Coming Out of Lockdown - Cover

Coming Out of Lockdown

Copyright© 2022 by Wemb17

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - My name is Kate and I have been a very bad girl during lockdown in England having sex with my family including the family dog. This story tells what happens when lockdown is eased.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Lesbian   Incest   Father   Daughter   Bestiality   Smoking  

I managed to last two days before I got what, apparently, smokers call “withdrawal symptons” and I didn’t even smoke. However, my body felt all tingly, I felt stressed and I needed to do something to resolve this so I felt that I had better decide whether or not I was going to enjoy smoking. It was the middle of the morning having a cup of coffee with Mum when I said “I am going to do it, I need to find out”, “what are you talking about?” she said. “ Smoke” I said, “I am going out to have my first ever cigarette”. “Do you have cigarettes then?”, “yes I brought some on Monday and I have managed to last until now to decide whether or not I was going to have one, but my body is telling me I need to do this. It may be my only ever cigarette or it could be the first of a future life of smoking”.

I went to my bedroom to get the packet of fags and lighter that I had brought, went back for my coffee and proceeded towards the back door. I noticed Mum following, “what are you doing?” I asked, “coming to watch you, I am not missing this”. I think she thought that I was going to cough my guts up or be sick or something. I opened the packet, took one out, put it to my lips, rolled the ball of the lighter and proceeded to light my first ever cigarette, not a drag, but a whole cigarette. I exhaled the smoke, no cough, no choking, so I went for a second drag, it tasted good, and I felt a lot better, all of the stress seemed to fall away just with two drags of a cigarette. I continued to smoke the cigarette and it wasn’t until I was halfway through that I looked at Mum. She had a big smile on her face, and one hand appeared to be rubbing her pussy area. “Enjoying yourself Mum?” I laughed, “you look very sexy smoking Kate, making me hot”. “Do you want a drag?” I asked, “no I can’t” she replied, “why not?”, “because one drag might make me want more, look at what one fumble with you has turned in to” she laughed. Even if she didn’t want a drag I had a devious plan in my head. I finished the cigarette and I hate to say this because smoking isn’t cool but I felt exhilarated, I really enjoyed it. Whether it would cure my feelings only time would tell, but would that time be one hour, one day, one year or a lifetime. After I had finished I walked up to Mum to give her a massive kiss so she got the kick of cigarette smoke in her mouth, “you bitch, you absolute bitch” she screamed at me.

We had lunch then Mum asked me to sit down. “I need to ask you a question Baby, and I want an honest answer, not a lie because I can tell when you are lying. Has your Dad fucked you?”, what was the point of lying and sugar coating the answer “yes”. “Was that your Dad’s cum on your dress on Sunday?” “yes, happy now?”. “Thank you for being honest, I have suspected for a while but Sunday confirmed it. I did like your answer though, very quick thinking!” “Is that it Mum, no inquisition, no shouting at me? Are you going to go mad at Dad?”. “No, because if I did I would be a hypocrite after what we are doing together, it is incest whether it is with Mum or Dad”. “I presume you are not happy and you want me to stop fucking Dad”, “it is your life and his, me and your Dad have not really been in a relationship for a number of years, you are not stupid so you know that, so as long as you are happy to provide your pussy for him I don’t care, just make sure you take precautions”, “as you said Mum I am not stupid”.

“Now it is your 21st Birthday in a month so we need to make arrangements for that” Mum said calmly as if we had not had the conversation we just did. “Fancy sharing a cigarette outside while we discuss it” I said, “no I fucking don’t I want my own” Mum laughed in reply. My face beamed, I was getting exactly what I wanted, and it has to be said that Mum’s willpower is far worse than mine, in fact she has no willpower at all. “Just one thing though, we both need to shower and change before your Dad gets in so we don’t smell of smoke” Mum said, “a shower together?” I suggested, “you are one naughty dirty cunt”.

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