Midnight - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 50: CAdaVEr

BDSM Sex Story: Episode 50: CAdaVEr - Midnight Amador had no life. It began when the Man in Black said it could.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Indian Male   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Public Sex  


“Nice Jag.”

Bobby Black Fox, second in line Elder of the Santee reservation noted as he exited Nodin Merrick’s car. A bright red sports car out here in the boondocks seemed out of place so it easily became a magnet for the eyes. His best friend Cordell Dance Among Hail also took interest in the ride. They both loved a good car show.

“CRYMSYN as a vanity. You buy your kid a new car, Nodin?” Cordell asked as he and Newton Waterfall joined them, Newton of course only listening.

“I did not.” It concerned him even more now. Was this Cybercock nearby and his daughter not letting him know specifics? It was bad enough that he was still waiting on his henchmen sent to Cordoba to call in and report. Sooner or later, they would have to, punishment forthcoming. Hey, it wasn’t their fault their phones were trashed in Airika’s swimming pool. Of course, Dr. Freak knew Nodin’s number even if his stooges didn’t have it memorized, but she wasn’t giving it up until they satisfied her. No complaints there. She was almost as insatiable as Alexis Roster. Possibly more! “Can we get down to business as to why we are here?”

“Calm yourself Nodin.” Newton Waterfall lightly waved his hand. “My granddaughter is no longer tied out by the bridge.” He knew this due to video he deciphered through very good hearing, sent by loyal members of his tribe. His wife Rayna was heartbroken by seeing Lillian covered in the semen of lesser loyal members. While she tried to cope out of love for her granddaughter the sight alone haunted her. Newton was troubled as well, but also knew Lillian would do her own thing no matter what he had to bitch about.

Tribal meeting on short notice Newton was only here because the other elders had their say. Nick Sanchez was disrespecting their leader in chaining Lillian Dawn up and abusing her. While technically, Nodin didn’t give a shit, it was his way of stirring up trouble in hopes of getting Newton cast out as tribal elder. He hoped his people would bump up Bobby, so Nodin had an upper hand, Bobby in his pocket. “Let us hear out Mister Sanchez. My granddaughter ... is her own person.”

“You are leader, Newton. Punish her and reclaim our pride.” Nodin insisted.

“Our pride is stable.” Newton used his cane to show him the way toward the bridge. Spotting Steeltoe the alligator down in the creek Nodin was tempted to walk Newton right off the side of the bank. Oops! “Come along gentlemen.” Not today!

Attracted by the elders Lukas Porcupine rode his lawnmower over and offered Newton a ride. Newton however, smiled and told the boy he needed the exercise. Spotting Nick walking with his daughter Crimson, Nodin grew agitated, Bobby and Cordell calming him in a silent manner. Even if Nick did save his daughter from snakebites Nodin felt threatened by him. His sham of trying to be cordial was fleeting. Nodin just could not like this man Sanchez. He was a threat to his empire. The distance closed quickly.

“Elders!” Nick greeted them, shaking hands with Newton. “Welcome back.”

“We’re not here to be gracious Sanchez...”

“MERRICK! Enough! I will speak for our people, not you.” Newton swatted his cane at him, a shin lightly bruised. Nick smirked over another snakebite of sorts but tried his best to remain respectful in the moment. “Hello, Crimson.” How he knew she was there always amazed the girl. It always boiled down to hygiene products and breathing.

“Hello, Mister Waterfall.”

“Nodin? Speak with your daughter. Nicky? Walk me over your grounds please.”

“Nicky again?”

“Humor me.”

“Humor me, then.”

“Did you hear the one about the duck and the goose?”

“A joke?”

“You said to humor you.”

“A male duck waddled into a gaggle of geese and asked can anyone direct me to the nearest blind?” A blind man joke! “The male goose asked him if he was looking to get shot by a hunter. The duck replied of course not, I may be blind, but I do not need sight to hear them cumming. The ganders beside the male giggled, no wonder we get shot at so often. The duck in response added, I am a wood duck my cane is big, I feel around as I go. The ganders batted their eyes impressed by his admission. The male Goose rolled his eyes and walked away. The ganders offered to show him the blind. The wood duck winked at them and said none are so blind as those who cannot see.”

“Was that a joke or a philosophy lesson?”

“They think I do not see them coming for me Nicky.” Newton took Nick by his arm whispering. “The punchline ends with ... let the blind lead the blind. Do you see now?”

“You’re giving me your blessing over Dawn, aren’t you?”

“Eye am!” He pointed at his glasses. “They think to get me upset over how you control my granddaughter. I see better than they and I am the blind one here. Lillian worships you Nicky. I trust her judgment. My wife ... will get there. Her mother now knows, be prepared. As should Samuel for not telling her.”

“I’ll deal with it as it comes.”

“Said the wood duck.”

“Right! Do me a favor and don’t go out on the comedy circuit. But again, I know you will DUCK those flying tomatoes.”

“I knew I liked you, Nicky. You ever think about planting a garden out here? Lots of room for one.”

“I just might. My thumbs aren’t green, but I think I might know someone who could deal with the gardening.”


“You really do see through people, don’t you?”

“As much as Lukas Porcupine gets premonitions. Thank you for adopting the boy, he needs a father figure.”

“I am not his father. Mentor at best. He’s a good kid.”

“Indeed! Try not to spoil him.”

“He’s going to work for everything I give him. So will Irene. Trust me.”

“I do. The other elders, not so much. Where is my granddaughter now that she is not hanging covered in tribal offerings?”

“Basement of the house. I have her and Midnight digging a hole to bury a treasure chest I bought at an antique store in town. Now you know where the X is.”

“Ah! Out of respect for the original owner of the Shoals?”

“Maybe! Did I tell you that when I bought that trunk, I found a human skull inside it?”

“You did not. That must have been unnerving.”

“I’ve seen way too many skulls in my lifetime Newton. It was only one more added to the mountain. I’ve been considering doing a DNA test on it once I have everything ironed out here. In another week, providing you don’t pull out my workforce, I can move in here permanently. One thing at a time.”

“Are you certain you wish to know who it might belong to? Trouble may rise should it be someone of importance.”

“Suggesting I leave it buried?”

“No! Curiosity will kill the cat. You are a very big cat I believe your nine lives will keep you safe.”

“Way, I see it, someone out there might be missing a loved one. If I can offer closure... “ He fell silent. “So, how do you plan on keeping peace?”

“The historical society that Lillian said you offered to build on the REZ. Our people may be proud but if my granddaughter wishes to honor us, even after disrespecting herself and her family, they will turn the other cheek. Many respect my wisdom if not my faults.”

“Lillian WILL run that society naked Newton. I forbid clothing once she returns from Charleston. She will be living here and only driving to the REZ society each day and back. I will ask you to back me as much as I back you.”

“My guardian angel?”

“If it comes to that.”

“I have not had time to speak to the elders about the historical society project. Families with children will object to Lillian’s lack of attire. Perhaps ... a compromise?”

“Fine! I’ll let her hold two huge eagle feathers over her frontal when children are around. Naked behind those feathers. Adults see it all. Do not pressure me for more or the Society closes before it breaks ground.”

“You are a hard man, Nicky.”

“As should be the visitors to that Society. Bearpaw should be seen for her beauty, not hidden behind any veils.”


“Convince my daughter when she meets you. She can be hardheaded.”

“Sam said their anniversary is coming. He and my whore went shopping recently for that occasion. I paid him well in advance to buy something nice.”

“That was likely a mistake. You know of his gambling addiction?”

“He told me. Says he owes Merrick money.”

“He always will. Nodin extends him only due to our family. One day Samuel will have to pay, if not monetarily.”

“I’m working on him. Give it time.”

“You buy him, he will expect more.”

“Paying me back my way keeps his limbs intact. I plan on telling Merrick to think very hard against such things.”

“Watch yourself, Nicky. Nodin has his own friends in high places.”

“I guarantee my friends go higher. The avalanche they can cause would bury him before he could dial a number.”

“I hear you.”

“Your way of saying you see my point.”

“And you wonder how we get along so well.” Newton grinned. “I hear a faint hum in the air now that the chainsaws have stopped.”

“I added a perimeter alarm as well as a pest sensor. The sensors should ward off the snake population. I guess we’ll see.”

“One of us will.”

“Right!” Nick had to smile. “Now, about Rayna’s dress shop...”

Back at the Jaguar, Crimson Merrick and her father had a chance to speak alone. Nodin was not happy. “You did not return my call.”

“I was driving.”

“Where is your car?”

“Dr. Ferrec’s house.”

“And you drove this here without Calvin Heavy Feather?”

“He had no choice. Daddy, please listen and let me explain everything without you yelling at me. Frankly, I’m tired of being yelled at.” Hearing his daughter stand up for herself Nodin narrowed his eyes. “Others are searching for Cybercock, Jasmine. I found out that Cyber robbed Nick of a big chunk of cash, he only wants it back. So, he hired a bounty hunter to track Cyber here.”

“The black woman.”

“Yes. Her name is Opal. She is so bad ass. Before I got to know her, she made the REZsistance throw their phones and weapons into Dr. Freak, Airica’s swimming pool. Made them all strip naked and jump in after. She then took me for a ride. It might have looked like I was a captive at first but once we sat and talked, she’s really cool. Concerning the REZsistance, if I’d left my purse in my car, they could have used it to get home to you, keys were in it. Opal took out their bikes, so it was a mess, I’m sure. We both know Airica ... bitch is crazy.”

“Agreed! I think I’m in love with her.” He surprisingly winked at his daughter.

“Was that a joke? No way!”

“We shall see. She is quite enlightening.”

“You were always against anyone not Santee. Why now?”

“This Jaguar belongs to Cyber?”

“It’s mine now. Nick and Opal gave it to me. I am keeping it daddy so don’t try to order me not to.”

“At least let me test drive it?”

“What’s gotten into you? Are you being nice because ... what’s going on?”

“Second thoughts I suppose. As much as I dislike Sanchez ... I see him for the good he is offering. It appears now he intends to take you away from me. That part I have mixed feelings on.”

“He offered to pay four years of college in Charleston, so that I can still be near you. I would like to do that daddy. You want what is best for me ... right? Mom wanted me to go but after she passed, I just couldn’t leave you. Now ... can I spread my wings?”

“Four years. No, only two. I will pay for the other two.”

“Really?” She brightened up, “You will let me attend?”

“Yes.” In awe Crimson jumped into her father’s arms and hugged him. Grumbling slightly, he leered at the house in the distance and frowned. His enemy was winning. That was unacceptable! A loud scream diverted his attention prompting him to look left. He spotted the luscious gas station girl Lakshmi Surve bouncing naked up and down in the bed of Will Gullivant’s brand spanking new truck and moaning.

Rising up facing Lakshmi was Veronica Redmane, holding hands with her, V wailing as well. Will? Busy fending them off with a murmuring, “Stop! No don’t!” He did not mean that in the least. Lakshmi rode his cock, V straddling Will’s wagging tongue. Best day ever! Crimson could not agree more. Now if she could only find Cyber.


3:00 PM

Esteban Amador had stopped for gas and smokes before heading home. Eying the beer coolers he was tempted but for some reason he opted to overlook it. After a long day at the fresh catch warehouse, he just needed sleep. Not that he really had a home to go to, now that he had burnt it to the ground and destroyed his marriage. Sober for a few days now he at least wanted to try and see if there were any salvaging his marriage. It was worth a shot. Not easy he knew but he did miss Irene. Even his girlfriends had abandoned him, well, Shantel Bigelow was in a sanitarium now. Good riddance! Glenda Claymore simply got smart after hearing he had tried to kill his wife. Este was on his own.

Radio playing a classic rock channel Esteban actually sang along to Heart’s song Barracuda. He was strangely in a good mood. It was about to get even better, before it sucked again. Reaching his turn off Esteban headed up the dirt road to his skeletal property. Rounding some trees obscuring it, he bulged his eyes. “What be this?” He had always spoken like a pirate.

Pulling into his dirt driveway he shut off his car and left the keys in the ignition. Just sitting there with a cigarette between his lips he wept. Before him was his second home... “SIRENe? How did she get here?” Noting a piece of paper nailed to the boat wagging in a slight breeze he got out of his Buick Regal and hobbled over to first eye the crates of dry goods and large water jugs. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to be of assist in his time of need. He had a nagging suspicion who that might be too. “Even a portable potty. My thanks ... Mister Sanchez.” He needed to use it so it was good timing. However, he chose to read the note first confirming it all to be a gift from N.S.

He bawled his eyes out with no one here to hear or witness him. At least now he had a roof over his head other than his car in bad weather. Gathering his emotions he went into the port-a-potty and closed the door. Funny that it already smelled as if having been used. Shrugging he dropped his drawers and took a healthy dump. Sighing on his second turd drop he heard his car start up. Music now playing Lonesome Loser by the Little River Band. Eyes bulging Esteban jumped from his seat and barged outside, his pants to his knees just as he saw his Buick kicking up dust and leaving him behind.

“SHIT!” No toilet paper to wipe he used that nailed up note. “Me phone and my cigarettes ... I give up.”

Laughing over it Jasmine Riviera headed down the coast. At least she didn’t smoke. “I’m out of here! By the time that old guy reports his car stolen, I’ll be a hundred miles away.” Sure! “Crimson! Dammit!” She couldn’t abandon her girl. Question was, how to find her again without just driving right up to her front door and risk her father abusing her talents. To be honest the REZ spooked her. With that black bitch on her ass and no knowledge of how to find Nick Sanchez, or if even that was her best move, she just turned up the radio and drove. A plan would come together. Hopefully!

Londale, the Firing Range bar and adjoining hotel.

“Hurry the hell up, Richards.” Former Caretaker Sheriff Albert Roster was sweating his balls off, nervous over having to babysit two 21-year-old beauties hopped up on a sexual stimulation drug called T16R355 aka Tigress. The effects of this drug were so powerful that the girls were becoming vicious in their overly ambitious attempts to orgasm. Every single cell of their bodies were screaming and begging to be touched. Any minute now Albert pictured them getting up on their feet and stalking him like a blood hungry animal. Waitress Mazie Lomas was so far gone she was fisting herself in such a manner that her cunt was blood red from irritation without any actual bloodshed. “We may have to call an EMT.” Not in the cards!

“NO! We can’t involve others in this yet. We restrain them and watch over them until it wears off.” Winston Richards returned with some thin rope casting lengths to Albert, “Tie Nova’s legs and wrists. She’s probably the less resistant. I’ll deal with Hurricane Mazie; I might have to get rough in subduing her. I know you’re probably right about a 911 call, but I don’t need bad press, business isn’t great as it is. I’ll call one of my other bartenders to cover and re-open, pay extra if I have too. Let’s just get these two strung up and carried to one of my rooms with two Queen beds. We can take turns exorcising them.”

Nodding Albert took his ropes and reluctantly moved back behind the bar. Nova was still snaking about all over the floor. Topless and essentially bottomless her stretchy mini skirt was a belt about her waist. Earlier he had discovered in just ten short minutes of back and forth between she and Mazie that the Arabian beauty had been tortured by the touch of fabric and had removed the skirt upward entirely. Heels off the girl was completely nude. Albert had to swallow knowing this was his future employee. Having to manhandle her was bad news even for him. In a way he understood Win choosing Mazie over Nova, this drop-dead gorgeous girl was like his daughter. “Fuck! This is Alexis all over again. I can relate Winston. Sucks to be us, Buddy.”

Thoughts over, Albert leaned down in front of Nova, her demeanor torn between reality and the sexual storm within her body. Technically still a virgin even if she had popped her own cherry by accident while watching Dolan Roster sleep. This even before any ingestion of Tigress. Albert could only imagine her lust now that the drug was surging through her system like a runaway Rhino. Letting her continue finger fucking herself he attempted to tie her left ankle but the merest caress to her skin became so sensitive she arched her back screaming, “YESSSSSSS TOUCH ME, MISTER ALBERT.” He would have nightmares over this day for months to come.

Managing a knot with the thin binding rope he had to fight to claim her right ankle, she was squirming like a fish trying to get back into the water. So sweaty, she might as well have been that fish, she had to be dehydrating badly. While her legs were bound close together her hand was compressed between her thighs and it was becoming stressful to her, unable to fuck herself so steadily. In her panic she sat up and removed her wet fingers and pulled away from Albert’s intended grasp. Placing her hand on his face she caught him off guard and landed fingers inside his mouth. So much for awe! More aw hell!

Her taste was incredible as Nova attempted to flounder into his crouched lap, so much added weight he fell back on his ass. Laying on top of him he resorted to letting the girl kiss all over his face and neckline. A distraction yes, but it did allow him to subdue her wrist and knot the left arm up. Sucking on her fingers made her crazy in heat, her thighs rolling over his cargo pants as if trying to tear through his inseam. The fierce trail of her cunt crossing his erection was too much for poor Albert and he nutted without even wanting to.


“Jesus Christ! This kid is primal.” He could only imagine what Winston was dealing with. For the sake of arguing with himself Albert used force. Grabbing Nova by her hair he rolled her over, Albert ending on top of her. Legs tied at least she couldn’t wrap her muscular legs about his waist. Rearing up he took her over onto her belly and lay over her ass while he forcefully bound her wrists together tightly. Sadly, he could feel her lifting and rubbing her ass cheeks along his tented girth. For a virgin she seemed to know how to make a point. His clothing was also torture on her flesh. “It hurts Mister Albert ... it burns.”

“What does, Honey?”

“Your clothing! The ropes! Please make love to me, Mister Albert.” She hissed and wiggled beneath his weight.

“That is not going to happen. Let’s just weather this out together, Sweetheart. You sit tight here and let me check on Winston.” Lifting away she followed him upward until it became impossible. As much agony as fabric seemed to be, it was far more painful to lose a potential lover. Alone and unable to touch her pussy due to her hands tied behind her back, she attempted to distort her upper body until her fingertips found her anus. Hooking it she found her alternative. Joyous it was her fingers probing deeper and deeper, she cried out her newfound stimulation. There was simply no stopping her delight. “You got things under control over there Winston?”

Out on the floor Winston Richards was wrestling with Mazie, rolling about on the dance floor in a savage fit of subduction. She was in beast mode like Opal was last night over Dolan. Scratching Winston and biting his arm twice. In a final battle Winston lost his shit, “Mazie? Forgive me for this but I’m done here.” He slugged her in the jaw and knocked her out cold. Tearing his t-shirt off Winston sat up on her and gagged her so that there could be no more biting. Hands and ankles bound he went further and tied her at the knees to play it safe. She was far darker and demonically feral than Nova. Having sampled more droplets of Tigress than Nova had she was teetering on insanity. Puffing his cheeks now that she was out cold, he dabbed his shirt over his bloody teeth marks. The images of Dolan enduring the same rather spooked him. What if he succumbed to the drug? This was going to be a long night. “I have her Al. Got Nova?”

Looking down at the Arabian seesaw teetering in her hooked asshole she looked like a hobby horse bobbing back and forth, her eyes rolled into her head at the anal insertions. “Yeah, I have her. Let’s get them to that room before Mazie wakes up. I get why you had to do that Buddy. She didn’t give you many options.”

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