooks embedded up their assholes tugging taunt seemed to slow them down. The wrestling was as good as WWF! So good that voyeurs from the parks surrounding homes were laying bets on who came out on top. What a sad community!
“Midnight is really fighting Diana.” Lukas Porcupine rooted of course for Wonder Woman. Roleplaying with Lillian Dawn Bearpaw as Princess Diana and the God of War Ares he was loving the bout. “Diana will win, she always does.”
“Then why does she always end up in bondage poses?” Will brought up a good point. When you shared a first name with Wonder Woman’s creator great minds thought alike. William Moulton Marston was quite the womanizer. “I think Diana likes getting tied up.”
“I’m horny Will.”
“Me too Buddy. What say we Ares up and give them Hades.”
“I AM ARES!” Lukas performed his guttural superiority.
“I AM ... uh! ZEUS!”
“That makes you, my dad.”
“Show me what you’ve got son.”
Will laughed and began stripping down. Lukas showed himself as a tad bit shy with neighbors watching but followed Will out to the girls to stand over their rolling about. Risking his reputation in Caretaker, Will threw his fists in the air and circled the whores, his erection mighty and dared to show off for those observing from the seats bordering the parks the arena. Finding a few hands waving either friendly or as to say put that shit away, he ignored the naysayers.
“With Nick backing us we can do whatever we want Ares. I haven’t had Diana there yet. You opposed to my going all God Emperor Zeus over that Amazonian cunt?”
“I’ve never had Midnight either. Wait! She should be someone mythical too.”
“Hippy Lolita?” Close enough! If not too young for the Queen of Amazons.
“Hippolyta! That would make Midnight my daughter.”
“Incest is beast, Buddy! Hit your kid.”
Dragging the girls away from one another was not as easy as they planned. The amplified drugs in their systems made them feral. Will was tiring fast of prying the bitches apart so swallowed dryly then hauled off and slapped Lillian Dawn. Reacting to his treatment of her she hissed and pushed off of Midnight and stalked Will like a panther.
He stepped back a bit worried over the fire in her expression. Apologizing was not in a master’s vocabulary, so he pointed at her and snapped. “HEEL!” Nope! Disobedient today! Toppling Will backwards, he landed in the grass, and she followed him in mounting his Olympus. His cock slipping within her saturated cunt Dawn rode him hard, her nails digging into his chest drawing blood.
“Great Caesar’s Ghost!”
“Wrong comic.” Lukas laughed! “But Diana did have sex with Superman. Just not Perry White!”
Midnight would not have it. Her slave sister abandoning her was sending hot coals surging through her body. Her pussy ached so violently she couldn’t keep her fingers out of its deepest recesses. Even in trenching Midnight Amador followed Dawn Bearpaw to her seat on the throne of Zeus. Lukas was undressing in a hurry to keep up but lost Midnight in her ravenous appetite.
Moving around William she sat down on the boy’s face then ferociously kissed her sister slave. Between their lip lock and writhing hips Will was drowning in juices. All of that drug in their systems was weeping through those grottos of Amazonian bathtubs. Now that the girls were defined, it was hard to break the act of Gods and sweet sweat.
William Gullivant consumed Midnight’s royal juices and was quickly feeling the effects of the combined drugs. Seeking dominance due to it William tossed Midnight off of him and overpowered Dawn. Rolling her missionary, the hook and chain nearly strangled her under the strain. Spitting at Dawn for her taking control Will invested everything he had in hammering her retaliating twat.
Midnight at a momentary loss spotted Lukas and smiled with demonic intent. Capturing him he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Like Dawn had done she hopped aboard his cock and rode with Pegasus on wings of glorious feathers. The moans were tense but lovely regardless. Neighbors laughed their asses off. In no time at all the whores were enjoying orgasm after induced orgasm, their cunts so sensitive that it was impossible not to experience a new one every three minutes.
Briefly coming to her senses Midnight rolled and took Lukas along until on top of her without missing a beat. Once her legs wrapped his waist, she forced him to fuck her. Not the most submissive moment but the blame was on T16R355. Nut after nut the boys found their authority again. Seeing William slap Dawn multiple times in the face was not settling well with the youthful Santee yet Midnight restraining him prevented his defensive thoughts. Not a violent bone in his body all Lukas could do was let it go on. Dawn seemed to smile each time so there was that.
Trapped and unable to slow their advances they heard the single wail of a siren. William in his fevered fury snapped a glance over his shoulder to see a Caretaker squad car parked next to his brand-new truck. Officer Herbert DeWhitt stepping out of the ride paused at seeing how animalistic the girls were and looked back at his car. Opening the back door on the driver’s side Nick Sanchez sat there while Herb sighed.
“Do I need a tranquilizer gun? I can call Animal Control.”
“You know I’m not running.” Nick crawled out and pointed to the rear of the car. “Pop your trunk, I’ll be back shortly.” Shaking his head Herb looked in on a very silent Opal Savage. She couldn’t even look Herb in the eye. On the way into town from Harbinger Shoals, Nick had set his bounty hunter straight. For what Nick was paying Opal and her longstanding debt to her Major the black beauty clammed up. Not so Frisky Clam but she was parked.
Walking with confidence exuding through every pore Nick Sanchez eyed the neighborhood watchdogs then stopped halfway and looked around in all directions. “Nice area! This has plenty of building space. Room for parking. Noted! Frisky Clam?” He had to laugh at the sign and the statue of a mermaid coming out of a shell. “It has an interesting ring to it.” Food for thought!
Continuing on Nick moved to the scalp of Midnight and stomped his boot down on her hair. Lukas pinned by her limbs looked up at Nick with a haunted expression. “Hang in there, Lukas.”
Unzipping his pants and drawing out his ten-inch monster Nick wagged it a tad then began urinating. Lukas felt sprinkles of rain, but the central stream shot down into Midnight’s mouth. “Antidote!”
Swallowing his urine, she realized it was her Kami and fell limp, although struggling to maintain her composure. Lukas made a quick escape and grabbed his clothing. Before running out of stream Nick repeated his fountain effect down on Lillian Dawn. Sight set she too drank of divinity and calmed her activities. William also crawled out of her and stood up between her thighs. Planting his sock down on her cunt he pressured her into arching her back. Nick took note of the move and nodded as he put his beast away.
“You’re learning!” Nick sighed! “I need you to come down now. Go to the beach house for more food. Bring it to the police station at 6:00 PM. No failure and not a minute late.”
“Got it! What’s gotten into these two?”
“Opal drugged them... “ He clenched his teeth! “It’s reacting with the drug I feed them too. They need caged for a spell to get it out of their system.”
“You drug them?” His eyes and nostrils flared up.
“I own them. My drug is harmless all it does is increase hormonal output.”
“So, Spanish Fly!”
“On steroids! Trust me the drug will not hurt them. Now T16R355 or Tigress as it is called has a darker potency. It attacks the primal core of the human brain and brings out the feral side.”
“Hold on! Did you drug me yesterday? I felt so energized it was crazy.”
“Sample only! You wanted to be more in charge I gave you the trigger. The rest is on you.”
“That’s wrong Bro.” William put his pants on as Nick reached down and gripped Midnight by her piss pelted hair. Dragging her to her feet he forced her gaze with a deadly sneer.
“Do you think I didn’t see you asserting control? T16R355 or not, NEVER force yourself upon a man.” He hauled off and slapped her so hard she fell back onto the ground. As soon as she impacted with the lawn she rolled to her feet and knelt with angered shame. Dawn swiftly followed suit and moved to her sister’s side; head bowed.
He snapped his fingers at Lillian until she shot up like a gazelle. A second hard slap sent her flying. Lukas was grumbling over Diana’s abuse. “I’m not stupid, Esclava. I know you did the same as Dorei.” His codenames for both slaves. Shame kept them silent. “Turn and face the car.”
The girls quickly moved on the knees and bowed forward. Nick stepping between them reached down and grabbed the chains that were attached to their collars in turn connecting with the hooks in their butt holes. Knuckles cracking Nick picked both girls up like luggage to shrill squeals. Not completely off the ground the girls were led on fingertips and toes across the park and up to Herb at his trunk. The look in DeWhitt’s face he could feel their agony.
“Into the trunk. NOW!” Dawn first, Midnight crowded in on top of her. The fire in their extremities led to kissing. Trunk closed over them Nick ignored Herb and returned to the back seat. Once the door was closed Herb rounded the back of his car. Without looking at Opal Nick growled. “I BLAME YOU! PAYBACK IS AN OBSIBIAN.”
“Obsidian!” Was all Opal mumbled. Get it right!
Next stop Caretaker P.D.
Cordoba, South Carolina!
“There’s not much for malls even in a town this size.” Crimson Merrick pointed out possibilities to shop. “I say we make a road trip here this week to Charleston. There’s a lot more to pick from.” Interesting thought but the trip would not be to shop. Future foreboding!
“I wish to get my hair done.”
Irene Amador now adopting the odd new identity of Zera sat forward from the backseat of Jasmine Riviera’s Jaguar. “Clothing can come after, if at all. I am quite comfortable in my skin.” That was new!
Veronica Redmane had known Irene Amador most of her life and she was always shy and modest up until recently. The only thing any of them could presume was that when her husband Esteban tried to kill her in a drunken rage, she had suffered a severe concussion. Her burns in the fire primarily on her back could have added to her mental trauma. Add in losing her daughter Midnight to Nick Sanchez it likely took its toll and sent her spiraling into a split personality. Zera was one tough bitch!
“Evelyn’s?” Crimson noted a sign over a hair salon. “I could use a trim too.” A glance at the driver she smirked. “So, could you Riviera.”
“What about me?” Veronica felt left out. My bangs are getting the best of me.” Snickering she mumbled additional text. “The gangbangs too!” True enough!
“Let’s do this.” Performing an illegal U-turn, Jasmine made her way back to the strip mall. Pulling in they also noticed a small clothing store. “Yo, Crimmy? Party Girl sounds like a good start for clothes. I could probably update my wardrobe too. I left in such a hurry I pretty much had two of everything. I was going to raid your closet on the Rez.”
“You still can. I wear dresses a lot though. I have trouble seeing you in anything but a hoodie and jeans.”
“Hey! I clean up nice when I want to. Keep in mind I am ... the top Babe. Dresses I can cope with in small doses, but not every day.”
“What if I want my girlfriend to be more feminine?”
“Considering me your girlfriend now? Not just a hoochie hopper?”
“I’m willing if you are. Just don’t fail us.”
“I’m legit now, I promise. Unless it means getting us out of trouble.”
“You better!”
“What if your dad tries to blackmail me into using my skills?”
“Nick will back you up and shut daddy down. You work for Nick now so there’s your crutch.”
“Work for Sanchez, you say?” Irene again sat forward. So much for seatbelts. But again, they were parked.
“Yes! I’m his internet support.” Jasmine kept things simple.
“I would work for him as well. He has said my other will inhabit his home. I will not cook and clean so I must impress him. Earn my spot in his home.”
“Well, this makeover might be a good start Irene, I mean Zera!” V chimed in! “Let’s get our hair done and go from there. Your hair is going to be the longest, maybe the girls and I can step over to Party Girl’s and see what they have while you get beautiful.”
“I do not require beauty. I require renewal. Irene Amador was lackluster; I will not live as such. I must prove my strength.”
“I think we get it.” Crimson added! “After what Esteban did to you, to Irene, you need to be fierce, show everyone you aren’t weak.”
“Precisely! Come! Let us rise like a Phoenix from the ashes.”
Jasmine left her car and allowed Zera to get out from the backseat. Everyone out Cyber locked up her Jag and the four of them entered Evelyn’s Boutique. Inside, all of the women were African American save for one white girl with straight silver hair. That alone was magnetic enough for Zera.
“You!” Zera pointed! “You will do my hair like yours.”
The other women who were freed up of customers looked at Zera as if she were racist. A hip hugging black dress on one of the ladies caught Zera’s eye as well. The mini dress had hundreds of slashes in the fabric revealing a majority of her flesh beneath. The cleavage dipped to just under her breasts, the skirt barely covering her ass cheeks. “You appear to be my size. I will buy your dress.”
“Say what?” Minerva Franklin cocked a brow at the girls. “Is she for real?”
“Pay her Jasmine. More than the dress is worth.”
“Hole up! I happen to like my dress.”
“Will $500 strip that window shopping rag off of your extremely hot curves?” Her fellow hair stylists looked as if they were all punched in the gut. Jasmine held up the credit card Opal Savage had given them. “If Momma there wants it she gets it.”
“$600 you have a deal.” Sold! “Now, or when you leave. I don’t have a change of clothing.” The second Minerva said that, Irene, rather Zera took off Sheldon Cooper’s shirt and stood naked in front of everyone. The white girl Trish nearly dropped her cellphone. Hurling the shirt at Minerva the woman caught it. “I guess I wear the shirt later.” Yup!
“I will claim my dress after my hair is dyed.” She instantly took a seat at Trish Hildebrandt’s station and settled in. Crimson and the girls looked at one another worried the owner might object. Suddenly, out of nowhere everyone busted up laughing. Zera simply sat smug. “You may begin.”
“Hop to it, Trish!” Jasmine noticed her nametag. “Dibs on Minerva there.” Taking her chair, she removed her ballcap and shared her flattened mane. “Fashion me up, Crimmy! Tell Minerva how my hair should look.” She winked at Minerva. “That’s my girl.” Crimson beamed and stepped up to Jasmine to show Minerva her thoughts.
“Neckline length! Feather the sides but put this much in a ponytail. Let’s give the bitch character.”
“I can do that.”
“My turn!” Jasmine pointed at the neighboring stylist Ruth Walker. “Double that order. Cut my girl’s hair just like mine. Tail and all.” Ruth smiled and patted her seat luring Crimson in. This left Veronica to throw her arms in the air.
“Looks like you get mwah, Jerika!” Jeri Wylde welcomed V with a fanning white drop cloth to catch her hair. The other ladies following in the same process things got underway. Zera’s hair washed first then bleach applied to rolled sections of her hair in front. While the bleach took its time in whitening her locks the hints of grey were removed with dye. All of the girls were done before Zera and looking sharp. V merely had her bangs and length trimmed. Evelyn must have had the day off.