Midnight - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 51: Paydirt

BDSM Sex Story: Episode 51: Paydirt - Midnight Amador had no life. It began when the Man in Black said it could.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Indian Male   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Public Sex  


“Girls? Can you hear me?”

Samuel Bearpaw hovered over a large dirt hole in the basement floor of the age-old Victorian style manor belonging to Nick Sanchez. One that had collapsed into some sort of unknown cavity beneath the house. Pitch black due to dim lighting already the hole was like some hungry beast swallowing his daughter Lillian and Midnight Amador up. No way of knowing how deep it was he worried they might have fallen to their deaths. That is until he heard a soft, “Ow!” That was Lillian, he knew it well. “Lillian? Are you two alright?”

“Go get, Kami.”

“How deep are you?”

“Maybe 12 feet. Midnight is okay too. I think we landed in a crypt. I’m straddling old bones. Thankfully, I’m not cut.”

“Christ! A 12-foot freefall you could have been seriously hurt.”

“I think the dirt that fell with us padded our fall. I’m right below you. Toss me your cell for light then go get Nick.” Concentrating he carefully extended his hand and dropped it. Caught without damage Lillian lit his cell flashlight up and checked out their surroundings. First things first however, she looked Midnight over for cuts. No voice spoken Midnight simply hugged Dawn to let her know she was fine. While yes, their hormones were off the charts, now was the one time they fought those urges back. Even though a femur bone lying in Midnight’s lap touching her clitoral area oddly looked inviting. The added doses of Nick’s stimulation drug X-AP347 in their system was overriding their rationality. Dirty, old, or not it appeared sturdy. It took Lillian to take it away from Midnight before she stupidly inserted the femur up her cunt. Bad slave! Bad!

“No snakes?” Sam stressed.

“No! Just spiders and a whole lot of webs. Dad, there’s a skeleton ... I’m sitting on it. I think it’s a pelvis.” She moved carefully for comfort, it was unpleasant sitting on a dead body, long decayed.

“Okay! Hang on I’m going for Sanchez.” Leaving them Sam rushed up the newly built stairs and into the kitchen, pausing to zip up so that he didn’t look pervy. Rushing outside he didn’t immediately find Nick but did run into Santee elders Bobby Black Fox and Cordell Dance Among Hail. Even more young Lukas Porcupine stopped his mower and darted up as if sensing turmoil. “Lukas? Go find Nick, tell him it’s an emergency and to come to the cellar. GO!” Gone like the Flash!

“What is wrong, Bearpaw?” Cordell found Sam in his plight.

“Nick had my daughter and Midnight digging in the basement. They fell into a crypt. I need to find some rope.” Dashing off, many of the workers paused in what they were doing to question the drama. Bobby voluntarily set out to tell everyone to stay back, too much weight in the basement could be disastrous, they needed to be kept at bay.

Standing out by the sandy shoals and rocks jutting up from the surf Nick stood talking with Newton Waterfall when he heard Lukas yelling his name. Glaring over his shoulder he saw the boy running their way. “Something’s up.”

“Go. I will be fine here.”

“Lukas can help you back to the house.” Nick bolted to meet the boy halfway and heard the news of Sam needing him ASAP. Telling Lukas to help Newton, Nick shot off like lightning in a throttle. Fast on his feet he found Bobby and Cordell relating what Sam had said and that Sam was looking for rope. Clinton Biles curious over the commotion darted up to offer help. “Biles? Get into the Raptor, there’s a flashlight. Bring it to the basement but remain on the stairs. Your body mass might be too heavy if the floor is that weak. Elders? Find me a medical kit and keep peace please.” Nodding at his obvious worry the two directed the outdoor workers back to their former tasks. Niles Gullivant maintained order as well, searching for their medical kit while Sam bolted back with Joey Redmane in tow, rope in hand.

Nick already in the house hurried downstairs and found the pit. “What the fuck is this now?” He growled, “Midnight? Bearpaw?” Dawn shared her cell light with Nick as a sign of life.

“Dad’s phone. Kami? We’re in a crypt. There’s a body here ... skeleton. I don’t see a skull though.” Hearing that admission Nick immediately thought of the skull he found in the trunk he bought from Albert Roster’s antique store. Ollie the skull as he had christened it was resting back on the dresser of his bedroom at the beach house. He might have just found his way home. Anything was possible. “We’re both okay, just jarred from the fall. No broken bones just bruises. Sorry, whoever you are.” She spoke to the skeleton with respect.

“What else is around you? Give me a layout.”

“No snakes, only spiders. Thank Kami for that.” Even under duress Lillian kept her head.

“Midnight? Tell me you’re okay. At a time like this you can talk freely.”

“I am fine Kami. I miss you Sir.”


“I’ll get you both out in a minute. We have rope on the way.” Just as he said that Clinton, Sam, Joe and Niles came down the stairs. “Joey? You’re the lightest, you bring the light and rope. Niles? Stand by with bandages.” Joe claiming the items stepped out onto the concrete without issues. “Not worried about the main floor I meant the hole here. Still, let’s play it safe now that we know there’s emptiness below our feet.”

“Kami?” Dawn called up. “The dimensions down here are maybe 12x12. I see block walls so it’s not as old as it could be.”

“Take pictures with the cell light on. Doors anywhere?” He took the flashlight and lit it up to shine down on the girls. In its beam Midnight immediately began touching herself. Nick ignored her behavior; he was well aware just how dedicated she was to her Kami’s ownership of her body. Again, Lillian Dawn swatted that femur out of Midnight’s hand telling her to show respect to the dead.

The voice of reason noted Bearpaw stood up and explored the walls, avoiding a network of cobwebs. Joey making a knotted loop in the lengthy line of rope prepared to lower it when Nick snatched it up. Tightening the flashlight handle in the loop he guided it down. “Midnight? Take the light. Do not touch the lens it will burn you. Only the handle.”

“I don’t see any... “ As the flashlight illuminated things better Dawn corrected herself, “Maybe a door. It’s sealed up though with more bricks. Taking a photo!”

“Okay! Stop right there. Let’s get you two out of this pit and looked over for health.”

“We’re totally fine. We just had the wind knocked out of us. I still don’t see a skull anywhere.”

“Try not to disturb anything else. Let’s get the Sheriff out here and figure things out respectfully. This might need to involve the FBI.” As much as he didn’t want that.

“Oh, ok! I got it.” She used her dad’s cell to call 911. In Caretaker, Hannah the dispatcher answered. “Hi Hannah. This is Lillian Bearpaw, is Sheriff Roster around? Asleep at his desk? Uhhh? You better go tickle him I think he’s needed.” A pause later Hannah sprinted to Dolan Roster’s office finding his door locked. Beating on the window he lifted his head groggily then got up, stumbling to unlock his door and answer her.

“What is it?”

“Lillian Bearpaw on line 1. Unless you want my headset here?” She took it off to let him use it.



“Hey, Sheriff! You better drive out to Harbinger Shoals. We have a dead body. Trust me I know. I landed right in his lap. Big skeleton so I’m pretty sure he was a guy.”

“Where’s Nick?”

“Up above us lowering a rope and scowling at me. Sorry Kami.” She did the right thing even if Nick should have been the caller.

“IN THE STIRRUP. NOW!” Nick snapped! She sent Midnight up first, Joey helping her out of the pit and into Sam’s arms. She immediately kneeled on the concrete and lowered her head. Bearpaw ended her call once Roster said he was on his way. Rope sent back down, Dawn made it to the surface and into Sam’s reach over the concrete. Yeah, daddy didn’t listen to Nick about staying by the stairs.

Once out of the crypt the light was extinguished, and the group looked the girls over for cuts and broken anything. Midnight grew excited by the touching more than Dawn, Dawn seemed more concerned with surviving the fall and licking her wounds. Nick cut them both a break under the conditions but once they seemed fine, he altered their course. “Biles? Take the whores back out to the bridge and tie them back to the pillars. Stand guard until Roster gets here.”

Sam and Joe shot glances at one another worried over that insensitive order with the Elder’s still present. Neither spoke up against Nick, especially with the girls acting so in tune with his command. Cell handed to her father Dawn kissed his cheek then followed Clinton out. Nick stood over the pit and shined the torchlight back down inside to see the skeletal remains partially covered by the dirt that came down with the whores.

“Who have we here?”

Good question.


Londale, the bar known as LOADED!

“Where did Mazie stash her purse? That drug has to be there.”

Albert Roster had left the girls tied down in the hotel room, calm when he left under cool compresses. He knew he couldn’t stay away long but he wanted to make certain that drug was in his possession so it couldn’t ever be abused again. He intended on having the drug tested to see what it really was and if the effects were harmful beyond what he had already experienced. Locating two purses he found Mazie by her driver’s license then did indeed find the green vial. Uncorking it he sniffed it but found only a slight minty aroma. “Yeah, not going to taste this crap. At my age it’d probably kill me.” Sealed tightly he stashed it in his cargo shorts. “I need a beer.”

Stepping into the bar he gathered up Nova’s clothing before stealing a cold bottle of Bud. Mazie’s shirt was intact, but her leggings were torn the hell up and useless. He trashed those and headed back toward the hotel room. Looking up to see Winston’s room and finding his door wide open Albert winced. “He must be checking on the girls. Maybe the bites didn’t faze him as bad as he thought. Win is a tough one!”

Walking up the stairs he heard Mazie screaming again and rolled his eyes. “Christ! How long does this crap stay in their system? Cold washcloth must be dry and irritating her again like clothing. At least maybe Nova is out of the woods.” Reaching the room, he tried the knob and found it locked. “What the hell? I left the door latched. Win closed it. Shit! I left the room key inside.” Dropping the clothing by the door he began beating on it. “WINSTON? LET ME IN.” Nothing! Just a whole lot of screaming, erotic outbursts even. “Oh crud! Don’t tell me Win ... lost control.”

Fear for their safety he stepped to the window and tried to see through the blinds. Thin glimpses at best he could see Nova arching her back and moaning over the drug resuming its hormonal torture. The sounds of Mazie’s orgasms were obviously encouraging Nova. A further round of narrowed vision through the slats of the blind he saw his worst nightmare. “OH, FUCK!” Winston Richard’s was on top of Mazie Lomas and fucking the holy hell out of her. “What the hell do I do now?” Master key! Surely, Winston had one in his room. Abandoning the situation, he headed upstairs.


Inside the room holding the girls, Winston was a savage beast. He had lost all reality due to the bite Mazie gave him, even worse she had bitten him twice more since he took her cunt for a spin. His thick girth shredding Mazie she was her own kind of hellcat. Unable to claw him due to her binding all she had was her teeth as a defense, although to her more of a pleasure center.

Slosh! Slosh! Slosh! Slap! Slap! Slap! Winston barreled down into her balls deep each and every time, her cries of thankfulness consuming her thoughts. Giving up on biting she simply grew invested in his territorial fuck. For an old man of 63 Winston Richards was still in great shape, his muscles worthy of a grand fight. Being a former Marine, his daily regimen of weights and exercise was a dominant gene. She could tell. So could Nova.

“Winston?” Nova begged once her hormones allowed her to focus again. Seeing her guardian reduced to a beast, fucking her friend without any hint of respect her brain tried to fight back. “You are hurting Mazie.”

“NO, HE’S NOT!” Mazie found her voice between breathless wails. “Fuck me, Winston. Harder baby!” Squirting around literally every downward penetration, she came so hard she actually blacked out. This did not halt Winston for even a second, puppet beneath his beast. Nut after nut he filled her cunt without relent. Win’s heartbeat was racing like a triphammer, his entire body beet red from exertion. After ten minutes of artillery spells, Mazie revived to scream harder and demand even more. Nova in her fear was beating the drug in her system, becoming tolerant and begging Win to stop, tears drowning her emotional state.

“Please stop Winston. Please!”

Door key activating the sensor lock Albert burst into the room to see Nova ask, “Help them, Mister Albert.” The attitude gave Al hope that Nova had returned. Sighing Albert asked Win first to stop. Bestial snarls and mighty arms waved him off as he slammed nonstop straight down into little Mazie’s firecracker cunt. “You’re not giving me any choice, Soldier.” Backing up to the door Albert dug into his cargo pouch and brought out a small handgun with a dart projectile in it. “I hope the dose in this thing doesn’t kill you, Buddy. Looks low dose but hey, I’m no big game hunter.” Point! Aim! Ass cheek! The gun fired a dart that jabbed and injected a tranquilizer that would normally be used on some stray animal. He kept it on hand as an emergency amongst the many firearms in his cabinets. Waiting it out Winston finally slowed down then passed out over Mazie.

Mazie beneath him had no choice but to endure his 280 pounds and remain vigil. Although she did still squirt around his beast within. Albert had no choice but to leave Winston to lay on her. It seemed to calm Mazie too, the fact his erection was still inside her. Maybe, just maybe she was coming down too. Looking to Nova, Albert sat the gun on a table and went over to sit with her. Carefully wiping her tears from her cheeks and removing strands of hair from her eyes he sighed. “Feeling better?”

“Noooo!” She pouted. “Please do not hate me, Mister Albert.”


“I could never hate a hottie like you, Nova. You just lay back and rest. Want another cold compress?” She nodded yes. Rising to fulfill that offer he brought another cloth to lay on Mazie’s forehead. She seemed to appreciate the gesture. Coming back to Nova he placed one on her head then dabbed her body with the other, steering clear of her nipples and vagina. Nova sniveled and found her voice once again.

“May I work for you, Mister Albert?”

“Sure, you can. My store needs you.”

“Thank you for helping us.”

“Anytime! Now we just wait on the bull elephant there to hopefully come out of this without a second dose of Trank. I brought three darts in case the first wasn’t enough.”

“Winston will be very ashamed of himself.”

“Not his fault. Whatever that drug was... “ He pointed at her sternly, “ ... you don’t go near it again. Am I understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good! You still too warm that I can’t cover you? No offense but this body of yours ... I am a guy.”

“You may try.” A swift cover up she grinned, “No. It burns my skin.”

Liar! She wanted him to look at her. Never exposing her body to any man before this was fun to experience. Rolling her eyes back and lifting her body as she had before, although an act this time, she got her way. Relief in Mister Albert’s eyes she smiled with a tender blush.

“Thank you, Mister Albert.”

A light pat to her tummy she whimpered with a hidden joy. Touch was exhilarating.

“Mister Albert?”

“Yeah, Kid?”

“I have an itch.”

“Let me untie you.”

“You must not.” She raised her tone. “In case I lose control again.”

“Oh! Right! Okay! Where’s your itch?” His palm still strangely on her tummy slightly below her belly button. Pouty faced she lifted her head to clue him in by attempting to look over his knuckles. A warm smile and sparkling eyes clued him in. “Below my hand?” She nodded feverishly. Swallowing dryly, he lifted his palm and pointed at her bush. “Here?”

“All around there.” She squirmed a bit. “Please, Mister Albert, I itch very badly.”

“After effect of the drug? Itch anywhere else?”

She paused to think it over then nods. “Yes! Everywhere, Mister Albert.” Clearing his throat he took the risk of rolling his fingernails through her bush as she let out a tender gasp at being touched so closely to her vagina. Trembling like a leaf she lifted her butt up off the bed and performed a crazy belly wave as if a belly dancer. That was pretty interesting.

“You a belly dancer?”

“My auntie taught me before we escaped to America. I am quite good. Lower please, Mister Albert.”

“Any lower and I’ll be rubbing ... kid are you just pulling my leg?”

“Would you like me to pull your leg?” She pouted heavily! Albert Roster stared at her trying to gauge her true intentions. That answer sounded out of left field.

“That would not be a good idea.” He turned red; fingers wet from her afternoon of juicy depletions. A few more scratches he removed his hand. “Suffer, Kid.” Just like his dick was right now.

He needed to use the bathroom. Fingers still wet from her pubic region leftovers, a few stray hairs stuck to his hand amid the dampness, Albert Roster beat off behind closed doors. That was as close as he intended to ever get to fucking that cutie pie. He nutted harder than he had ever ... since his teenage years.

“Belly dancing ... now that I need to see.”

Not today!

Turncoat, South Carolina! The apartment of the Biles family for another thirty minutes at least. Lease terminated! It was up for renewal anyway! Nope!

Pulling into the parking lot Mindy Biles was already sweating. Even with Britney Saunders riding shotgun and Caprice Comstock manning the tank behind her, she felt the stress of running into Grant Edison her former fling. Now that he had tried pushing himself on her, Mindy defending herself, she had punched his lights out. This was all so eerily reminiscent of how she treated her husband, Clinton. “Maybe I deserved this. At least I didn’t have to sit in a cell ... at least not yet. What if Grant continues to press charges and Dolan can’t interfere? I mean ... what am I worried about?” Persona change, “Clinton got off Scott free when Grant and I pressed charges for battery. If he can, I can. But again, he had Nick Sanchez backing his release. Nick might not have the same to say of me.”

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“There’s our police escort.” Britney pointed at an Abingdale police cruiser rolling into the lot. That security alone led the ladies to leave the car and congregate with CC stepping from Dolan Roster’s SUV. Parking, the officer called in her arrival then shut her car off. Climbing out she shook her head at a familiar face.

“You resort to stealing Roster’s ride?”

“Loaner.” CC chuckled! “Want me to use my lipstick and write U-Haul on the hatchback lid?”

“Oh, you should! That would be hilarious, wouldn’t it.”

“Glad our escort is you, Violet. A lady’s point of view always helps. Besides, I could only imagine if it had been Dunk here watching over us. Ladies this is Violet Murphy. She’s hauled me in a few times since I hung out with Heavy-Feather. Good news Vi ... Ollie is finally out of my hair.”

“About time! Prison orange would look good on you, CC, but I think I’d prefer something more your color.”

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“My color?” She grinned at Mindy and Britney, “She’s back to referring to my lipstick shade and nothing else.” They immediately got the idea as Violet puckered her lips and made kissing noises. “Relax, Violet’s just teasing. Last I heard she had thighs for Darcy Grainger.”

“How is ole’ Darcy? We haven’t spoken since ... I showered at her place that day I had to haul in that hag with the fur coat.”

“That would be my mother.” Britney sighed!

“I’m sorry.” Violet cocked a brow! “How’s she doing?”

“Hauled to the sanitarium a few hours ago. Clooney-Toomes around Charleston.”

“Oh, yeah? Rooming her up with Bugs and Daffy?”

“God, I hope not. She would do what Wiley Coyote could never accomplish.” Brit giggled! “I’m not offended, Violet.”

“Good! Let’s hope she gets the help she needs.”

“Me too.” Brit found support from Mindy and CC patting her shoulders. ““Let’s get this stuff and go to our new home. We can unpack things in the house.”

“The one on FingerMe Road?” CC laughed. Ingermead Road! Vandal misfortune!

“Yes!” Britney beamed! “Home sweet home! We’re going furniture shopping tomorrow after I sign papers.”

“I’ll be serving tables, but you bitches have fun.” CC smirked! “Hey Violet? Is that surf shop still open over in Abingdale? What was that place called ... oh yeah, Shehorse?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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