Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 58: Boner
BDSM Sex Story: Episode 58: Boner - Midnight Amador had no life. It began when the Man in Black said it could.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Slavery BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction BDSM MaleDom Humiliation Rough Sadistic Torture White Male White Female Hispanic Male Indian Male Indian Female Anal Sex Exhibitionism Sex Toys Voyeurism Public Sex
Coastal Waiters Diner along the scenic Atlantic coast.
Table five used to be Midnight Amador’s station. While employed here that is! How ironic that even today she inhabited her post. At first ordered to kneel to the front of the table on the floor, temporary master William Gullivant chose instead to have Midnight and her Santee slave sister Lillian Dawn Bearpaw stretch out as if napping.
Co-master a young man named Lucas Porcupine followed Will’s lead trying to be equally in charge but was more in tune with joking about it. Meanwhile, the diner packed to capacity the patrons to everyone’s surprise were cooperative and finding it rather amusing, thrilling even. Everyone it seemed but the owner of the diner Olan Kerrick.
“This can’t be happening.” Olan was restrained by his ofttimes booty call Lynette Brewer. “Why are people throwing money on the ladies as if stripper tips? This violates the health code Lyn. I’ll be closed down. One complaint and I’m going to be fined out the ass.”
“Just relax Baby. You know Nick won’t let that happen to you. Maybe you should have taken his offer up to buy this place. You could retire and put a ring on it.” She wiggled her wedding finger at him.
“Not the time Lyn.” He frowned at her batting lashes. “Christ! Now who is this coming in? Caprice Comstock looked like she had seen a ghost. Is everyone going BDSM these days? That gal has more skin showing than she’s covered in leather.”
Oddly, Olan swallowed along with dealing with a sweaty body. Thoughts on the magnificent black Goddess walking in from a black van parked near William’s brand-spanking new truck were pure lust. While yes, Olan was a business bully, he did enjoy a strip club now and again. This woman had control, however. He could tell she was not any slave. “Trix up her sleeve.” He mumbled. Lynette pouted slightly sensing an attraction. Eyes lowering to his crotch it was confirmed. Story of her life.
A number of patrons left their seats to flutter dollar bills over Dawn and Midnight as if making them a padded bed. William thanked each and every one, thinking he was striking it rich today until Lucas chuckled. “Caprice is getting a big tip.” Fuck you Porcupine! The boy was right, Nick would leave the cash behind for CC for tolerating him. Made sense! There went his gas money.
“Cute puppies you have there.” A business suit type on the road aimed for Georgia chuckled, kneeling next to Midnight, his favorite of the two sprawled out beauties. “Nice puppy!” Patting her head, she took it upon herself to lick his knuckle and seal it with a puckered kiss before whimpering and moving to her hands and knees doggystyle and wagging her perfect behind. “That is one gorgeous tail.” He winked at Will.
“She’s begging for table scraps, and we haven’t even ordered yet. You mind giving her a treat?”
“Seriously?” The well-groomed 30-something smirked and shrugged, “Why not!” Fingers on his left hand introduced themselves to her vulva. Fingering her Midnight moaned and intentionally pushed back into his ascension. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt a gal this wet so quickly. Compliments to the owner.”
“The real owner had pressing business. I’m just the dog walker.”
“I AM ARES!” Lucas growled at the man, Lillian Dawn hiding her desire to laugh for fear of punishment. This serving Lucas was cute at best, if she were allowed humiliation then yes, she would be a mess right now. She had known the boy for years and at points ridiculed him until her grandparents albeit adopted him when his parents were killed in a fire that he unintentionally started but escaped from.
“Hey there Ares.” The man grinned at the boy picking up on his physical handicap. Still, a charming fellow it seemed. “You can pet Diana, too.” Lucas motioned Dawn to move into position directly next to Midnight. Chuckling at his luck the man slipped fingers into Dawn’s cunt for an added bonus. That was enough for Olan Kerrick.
“I’ll have to ask you to please refrain from encouraging them. Return to your table Sir.”
With Caprice leading the leather clad Nubian Goddess indoors the man chose to end his fun. Olan offering him napkins to wipe his saturated fingers the man shook his head no in response. Instead, he fed the girls his fingertips, Midnight’s taste to Dawn, Dawn’s delectable taint toward Midnight. “There’s their treat.” He nodded at William. “Made my day fellas.”
Retrieving his hands, the man stood up and turned to face the giant Olan towering over him. Reaching into his jacket pocket he produced a wallet and waved it beneath Olan’s nose. “Here! Let me ease your pain some.” Digging into the wallet he peeled out two grand in big bills. “This should keep the show going for a while longer. By the way, I happen to know bigwigs in the FSIS. I’ll make a call to keep their sniffing out of this. My card!”
Taking the money Olan accepted the man’s card and looked at it. “Milton Pozner! FDA! Why would you entice this?”
“We’re not all assholes.” He regretted not fingering Midnight’s anus. Gnashing his teeth, he opted to head back to his table. Lynette followed him to ensure things were kosher once she swiped one of the big bills from Olan for herself. Milton was Jewish after all!
“Deep breath Olan!” Waitress Naomi Walker stepped up with Caprice and Opal Savage. “It gets better Big Daddy.”
“What now?” He turned in step to face a certain Tigress. “Who the hell are you?”
“Evidently the local meal on wheels.”
“This is Opal. She works for Nick.” CC sighed! “I know this is bonkers Olan but just let it play out. You know Nick won’t budge on this.”
“He doesn’t own this place. I do!” Beside him Naomi pondered Nick’s offer to buy the diner at any cost and give it to she and her fiancée Dalton as a wedding present. She knew these same shenanigans would happen under her ownership. That, like Olan’s reactions haunted her. It was breaking laws. But again, Sheriff Dolan Roster was allowing it, which also meant the city council. Did Nick have that much clout? It hadn’t occurred to her until now. Even the FDA guy over there in booth ten was appearing supportive. Interesting!
“So, Sanchez owns you too?”
“As much as he might want to no.” Opal smirked! “I’m my own kind of wild.”
“Nice outfit!” Olan sized up her leather, her glossy brown flesh highlighted thanks to an unexpected show using a chemical that removed hair for good and glossed the body up as if smothered in baby oil. Thankfully, she didn’t wash her face with it, or her brows and eyelashes would be missing. Close call! She might have shot at Nick for that if it had. To be honest, she was digging the shiny.
“Nick sent me with their breakfast.” She lifted two salad bowls with names written on them in black Sharpie. Dorei for Midnight, Esclava for Dawn. In her other hand was a covered iced tea pitcher containing slop from Nick’s menu, mixed from a blender at his borrowed beach house.
“Why isn’t he here doing this?”
“Problems at the Shoals.” CC having had taken Will and Lucas’ order stepped in to whisper. “The girls here fell into a crypt beneath his house. They found a dead body down there with no casket. FBI and all that are keeping Nick busy.”
“He put the body there?” He let CC and Opal lead him away from the paying customers, Naomi dealing with her own tables. As she turned her order in Dreyfus the cook for today shook his head knowing how high Olan’s blood pressure probably was. Overweight and extra tall it was impossible to keep low. Opal overhearing prepped the food bowls, dropping a large duffle onto the floor at her knee-high boots.
“Of course not. He called the authorities in with Dolan. This is just procedure. He’s going by the book.”
“First time for everything. Can you believe how much money is lying on that floor with the ladies?”
“I can!” Opal chuckled! “Sex sells better than your waffles.”
Using the counter to prep the food dishes Opal coyly watched them mumbling about Nick and the girls. While neither was looking Opal felt evil and slipped her fingers beneath her snug G-string. No pants easy access, she retrieved her ampule of T16R355 and dribbled two drops into each bowl after spilling the contents from her pitcher. Devilish thoughts, she loved her mean streak approach.
“Let’s see how these whores handle Eugene’s X plus T16R355. My blood earlier might not be enough to bring out the beast in them. T1663R is ten times stronger than that X-4P347 shit.” Ampule stashed back into her G-string she posed a finger in the air. “Waitress? Oh, waitress? Would you be so kind as to serve the kittens their Nine Lives.”
“FINE!” CC broke away from Olan and claimed the salad bowls, sniffing them. “What the fuck is this? Quicksand?”
“Nick’s dietary supplement. Who are we to question it.”
“I guess! Those poor girls. I’d vomit this shit right back up.”
“Well, we both know if they did Nick would just make them eat even that up off the floor.”
“Sick motherfucker!” Olan grumbled! Watching Caprice haul out their dishes Olan turned his attention back on Opal. Bent over unzipping her duffle on the floor he couldn’t help but lick his lips over Opal’s musculature and that tight ass. Lynette catching him swatted his ass with a menu.
“Hand it over. This is like a mental swear jar.” She sneered! Grimacing he gave Lyn the remainder of Milton Pozner’s money. Her trailer payment was due. He didn’t care he paid it half the time anyway. Removing Nick’s prize anal hooks Opal held them up in the air and smiled like a hungry shark. “Oh, come on! That’s too much.”
“Is it?” Opal offered one to Lynette, “Care to hook the big fish before I go for the smaller ones?”
“Don’t tempt me.” Lyn actually examined them.
“Not this lifetime!” Olan slapped Lyn’s hand. “Do your job.”
“I’ll just do that.”
Opal turned on her heel and wiggled back out to table 5. Lucas seeing her coming with the hooks bulged his eyes and muttered. “It’s Nubia!” No clue, kid! Wonder Woman character! An Amazon sister to Diana created from black clay, brought to life by Aphrodite. Literary history lesson over!
“Who wants to be a hooker?” Opal used a hook to lift CC’s skirt, no panties beneath now she was hearing whistles from the dining patrons. A swat at Opal she pointed directly at her then noticed movement in the corner of her eye.
“It just doesn’t get any better.”
Attention drawn to the front entrance in walked a face they were all unprepared for. With a wince Opal rubbed her hooks together as if sharpening blades. The seated crowd held their breath awaiting to see where those hooks might end up.
“Irene? What an unexpected surprise.” CC hurried over to intervene expecting Irene to throw a fit over her daughter naked on the tile eating from a dog dish. Close enough! Veronica Redmane behind her was pale worried that this was a huge mistake. William turning in his booth to see her rolled his eyes. She just knew she was in for it now.
Ignoring her Will simply eyed his cellphone and texted her instead. Hearing her phone ping V glanced at his text. “Why are you here?” A swift reply as CC and Irene spoke, Irene observing Opal before even acknowledging her daughter and Bearpaw, V battled back.
“Irene wanted breakfast. She insisted we go here. Forgive me master.” Hopeful to avoid his temper she made certain to aim for a soft spot. “I couldn’t stop her.” He sat his cell down and carefully stood up.
“Keep an eye on the whores.” William grumbled across the table. “If they speak even once punish them.” Lucas stared without blinking. Uh, okay! Edging around Midnight slouching over her dish eating Will stepped over to Opal. “That’s Midnight’s mom, Irene. She’s recovering from a house fire and blunt force trauma thanks to her husband.”
“Her burns do not look horrible. Much of her bandages are beneath her shirt.”
“She got lucky. Nick rushed into the flames and saved her.”
“He seems to make a habit of that.” Saving Opal twice in the field of combat. “And the girl with her?”
“My girlfriend. Nick hired Veronica to be Irene’s caregiver. First day!”
“Strange!” Opal mused! “Mommy doesn’t seem agitated at seeing her daughter in this position.”
“From what I gather Irene accepted Midnight’s wishes to become Nick’s slave. I can’t say I know Irene well, but she was always nice the few times V and I went out to their home. Her husband Esteban is a piece of work. Nick ordered him to keep his distance from Irene until she heals up and can deal with him on her own. Esteban started the fire. Struck her even if Irene insists, he didn’t. We all sense the truth.”
“A resilient woman.”
“Strong! I’m picking up a vibe that there’s something different in her. I’m new to this dominant role so I’m winging it. I want to eventually be as tough as Nick.”
“Good luck with that. I suppose I should finish my job here. I would like to enjoy my day outside of this diner. Care to hook the girls up?”
“Sure!” He accepted one hook and sized it up.
“Are you this one’s guardian?” Opal eyed Lucas who sneered at the ebony goddess still envisioning her as the evil Nubia.
“A God of War!” That much she knew.
Hearing this made Lucas stand up with a smug look. “Your weapon of choice, My Lord?” She offered the other hook to Lucas. Of course, he had no idea what it was for. Technically, neither did Will but he had a pretty good guess. Moving into position behind Midnight, William knelt down in preparation. Watching him Lucas did the same.
Opal simply folded her arms over her chest upping her monstrous cleavage. A trembling older man dared to step up and tip her G-string band. Eying the dollar bill she plucked it back out and tore it with her teeth. Spitting it back at him the man shrank and returned to his seat. Milton Pozner behind the man chuckled.
“You need bigger bills to get the attention of that Trix.” Shit out of luck in Caretaker’s economy. He lived around here. Oh, well!
A few minutes prior! “I’m sorry you have to see this, Irene.” Caprice attempted to rub her shoulder as Irene Amador ignored her in favor of observing Midnight eating her breakfast. Shaking her head Irene looked left with disgust at a mirror behind the front counter. Seeing her reflection, she stared at it and sneered. Veronica beside her noted the expression and slowly backed off. Eerie! Goosebumps! Something was about to happen.
“Do not coddle me.” Irene brushed CC off and moved forward to stand over her daughter. “Pathetic!” Lifting her foot off the floor Irene planted it on the back of Midnight’s head and put her weight into it. Midnight’s face squashed into her mush of a meal inevitably wore much of it.
Behind the ladies the boys held back their attachment hooks. Opal narrowed her eyes at Irene’s actions and kept quiet. “How could Nick ever want a petty creature such as you. He deserves better.” Smothered or not Midnight chewed her food. Dawn across from her glared over her brow at Opal’s boots. She rather liked them. Now that Nick had forbidden boots these were more a fantasy now.
“Give me that hook.” Irene extended her palm toward Will. “You are useless sitting there on your knees as if you served them. The same goes for you Lucas Porcupine.”
“I AM ARES!” Again!
“I AM ZERA!” Irene snarled back.
Where did that come from? Possibly her reflection calling out from another dimension? ZERA was almost ARES in reverse. Opal even connected that dot. “Return to your seats.” A ping from the kitchen their meals were ready anyway. A nod from Opal the boys released the hooks into Irene’s custody.
Turning to Opal, Irene handed her Bearpaw’s hook. “Apply it as it should be worn.” From there Irene did not kneel to plant that hook. Instead, she leaned over and probed the rounded end of the hook toward her daughter’s anus. “CHEW YOUR FOOD THOROUGHLY!” There was mommy! Sort of!
With zero tenderness Irene shoved that hook inside Midnight’s anal cavity. Everyone could tell it was not pleasant by Midnight’s tense reaction. Behind the counter Olan, Naomi, and Lynette were speechless. Who was this burn victim? Phoenix from the gnashes! CC hauling plates to Will and Lucas shared concern visually. Lucas hurried to put syrup on his hotcakes, while Will was trying to absorb what the hell was going on.
Once the hook embedded itself unpleasantly, Irene followed the chain attached to it up to its clip. Using her toes to guide Midnight’s raven black hair aside she found the collar her daughter wore beneath it. Instead of any easy clip to the ring on the collar Irene wrapped the chain multiple times around the collar to shorten the lead. This meant Midnight lifting her ass higher to compensate the shortened lead. Dissatisfied in the chain being too loose Irene curled it under even more. Midnight had no choice but to lift her lower body up on her toes. The forced arch in her back was agony but embraced none the less. Still Midnight ate her food with finesse and mess.
Puckering over Irene’s lack of sympathy, Opal made a similar move by applying the hook up inside Lillian Dawn. Sweeping her extremely long hair aside to locate her own collar mount she noticed the tattoo that her former master Tomas Sylver had branded her with. “Nice brand! I’ll have to have Dyson translate that later.” A mental image as reference she would draw it on a napkin out in the van. Not to look any slouch Opal repeated the same amount of force in impaling Dawn’s anus.
Curling her chain just as Irene had done Opal calculated links and dared to go another under and over until Dawn’s ass was riding high. Lucas chewing his blueberry pancakes eyed Opal’s one mistake. Scooting to the edge of his seat the boy placed his foot on Dawn’s scalp and shoved her face into her bowl. Taken in stride she gurgled and lost her breath.
“DIANA’S MY BITCH!” For now!
Irene actually smiled at the boy. Standing tall Amador over Amador, Irene hissed and turned away from her feasting daughter. Going to the counter with an almost arrogant expression she looked at Naomi Walker. “Must I give my own order to your cook?” Taking a seat on a bar stool, Veronica Redmane swallowed and joined her. Fearing this new persona, she wasn’t certain how to even talk to Irene now. “Scrambled eggs Veronica?” To go with her scrambled sanity V thought.
“Sure! Hashbrowns too.”
“Are you writing this down, Ms. Walker?”
“I am!” Naomi plucked her notepad from her pouch. “Soon to be Culpepper!” She wagged her engagement ring.
“Uhhh! Okay!” Order taken Naomi left it at that. She presumed Irene meant Dalton owning her. It wasn’t until she looked into the kitchen that it dawned on her. “Hold up! Did Irene mean ... my owning the diner?” Food for thought!
Opal making certain their bowls were completely empty claimed them from the girls. Their faces a mess the girls scooted closer and licked one another’s faces clean before kneeling at Will and Porcupine’s feet beneath the table, foreheads upon their toes. Well done! Opal nodded their performance and kicked the hooks just to goad them. Turning away to retrieve her duffle bag from beside Irene she paused at Irene’s hand over it from a regal position on her swivel throne.
“My pet Veronica will get that for you. You and I are above such petty chores.”
“What the fuck?” V thought to herself and just did it. Picking the bag up she handed it to Opal. “You’re welcome.”
“So, you are Midnight’s mother I hear.”
“I no longer hold that title.” Irene stared at that mirror. “I have no children. Nor do I want any.”
“Is that a fact?” Opal cocked a brow. “You’re taking Nick’s ownership better than I would.”
“I am not owned.”
“I meant Midnight.”
“Kami will claim me as his equal in due time.” Confidence in her expression had no doubt. Bitch be crazy!
Naomi after turning the orders in eavesdropped until Olan and Lynette waved her into the kitchen for a report. CC however returned from her table section to lean on the counter. “What am I missing here Irene?” V flared her eyes and lowered her gaze worried of an outburst.
Turning in her chair Irene eyed Opal’s physique, daring to squeeze her bicep to gauge the strength behind her. Standing up she then walked around Opal grabbing her ass cheeks to see how much play they had in them. Opal was bewildered by her actions but played along, Caprice huffing her cheeks knew this couldn’t be good.
“You are quite firm.”
“I keep fit. Is there a point to you pawing me up?”
“I do as I wish. You will live with it.”
“Oh, really?” Irene slapped Opal’s ass cheek. CC nearly snorted. “Keep that up I might slap back. All due respect!”
“We will be equals. I wish to have your body.”
“Uh? Are you hitting on me?”
“I will strike you as I see fit. You are more than welcome to return the favor.”
“Punch her Irene. I have to see that.” CC laughed! “She deserves it.”
“Another day. During my training perhaps.”
“Hold up! What’s this training you’re so gung-ho to employ me for. I don’t come cheap.”
“Yet you will cum.” Irene sneered and actually palmed Opal’s G-string patch, digging a nail upward toward her vulva. The Tigress growling within Opal hissed. It was then Irene took an even bolder move and slid her fingers beneath the G-string to find a silky snatch. That and a loitering ampule. Removing it from her clothe Irene held the green liquid before her eyes. “Yes, this your strength?”
“Can be! I’ll just take that.”
“You will not.” Irene retreated her hand to avoid Opal stealing it back. CC knowing just what was in that bottle nearly crawled over the counter to stop Irene. Bottle opened before either woman could stop her Irene ingested the entire bottle. V gave up and went to the bathroom. It was safer there.
“IRENE STOP!” Too late! “How could you let her drink all of that? You’re such an idiot.”
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