Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 49: Timebomb
BDSM Sex Story: Episode 49: Timebomb - Midnight Amador had no life. It began when the Man in Black said it could.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Slavery BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction BDSM MaleDom Humiliation Rough Sadistic Torture White Male White Female Hispanic Male Indian Male Indian Female Anal Sex Exhibitionism Sex Toys Voyeurism Public Sex
2:50 PM
Rural King parking lot! Cordoba, South Carolina.
After a chatty lunch at Denny’s, Crimson Merrick and her guardian of sorts, bounty hunter and former Black Ops soldier Obsibian Opal Savage were getting along better than expected. Considering late last night Opal stalked Crimson’s friend Jasmine Riviera to the home of Dr. Airica Ferrec and tried to capture her the intimidation she felt was far less than it was.
Now that Crimson understood the reasons for Cybercock being hunted down she felt slightly more secure in the situation. Fear still nagged the back of her soul, because in a strange turn of events Crimson found herself crushing on Jasmine, Jasmine her. A bond was there long before physically meeting from their association on the dark web, meeting when Crimson’s father had Crimson digging up information on Nick Sanchez. That triggered a really bad dilemma. Cyber got greedy in her background searches and slipped into Nick’s personal accounts, robbing him of a good chunk of change like she had many other billionaires. Never wiping them out but taking enough to enjoy life it was still a nasty habit. In Nick’s case that was ten million dollars. If anyone else that alone would have been the pretty penny placed on one of her eyes upon her death sentence. Luckily, she had one more eye before closing time.
“Park next to that van.” Opal let Crimson drive their technically stolen red Jaguar convertible. Another of Cyber’s mistakes. It belonged to another very bad man who had yet to learn where it had been taken. She covered her tracks concerning him, but still, there would always be a target on her cute lesbian ass.
“Thanks for trusting me, Opal.” She slipped in next to Opal’s battle van that her computer expert Dyson referred to as Black Box. “I won’t try and run.”
“I know. Goes both ways. I know you’re scared of me; in reality you should be. Just know I have no reason to hurt you, Miss Merrick.” Opal opened the car door and stepped out, closing it behind her.
“Too bloody.” Opal winked. “I’ve seen more than my share of that.”
“Yet you wear a red dress. I love that dress by the way.”
“Do you? Here!” Right there in the lot Opal removed her dress and stood naked, her muscles rippling with pride. Although bearing numerous scars along her flesh that had been fixed by surgeons as much as possible the woman was a goddess of war. Tossing it to Crimson she smirked like a Diva. “Sit tight. You can keep the dress I have more. Blue is my favorite. Black and blue accent my skin tone.” 360 holding a silencer! Awe was the best word to describe Crimson in the moment.
Walking in only her heels she rounded the car hood and to her van. Without even touching a door the side panel opened by itself. Climbing inside the interior Opal changed her clothing to black leggings and a black silk bustier all right in front of Crimson. The girl blushed but watched, nonetheless. Opal ignored her for the most part in switching outfits. Once done she put on some underarm deodorant and a shot of perfume. “Until I can grab a shower.”
“Mmm! I like that scent. What’s it called?” It carried over quite easily.
“Nice! So, you want me to lead you to Harbinger Shoals. Submission fits. Nick owns Midnight Amador. I... “ Her cell began ringing. “It’s my dad. What should I tell him? By now he knows about the REZsistence at Dr. Freak’s house.”
“Not yet.” Dyson chimed in over the van’s radio. “I’m monitoring calls. The bikers are still destroying the Doc in her pool. Not one call to Nodin Merrick from Cordoba. However! He’s getting some pretty juicy calls from Nick’s place. Video if anyone cares to drool?”
“Patch it through to my window.” Opal stepped out in heeled boots, gun belt around her waist for her twin silencers. Closing the side door Opal stepped to her passenger front door, the black window becoming a television before her eyes. Top of the tech in its thin bulletproof polymer. Video playing, Crimson got out to join her once her phone finally stopped ringing.
“Your door window is a TV monitor? Whoa!”
“Everything I own is compact. Where is this?” Opal asked Dyson.
“That’s The Shoals.” Crimson beat Dyson to it. “Oh, my gosh! Nick has Midnight and ... oh, fuck! That’s Lillian Bearpaw, we went to school together, she’s the granddaughter of our tribal elder Newton Waterfall. Is Nick trying to start a war?” Watching Santee workers taking turns with the bound beauties, some jerking off others violating them sexually the ladies were looking a lot like frosted pastries. “Man! Nick is crazy.”
“You’re just now figuring that out?” Dyson chuckled. “He has good taste. I’d lick both of those bitches. Nicky has gone all freakshow on us Opie?”
“He’s always wanted a life like this. Blame Marcus Jericho and his lifestyle. Sanchez is his own kind of beast but the psycho kind of groomed the Major. Trust me I have no love or loyalty to that sadistic bastard. Anyway, Nick gets what Nick wants. I’m surprised there’s only 2, he’s always liked things in threes. If he’s risking any war in these parts, he must have his reasons. I’m thinking this is more of a point being made.” Videos from different angles were proving multiple cell cameras in use. The show got better and better. Tigress was tickling Opal’s fanny watching them.
“Here’s what Nodin received from one of the Santee workers.” Dyson switched scenes to Nick’s initial exhibition, Nick walking over the bridge totally nude then fucking both slaves hanging up on their pillars. A first seeing Nick without his clothing and just how huge his penis was, Crimson swallowed at just how muscular Nick’s body was. Guys were always more her thing until Jasmine. Opal sensing Crimson’s hormonal interest smirked. By the time Nick had nailed both Midnight and Dawn in both of their cunts and assholes even Opal was nibbling a nail. Hearing it all loud and clear, Nick then walked back over the bridge with only a verbal, “FINISH YOUR LUNCHES!” Crimson was trembling. She questioned what her life would have been like if she had pursued Nick as her father insisted. Not that!
“See? That’s what my perfume does to people.” Opal tapped her once nibbled nail on the window and the show ended. “Control yourself!”
“I ... Nick’s body is amazing. His persona ... then look at how the workers used the girls. This is crazy. So, my dad just saw this?”
“He’s seen five different videos now. I’m watching your dad get dressed. He’s on the phone with a Bobby and a Cordell.”
“Other elders!”
“They’re agreeing to drive out to Nick’s and object to his treatment of Miss Bearpaw. Oh, now that’s juicy. The three of them discussing how Mister Waterfall is reacting to his granddaughter. It appears he gave her his blessing. Merrick intends to use this to his advantage. Do elections happen on reservations?”
“No. Elder is by oldest on the council. My dad ... isn’t very legit.”
“You think?” Dyson chuckled. “Nick will make mincemeat out of your dad. No offense! I know it’s loyalty and all.”
“I’ve never approved of my dad’s tactics. I guess ... Mikki and I just ... have nowhere else to go. We’re spoiled brats.”
“With a brand spanking new red Jag and a dress that cost me five grand.”
“Five gra ... really?”
“French designer! I was in a Bond Girl mood. You going to be, okay?” Opal eyed Crimson’s behavior.
“I have to call my dad back. If we show up out at Nick’s while he’s there he’s going to be cross with me.”
“Has to get past me first.”
“What are friends for? Got your six, you get my nine.”
“I have your back.” Opal rolled her eyes and nudged Crimson with her elbow, “Let’s hit the highway. I’ll follow you. Enjoy your new car.”
Five minutes later Black Box chased the Jaguar. Crimson hit 80 going down the highway, wind in her hair. Freedom? Possibly!
Back track to 1:45 PM!
Londale, S.C.!
“Open your mouth.”
“Why?” Nova Khar-Issawi flinched at her waitress friend Mazie’s finger. “Stop trying to put your finger in my mouth.”
“Fine! Here!” She snatched a cherry from the bar’s mixed drink tray. Rubbing whatever was on her finger on the cherry she held it to Nova’s lips. “Try it. It’s orgasmic.”
“What is ... orgasmic?” Little naive! America still had some language barriers concerning certain dialogue. Caving, Nova took the cherry and chewed it. Eyes flaring, she acknowledged it as delectable. “Mmm! It is yummy. What was that? Please tell me it was not a booger.”
“Ewww! No! I do not pick my nose. You’re so weird Issawi!”
“You have customers.” A group of four men walked through the bar doors on a late lunch it appeared. They looked blue collar, possibly from the local factories up the road in Gagmoore. “We are getting busy.”
“Busy? We have under twenty customers.”
“Winston could check on us at any moment. We must do our jobs.”
“Party pooper!” Stealing another cherry Mazie Lomas grabbed her small serving tray and skipped around the bar then out to greet the seated men. Her inner thighs tingling like crazy Mazie was a firecracker. Even better those four thirtysomethings were really cute. She liked older men. While she approached them, Nova refreshed a few drinks for her bar customers. Both ladies were rapidly becoming aware of T16R355 in their system, even if Nova had no idea that Mazie had swiped the vial that Opal Savage had given her. Never tasting it before she had no clue what Mazie fed her. Mazie with a head start on Nova was feeling vicious, yet simply trying to maintain focus on her job. For Nova this was just beginning.
“Hi guys! What can I get you today?” Mazie grew bubbly. No bra worn she bobbed up and down in step on purpose just to attract attention to herself. She found her body unable to stand idle, it was as if every pore of her flesh was prodding her into antics. Her sexual desires ramping up as she explored their expressions. A couple of them seemed to like her cuteness scale.
“You alright?” One man chuckled.
“I’m great! Just really, really horny ... I mean happy! HAPPY!” She bulged her eyes at her innocent mistake, but it was a fact. “Sorry!”
“Don’t be!” Another gent smirked. “Nothing wrong with being happy.” She knew he meant horny. Her clit was throbbing beneath her overly tight leggings, the cloth rubbing it with each move she made. That’s what happens when you go without underwear. Wiggling seemed to become constant.
“You need to pee?” A third squinted at her nervous exchanges.
“Nope! Is it hot in here?” She switched personas from giddy to questioning her core temp. Her emotions were like a coin toss at the moment. Three samples of that green stuff were kicking in hard. So much so that she unbuttoned her shirt one more button, her whole cleavage was peeking through the gap, clear down to just above her belly button. Fanning herself the guys began giving her drink orders. Recalling their requests, she heard one man ask if the bartender knew how to make a Slow Screw. Another a Screaming Orgasm. Her reply was a nibbled lip and erotic verse of, “God, I hope so.”
“We’re teasing.”
“So am I.” She continued her tray fanning. “I think the air conditioning went out.” The men looked between one another; they were actually chilly.
“Those leggings look hot.” The fourth man opened up.
“Thanks! Yeah, they are. I wish I’d worn a skirt now.”
“You could tie up your shirt there. That might cool you down.”
“Good idea!” She sat her tray on the table and lifted her button down up and tied it into a knot over her belly. Her waistband in view she always rolled that down two inches for better comfort. Not even thinking about that her pelvic bones were in view. “Little better. Let me go grab your dicks ... DRINKS!” Scurrying away the guys all turned in their chairs to watch her tight little ass wiggling away. The very top of her butt crack was visible to them.
“Do you think she’s doing that on purpose? She must be high on something.” Jordan Gates shrugged.
“She sure jumped to our suggestion fast.” Bruce Farbeck pointed out. “Makes you wonder if she’s open to more suggestions.” The quartet chuckled, mulling that possibility over.
“Bartender is pretty cute too.” Dave Gillman noticed, “Foreign it looks like.”
“I’d do her.” Jason Rhodes the final member of the Treadsteady Tires crew drooled from a distance. “I wonder if she’s a belly dancer?” Racist! “She can grant me three wishes any day.” Everyone agreed with that.
“Four wishes. We all want in on that.” Dave laughed. “Glad we decided to head over here for beers when our line broke down. So much better than going home to screaming kids and nagging wives.”
“No shit! Both of those gals are so much prettier than our nags.”
“Hey! Gina is hot for her age.” Bruce frowned, “But yeah, I like those two hotties. Early 20’s I’m thinking. Over 21 to serve liquor so there’s our clue.”
At the bar Mazie gave Nova their order and for a moment just stared at one another, processing anything was becoming difficult. Shaking it off Nova grabbed their beers and put them on Mazie’s tray. “What did you give me?” She found it on her tongue.
“That green stuff from your medicine cabinet. What is that?”
“I don’t know. Some woman gave it to me last night. She said whatever I do only take one drop. I think it’s like some ... what do you call it here in America ... afrodickiac? Why did you take it? You did not even know what it was.”
“Aphrodisiac? I only gave you one ... drop? Crap, I took three dips on my finger. Am I going to die?” Emotional breakdown! “God, I’m burning up!”
“It is getting warm. I will check the AC.” While Mazie fidgeted in her skin, she took her tray and headed back across the room. Each step she took, her thighs rubbed together sending heated waves of nerve endings throughout her body. Her pussy needed friction badly. Barely making it to the table she sat the tray down and without even thinking about how it looked she ran her fingers beneath her waistline and began massaging her clit. Moaning while watching their eyes on her she panted heavily. Minds were blown!
With mostly men in the bar all eyes went directly toward Mazie in her dance recital. Eyes rolling back, she nearly lost her footing. Jason catching her pulled her into his lap. Writhing about he placed his hand over hers with only the fabric in the way. The added pressure on her knuckles she went for her vulva. Three fingers sinking within she let his palm ride along with her energy. The others at his table worried what the voyeuristic customers might think. That is until a number of them stood up and walked over to see the show. Nobody really knew what was going on, simply that Mazie was acting out.
Nova seeing Mazie began to go to her rescue when the loud shrill echoes of Mazie succumbing to rapid fire orgasms struck. The two guys still left at the bar itself simply looked out over the floor to question things. With the wall of guys building, they too chose to go see what the fuss was about. Left alone Nova only made it to the barstool area up front before her own pussy flared up. Coming to a sudden halt she doubled over to react to her pussy requiring attention. “Nonononono! This cannot happen to me.”
Hurrying back behind the bar she couldn’t resist and hiked her mini skirt, running her fingers beneath her G-string. Instant gratification she realized there was no stopping now. No longer a virgin in a sense she dug her fingers deeper than she had ever had them. The sensitivity was driving her over the brink. Mazie who in that moment. She was on her own. At least Nova was not out in the open.
Still in Jason’s lap Mazie was battling her shirt whining over being too hot. Untying her shirt Jason unbuttoned her completely and opened her up so that her chest was free. “Daaamn! These nipples are ready to pop. Look how red the tips are.” He dared to lightly touch her right nipple. Shockwaves through her system Mazie Lomas burst within her legging. Instantaneous orgasm upon the faintest touch. Jaws dropping all around over it, Jason took the risk of touching the other nipple. The cry of ecstasy was incredible, another unexpected gusher. Her fingers were beating her vulva in a rhythm similar to a needle on an active sewing machine. Guys were loving it. So was Mazie.
“She’s burning up.” Dave grinned. “Think we should help her cool off?”
“No. If she strips it has to be on her. We don’t need trouble.” Bruce pointed out. He wasn’t going to jail for rape. “Cameras in here, Bro.”
“Are you still overheating?” Jason whispered into her ear. Nodding rapidly with her feverish exhales she took her free hand and used her teeth on the sleeve to pull her arm free. Half off she switched hands and paid for her escape. The agony of no fingers inside her she gasped and hurried to replace them. Shirt now off of her other arm she simply laid there in his lap in her leggings. One hand seemed hopeless in her endeavor so without restraint she slid her other hand down beneath her waistband.
A holy fuck moment was expressed by every man in attendance. By the looks of it Mazie was jamming more fingers from her newly acquired assist up in alongside her already embedded three. Six fingers between both hands she was squirming as if drowning in a tub. The further she dug the lower her waistband drew down. Jason was not even helping; she alone was stripping those leggings lower. His only assist was when Mazie used his lap in her spasms to drag the waist band over her ass cheeks. Three minutes later everyone saw soaked knuckles, juices exploding around her six-digit destruction. Yelps were constant! Sanity long gone, her eyes white and MIA. Low level cheers for her show were long range.
Nova hearing them, especially Mazie, fought to stay standing, her cunt dripping over her own invasion. Like Mazie the heatwave was in full effect now. She couldn’t even imagine what Mazie was going through having endured three droplets of T16R355. One alone was destroying Nova’s ability to find restraint. Her own eyes milky white she drowned her feet with succulence.
Unaware of what was going on at the bar, Winston Richards and his old friend Albert Roster had gone ahead and made that trip to Win’s storage unit for the new carpet roll. Albert felt like sticking around rather than go home and face the drama that his granddaughter Alexis had caused. Filling Winston in further on what that drug Opal Savage gave his son concerned them both. Not wanting to mention Alexis being seduced he simply changed the subject. Then came the discussion over Nova and her mother, followed by a deeper chat over Dolan’s job offers. Albert nodded at Winston over the mention of his antique store.
“I really could use her help with Ali moving to the REZ. She saved me when I wanted to go fishing and stuff. I would like that freedom now and then and I hate closing down just to relax more. Sure, as long as you’re good, I’ll hire Nova.” The carpet rolls now tossed into room 8 they took a breather.
“How about we run down and have a beer. I can finish this up tomorrow. Not like that many vets drop in to use the room for free.” Winston sighed. “You probably need to head back soon anyway.”
“Dread it, but yeah. I did have a date tonight with Olive Longtree, but I might cancel. It’s early yet. So much going on I don’t know if I’d be in the mood if you know what I mean.”
“Ehhh! Worth a back rub maybe. It doesn’t always have to be about sex.”
“That is true. I might be down for that.”
“Don’t think bad of me but now and then I ask Nova to give me one. Nothing sexual mind you but she does have a strong grip. Her mother Zahra was incredible. Again, nothing sexual, just good with her hands.”
“Maybe we should have Nova get certified as a masseuse. Good money in that.”
“Come On Al ... guys would always demand happy endings. She’s already letting Mazie change her fashion sense. The girl is growing up way to fast. I know I’m holding her back but I’m all that kid has.” They locked up room 8 and headed downstairs. The distance between hotel and bar meant a hallway and a kitchen door. Opening it up Winston instantly heard the echoes of a girl screaming. Two girls now.
“What the hell is going on?” Albert bulged his eyes.
“Shit!” Barging into the bar area from just behind the pub they noticed three men leaning over the bar looking at the floor. Bottles rattling from feet kicking them in her convulsions Nova Khar-Issawi was stretched out down there ramming fingers up her pussy. Her white spaghetti strap shirt lowered down over her large breasts, one palm squeezing her tit, the other ripe for the shaking, nipple dark and deadly. A hairy bikini area fluffing around her wrist Nova was squealing up a storm, mini skirt rolled up to her waist.
“JESUS CHRIST!” The three men seeing Winston bulged their eyes then abandoned their beers, bolting for the front door. No way were they getting blamed for anything other than watching. Winston snarled at the escapees then turned his attention back to Nova.
She was so far gone from reality that awareness of anyone at all around her was null. In her own sexual world, she was cumming and cumming often. Her back arched repeatedly as if trying to feed herself deeper and deeper. The floor around her thighs was a three-foot puddle that was growing every few minutes as she squirted. Torn by hearing Mazie surrounded out at the tables he gnashed his teeth. Albert took charge.
“I’ll go out there, you deal with Nova.” Uncertain where to begin both men parted ways. Winston closest to Nova knelt down next to her writhing body. He had never seen this girl naked before. He felt uncomfortable trying to stop her even though he needed to. Suspicions as to how and why this was going on he had no proof but with what happened to Dolan last night this could not go well.
“Nova? Stop this. Right now!” He grabbed her forearm trying to drag her fingers from her pussy. That was met with a growl and a deafening, “LEAVE ME ALONE!” Freezing he released her arm and her hand immediately returned to digging for China. For an extremely tight pussy she managed three fingers up inside her vulva. “Goddammit!”
Win was at a loss, although tough as nails he was weak around this girl who was so much like his daughter. Finally, he stood up and just let her play. For now, she at least had nobody hovering to threaten her. Looking out at the situation Albert was breaking up, guys were hightailing it just like the bar vultures. Worried he might need backup with so many men Winston stepped away.
“Everyone, break it up! What’s going on here?” Albert found Mazie a ball of glossy sweat laying up on top of the table destroying herself. The Treadsteady Boys remained seated watching her frolic like a mad woman, snarling, hissing, thriving on her hormonal urges. Mazie was pretty much fisting herself with four fingers in and three more up her asshole, her black leggings dangling from the tabletop down from her calves. Through the duration of this she had literally lured them down with no assist from the voyeurs. Jason, no longer able to handle her in his lap had placed her on the table.
“She started this. We swear! Check your camera footage.” Bruce spoke up. “We stayed with her to keep anyone else from taking advantage.”
“None of us touched her.” Jason withheld his gentle caress over her nipples, that was all he had done outside of lifting her off of him and onto the tabletop. “She’s out of her mind. It’s like we’re not even here.”
“Get the hell out. All of you. Beers on the house.” Winston entered to see Mazie in all of her glory. He didn’t want to have to deal with taking money. Every person in the place left their drinks and stepped out with zero resistance. Albert walked everyone to the door then locked it. Hearing Nova crying out Albert chose to check on her. Now finding her blouse off and her stretchy mini skirt a belt around her waist he gnashed his teeth. Somehow her eyes had returned and stared up at him with a hunger he hadn’t seen in years.
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