Oldest Daughter Got It Way Before Mom and Younger Sister Did - Cover

Oldest Daughter Got It Way Before Mom and Younger Sister Did

Copyright© 2022 by Wild Man

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The oldest Daughter comes to my house and gets pleasured by my old yellar dog, way before Mom and younger Sister had in the busted by the Lawnman stories.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Bestiality   First   Voyeurism   Size  

Way before busted by the lawnman stories the older sister gets a dose of my male dog yellar:

Since many of you have requested the story of what happened with the oldest sister and my huge yellow lab male dog I named yellar this is the story of that occurrence...

Actually in the time of events etc. the oldest sister was truly the first to get a good breeding by my dog yellar.

And while their Mom and I have talked about such things she as yet hasn’t done anything other than just discuss it all with me.

And neither of them know a thing about the others desires or involvement in it at all.

While Traci is not her real name and for the sake of her privacy I’ll just call her Traci. But she is a milf that damn sure turns men’s heads at every corner.

She has those same beautiful blue green eyes that just sparkle with that bedroom lust look in them and has that same beautiful long flowing blonde hair that hangs down to her mid back. She’s a bit shorter than her younger sister but actually a more filled out hipped woman and has an ass on her that is a perfect bubble butt for damn sure...

And her breast are more rounded out and full than her younger sisters and has huge areolas surrounding those thumb sized nipples that when aroused stand out like cherries on her breast. And somewhat of a puffy nipple fashion as well...

But she is a child of another marriage so her dad is not the same dad as her youngest sister is. And I’m not as close to her as the youngest of them but still know her very well and enjoy her company.

Anyway she came to visit her mom and sisters one weekend, it was one of those times when everyone had a houseful of people, so I told Traci she was welcomed to stay at my place in one of my guest bedrooms which she accepted, and after getting things unloaded and in her room, she left and visited her mom and all and returned later that evening to my place for her nite stop per say.

I was cooking on the grille outside and kicking back on the patio and sipping a good cold beer and getting a lot things done ahead of time for the big bar q and party the next day that was planned.

So I offered Traci a beer and she turned it down telling me she didn’t like beer much at all, so I in turn said I’d mix her a drink of her choice and mentioned my knack for making good frozen margaritas.

Well she accepted that offer so we both came inside and I could not keep my eyes off that nice round ass of hers and those hips that say damn breed me!

So I showed her how to mix my most luved margarita by women being my frozen mountain dew ritta’s and after getting the frozen concoction mixed up and her tasting it she was like damn these taste as good as everyone tells me...

It was back to the patio where she sat down across from me and was just enjoying the music and visiting me.

Well of course poor Yellar being the king of the back yard, could not let anyone be out there that he didn’t go to them expecting his usual give me a petting, or I’ll bother the hell out of until you do that she looked at him and said:: “Damn he’s a huge frigging’ dog.”

Well Yellar was most definitely that for sure and his huge ass head now right up to nearly her chest as she sat there made the site look even more so about his hugeness.

So she pet him and of course he just ate that all to hell up and sat back beside her chair and enjoyed all the luving she could give him. While I said “yeah he’s damn sure the biggest yellow lab I’ve ever seen, And he eats like that to.”

He was at that time about a little over two years old and was just freshly into his prime wanting to breed thing.

Anyway she drank the whole of the blender mix of the ritta’s we’d made, and I whipped up another batch of it adding a bit more tequila to it to get her good and buzzed, which she was really starting to show the affects of first batch, but not in the sense of being drunk as hell just a bit on the starting to get happy and talkative thing.

So after her making a few bathroom trips and back and us just shooting the breeze about this and that and I starting my usual conversation about sexual things I’m so inclined to do by making remarks about things in a sexual manner that as Yellar was still getting attention from her petting him once in a while.

That I said damn isn’t it a shame that all men cannot be as obedient as he is ... Well she certainly about coughed her drink out and was laughing at that remark...

And knowing she was rather a bit tanked, and open for discussion, I asked her if she’d ever in her life had a thought about a male dog giving her pleasure in anyway shape or form explaining to her, that I was just curious as hell just how many women in their secret little private world actually had thoughts of such things.

She didn’t say anything for a long moment but had this look in her beautiful eyes of surely thinking about it in her deepest mind sort of way.

As she looked at me and then said:: “I never have really given it any true thought about it but my own thoughts about if other women have has came across my mind”.

As she went on then telling me she had a friend she sometimes wondered if there wasn’t something going on between her friend and their pet because he kept coming up to her and sniffing at her crotch a lot.

Damn lucky ass dog ... I’d luv to get a sniff of that thing myself...

At that time Yellar had already had a few female mating partners, and was now ever increasingly showing that he was damn sure starting to get interested in this new arrival to our kingdom so to speak.

And I saw him starting to pant a bit and his huge ass tongue hanging from his mouth as he so often did and said:: “If a man had a tongue like dog, every woman on the block would be lined up at his house”

Which she just looked at Yellar sitting there in his I’m being petted and happy as hell way, and she shuddered all over and it was as if my words were putting thoughts of it in her mind as she was looking at him and had this deep in thought of it thing running through her mind.

Well at last the things on the grille were done so we retired back into the house and my man dawg thoughts and ways made me wonder if I were to let Yellar in the house just what would happen.

So as we all came in I told Yellar come boy and he wasted no time at all bee bopping into the house ahead of us and right to the living room and sitting down beside the sofa where his spot was.

She just looked at me and said he is so well trained.

and I said:: Oh he’s trained alright and trained for other things to.

She looked at me with a look of what of to hell are you talking about, as it seemed to fly over her head and then I saw her blush and giggle and she said; “Damn forgive me I’m blonde I didn’t catch that until now.

Then said:: “You mean he has had women?”

Well the cat was sure as hell out of that bag now and into the open like a bear rug on the floor for all to see. And I said:: Traci to be truthful with U yes he has had a few human female partners!

So she just looked at me strangely and with this how in the hell is that done look in her beautiful blue green eyes and then said:: How can that happen?

Well there was no doubt now that I had her captivated like a snake does it’s prey.

And I said let me get this stuff in the fridge and do U want another drink which she said yes to immediately, that was giving me ever more little clues that she was damn sure not only enticed by this but was giving it full thought as hell in her mind.

After getting that all done and her newly poured drink for her I said:: You know what I know a web site that will give you far more insight into all of this than I can tell you.

So she followed me into my bedroom and I got another chair and she sat down beside me as I opened my browser and then brought the site up of which I will not say which one at that time due to rules and regulations of this site.

I began to show her the many different pics and such and then took her to the part of explaining it all in depth of how to accomplish it that her eyes got big with wonderment and she was taking it all in like a lesson.

And when she began to watch the part about just what their red hot pecker would do inside a woman she was shaking and shuddering all over and I could tell by her heavy breathing that she was getting damn well turned on by the things she was seeing.

Then when the part about the knot came up with a full view of that and such she gasped and said:: “You mean they have that to?”

And I turned to her and said:: “Oh yes and from what I’ve come to experience by teaching and helping females in this they luv it!”

She just starred at the whole of it as it was working inside a woman’s vagina in a cut away view of it all, and was no doubt so captivated by it that she couldn’t get her eyes off the view in front of her ... Then she finally said:: “Oh I didn’t know they could do that?”

And I then told her that it was all different in real life because the true fact of it all was that their pecker was far hotter than a mans and most women can’t help but cry out how hot it is as it first enters them.

Well that seemed to have pushed her over the edge as she backed away, and sat there and taking it all in and most likely in her mind trying to think of her own self getting absolutely pleasured like that by a male dog...

So I closed out the program and browser and turned to her and said; “if you ever want to explore it I’ll gladly help you!”

And she just looked at me with this deep thought in her mind about it and then finally said; “How would you help me?”

And I said; “I will not touch you in anyway shape or form and just be there to teach and help you get it!”

Well as we got up and came back into the living room, as she saw Yellar sitting there by the sofa and sat down, I could tell she was looking at him in a way that said she was damn sure wanting to have him mate with her.

It was then that she looked up at me and said; “Damn I get so hot and horny when I drink tequila!”

That brought out a laugh by me and I said well hell girl then we need to give you way more of it huh.

She just laughed herself and handed me her glass and off into the kitchen I bopped and whipped her up a stout as hell batch of my special frozen ritta’s and when I turned around to head back into the living room with it.

I could see plain as day that she was staring at Yellar, her body was squirming around like it was possessed by some strange ritual way of it happening.

I damn well knew now for damn sure that before this nite was over I was going to see ol’ Yellar burry that red hot long ass cock of his in places in her that she’d never had visited before!

And with returning to the living room I sat down next to her and handed her the drink and said; “So do you want Yellar to make luv to you like you have never had it before?”

She just shook all over like being chilled to the bone sort of way and said He won’t hurt me will he?

I said:: No Traci Yellar is not aggressive like some.

Well I guess that put the icing on the cake of her thoughts and deep desires for it because she looked at me with her now filled with lust and liqoured way a persons eyes look being that way.

I reached and gently got her chin and turned her head to me and then said; “Do you want him?”

She just stared into my eyes and wanted to drop her head but my having her held gently by the chin only then made her look down in a way that said she was going to answer but in a shameful sort of way and said:: “Yes but what do we do?”

Well then I said:: Well the best way to start is get naked

That just made her then say to me that no other man other than her husband had ever seen her naked before.

Damn and a near virgin to another mans eyes and right here in my living room and the fact that her first ever affair was going to be with my dog Yellar! Damn that’s high 5 time right there for damn sure

I told her that yes she would be naked before me but that in any way shape or form would I touch her or be there for anything other than to help her get the pleasure of her life from Yellar.

The mere reason he had that name was because he was just like the old yellar dog in old yellar so when I got him as a pup that became his name and he damn sure was a hell of replica of him.

So not to let the moment escape I then said:: “You can go into the bedroom and get naked, and I’ll wait out here with him and then come in when your ready.”

She then looked at me and said:: “Do the lights have to be on?”

And that sort of hit me in a way that I wanted really to bust my ass out laughing about because that was damn sure a unique question and I don’t really think most women’s answer to that would have been anywhere near that thought.

But I held that all back and said:: You can leave the lights out! there is a nite lite in that room so there will some lite yes but it will also be dark.

Well she just got up and went right into the bedroom and shut the door and damn watching that nice bubble butt of hers go swaying and jiggling had a woody in my pants from it dammed!

I moved myself over to Yellar sitting there as he had been the whole time with that give me some luvn’ way of looking at you as I reached out and pet him and gave him a pat on the head and said:: “Damn boy your gonna’ get some of that tonite!”

And he just sat there looking at me panting as he usually does and was looking at me and the closed bedroom door as if he damn knew what was going to happen.

And when I got up and got his special leash he damn well knew then what was going on. He knew, that when I got that down and before him that it was damn sure breeding time in his mind.

So I put that on and then went and got out his special booties and sat down and pulled them over his front paws and secured he was starting to prance about like a newlyweed all giddied up and ready for some sex

With that done and having taken the time it did I knew she was either naked or was in the room stop it before she went to far.

I got up and led Yellar by his leash to the closed door and knocked, seeing as I did that the lite in that room was being turned out and then heard her say in low toned manner Come in

Well I opened the door and I and Yellar got in and closed the bedroom door, to insure her the privacy of that room, which seemed to ease her fear and tension I guess as she seemed far more relaxed as that happened.

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