Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI
Episode 47: Pillars
BDSM Sex Story: Episode 47: Pillars - Midnight Amador had no life. It began when the Man in Black said it could.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Slavery BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction BDSM MaleDom Humiliation Rough Sadistic Torture White Male White Female Hispanic Male Indian Male Indian Female Anal Sex Exhibitionism Sex Toys Voyeurism Public Sex
Harbinger Shoals!
“Well, I’ll be. Niles said nothing about the bridge.” Landowner Nick Sanchez pulled his recently acquired F-150 Ford Raptor up alongside an appliance delivery truck. “When did he have time to work more on the crossover?” Lukas Porcupine, engrossed in his Wonder Woman comic book, pictured his Santee crush Lillian Dawn Bearpaw holding a magic lasso and only wearing a tiara and her boots. Pausing only to look at Nick’s observation without much thought he was back to mentally cutting up her stars and stripes. “He must have gotten out here right at the crack of dawn to have it reconstructed with all that extra lumber he stashed in the barn. Who helped him I wonder?”
“I like Dawn’s cracks.” Lukas spoke up, “Her dad helped Niles.”
“Vision or you already knew?”
“I knew. I heard Samuel and Niles talking yesterday about surprising you. I bet you can drive the truck over it now.”
“You trying to get more money out of me Porcupine? You just saw Gullivant’s pickup truck on the other side out by the barn. Earn your money from here on Boy Wonder.”
“Wonder Girl. She’s teaming up with Wonder Woman. If they were Santee, they would look just like Dawn and Midnight.” He showed him artwork of the heroines’ side by side.
“You might be on to something Porky.” Nick grinned as he noted drawings of Princess Diana and Wonder Girl tied up to some Grecian style pillars. Chuckling at the true heritage of William Moulton Marston’s Amazon who often was relegated to bondage back in her infancy by nearly every bad guy she ever faced inspired Nick in the moment. His buddy Eugene was a comic book nerd when they were kids together in New York, he often mentioned that fact. Undoubtedly, that image stuck in his head for the boy to grow up to be a world class chemist who conceived many a date rape drug, so to speak. Even for as nice as Eugene was, he and Nick became those villains, anti-heroes at worst. So yeah, big fan Mister Marston.
Interesting that those illustrated pillars were similar in how Niles had decorated the entry over the bridge. While not as tall as in that comic, there were two large wooden pillars, one to each side. “You must be reading my mojo Gullivant.” He thought as he shut off the Raptor.
“You’re not driving over?” Lukas asked as Clinton Biles driving Lakshmi Surves car pulled in behind Nick.
“Not yet. This truck outweighs his. I need to feel comfortable that the bridge can handle it. You go on and get to mowing. Take your comics you’re riding the REZ Ryder home later. I want you to keep me posted on what the Santee say after seeing Dawn and Midnight walking around here naked today. Good and bad! Okay?”
“I can do that. Can I help Clinton cut trees for the docks?”
“Just don’t cut your leg off.”
“I’m strong!” He chuckled and gathered his things into a book bag where he also carried his lunch of peanut butter and honey.”
“Which reminds me! On your way over the bridge take a water cooler up to the porch, I’ll grab the other one. Sleeve of cups too, strong guy.”
“I am Ares!” Lukas growled and attempted to show a tough side. “God of War!”
“You just might be.” Nick left it at that. Hoping out of the Raptor he moved to the opened tailgate to see the ladies still savagely going at one another in their balled up 69. The bed was drenched in pussy juice. Sliding the water cooler out for Lukas he let the boy claim it. He seemed to have it under control until he reached the bridge. Every ten feet he had to sit it down and recoup. Nick smirked at the boy’s dedication. He needed a reward, more than just any comic book or ten that he bought today.
Biles, still in Lakshmi’s car struggled to escape her. The Hindi beauty was feeling liberated by riding naked with him after her uncle’s approval. The three droplets of X-AP347 had sent the girl’s already hyperactive hormones into begging Clinton to take her now instead of at the hotel tonight. He knew Nick was watching him fend her off and that he had to get to work before Nick got temperamental. Finally, Clinton grabbed Lakshmi by her throat with one hand and her jaw with the other.
“ENOUGH! YES, I WANT TO FUCK THE DOG PISS OUT OF YOU. NOW IS NOT THE TIME. Be here at 2:00 with my lunch and I’ll bend you over your car hood. Until then go home and rest, you worked all night. Cum for me until you fall asleep.” Panting heavily, she nodded in his clutches, her eyes adoring his forcefulness. “Scoot off me.” He kept his hold over her until she was in the center of her car seat then let her go. Climbing out he shut the car door then leaned down. “Kiss for the road.” Like a greedy pet wanting outside she stormed his lips and kissed him with a ferocious passion. Again, he had to push her off or she would have literally crawled out the window into his arms. “GO HOME SLUT!” Moving away to join Nick, Clinton had to ask, “What did you do to her? That bitch is all over me.”
“It’s just your rugged good looks. Let Lukas use the chainsaw on a couple of smaller trees, show him the proper way. There are some chains in the barn. Hook up the larger tractor to some of those trunks we’re going to use for the docks and haul them as close as you can get without the water taking them. I want that dock and pier done by next week hell or high tide.”
“Why the hurry?”
“Yacht. Once we get done with those, we’re clearing the smaller island for a helipad. Yes, I own a chopper too.”
“Teach me to fly?”
“As much weight as, you have on those bones, you’d be the only passenger.” He grinned. “Sure! I’ll give you lessons. Concentrate on this job and getting started on the police force. Dolan needs you as much as I do. If I don’t see your wife get her going as dispatcher. No reason for her to be sitting in any hotel room all day.”
“She volunteered to come help paint out here, she sent me a text saying she ran back to our apartment for a few more things. She wants away from our neighbor as fast as possible.”
“Alright! Get busy.” He looked toward Lakshmi, still there but facing away from them and in the center of her car. “Is she riding her gear shift?”
“OH, JESUS CHRIST!” The gentle giant lumbered back to her car and got after her. Trouble was the second he saw her shifter up inside her cunt he just had to watch. Work could wait a few more minutes.
Nick let it go. He was the cause after all.
“Love the balancing act, Doctor. I’ll have to try that swing out sometime down the rode. Rode as in ride.” Obsidian Opal Savage, yes, a mouthful to introduce oneself, stood with arms outstretched holding twin silencers as protection. With so many gun-toting bikers pool side she required the edge. “Easy now REZsistence! No reason to bloody up a perfectly inviting pool. Guns in the water please. Do not make me order you a second round.”
One by one the grumbling cyclists carefully pinched at their firearms and tossed them out into the 12-foot-deep area of the pool. Dr. Freak moaning like a banshee frolicked about unable to dismount until her timer was exhausted. That usually meant thirty minutes of highwire, haywire acts for her high paying viewers online. Less than ten minutes to go before she was lowered back into her swimming hole. Feeling safe at the moment Airika Ferrec simply squeezed her breasts then brought her left melon up to her mouth to enjoy her nipple, beguiling her fanbase under pressure. Opal respected that.
With guns submerged biker Ethan Squirrel in Tree grumbled to Calvin Heavy Feather, “Mister Merrick is going to throw a fit we lost our weapons again. At least it’s not in a boggy ditch this time.”
“Hush up over there, Squirrel.”
“How did she know my name?” He winced then noticed an earpiece in Opal’s left ear. “She has backup. Someone is talking to her.” Calvin agreed but kept his brothers at bay.
“Miss Merrick? Please join me at the door behind my sweet ass.”
“Sweet cunt too.” Sid chuckled. “Might want to pull your skirt down.”
“Why would I want to do that? Best distraction ever designed.”
“Digging the chrome. Reminds me of my bike. I’d ride you.”
“Never say never Sidney. I’m openminded. Pants off Patches. All of you. Toss them and your bike keys into the water too. Any blades as well.” Speaking of distraction, Dr. Freak was reacting violently to a multiple orgasm up on her thrilldo. It was better than any roller coaster. Crimson hesitantly moved toward Opal with fear in her eyes. Guns were not her thing. “Just relax Crimson Marie. If I intended to hurt you, I could have long ago. We simply need to talk, just the two of us.”
“About what?”
“About Cyber. Have some faith Baby. Why don’t you go on out to her Jag, it’s on the street. Keys in the ignition. If you run, I’ll just find you. So, can we agree to have faith in one another? Keep your cell even, just don’t call daddy. My gut tells me you don’t want to hear what he has to say. Go on sweetie!” Swallowing, Crimson hurried through the house then out the front door. Seeing the Jaguar, she ran over and climbed into the driver’s seat. Eyes flaring at the beauty and elegance of the car she turned the key and fired it up. Purred like its namesake.
“I could get used to this.” The wait was tedious. “God, I hope she doesn’t shoot everyone.”
In the backyard Opal smirked at all of the naked Santee warriors. “Well now! Everyone is still nice and hard under stress. Why don’t all of you go for a swim and cool off.” She waved her barrels insisting, each of them jumping into the pool and wading. “Isn’t that so much more soothing? It’s getting rather hot out already. Doctor Ferrec?” Her hydraulics were coming to a slow and lowered gently into the water. “You’re up to forty grand today.” Dyson informed Opal. “I think the bikers getting naked with you upped the ante. I know you won’t let your audience down. Santee? I’m certain we will meet again. I’ll ask you to forgive me for Merrick’s anger later. Enjoy the good Doctor. Oh! Just in case... “ Cellphones galore burst into flames, torching pants in the process. “Fired? Possibly! Another time Doctor.”
Opal turned with confidence and wiggled away, her hem high and thigh gap deep. Even with the bad timing the bikers remained in the pool and consumed Airika from all sides. DP on the bottom of the pool the boys had their frustrations to relieve. Fuck Nodin Merrick! Only Calvin emerged from the water and raced naked through the house and out the front door. Dick swinging, he was left standing on the front lawn watching Crimson drive off with Opal in the passenger seat riding sniper. Cursing in his native language he was at a loss. On the bright side, Dr. Freak was fifty-two grand richer.
“Where are you taking me?” Crimson turned out of Airika’s housing division.
“I was thinking to breakfast, brunch I suppose.” She placed her guns into her bag on the floorboard. “See? No threat. I only do what is necessary. Cyber needs you, therefore, I need you.”
“Technically, yes. Miss Merrick, I work for Nick Sanchez. I would hope you might understand I mean you no real harm. Nick merely wants the money back that Cyber stole from him. Destroying her network was a necessary beast. If she dug any deeper, it would have been her grave. Nick rescued her in that much. She was bypassing firewalls that most hackers could not. This makes her valuable to the right as well as the wrong people. She got sloppy, thankfully it was Nick and his people who caught her. Trust me Crim ... may I call you Crimson?”
“Trust me Crimson. No harm will befall Cyber. Nick hired me to bring her in before she did more harm to herself. This way we can protect her, inevitably you if she indulges too much intel. Dark Web meets Black Death, Baby. Military does not take kindly to spies.”
“So, Mister Sanchez is helping her?”
“Trying to. Concerning the tires? It was only to prevent her running. I wonder if the REZsistence noticed I slit all of their bike tires by now?” She produced a fake nail on her right hand which was a bladed tip. Fuck you finger! Crimson did grin. “I see a smile. Thank you Crimson. Brunch at Denny’s? My treat? Well, Nick’s money.” She chuckled. “Credit limit, mind you.”
“I could use a BLT.”
“Don’t tell Nick that. He might remove his BeLT.”
“Too funny! He did save my life. I was bitten by a couple of coral snakes. I think he paid my hospital bill even. Of course, it did happen on his property, so it was his obligation.”
“Trust me Crimson, if Nick meant you harm, he would have left you laying there until the venom ceased your nervous system. For every bit of darkness, there is a sliver of light.”
“He is employing a lot of my people in their time of need. My dad fears him I think.”
“Most people do. He can be a force of nature. Retirement won’t be easy.”
“So, he’s retiring to The Shoals. Yet, he keeps a darkness surrounding him.”
“I won’t say the Major will ever fully retire, but he has built quite the empire. You mention snakes. Allow me to tell you a story. Nick saved me from a nine-foot python down in Columbia. I’ve seen him save quite a few in our unit. A lot of us are indebted to him. Me? I happen to hate him so much I adore him. He finances my bounty hunting.”
“So, you’re a bounty hunter.”
“I am! Do you want Dog’s autograph? I happen to know him personally.”
“No. He’s creepy!” She laughed. “So, how do we find Cyber?”
“We both know she won’t just leave you. My own hacker...”
“Sup, Crimson?” The radio belted out a feminine voice. “Just call me Shadow. I cloak Opie here. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“I knew you couldn’t keep quiet.” Opal sighed. “Personally, I think I’m white and her shadow is my second skin.”
“Awww! Hi, Shadow.” Crimson smiled.
“I can see what Cybercock sees in you. Rockin’ body Miss Merrick.”
“How do you see me?” Opal pointed out a camera above a stop light. “Oh! Right! Thanks! Palates at our home gym. I just realized something, if you can access these cameras, are you invading my home?” Crimson’s cell pinged beside her on the console. Opal taking it from her told her to pull over first. Denny’s right up ahead she waited until they were parked. Hearing motorcycles they watched the dumbasses from the car lot headed toward Dr. Freak’s, not even noticing they had drove right by the Jag.
“They finally lifted their rides.”
“You know they will want vengeance, right?”
“They can try.” Opal handed Crimson her cell, then shut the car off for her. Just as she activated a mode on her cell provided by Shadow Bitch, they heard horns blaring down the block. Both bikers ran a switched out green light for a red. The cars from the opposite directions drove right at them from all directions. Freaked out the bikers eased away and kept on going. “See how easy that could have been?”
“Wow!” Cell demanding her attention Crimson opened a feed directly inside her home. Her father Nodin was fucking his maid Sasha right on the kitchen island, rather she was riding him. “How long have you been watching us?”
“Since your computer connected with Cyber’s and she did what she did.” Shadow spoke up. “Loved watching the Doc and your sister. So hot! Even at the club on stage. They make a good team.”
“Don’t remind me.” The feed instantly deleted, and her wallpaper returned. “This is crazy. You know, I just want my own life. I’ve lived at home my entire existence, staying with dad after my mom died in a car wreck off of the REZ.”
“Poisoned!” Shadow added insult to injury.
“I know you don’t believe me, but I’ve accessed her autopsy report. Yes, she was in an automobile wreck, but the true culprit was cyanide. It was obvious she ingested it before trying to drive home. Cyanide is not easy to come by so someone with power managed to find some. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news.”
“Does my dad know?”
“We presume not. It’s doubtful by his questioning at the time, his sorrow, that he had any knowledge.”
“How could he not know?”
“Someone went to great lengths to hide this from your family. Your grandfather, Elder Rhoen Merrick must have sealed the reports, paid someone to keep quiet.”
“Grandfather would never do that. He loved my mom.”
“I’m afraid all we have to go on is that report. The coroner at the time a Justin Habersham died three months after your mother, but his report was still in the system buried. I found it. Not even Nick knows this information yet. I’m sure I’ll be yelled at for telling you first. He would likely want to hold onto that and examine your father more closely.”
“So, you presume grandpa killed my mom? My dad worshipped my mother.”
“We cannot determine that Crimson. Which is why Shadow should not have opened her pie hole. You cannot let your father know this information until we can help sort it all out. I know this must be horrible to hear but this info alone could cause a war that we don’t want. By proving to you that we won’t harm Cyber and getting you free to live your own life should show our sincerity. Just have patience with us there are a lot of moving parts as it is. Shadow? You shouldn’t have told her this until later. Nick should have been the one to do this.”
“You wanted to establish trust, there’s your opening salvo Hot Chocolate.”
“Stop being racist.”
“You know that was meant as a compliment.”
“Uh huh! Lose your appetite now?”
“No. BLT!” It was a lot to process.
Smiling they went inside. Dyson aka Shadow Bitch was tuned out, Opal’s earpiece put in her purse. It was a quiet meal, but Crimson did feel more comfortable, if not a lot to consider. Opal apologized for Dyson further, but Crimson simply found herself grateful to know things her father might not.
“Can Nick give me a new life with Jasmine ... Cyber?”
“She calls herself Jasmine?”
“Yes. Do you know her real name? She says she changed it in the system.”
“Ethyl Jean! You can make fun of her later.”
“Ethyl Jean? Ewww!” She already knew because Jasmine told her the truth herself. Playing dumb was merely studying honesty on Opal and Shadow’s part. “No wonder she changed it.”
Now that she mentioned that Obsibian wondered why she hadn’t fixed her own name. Maybe out of respect for her parents. That or maybe even she found it amusing.
Lunch was entertaining.
Mindy Biles yawned as she carried more belongings from their apartment in Turncoat. Finding scrapbooks of their wedding Mindy stood at her car trunk sifting page after page. “That day was so magical. Look how handsome Clinton was in his tux. Lord, he’s put on muscle since that day. All that log cutting does wonders. I wonder if he’s noticed I’ve lost eight pounds just since I had him arrested. God, how stupid was I? I never should have let Grant Edison talk me into calling the police. I didn’t love Grant; he just gave me what Clinton wasn’t at the time. Why did I have that extended fling? I really don’t deserve his forgiveness. I’m just glad things worked out for us. Mister Sanchez gave us a second chance, I know for one I’ll be forever grateful.”
Closing the book, she put it in the front seat rather than in the box of hobby oddities. “I don’t even know where we’re storing this stuff. Trunk here I guess. Our hotel room can’t hold much. Hopefully, Britney... “ Deep breath at the front door to the apartment. “How crazy is this new lifestyle we’ve adopted? Clinton dedicates himself to our marriage yet has Britney as a lover who shares him with me. Although, I have to admit I like Britney. Maybe this bisexual thing is helping me deal with it all. Her being rich only benefits us.” Up the stairs she went for more boxes.
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